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man |
man [options] [section] [title] Display information from the online reference manuals. man locates and prints the named title from the designated reference section. Options-7, --ascii Expect a pure ASCII file, and format it for a 7-bit terminal or terminal emulator. -a, --all Show all pages matching title. -b Leave blank lines in output. -d, --debug Display debugging information. Suppress actual printing of manual pages. -f, --whatis Same as whatis command. -k, --apropos Same as apropos command. -l, --local-file Search local files, not system files, for manual pages. If i is given as filename, search standard input. -m systems, --systems=systems Search systems' manual pages. systems should be a comma-separated list. -p preprocessors, --preprocessor=preprocessors Preprocess manual pages with preprocessors before turning them over to nroff, troff, or groff. Always runs soelim first. -r prompt, --prompt=prompt Set prompt if less is used as pager. -t, --troff Format the manual page with /usr/bin/groff -Tgv -mandoc. Implied by -T and -Z. -u, --update Perform a consistency check between manual page cache and filesystem. -w, --where, --location Print pathnames of entries on standard output. -D, --default Reset all options to their defaults. -L locale, --locale=locale Assume current locale to be locale; do not consult the setlocale() function. -M path, --manpath=path Search for manual pages in path. Ignore -m option. -Ppager, --pager=pager Select paging program pager to display the entry. -T device, --troff-device[=device] Format groff or troff output for device, such as dvi, latin1, X75, and X100. -Z, --ditroff Do not allow postprocessing of manual page after groff has finished formatting it. Section namesManual pages are divided into sections, depending on their intended audience: Executable programs or shell commands System calls (functions provided by the kernel) Library calls (functions within system libraries) Special files (usually found in /dev) File formats and conventions (e.g., /etc/passwd) Games Macro packages and conventions System administration commands (usually only for a privileged user) Kernel routines (nonstandard) |
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