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Digital Surveillance System


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EMC Documentum


Test predictiv - informatica

Perceptia umana si procesarea de imagini


Preluarea informatiilor in fotogrametrie si teledetectie



Notiuni de baza privind sistemele

Criptografia (Sisteme informatice)


             Digital Surveillance System is the perferct security solution

for home,office,or other place. You can monitor live camera video indoor,and elso view the camera remotely; with the Motion Detection and I/O Alarm, intruder or any suspicious event will be recorded in digital video.










Ø       SUPORTA ;



²       Intel Pentium IV , solutietAMD Athlon CPUt sau superioara,sau compatibil cu CPU , cu solutie MMX.

²       256M Ram sau mai mult ca memorie.

²       Card video: tG-forcet este recomandat.

²       Sistem operare: Microsoft Windows 2000 sau Windows XP


PASUL 1: Opriti calculatorul inaintea instalarii cardului.

PASUL 2: Se introduce cardul intr-un slot PCI.

PASUL 3: se porneste calculatorul si se introduce CD-ul in CD-rom.

PASUL 4: Windows-ul nu o sa recunoasca driverele corecte.

PASUL 5: Windows-ul o sa va indrume spre calea in care trebuie sa-I dati calea pentru instalarea driverelor.

      O sa dati click pe 'Next'.

PASUL 6: Windows XP o sa gaseasca driverele corecte pe CD-ROM. Selectati driver-ul gasit si apoi dati click pe 'Next'.

PASUL 7: Windows-ul o sa va avertizeze ca este periculos sa instaleze aceste drivere deoarece nu le-a recunoscut de la inceput. Click pe 'Continue Anyway'.

PASUL 8: Click pe 'Finish'.

PASUL 9: Daca este mai mult de un card instalat pe computer se repeat rutina de la pasii 5 pana la pasul 8 de cate ori este necesar corespunzator numarului de cardri instalate.

In t Device Managert o sa vizualizati drivele instalate.

TIPS: Daca Windows-ul nu recunoaste cardul incercati sa-l montati pe alt slot PCI.                   

Capitolul 4   Instalarea software-ului pentru server

Introduceti CD-ul in CD-rom.

Double-click pe directorul :tServert.

Double-click pe iconul ts_installt.

Dupa restartare calculatoruluio sa gasiti o scurtatura pe ecran pentru programul tSVDVRt in meniul 'START'ce se gaseste in 'All Programs'.


Controlul miscarii


Reglaj culoare






Iesirea din program






Ecran divizat in

1,4,9,16, sau 25

HD used info.


Auto scalare









Stop cadru


Ecran tfullt


Lansati programul  SVDVR si o sa va apara aceasta imagine:

    Apoi apare subrutina de logare in program unde se introduce un nume de utilizator si parola

Nume implicits dvr       Parolasdvr


u   Scrinul divizat:

  Arata imagini de la mai multe camere in acelasi timp

u    Reglare culoares

Se regleaza lumina contrast,, culoare individual pentru fiecare camera.

Acest buton se foloseste pentru cazul cand toate camerele au aceleasi reglaje




Acest buton este folosit pentru reglaje implicite









u      PTZ Controls













Zoom +


Focus +


Iris +


Iris -


Zoom -


Focus -





   Click pe butonul pentru a bloca ecranul, si alete butoane nu vor mai putea fi selectate;

Pentru deblocare se foloseste o parola care implicit este 1234, parola care se poate schimba;

u     Speed Dome Control Panels

Click pentru a deschide optiunea Speed Dome


latProtocolstse allege speed dome.

La tCOMst se allege  RS232 sau RS485 functie de adapterul folosit. RS485 este conectat la speed dome.

La tAddr ID:t se allege tspeed dome ID: din menu.

 tSpeed:t alegeti viteza : mare, medie sau mica;

.Click tPresett pentru presetare

  tPreset Choose:t  se alege;

 tPreset Name:t nume presetat;

Control PTZ se foloseste pentru mutare camerei pe locul prestabilit;

Click tSavet pentru salvare;

Click tCleart pentru stergere;

Click tCloset pentru iesire;

Presetarile sunt pana la 64;

        The Preset o sa arate un ecran albastru, click pe tpreset namet, the Speed Dome o sa se miste pe sectorul selectat;

         Apasati tPret si tNextt pentru a gasi toate pozitiile prestabilite;

.ClicktSequence Sett pentru a seta secventele

           Daca tSett o sa va arate un buton

tThe last Sequence Set will be Clear,Are you sure?t

click tokt pentru a sterge toate secventele anterioare

       tPreset:t  alegeti numarul prestabilit ;

       tDelay:t   timpul intirziere implicit este de 5 secunde

        Sequence Runt ruleaza o secventa;

       Click tSequence Stopt pentru a opri secventa;











u      Afisarea modelui E-Map s



Click           pentru a arata E-Map(harta)


 Click                           inca o data pentru a se converti pe  ecranul video split

 Daca  modul tdetectie miscaret sau alarma activate culoarea va fi verde pentru acele camere!


u      Inregistrares

Dati Click pe butonul camerei care doriti sa fie activata la inregistrare


1--32 canale(situatia camerelor active


Dati Click pentru a opri inregistrarea


Dati Click pentru a inregistra pe toate camerele


     Situatia camerelor:

Verdescamera este pe monitorizare;

Rosuscamera este pe inregistrare;

Galbenscamera este pe detectarea miscarii;

Movscamera este pe I/O;

u      Control Panel:

         Dati Click pe  pentru logare sau iesire;


Dati Click pe pentru a salva istantaneu imagine pe camera selectata si SDVR o sa salveze imaginile in directorul tPictt

Dati Click pe butonulpentru a arata ultimile imagini si a printa aceste imagini.


Dati Clickpe acest buton  pentru vizualizarea inregistrarilor.


      Daca tremote clientt este conectat la acest server click pe  pentru a va fi arata statutul IP-ului pentru mod clientt


Sistem Setup

Click pe  pentru a intra in modul setup

l     Generals

²       Disk Manager

         Click pe tEdittpentru a va fi aratat boxul cu situatia spatiilor de memorie si marimii acestora pentru inregistrare:


          Selectati spatiul unde doriti sa va fie memorate informatiile;

          Ultimile informatii se scriu peste primele cand Hardul este plin, iar capacitate hardului folosita dedicate inregistrarii este prestabilita aici spre exemplu las2048MB.

²       Programarea inregistrarii:

        File Lengthsthe one recording filets Max timedefault times10minutes

        Alarm all dayswhen select this item,no matter what the status of record base on is,if I/O Alarm trigger, will record;

                       When deselect this item, if I/O Alarm trigger,only when the status of record base on is I/O Alarm, will record;


        ClicktEdittbutton to setup record schedule

You can set up schedule and status of individual camera or all from Sunday to Saturday , 00:00 to 24:00 every half of hour;

    .Record Base Ons

     Choose status of camera from this dropdown menu

    tMonitort: 24 hours a day and every week as monitor status;

    tRecordts24 hours a day and every week as record status;

     tMotion Recordts24 hours a day and every week as record only if  motion is detected status;

        tI/O Alarm Recordts24 hours a day and every week as I/O Alarm trigger the camera to record;

        tBank Recordtsfrom 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM every week as tRecordt status,theother time as tMonitort status;

   .The Means of Colors

Greensat the time as tMonitort status;

Redsat the time as tRecordt status;

Yellowsat the time as tMontion Recordt status;

Purplesat the time as tI/O Alarm Recordt status;

After set up one camera schedule & status,if the other cameras have same schedule & status, will get just clicking tAll Camerast button ;


    Click tokt to save the setup, or click tCancelt button to cancel.


²       Auto Flip:

         Auto Flip Intervalsif select 0 second, not auto flip;

         Auto Log offsif putinng check in this box,the current user will be auto log off 5 minutes laterall the cameras display on screen will be hid,but the schedule & status not changed;

.Caption Color:

         Show Camera Captionsif putinng check in this boxwill show the camera caption on split screen;

Back Colorsthe background color of Caption;

Text Colorsthe text color of Caption;

Focus Colorswhen the camera be selected,the background color of Caption;

Click the color bar to change the corresponding color.


        Pop_up map on alarmsif putting check in this boxthe E-Map will show when I/O alarm trigger ;

        ClicktEdittbutton to edit the e-map

Select a camera at Captionif let the camera show on map,just put check in the tUset box;

Press the left button of mouse to drag the camera Caption on map to your desired place;


Caption Opaquesputting check in this box, will show the caption background color;

Back Colorsthe background color of Caption;

Text Colorsthe text color of Caption;

ClicktImport Mapt button to replace map image,

The map image must be : bmptjpeg , image size : 800X600 Pixes

.Set Card:

    Card No.schoose the card number from dropdown menu;

    Set Nums one XV-100 cardsupport 1 to 4 cameras, you can set the numbers of camera which connect to  one card at here;


    Video Modelsyou can choose the camerats format : PAL or NTSC

    Video SizesDefault is  320 X 240

l     Camera

    Camera: se selecteaza camera dorta pentru setari;

    Captionsse defineste numele camerei;

    Attch PTZ IDsse alege PTZtul corespunzator IDtului;

    Audios cdaca se markcheaza aceasta casuta se vor inregistra 2 canale audio corespunzator canalelor 1 si 2

   Detectarea Miscariis

Select a camera number and click 'View All' to show all drawing  Zone;

Select Zone number from 1 to 16, you can draw up to 16 individual zones.

Draw zones by clicking on the picture and dragging with the left mouse button.

Putting check in tUset box to enable the zone.

As you enable zones, be sure to set the sensitivity for each zone to

meet your specific needs.

Click tCleart button to clear the drawing Zone.

sensitivitysthe sensitivity rate from 1 to 100, 1 is most sensitive;

    Delay Timesdelay recording time after Motion Detection or I/O Alarm trigger stop,the default time is 1 minute;

    Auto VideoOut Interval: Camera analog video output to monitor/TV interval if set as 0 s, will no analog video output.

      This function need card support(optional purchase).

    Pre record: Choose this function will pre_record when Motion Detection trigger.

   Frame flash: when choose this function,the green frame (motion detection Zone) will glint.

l     Local User



User Namesadmin    

Default Passwords1234 

      If input correct Password at tOld PWD:t, you can change a new password at tPassword:t;

At User Name ,you can add, delet and modify user;

User Rights:

    Select a user , you can modify the user rights by putting check in/off corresponding box;

Deselect to Hide Camera:

          If deselect the Userts camera number, the corresponding video will not show on split screen, but the camera schedual & status not changed;

          When this User login , he/she canntt view the hide camerats recording playback;

Scr lock PSWsset screen unlock passworddefault password is: 1234;

l     Client User:

  At left side tClient-User, Passwordt, You can add, delet and modify Client-User & Password;

User Rights:

    If select Playback, the Client-User can view Serverts camera  recording files  remotely;

    If select PTZ, the Client-User can control Serverts camera PTZ remotely;


If select the camera number, the Client-User can view this camera remotely;

       Client priority:

 From 1 C 7, 1 is super, 7 is lowest;

Port Set: 


The Ports of  Camera video transport (Default): from 2200 to 2231;

The Port of talk[Audio] (Default): 1981; HTTP(default port): 80

You can edit & modify these Ports if necessary.

l     PTZ Decorder:


               COM Port: Choose the communication port that your RS232 to RS485 adapter used, RS485 adapter connects to your PTZ decoder.              

PTZ Decoder: Choose the model or brand of your decoder from the dropdown menu. If your model is not listed,pleas send the decoder protocol to us,wetll add it for you.

l        Alarm Setting:


      I/O Dev:

dv7608  is a alarm box connect to the COM port(optional purchase)

Local Card Alarm  xv-100 card support 8channel alarm input and 4channel alarm output (the input/output interface board optional purchase)

COM, ID  Config  for dv7608;

Sensor: choose sensor number at here to config;

Record Camera: when sensor trigger, the corresponding record camera number config at here;

Enable Alarm: putting check in box to enable alarm function;

Normal Open: choose this function , if sensor input is low TTL, start alarm

             Not choose this function, if sensor input is high TTL,start alarm;

Alarm Output: when sensor trigger,choose corresponding Alarm output number at here;

Output Time: when sensor trigger, the corresponding alarm output delay time;

Rec Time: when sensor trigger,the corresponding camera record delay time;



     Click button to playbck

Show play speed


Play process time


Current playing file directory

Choose Date

Choose Camera

Watermark show


Image filter


Open recording file folder


View image




Event log


Playback screen size switch


Choose time to play





slow forward


Forward/backward 1s


Fast forward


Date: choose date from dropdown menu;

Channel: choose camera number;

Play: choose time to play;

Playback Screen Size Panel:

3X size





Full screen


2X size


Clickbutton to fast forward playclick the button one time to speed up one level, there are 3 level 2X, 4X, 8X;

Clickbutton to slow forward playclick the button one time to speed up one level, there are 3 level 1/2X, 1/4X, 1/8X;

Clickbutton to forward 1 second;

Click button to backward 1 second;

ClicktSnapt button to snapshot the playback,the image save at the SVDVR  install directory [Pics] folder;


ClicktView BMPt button to view the snapshot images;

ClicktPlay videot button to play other AVI files;

Click thetCurrent playing file directorytto backup recording files;

Image Filter:

 When view a image, you can process image by tsharpt, tBlurt, tIcet, tGreyt;

Click tRevertt to undo;

Click tPrintt to print;

Click tSavet to save the image;


   Event Logs


    Event Log record all the system run status, you can view the log by Date,Filter;

    Select twatermarkt,the watermark will show on screen


Chapter 6     Client Software

Client Software allows you to view remote camera,control remote PTZ,even playback remote camera recording files. Support Lan,internet network.

Client Software Installation:

Insert the software CD in the CD-ROM drive.

Double-click on the folder of [Client].

Double-click on the c_install icon to begin installation.

After rebooting your computer, you will find a shortcut for the Clenr program in your 'START'  menu, listed under 'All Programs'. You may now run the program as desired.

Client Software Guide:

  Run Client program,will show this box first.


                User Name: default is: dvr

                Password: default is: dvr

This User Name & Password prevent the client program not be run by others;

Click tModifyt button, You can modify the User Name & Password personally,



Client GUIs








Lock Scr







   ClicktSetupt button to setup system;

    New Host:

     Input Serverts PC IP,  then click tAdd IPt to add new remote Server;

Host Info:

Choose remote Server IP from dropdown menu to edit;

Host Name:

 To define remote server name which will show on video box title;

User Name & Password:

 The User Name & Password which input at here  must be defined in Client-User of remote Serverts Setup;

Default is:

User Name: dvr  ;   Password: dvr

ClicktSavet to save the setup;

ClicktDelet to delete the selected server setup information;

Client software support E-Map login;

 Click  tSelect Mapt to import map image;

 Dragging Server IP to the corresponding place;

Click tExittbutton to exit;

Click  button to choose the Server IP which you want to log in;

If login ok, the tShow Login/off statust panel will show tLogin Success!t;

If login failure, panel will show tLogin Fail!t;

Click button to choose the camera which you want to view;

Click button to record at client site;

Click button to stop recording at client site;

Click tPTZt button to control remote PTZ;

Click button to save the current login status;

When  logoff click button to recall the last login status and atomatically login;



Click       button to login from E-Map;

Click the Server IP on map, will auto login, then click the camera number

 will show the corresponding video;

Click button to playback the recording of remote Server;

          Host: choose the remote Server IP;

          Date: select the date;

          Channel: choose the camera number;

          Click tSearcht button to find, if getting, the files name will show at tFileListt;

  Choose the file , then click tReplayt button to play;


Putting mouse at the video for seconds will show the video information(Server IP & Camera number).

Internet Explorer remote view:

Please input the serverts IP at URL of internet explorer,

if first time view by IE, please click t click heret to install ActiveX..


Internet Explorer Security Level must be setup as Low,

otherwise you maybe login success,but canntt view the video!

  User Name & Password:

 The User Name & Password which input at here  must be defined in Client-User of remote Serverts Setup.

 Click tLogint to log in.

If login success, will show tlog int at here






click camera number to view remote

video which you desired


Split screen






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