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In limba engleza, modurile nepersonale
sunt urmatoarele: infinitivul, forma -ing (gerunziul si participiul
prezent) si participiul trecut.
Infinitivul poate avea aspect, diateza si timpuri.
Diateza activa
Diateza pasiva
Forma -ing. Atat participiul prezent cat si gerunziul se
formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ing la infinitivul verbelor (to call
calling). Participiul prezent si gerunziul pot avea timpuri si diateza.
Diateza activa
Diateza pasiva
Participiul trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed la verbele regulate; in cazul verbelor neregulate, el reprezinta forma a III-a:
Constructii cu infinitivul
Consta dintr-un verb urmat
de un pronume sau substantiv in acuzativ + un verb la infinitiv.
Ex. I want you to go now.
(Vreau ca tu sa pleci acum.)
Exista cateva tipuri de verbe care accepta acest tip de constructii:
Ex. I rely on you to do
(Ma bazez pe tine sa faci aceasta.)
Consta dintr-un subiect in nominativ + un verb la diateza pasiva sau activa + un verb la infinitiv.
Ex. He is said to be a good writer.
(Se spune ca el este un bun scriitor.)
Sunt situatii in care Nominativul cu Infinitivut exprima o formulare pasiva a
Acuzativului cu Infinitiv:
Ex. I made him study English.
He was made to study English.
I consider him to be a good student.
He is considered to be a good student.
He considered the news to be false.
The news was considered to be false.
They declared him to be the man of the year.
He was declared to be the man of the year.
Ex. He proved to be a good
(El s-a dovedit a fi un bun jurnalist.)
I happened to meet him in the street.
(S-a intamplat sa-l intalnesc pe strada.)
If I happen to meet him, I will tell him where you are.
(Daca se va intampla sa-l intalnesc, ii voi spune unde esti.)
Nota: Trebuie remarcat faptul ca expresia impersonala din limba romana se intampla sa este, de obicei, tradusa cu o expresie personala in limba engleza.
Ex. She is sure to come in
(E sigur ca ea va veni la timp.)
Nota: Din nou avem in limba engleza o expresie personala care se traduce in romaneste cu o expresie impersonala. Daca vrem sa traducem expresia personala: Ea e sigura ca va veni la timp' o redam in modul urmator: She is sure the she will come in time'.
Consta din propozitia for
+ un substantiv sau pronume in acuzativ + un verb la infinitiv.
Ex. It is easy for me to do this.
(E usor sa fac asta.)
This remains for him to decide.
(Aceasta ramane sa o decida el.)
It is impossible for him to come.
(Este imposibil ca el sa vina.)
It is necessary for me to go there.
(Este necesar ca eu sa merg acolo.)
Nota: Ultimele doua propozitii se se pot reda in limba engleza si cu ajutorul subjonctivului.
Ex. It is impossible that
I (should) come.
It is necessary that I (should) go there.
Constructii cu participiul prezent
Este o constructie
participiala care are un subiect al ei propriu.
Ex: The classes being over, we went home.
(Orele fiind terminate, am mers acasa.)
Weather permitting, we shall go to the beach.
(Daca vremea va permite, vom merge la plaja.)
Constructie cu participiul trecut
Este formata din verbul to have sau
to get + un complement + participiul trecut.
Ex: I must have/get mz shoes repaired.
(Trebuie sa-mi dau pantofii la reparat.)
I will have my hair done.
(Voi merge sa ma coafez.)
Aceasta constructie arata ca actiunea este facuta de catre altcineva spre
avantajul sau la ordinul persoanei reprezentate de subiect.
Este de asemenea sa apara situatii in care actiunea exprimata de participiul
trecut este facuta de altcineva in detrimentul persoanei exprimate de
Ex. She had two sons killed in the war.
I-au fost ucisi doi fii in razboi.
I had my bedroom window broken.
Cineva mi-a spart geamul din dormitor.
Exercitii cu constructiile verbale
1. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind constructia Acuzativ cu Infinitiv sau Acuzativ cu Participiu:
2. Reformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind constructia for-phrase':
This translation is easy. I cam make it.
This translation is easy for me to make.
3. Reformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul subjonctiv folosind constructia for-phrase':
It is important that I should know the truth.
It is important to know the truth.
4. Reformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul subjonctiv folosind constructia Nominativ cu Infinitiv. Folositi drept subiect pronumele subliniate:
Her parents thought she was a gifted child.
She was thought to be a gifted child.
5. Treceti la pasiv urmatoarele constructii Acuzativ cu Participiu, transformandu-le in Nominativ cu Participiu:
I heard the dog barking.
The dog was heard barking.
l. I saw the plane landing.
2. She heard the baby crying.
3. I found the boy breaking the window.
4. I could hear her typing.
5. I saw her lying on the beach.
6. I saw her fainting.
7. I saw the peasants working in the field.
8. I heard the child breaking the vase.
9. I found her digging in the garden.
10. She heard the hunters shooting.
6. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii cu constructia Nominativul absolut:
1. Weather permitting, we shall climb to
the top of the mountain.
2. The rain having stopped, I went shopping.
3. The concert being over, the audience left the hali.
4. The plane having taken off, I stopped smoking.
5. The decision being taken in my favour, I went home relaxed.
6. The river having risen in the night, we were seared about having floods.
7. Everybody being at home, we sat down to dinner.
8. The mud having ruined my shoes, I had to change them.
9. The letter being written, I went to post it.
10. The sun having risen, we hurried to the beach.
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