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tr |
tr [options] [string1 [string2]] Translate characters -- copy standard input to standard output, substituting characters from string1 to string2 or deleting characters in string1. Options-c, --complement Complement characters in string1 with respect to ASCII 001-377. -d, --delete Delete characters in string1 from output. -s, --squeeze-repeats Squeeze out repeated output characters in string2. -t, --truncate-set1 Truncate string1 to the length of string2 before translating. --help Print help message and then exit. --version Print the version number and then exit. Special charactersInclude brackets ([]) where shown. a ^G (bell) b ^H (backspace) f ^L (form feed) n ^J (newline) r ^M (carriage return) t ^I (tab) v ^K (vertical tab) nnn Character with octal value nnn. Literal backslash. char1 char2 All characters in the range char1 through char2. If char1 does not sort before char2, produce an error. char1 char2 Same as char1-char2 if both strings use this. char In string2, expand char to the length of string1. char number Expand char to number occurrences. [x*4] expands to xxxx, for instance. class Expand to all characters in class, where class can be: alnum Letters and digits alpha Letters blank Whitespace cntrl Control characters digit Digits graph Printable characters except space lower Lowercase letters Printable characters punct Punctuation space Whitespace (horizontal or vertical) upper Uppercase letters xdigit Hexadecimal digits char The class of characters in which char belongs. ExamplesChange uppercase to lowercase in a file: cat file | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'Turn spaces into newlines (ASCII code 012): tr ' ' '012' < fileStrip blank lines from file and save in new.file (or use 011 to change successive tabs into one tab): cat file | tr -s '' '012' > new.fileDelete colons from file; save result in new.file: tr -d : < file > new.file |
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