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List boxes are significantly different from Choice boxes, and not just in appearance. While a Choice box drops down when you activate it, a List occupies some fixed number of lines on a screen all the time and doesn't change. In addition, a List allows multiple selection: if you click on more than one item the original item stays highlighted and you can select as many as you want. If you want to see the items in a list, you simply call getSelectedItems( ), which produces an array of String of the items that have been selected. To remove an item from a group you have to click it again.
A problem with a List is that the default action is double clicking, not single clicking. A single click adds or removes elements from the selected group and a double click calls action( ). One way around this is to re-educate your user, which is the assumption made in the following program:
// Using lists with action()
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class List1 extends Applet ;
// Show 6 items, allow multiple selection:
List lst = new List(6, true);
TextArea t = new TextArea(flavors.length, 30);
Button b = new Button('test');
int count = 0;
public void init()
public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg)
else if(
return super.action(evt, arg);
return true;
} ///:~
When you press the button it adds items to the top of the list (because of the second argument 0 to addItem( )). Adding elements to a List is more reasonable than the Choice box because users expect to scroll a list box (for one thing, it has a built-in scroll bar) but they don't expect to have to figure out how to get a drop-down list to scroll, as in the previous example.
However, the only way for action( ) to be called is through a double-click. If you need to monitor other activities that the user is doing on your List (in particular, single clicks) you must take an alternative approach.
So far we've been using action( ), but there's another method that gets first crack at everything: handleEvent( ). Any time an event happens, it happens "over" or "to" a particular object. The handleEvent( ) method for that object is automatically called and an Event object is created and passed to handleEvent( ). The default handleEvent( ) (which is defined in Component, the base class for virtually all the "controls" in the AWT) will call either action( ), as we've been using, or other similar methods to indicate mouse activity, keyboard activity, or to indicate that the focus has moved. We'll look at those later in this chapter.
What if these other methods - action( ) in particular - don't satisfy your needs? In the case of List, for example, what if you want to catch single mouse clicks but action( ) responds to only double clicks? The solution is to override handleEvent( ) for your applet, which after all is derived from Applet and can therefore override any non-final methods. When you override handleEvent( ) for the applet you're getting all the applet events before they are routed, so you cannot just assume "This has to do with my button so I can assume it's been pressed," since that's true only for action( ). Inside handleEvent( ) it's possible that the button has the focus and someone is typing to it. Whether it makes sense or not, those are events that you can detect and act upon in handleEvent( ).
To modify the List example so that it will react to single mouse clicks, the button detection will be left in action( ) but the code to handle the List will be moved into handleEvent( ) as follows:
// Using lists with handleEvent()
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class List2 extends Applet ;
// Show 6 items, allow multiple selection:
List lst = new List(6, true);
TextArea t = new TextArea(flavors.length, 30);
Button b = new Button('test');
int count = 0;
public void init()
public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)
return super.handleEvent(evt);
return super.handleEvent(evt);
return true;
public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
return super.action(evt, arg);
return true;
} ///:~
The example is the same as before except for the addition of handleEvent( ). Inside, a check is made to see whether a list selection or deselection has occurred. Now remember, handleEvent( ) is being overridden for the applet, so this occurrence could be anywhere on the form and it could be happening to another list. Thus, you must also check to see what the target is. (Although in this case there's only one list on the applet so we could have made the assumption that all list events must be about that list. This is bad practice since it's going to be a problem as soon as another list is added.) If the list matches the one we're interested in, the same code as before will do the trick.
Note that the form for handleEvent( ) is similar to action( ): if you deal with a particular event you return true, but if you're not interested in any of the other events via handleEvent( ) you must return super.handleEvent(evt). This is vital because if you don't do this, none of the other event-handling code will get called. For example, try commenting out the return super.handleEvent(evt) in the code above. You'll discover that action( ) never gets called, certainly not what you want. For both action( ) and handleEvent( ) it's important to follow the format above and always return the base-class version of the method when you do not handle the event yourself (in which case you should return true). (Fortunately, these kinds of bug-prone details are relegated to Java 1.0. The new design in Java 1.1 that you will see later in the chapter eliminates these kinds of issues.)
In Windows, a list box automatically allows multiple selections if you hold down the shift key. This is nice because it allows the user to choose a single or multiple selection rather than fixing it during programming. You might think you'll be clever and implement this yourself by checking to see if the shift key is held down when a mouse click was made by testing for evt.shiftDown( ). Alas, the design of the AWT stymies you - you'd have to be able to know which item was clicked on if the shift key wasn't pressed so you could deselect all the rest and select only that one. However, you cannot figure that out in Java 1.0. (Java 1.1 sends all mouse, keyboard, and focus events to a List, so you'll be able to accomplish this.)
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