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Buteyko's theory of breath


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Buteyko's theory of breath

1. Evolution

As well known the mixture of gases in the Earth a few miliard years ago was approximate 7% CO2 and 2 %O2. In that time was forming livinf cell. After that atmosphere was changed by giant plants. CO2 was used by them, and reproduced in O2. This gas structure you can see in our time. 21% -O2 and 0.03% CO2. Necessity of ours sells as in 2 miliards years ago.

Up to date investigation says that human embrion in the mother situated in 'ideal' surrounding. The mother organizm is forming conditions as two miliard years ago. It is optimal gas mix. After birth the baby undergoing by 'oxigenium strike'. It is the giant stress for new-born.

2. Role of CO2 in organysm

Carbon dioxide is necessary to human cells as oxygen. When a man start to breath deeply and intensity then his blood is saturating by oxygen. CO2 is removing from organism. Without CO2 in the blood oxygen is binding with hemoglobin very strong. The nature have made that oxygen is giving to cells from blood in some times smaller. The human cell is experiencing the oxygen hunger although the blood has high concentration of O2. Verigo-Bor effect is working. This effect was enclosed in the start of century. The main point of it : the organism try to keep CO2 as it necessary for cells as O2. The reflex spasm of vessels is result of it. It is only reaction of defense for CO2 loss and incoming oxygen hunger. This spasm can be in any place of organism. Foe example asthma or hypertension. So the CO2 carry out the function of catalyst or bridge between oxygen and cell.

Besides of spasm reactions in the organism is changing acid-base balance (PH). As result of it the all biochemical reactions is starting go wrong. The products of cells vital functions remove not fully. From that come the slag of cells and illnesses concerned with metabolism violation (diabetes).

3. Results of investigations.

Was uncovered that the ill and healthy breath not equally.

The breath of a man is regulating by center of breath. Nature has made that center of breath is regulating by oxygen but not carbon dioxide. The habitual level of O2 in the blood exist for usual man. It is different for all people. When concentration of CO2 rise up (delay of breath, physical work) the concentration of O2 is diminishing. The center of breath command to deep breath, for maintenance the habitual level of O2. When breath is increased then CO2 is removing from blood. Organism try the oxygen hunger still more. The wish for making of new breath is increasing. Vicious circle is arising. The more we breath the more we want to breath deeper, the more oxygen hunger.

The main figures of breath end health in common are Control Pause (CP) and Maximum Pause (MP). Control Pause it is delay of breathing in the end of usual expiration to the first (a littlest) wish to make breath. Maximal Pause is also delay of breath, which include CP and volitional part. Usually MP is more then CP in 2 times.

This table result of Buteyko's investigations. From this table sees then CO2 is lower then death is nearer.

Before measuring it is necessary to rest 10 minutes. After measuring the deepness and frequency of breath should not to change.

In Buteyko's laboratory was developed the table by which the deepness of breath can be determinate.

Table of ventilaton

State of organism

Type of breath

Degree of violation

CO2 in alveolusљ %

Control pause (sec)

Maximum pause (sec)

Pulse /min

Super stamina zone of yoggies

Super stamina






The death is coming when concentration of CO2 in organism is smaller 3,5 %,as it is seeing from table. A normal healthy man has CP 60 sec. It amount 6,5 % CO2 in the blood. Yogis can make delay of breath on dozens minutes, as well known. The zone of yogis stamina is above CP 180 sec.

K.P. Buteyko had been developed the method of breath which can help the figures of super stamina. Working on the breath a man rise up the level of CO2 in organism. His center of breath is getting accustomed to heightened concentration of CO2 and reduced concentration of O2. Work of center of breath is normalizing. The breath is staying more deep and more infrequent.

Parameters of breath: deepness of breath, frequency of breath, automatic pause between exhalation and breath, control pause are parameters of one function.

With CO2 increasing and increasing of CP a man is recovering from illnesses. It is being accompanied with cleaning reactions. Cleaning reaction it is reaction when slag , tocsins, medicines being removed from organisms cells.

In the Stair of Health is showing the Control Pauses corresponding to illnesses which disappear with these pauses The asthma appear to most deeply breathing people and disappear in first. For the first time in the all history of medicine was given the definition of health.

The healthy man is the man who has Control Pause not less 60 sec.

This materials was prepeared from information of trilogy S.G. Altouckhov 'Doctor Butenko's Discovery'.

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