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Hahnemann, a brilliant German medical doctor and chemist, developed the science
of homeopathy at the end of the 18th century. He was responding, in part, to
his concern that more people were dying from medical treatments than from their
diseases. Hahnemann believed that the purpose of medical therapy should be to
restore health quickly, gently and permanently in the least harmful manner
without toxic side-affects or the suppression of symptoms which would only
return. His work and principles have been carried on and developed by many
dedicated homeopaths right to the present day. Homeopathy now rests on the firm
foundation of Hahnemann's work and some 200 years of well-documented,
successful healing experience. Hahnemann's guiding principles still apply today
in the practice of classical homeopathy, but his criteria are otherwise rarely
met despite all the improvements and advances in so-called modern medicine.
The True Classical Homeopathic Approach to Cure
Fundamental to classical homeopathy is the view that we are each a synergistic
whole, every part of our wholistic being effecting every other part. It is the
combination of all symptoms and how they are experienced by the individual which should be addressed in attempting to cure that person
and their disorders. When someone has a health problem, it is the whole person
that has the problem. The problem does not exist in isolation from the person.
They can't simply put the problem in a box and forget it. Therefore, when
attempting to cure that person it is the whole person that should be
considered, not simply what is thought to be a disordered part of the person.
This is the wholistic approach of classical homeopathy.
This is in contrast to the conventional approach to disease which often
oversimplifies it as one isolated symptom or group of symptoms, as a problem
affecting only one part or aspect of the body and person. The 'sloppy
approach' to homeopathy is guilty of the same practice.
Classical Homeopathy, by contrast, prescribes remedies on a constitutional
basis, treating the entire individual, their symptoms and modalities. To arrive
at the correctly chosen remedy for a chronic disorder, the detailed case of all
aspects of the individual must be taken. The true classical homeopath delves
into the broad collection of symptoms and peculiarities of the individual,
their entire mental, emotional and physical make-up. This requires an in-depth
sense of the patient, a keen sensitivity to them which is able to grasp their
gestalt, that totality of the person and the matching remedies which transcends
the mere sum of their parts. This is the art of finding the homeopathic
constitutional remedy for the most effective and lasting cure.
This classical approach obviously requires an appropriate amount of time for
each individual, frequently involving patient visits in excess of an hour and a
number of hours of work afterward for the homeopath to deeply study all aspects
of the case. It is impossible to practice classical homeopathy on the assembly
line basis that is so characteristic of today's 'health industry.' It
is not in harmony with the demands of today's kind of economy, and so it can be
difficult to find a real classical practitioner.
Having closely studied the whole case of the individual, correctly chosen
homeopathic remedies are selected on the basis of 'the law of
similars' and the principle of 'curing like with like.' These
principles go all the way back to Hippocrates, the father of physicians. They
state that any substance which, in large doses, can cause a set of specific
symptoms in a healthy person can, in small doses, cure those same symptoms in
an unhealthy person.
Just as the symptomatology of each person is highly complex and individual, so
is the symptomatology associated with each substance or remedy. To choose the
right remedy the homeopath must grasp the individual complexities of both the
person and the possible remedies and discover the right match between them.
This is the surest and safest way to affect a genuine and lasting cure and it
is the most thoroughly wholistic approach.
The Homeopathic Remedy
The safe, wholistic science of homeopathy utilizes a special method of dilution
and succussion to produce natural remedies that are made from plants, minerals,
or animal substances (e.g. snake or bee venoms) in potentized infinitesimal
doses. This process, developed by Samuel Hahnemann, dilutes out any vestige of
harmful elements from the original substance and energizes it through the
process of succussion. Succussion of the diluted substance entails banging it
vigorously with impact 100 times. This captures and transmits the energy of the
original substance into the diluted neutral matter (water and alcohol). Through
this process, the energy of the original substance is retained, and each series
of dilutions and succussions produces a more powerful and deeper acting
medicine which is released as kinetic energy without toxicity. Because the
remedies consist of the tiniest micro-doses, they are completely non-toxic, without
side-effects, and are the safest form of medical treatment. Nothing could be
safer, more natural or gentle.
Unlike many conventional drugs, homeopathic remedies do not and can not mask or
suppress symptoms, a dangerous practice which can bring temporary relief at the
expense of the patient's vitality and future health. Instead, homeopathic
remedies gently coax the patient back to a healthy state by stimulating the
body's own defense systems to go to the root of the problem and heal itself. Our natural systems are self-healing and
self-regulating. The remedies simply stimulate those natural processes. When it
is pushed out of balance by disease, toxicity, foreign influences or lack of
proper nurturing, the system needs help to bring itself back to its natural
healthy state. The right homeopathic remedy can do this.
Homeopathy & Conventional Medicine
Conventional allopathic medical therapies have made great strides in many areas
of diagnosis and treatment. But they have also underestimated the harm to health
caused by their widespread use of toxic drugs. Too often conventional medicine,
in the process of killing the disease, causes damage and life threatening
iatrogenic disorders (those induced by medical treatment) to their patients. In
addition to the use of unhealthy drugs, there is widespread careless or
inappropriate prescribing and over-prescribing.
We live in a drug dependent society in which most of the drugging is with
orthodox drugs. Antibiotics for acne and Valium and Prozac
for everything else? If we were to 'just say no to drugs,'
some of the biggest transnational corporations on the planet would go out of
business. Conventional drugging has become so pandemic and dangerous that the
very conventional World Health Organization only recently issued a world-wide
emergency alert against the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the grave
hazards they pose to public health around the world. 'Health care,'
medicine, and medical studies and research are all a part of a world-wide
multi-billion dollar big business. Unfortunately, its profit interests are not
necessarily and always in harmony with individual health. This should always be
taken into account when evaluating health care options and decisions.
Homeopathy is not always at odds with commercial medicine, however. There are
times when it and some of its drugs or surgery are necessary. In these cases,
homeopathic medicines can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine and
to compliment it. Homeopathic remedies can greatly ease the pain and stress
inherent in many drug and surgical therapies, reduce their
'side-effects,' and hasten a quick recovery. Homeopathic remedies
assist the body's natural healing energies and can bring quicker, deeper, and
more permanent recovery.
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