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lpstat |
lpstat [options] Show the status of the print queue. With options that take a list argument, omitting the list produces all information for that option. list can be separated by commas or, if enclosed in double quotes, by spaces. Options-a [list] Show whether the list of printer or class names is accepting requests. -c [list] Show information about printer classes named in list. -d Show the default printer destination. -f [list] Verify that the list of forms is known to lp. -l Use after -f to describe available forms, after -p to show printer configurations, or after -s to describe printers appropriate for the specified character set or print wheel. -o [list] Show the status of output requests. list contains printer names, class names, or request IDs. -p [list] Show the status of printers named in list. -r Show whether the print scheduler is on or off. -R Show the job's position in the print queue. -s Summarize the print status (shows almost everything). -t Show all status information (reports everything). -u [list] Show request status for users on list. list can be all to show information on all users. -v [list] Show device associated with each printer named in list. |
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