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Table 15 lists the functions which allow you to check the error state of the integrator.
Table 15. Functions to Check the
Function |
Description |
IntegratorIsReady |
Returns true if the integrator is ready to operate without any errors. |
IntegratorHasError |
Returns true if the integrator has encountered an error during operation. |
IntegratorHasBadInput |
Returns true if the integrator has received illegal or inconsistent input. |
ErrorStateIsSet |
Checks to see if a specific error state is currently set. |
InputErrorIsSet |
Checks to see if a specific illegal input flag is currently set. |
GetIntegratorState |
Returns the current integrator state. |
GetIntegratorStateString |
Returns a string describing the current integrator state. |
GetIllegalInputString |
Returns a string describing the illegal input state. |
GetErrorStateString |
Returns a string describing the current error state. |
if ( pInteg->IntegratorIsReady() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is ready to operate. |
This function returns true if the integrator is ready to operate, i.e., has not encountered an error or terminal event. Note, however, that if the integrator has received illegal input, integration can proceed even though this function will return true.
if ( pInteg->IntegratorHasError() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator has encountered any errors. |
This function returns true if the integrator has encountered any errors during setup or during the course of integration. Integration will not proceed until the error is corrected. You can use ErrorStateIsSet() to see which of the various error states are set.
if ( pInteg->IntegratorHasBadInput() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator has received illegal input. |
This function returns true if the integrator has received illegal input. When the integrator receives illegal input, the original values are left unchanged while this flag is set. Integration is still allowed to proceed even if this is the case. You can use InputErrorIsSet() to see which of the various input error states are set.
if ( pInteg->ErrorStateIsSet(whichError) ).
Variable |
Type |
Description |
whichError |
EErrorState |
Value of the error state to be queried. See Table 16. |
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the specified error is set, false otherwise. |
Use this function to see if a specific error state is set. Table 16 lists the valid error states and their meanings. The constant kNumErrorStates specifies the number of legal error states that have been defined.
if ( pInteg->InputErrorIsSet(whichError) ).
Variable |
Type |
Description |
whichError |
EIllegalInput |
Value of the error state to be queried. See Table 17. |
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the specified error is set, false otherwise. |
Use this function to see if a specific error state is set. Table 17 lists the valid error states and their meanings. The constant kNumInputErrorStates specifies the number of legal input error states that have been defined.
Table 16. Defined error states. Integration cannot proceed until all errors are cleared.
Meaning and Remedy |
errorState_TooMuchAccuracy |
Unable to meet the accuracy requirements with the minimum step size. Increase tolerance with SetAbsTol() SetRelTol(), or decrease minimum step size with SetHMin() |
errorState_TooManyRejects |
Rejected too many step size selections. Increase the number of allowable rejected steps using SetMaxRejectedSteps() |
errorState_TooManySteps |
Took too many steps to finish integration. Increase the number of allowable steps using SetMaxSteps() |
errorState_StepSizeTooSmall |
Specified step size is less than the minimum allowed. Increase the step size using SetStepSize() or decrease the minimum allowed step size using SetHMin() |
errorState_NotEnoughMemory |
Insufficient memory available (not implemented). |
errorState_ATolRTol_Eq_0 |
Absolute and relative tolerances are both set to zero. Increase either or both tolerances using SetAbsTol() SetRelTol() |
errorState_PastTFinal |
Tried to integrate past the final requested output time. Add additional requested output times using AppendTOut() |
errorState_ChangedStepSizeControl |
Tried to change between variable and fixed step size selection methods after integration started. Reset this error using ClearStepSizeControlError() |
errorState_ICsNotDefined |
Initial conditions have not been defined yet. Use SetICs() |
errorState_TOutNotDefined |
Requested output times have not been defined yet. Use SetTOut() |
errorState_BrentZeroSearchFailed |
The Brent Zero Search failed to find a solution for the event finding routine. |
errorState_ODEHasError |
The ODE has generated an error. |
errorState_ImplicitUnsupported |
Implicit methods are no longer supported. |
Table 17. Illegal input states. Integration may proceed. Clear all errors using ClearIllegalInputFlags().
Meaning and Remedy |
illegalInput_H0_LT_0 |
Requested a negative initial step size. Specify a legal h0 using SetH0() |
illegalInput_H0TooLate |
Tried to set h0 after integration started. Clear the error using ClearH0TooLateFlag() |
illegalInput_HMax_LE_0 |
Tried to set a negative maximum step size. Specify a legal hmax using SetHMax() |
illegalInput_HMin_LE_0 |
Tried to set a negative minimum step size. Specify a legal hmin using SetHMin() |
illegalInput_HMax_LT_HMin |
Tried to set the maximum step size less than the minimum step size. Correct this by specifying a new hmin or hmax using SetHMin() or SetHMax(), respectively. |
illegalInput_T0TooLate |
Tried to set t0 after integration started. Clear the error using ClearT0TooLateFlag() |
illegalInput_MaxStep_LE_0 |
Tried to set a zero or negative number of maximum allowable steps. Specify a legal value using SetMaxSteps() |
illegalInput_MaxReject_LE_0 |
Tried to set a zero or negative number of maximum allowable step size rejections. Specify a legal value using SetMaxRejectedSteps() |
illegalInput_ATol_LT_0 |
Requested a negative absolute tolerance. Specify a legal value using SetAbsTol(). |
illegalInput_RTol_LT_0 |
Requested a negative relative tolerance. Specify a legal value using SetRelTol(). |
illegalInput_ICsTooLate |
Tried to set initial conditions after integration started. Clear the error using ClearICsTooLateFlag() |
illegalInput_TOutTooLate |
Tried to set requested output times after integration started. Clear the error using ClearTOutTooLateFlag() |
illegalInput_IllegalTOut |
Requested illegal output times (typically not monotonic). Specify a valid set using SetTOut() |
illegalInput_WrongNumICs |
Provided the incorrect number of initial conditions and the ODE does not have a default set. Specify a valid number of IC's using SetICs() |
illegalInput_NoEmbeddedFormula |
The Butcher Table does not have an embedded formula and you called UseEmbeddedFormula(). Reset by calling UseRichardsonExtrapolation() |
illegalInput_IllegalT0 |
The specified t0 is inconsistent with the requested output times (after first tout or in the wrong direction). Specify a legal value using SetT0() |
illegalInput_EventsNotSupported |
Tried to use event handling with a Butcher Table that does not have dense output. Reset this flag by calling UseEvents(false). |
state = pInteg->GetIntegratorState();
Type |
Description |
EIntegratorState |
State of the integrator. |
This function lets you query the state of the integrator. It provides a starting point for determining any problems with the integrator. The constant kNumIntegratorStates specifies the number of defined states. Table 18 lists the valid values for the integrator state.
cout << pInteg->GetIntegratorStateString();
Type |
Description |
string |
Descriptive string regarding the current integrator state. |
This function returns a single string describing the current state of the integrator corresponding to the meanings listed in Table 18.
Table 18. Integrator state values. Values are listed in order of precedence.
Meaning |
integratorState_Ready |
The integrator is ready to integrate. |
integratorState_Initialization |
The integrator has not completed initialization yet. |
integratorState_Error |
An error has occurred which prevents further integration until remedied. |
integratorState_TerminalEvent |
A terminal event has been encountered. You can clear this using ResetTerminalEvent() |
cout << pInteg->GetIllegalInputString();
Type |
Description |
string |
Descriptive string regarding the illegal input states of the integrator. |
This function returns a string describing the illegal input errors as listed in Table 17. There will be one line in the string for each illegal input flag that is currently set.
cout << pInteg->GetErrorStateString();
Type |
Description |
string |
Descriptive string regarding the error states of the integrator. |
This function returns a string describing the errors as listed in Table 16. There will be one line in the string for each error state that is currently set.
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