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To summarize what we've seen so far, your first, most efficient choice to hold a group of objects should be an array, and you're forced into this choice if you want to hold a group of primitives. In the remainder of the chapter we'll look at the more general case, when you don't know at the time you're writing the program how many objects you're going to need, or if you need a more sophisticated way to store your objects. Java provides four types of collection classes to solve this problem: Vector, BitSet, Stack, and Hashtable. Although compared to other languages that provide collections this is a fairly meager supply, you can nonetheless solve a surprising number of problems using these tools.
Among their other characteristics - Stack, for example, implements a LIFO (last-in, first-out) sequence, and Hashtable is an associative array that lets you associate any object with any other object - the Java collection classes will automatically resize themselves. Thus, you can put in any number of objects and you don't need to worry about how big to make the collection while you're writing the program.
The "disadvantage" to using the Java collections is that you lose type information when you put an object into a collection. This happens because, when the collection was written, the programmer of that collection had no idea what specific type you wanted to put in the collection, and making the collection hold only your type would prevent it from being a general-purpose tool. So instead, the collection holds handles to objects of type Object, which is of course every object in Java, since it's the root of all the classes. (Of course, this doesn't include primitive types, since they aren't inherited from anything.) This is a great solution, except for these reasons:
Since the type information is thrown away when you put an object handle into a collection, any type of object can be put into your collection, even if you mean it to hold only, say, cats. Someone could just as easily put a dog into the collection.
Since the type information is lost, the only thing the collection knows it holds is a handle to an Object. You must perform a cast to the correct type before you use it.
On the up side, Java won't let you misuse the objects that you put into a collection. If you throw a dog into a collection of cats, then go through and try to treat everything in the collection as a cat, you'll get an exception when you get to the dog. In the same vein, if you try to cast the dog handle that you pull out of the cat collection into a cat, you'll get an exception at run-time.
Here's an example:
// Simple collection example (Vector)
import java.util.*;
class Cat
void print()
class Dog
void print()
public class CatsAndDogs
} ///:~
You can see that using a Vector is straightforward: create one, put objects in using addElement( ), and later get them out with elementAt( ). (Note that Vector has a method size( ) to let you know how many elements have been added so you don't inadvertently run off the end and cause an exception.)
The classes Cat and Dog are distinct - they have nothing in common except that they are Objects. (If you don't explicitly say what class you're inheriting from, you automatically inherit from Object.) The Vector class, which comes from java.util, holds Objects, so not only can you put Cat objects into this collection using the Vector method addElement( ), but you can also add Dog objects without complaint at either compile-time or run-time. When you go to fetch out what you think are Cat objects using the Vector method elementAt( ), you get back a handle to an Object that you must cast to a Cat. Then you need to surround the entire expression with parentheses to force the evaluation of the cast before calling the print( ) method for Cat, otherwise you'll get a syntax error. Then, at run-time, when you try to cast the Dog object to a Cat, you'll get an exception.
This is more than just an annoyance. It's something that can create some difficult-to-find bugs. If one part (or several parts) of a program inserts objects into a collection, and you discover only in a separate part of the program through an exception that a bad object was placed in the collection, then you must find out where the bad insert occurred. You do this by code inspection, which is about the worst debugging tool you have. On the upside, it's convenient to start with some standardized collection classes for programming, despite the scarcity and awkwardness.
It turns out that in some cases things seem to work correctly without casting back to your original type. The first case is quite special: the String class has some extra help from the compiler to make it work smoothly. Whenever the compiler expects a String object and it hasn't got one, it will automatically call the toString( ) method that's defined in Object and can be overridden by any Java class. This method produces the desired String object, which is then used wherever it was wanted.
Thus, all you need to do to make objects of your class print out is to override the toString( ) method, as shown in the following example:
// In special cases, things just seem
// to work correctly.
import java.util.*;
class Mouse
// Magic method:
public String toString()
void print(String msg)
class MouseTrap
public class WorksAnyway
} ///:~
You can see the redefinition of toString( ) in Mouse. In the second for loop in main( ) you find the statement:
System.out.println('Free mouse: ' + mice.elementAt(i));
After the '+' sign the compiler expects to see a String object. elementAt( ) produces an Object, so to get the desired String the compiler implicitly calls toString( ). Unfortunately, you can work this kind of magic only with String; it isn't available for any other type.
A second approach to hiding the cast has been placed inside Mousetrap. The caughtYa( ) method accepts not a Mouse, but an Object, which it then casts to a Mouse. This is quite presumptuous, of course, since by accepting an Object anything could be passed to the method. However, if the cast is incorrect - if you passed the wrong type - you'll get an exception at run-time. This is not as good as compile-time checking but it's still robust. Note that in the use of this method:
no cast is necessary.
You might not want to give up on this issue just yet. A more ironclad solution is to create a new class using the Vector, such that it will accept only your type and produce only your type:
// A type-conscious Vector
import java.util.*;
class Gopher
void print(String msg)
class GopherTrap
class GopherVector
public Gopher elementAt(int index)
public int size()
public static void main(String[] args)
} ///:~
This is similar to the previous example, except that the new GopherVector class has a private member of type Vector (inheriting from Vector tends to be frustrating, for reasons you'll see later), and methods just like Vector. However, it doesn't accept and produce generic Objects, only Gopher objects.
Because a GopherVector will accept only a Gopher, if you were to say:
gophers.addElement(new Pigeon());
you would get an error message at compile time. This approach, while more tedious from a coding standpoint, will tell you immediately if you're using a type improperly.
Note that no cast is necessary when using elementAt( ) - it's always a Gopher.
This kind of problem isn't isolated - there are numerous cases in which you need to create new types based on other types, and in which it is useful to have specific type information at compile-time. This is the concept of a parameterized type. In C++, this is directly supported by the language in templates. At one point, Java had reserved the keyword generic to someday support parameterized types, but it's uncertain if this will ever occur.
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