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ls linux command


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ls [options] [names]

List contents of directories. If no names are given, list the files in the current directory. With one or more names, list files contained in a directory name or that match a file name. names can include filename metacharacters. The options let you display a variety of information in different formats. The most useful options include -F, -R, -l, and -s. Some options don't make sense together (e.g., -u and -c).


-1, --format=single-column

Print one entry per line of output.


List all files, including the normally hidden files whose names begin with a period.

-b, --escape

Display nonprinting characters in octal and alphabetic format.

-c, --time-ctime, --time=status

List files by status change time (not creation/modification time).

--color, --colour, --color=yes, --colour=yes

Colorize the names of files depending on the type of file.

--color=no, --colour=no

Disables colorization. This is the default. Provided to override a previous color option.

--color=tty, --colour=tty

Same as --color, but only if standard output is a terminal. Very useful for shell scripts and command aliases, especially if your favorite pager does not support color control codes.

-d, --directory

Report only on the directory, not its contents.


Print directory contents in exactly the order in which they are stored, without attempting to sort them.


List times in full, rather than use the standard abbreviations.


Print a help message and then exit.

-i, --inode

List the inode for each file.

-k, --kilobytes

If file sizes are being listed, print them in kilobytes. This option overrides the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT.

-l, --format=long, --format=verbose

Long format listing (includes permissions, owner, size, modification time, etc.).

-m, --format=commas

Merge the list into a comma-separated series of names.

-n, --numeric-uid-gid

Like -l, but use group-ID and user-ID numbers instead of owner and group names.


Mark directories by appending to them.

-q, --hide-control-chars

Show nonprinting characters as

-r, --reverse

List files in reverse order (by name or by time).

-s, --size

Print size of the files in blocks.

-t, --sort=time

Sort files according to modification time (newest first).

-u, --time=atime, --time=access, --time=use

Sort files according to the file access time.


Print version information on standard output, then exit.

-x, --format=across, --format=horizontal

List files in rows going across the screen.

-A, --almost-all

List all files, including the normally hidden files whose names begin with a period. Does not include the . and . directories.

-B, --ignore-backups

Do not list files ending in ~, unless given as arguments.

-C, --format=vertical

List files in columns (the default format).

-F, --classify

Flag filenames by appending to directories, to executable files, to symbolic links, to FIFOs, and to sockets.

-G, --no-group

In long format, do not display group name.

-I, --ignore pattern

Do not list files whose names match the shell pattern pattern, unless they are given on the command line.

-L, --dereference

List the file or directory referenced by a symbolic link rather than the link itself.

-N, --literal

Do not list filenames.

-Q, --quote-name

Quote filenames with ; quote nongraphic characters with alphabetic and octal backslash sequences.

-R, --recursive

Recursively list subdirectories as well as the specified (or current) directory.

-S, --sort=size

Sort by file size, largest to smallest.

-T, --tabsize n_cols

Assume that each tabstop is n_cols columns wide. The default is 8.

-U, --sort=none

Do not sort files. Similar to -f but display in long format.

-X, --sort=extension

Sort by file extension.


List all files in the current directory and their sizes; use multiple columns and mark special files:

ls -asCF

List the status of directories /bin and /etc:

ls -ld /bin /etc

List C source files in the current directory, the oldest first:

ls -rt *.c

Count the nonhidden files in the current directory:

ls | wc -l

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