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In large, distributed applications, your needs might not be satisfied by the preceding approaches. For example, you might want to interface with legacy datastores, or you might need services from a server object regardless of its physical location. These situations require some form of Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and possibly language independence. This is where CORBA can help.
CORBA is not a language feature; it's an integration technology. It's a specification that vendors can follow to implement CORBA-compliant integration products. CORBA is part of the OMG's effort to define a standard framework for distributed, language-independent object interoperability.
CORBA supplies the ability to make remote procedure calls into Java objects and non-Java objects, and to interface with legacy systems in a location-transparent way. Java adds networking support and a nice object-oriented language for building graphical and non-graphical applications. The Java and OMG object model map nicely to each other; for example, both Java and CORBA implement the interface concept and a reference object model.
The object interoperability specification developed by the OMG is commonly referred to as the Object Management Architecture (OMA). The OMA defines two components: the Core Object Model and the OMA Reference Architecture. The Core Object Model states the basic concepts of object, interface, operation, and so on. (CORBA is a refinement of the Core Object Model.) The OMA Reference Architecture defines an underlying infrastructure of services and mechanisms that allow objects to interoperate. The OMA Reference Architecture includes the Object Request Broker (ORB), Object Services (also known as CORBAservices), and common facilities.
The ORB is the communication bus by which objects can request services from other objects, regardless of their physical location. This means that what looks like a method call in the client code is actually a complex operation. First, a connection with the server object must exist, and to create a connection the ORB must know where the server implementation code resides. Once the connection is established, the method arguments must be marshaled, i.e. converted in a binary stream to be sent across a network. Other information that must be sent are the server machine name, the server process, and the identity of the server object inside that process. Finally, this information is sent through a low-level wire protocol, the information is decoded on the server side, and the call is executed. The ORB hides all of this complexity from the programmer and makes the operation almost as simple as calling a method on local object.
There is no specification for how an ORB Core should be implemented, but to provide a basic compatibility among different vendors' ORBs, the OMG defines a set of services that are accessible through standard interfaces.
CORBA is designed for language transparency: a client object can call methods on a server object of different class, regardless of the language they are implemented with. Of course, the client object must know the names and signatures of methods that the server object exposes. This is where IDL comes in. The CORBA IDL is a language-neutral way to specify data types, attributes, operations, interfaces, and more. The IDL syntax is similar to the C++ or Java syntax. The following table shows the correspondence between some of the concepts common to three languages that can be specified through CORBA IDL:
Java |
C++ |
Module |
Package |
Namespace |
Interface |
Interface |
Pure abstract class |
Method |
Method |
Member function |
The inheritance concept is supported as well, using the colon operator as in C++. The programmer writes an IDL description of the attributes, methods, and interfaces that will be implemented and used by the server and clients. The IDL is then compiled by a vendor-provided IDL/Java compiler, which reads the IDL source and generates Java code.
The IDL compiler is an extremely useful tool: it doesn't just generate a Java source equivalent of the IDL, it also generates the code that will be used to marshal method arguments and to make remote calls. This code, called the stub and skeleton code, is organized in multiple Java source files and is usually part of the same Java package.
The naming service is one of the fundamental CORBA services. A CORBA object is accessed through a reference, a piece of information that's not meaningful for the human reader. But references can be assigned programmer-defined, string names. This operation is known as stringifying the reference, and one of the OMA components, the Naming Service, is devoted to performing string-to-object and object-to-string conversion and mapping. Since the Naming Service acts as a telephone directory that both servers and clients can consult and manipulate, it runs as a separate process. Creating an object-to-string mapping is called binding an object, and removing the mapping is called unbinding. Getting an object reference passing a string is called resolving the name.
For example, on startup, a server application could create a server object, bind the object into the name service, and then wait for clients to make requests. A client first obtains a server object reference, resolving the string name, and then can make calls into the server using the reference.
Again, the Naming Service specification is part of CORBA, but the application that implements it is provided by the ORB vendor. The way you get access to the Naming Service functionality can vary from vendor to vendor.
The code shown here will not be elaborate because different ORBs have different ways to access CORBA services, so examples are vendor specific. (The example below uses JavaIDL, a free product from Sun that comes with a light-weight ORB, a naming service, and a IDL-to-Java compiler.) In addition, since Java is young and still evolving, not all CORBA features are present in the various Java/CORBA products.
We want to implement a server, running on some machine, that can be queried for the exact time. We also want to implement a client that asks for the exact time. In this case we'll be implementing both programs in Java, but we could also use two different languages (which often happens in real situations).
The first step is to write an IDL description of the services provided. This is usually done by the server programmer, who is then free to implement the server in any language in which a CORBA IDL compiler exists. The IDL file is distributed to the client side programmer and becomes the bridge between languages.
The example below shows the IDL description of our exact time server:
module RemoteTime ;
This is a declaration of the ExactTime interface inside the RemoteTime namespace. The interface is made up of one single method the gives back the current time in string format.
The second step is to compile the IDL to create the Java stub and skeleton code that we'll use for implementing the client and the server. The tool that comes with the JavaIDL product is idltojava:
idltojava -fserver -fclient RemoteTime.idl
The two flags tell idltojava to generate code for both the stub and the skeleton. Idltojava generates a Java package named after the IDL module, RemoteTime, and the generated Java files are put in the RemoteTime subdirectory. is the skeleton that we'll use to implement the server object, and will be used for the client. There are Java representations of the IDL interface in and a couple of other support files used, for example, to facilitate access to the naming service operations.
Below you can see the code for the server side. The server object implementation is in the ExactTimeServer class. The RemoteTimeServer is the application that creates a server object, registers it with the ORB, gives a name to the object reference, and then sits quietly waiting for client requests.
import RemoteTime.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
// Server object implementation
class ExactTimeServer extends _ExactTimeImplBase
// Remote application implementation
public class RemoteTimeServer ;
ncRef.rebind(path, timeServerObjRef);
// Wait for client requests:
java.lang.Object sync =
new java.lang.Object();
catch (Exception e)
As you can see, implementing the server object is simple; it's a regular Java class that inherits from the skeleton code generated by the IDL compiler. Things get a bit more complicated when it comes to interacting with the ORB and other CORBA services.
This is a short description of what the JavaIDL-related code is doing (primarily ignoring the part of the CORBA code that is vendor dependent). The first line in main( ) starts up the ORB, and of course, this is because our server object will need to interact with it. Right after the ORB initialization, a server object is created. Actually, the right term would be a transient servant object: an object that receives requests from clients, and whose lifetime is the same as the process that creates it. Once the transient servant object is created, it is registered with the ORB, which means that the ORB knows of its existence and can now forward requests to it.
Up to this point, all we have is timeServerObjRef, an object reference that is known only inside the current server process. The next step will be to assign a stringified name to this servant object; clients will use that name to locate the servant object. We accomplish this operation using the Naming Service. First, we need an object reference to the Naming Service; the call to resolve_initial_references( ) takes the stringified object reference of the Naming Service that is "NameService," in JavaIDL, and returns an object reference. This is cast to a specific NamingContext reference using the narrow( ) method. We can use now the naming services.
To bind the servant object with a stringified object reference, we first create a NameComponent object, initialized with "ExactTime," the name string we want to bind to the servant object. Then, using the rebind( ) method, the stringified reference is bound to the object reference. We use rebind( ) to assign a reference, even if it already exists, whereas bind( ) raises an exception if the reference already exists. A name is made up in CORBA by a sequence of NameContexts - that's why we use an array to bind the name to the object reference.
The servant object is finally ready for use by clients. At this point, the server process enters a wait state. Again, this is because it is a transient servant, so its lifetime is confined to the server process. JavaIDL does not currently support persistent objects - objects that survive the execution of the process that creates them.
Now that we have an idea of what the server code is doing, let's look at the client code:
import RemoteTime.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
public class RemoteTimeClient ;
ExactTime timeObjRef =
// Make requests to the server object:
String exactTime = timeObjRef.getTime();
} catch (Exception e)
The first few lines do the same as they do in the server process: the ORB is initialized and a reference to the naming service server is resolved. Next, we need an object reference for the servant object, so we pass the stringified object reference to the resolve( ) method, and we cast the result into an ExactTime interface reference using the narrow( ) method. Finally, we call getTime( ).
Finally we have a server and a client application ready to interoperate. You've seen that both need the naming service to bind and resolve stringified object references. You must start the naming service process before running either the server or the client. In JavaIDL, the naming service is a Java application that comes with the product package, but it can be different with other products. The JavaIDL naming service runs inside an instance of the JVM and listens by default to network port 900.
Now you are ready to start your server and client application (in this order, since our server is transient). If everything is set up correctly, what you'll get is a single output line on the client console window, giving you the current time. Of course, this might be not very exciting by itself, but you should take one thing into account: even if they are on the same physical machine, the client and the server application are running inside different virtual machines and they can communicate via an underlying integration layer, the ORB and the Naming Service.
This is a simple example, designed to work without a network, but an ORB is usually configured for location transparency. When the server and the client are on different machines, the ORB can resolve remote stringified references using a component known as the Implementation Repository. Although the Implementation Repository is part of CORBA, there is almost no specification, so it differs from vendor to vendor.
As you can see, there is much more to CORBA than what has been covered here, but you should get the basic idea. If you want more information about CORBA, the place to start is the OMG Web site, at . There you'll find documentation, white papers, proceedings, and references to other CORBA sources and products.
Java applets can act as CORBA clients. This way, an applet can access remote information and services exposed as CORBA objects. But an applet can connect only with the server from which it was downloaded, so all the CORBA objects the applet interacts with must be on that server. This is the opposite of what CORBA tries to do: give you complete location transparency.
This is an issue of network security. If you're on an Intranet, one solution is to loosen the security restrictions on the browser. Or, set up a firewall policy for connecting with external servers.
Some Java ORB products offer proprietary solutions to this problem. For example, some implement what is called HTTP Tunneling, while others have their special firewall features.
This is too complex a topic to be covered in an appendix, but it is definitely something you should be aware of.
You saw that one of the main CORBA features is RPC support, which allows your local objects to call methods in remote objects. Of course, there already is a native Java feature that does exactly the same thing: RMI (see Chapter 15). While RMI makes RPC possible between Java objects, CORBA makes RPC possible between objects implemented in any language. It's a big difference.
However, RMI can be used to call services on remote, non-Java code. All you need is some kind of wrapper Java object around the non-Java code on the server side. The wrapper object connects externally to Java clients via RMI, and internally connects to the non-Java code using one of the techniques shown above, such as JNI or J/Direct.
This approach requires you to write a kind of integration layer, which is exactly what CORBA does for you, but then you don't need a third-party ORB.
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