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Waiting for Godot
a boy
A country road. A tree. Evening.
Estragon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls it with both hands, panting. He gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again. As before.
ESTRAGON: (giving up again). Nothing to be done.
ESTRAGON: (irritably). Not now, not now.
ESTRAGON: In a ditch.
ESTRAGON: (without gesture). Over there.
ESTRAGON: Beat me? Certainly they beat me.
ESTRAGON: The same? I don't know.
you be . . . (Decisively.) You'd be nothing more than a little heap of bones at the present minute, no doubt about it.
ESTRAGON: And what of it?
ESTRAGON: Ah stop blathering and help me off with this bloody thing.
respectable in those days. Now it's too late. They wouldn't even let us up. (Estragon tears at his boot.) What are you doing?
ESTRAGON: Taking off my boot. Did that never happen to you?
listen to me?
ESTRAGON: (feebly). Help me!
ESTRAGON: (angrily). Hurts! He wants to know if it hurts!
what you'd say if you had what I have.
ESTRAGON: It hurts?
ESTRAGON: (pointing). You might button it all the same.
ESTRAGON: What do you expect, you always wait till the last moment.
something sick, who said that?
ESTRAGON: Why don't you help me?
his hat, peers inside it, feels about inside it, shakes it, puts it on again.) How shall I say? Relieved and at the same time . . . (he searches for the word) . . . appalled. (With emphasis.) AP-PALLED. (He takes off his hat again, peers inside it.) Funny. (He knocks on the crown as though to dislodge a foreign body, peers into it again, puts it on again.) Nothing to be done. (Estragon with a supreme effort succeeds in pulling off his boot. He peers inside it, feels about inside it, turns it upside down, shakes it, looks on the ground to see if anything has fallen out, finds nothing, feels inside it again, staring sightlessly before him.) Well?
ESTRAGON: Nothing.
ESTRAGON: There's nothing to show.
ESTRAGON: (examining his foot). I'll air it for a bit.
(He takes off his hat again, peers inside it,
feels about inside it, knocks on the crown, blows into it, puts it on again.)
This is getting alarming. (Silence.
(Pause.) Gogo.
ESTRAGON: Repented what?
ESTRAGON: Our being born?
pressed to his pubis, his face contorted.
ESTRAGON: Dreadful privation.
suddenly.) It's not the same thing. Nothing to be done. (Pause.) Gogo.
ESTRAGON: (irritably). What is it?
ESTRAGON: The Bible . . . (He reflects.) I must have taken a look at it.
ESTRAGON: I remember the maps of
ESTRAGON: I was. (Gesture towards his rags.) Isn't that obvious?
ESTRAGON: Swelling visibly.
our Saviour. One-
ESTRAGON: Our what?
. . . (he searches for the contrary of saved) . . . damned.
ESTRAGON: Saved from what?
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
He does not move.
ESTRAGON: (with exaggerated enthusiasm). I find this really most extraordinarily interesting.
ESTRAGON: What's all this about? Abused who?
ESTRAGON: From hell?
ESTRAGON: I thought you said hell.
ESTRAGON: Well what of it?
ESTRAGON: And why not?
ESTRAGON: Well? They don't agree and that's all there is to it.
believe him rather than the others?
ESTRAGON: Who believes him?
ESTRAGON: People are bloody ignorant apes.
He rises painfully, goes limping to
extreme left, halts, gazes into distance off with his hand screening his eyes,
turns, goes to extreme right, gazes into distance.
He spits. Estragon moves to center, halts with his back to auditorium.
ESTRAGON: Charming spot. (He turns, advances to front, halts facing auditorium.)
Inspiring prospects. (He turns to
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here?
ESTRAGON: That we were to wait.
ESTRAGON: What is it?
ESTRAGON: Where are the leaves?
ESTRAGON: No more weeping.
ESTRAGON: Looks to me more like a bush.
ESTRAGON: He should be here.
ESTRAGON: And if he doesn't come?
ESTRAGON: And then the day after tomorrow.
ESTRAGON: And so on.
ESTRAGON: Until he comes.
ESTRAGON: We came here yesterday.
ESTRAGON: What did we do yesterday?
ESTRAGON: In my opinion we were here.
ESTRAGON: I didn't say that.
ESTRAGON: That makes no difference.
ESTRAGON: You're sure it was this evening?
ESTRAGON: That we were to wait.
ESTRAGON: You think.
ESTRAGON: (very insidious). But what Saturday? And is it Saturday? Is it not rather Sunday? (Pause.) Or Monday? (Pause.) Or Friday?
ESTRAGON: Or Thursday?
ESTRAGON: If he came yesterday and we weren't here you may be sure he won't come again today.
ESTRAGON: I may be mistaken. (Pause.) Let's stop talking for a minute, do you mind?
Estragon wakes with a start.
ESTRAGON: (restored to the horror of his situation). I was asleep! (Despairingly.) Why will you never let me sleep?
ESTRAGON: I had a dream.
ESTRAGON: I dreamt that-
ESTRAGON: (gesture toward the universe). This one is enough for you? (Silence.) It's
not nice of you, Didi. Who am I to tell my private nightmares to if I can't tell them to you?
ESTRAGON: (coldly.) There are times when I wonder if it wouldn't be better for us to part.
ESTRAGON: That would be too bad, really too bad. (Pause.) Wouldn't it, Didi, be
really too bad? (Pause.) When you think of the beauty of the way. (Pause.) And the goodness of the wayfarers. (Pause. Wheedling.) Wouldn't it, Didi?
ESTRAGON: (voluptuously.) Calm . . . calm . . . The English say cawm. (Pause.) You know the story of the Englishman in the brothel?
ESTRAGON: Tell it to me.
ESTRAGON: An Englishman having drunk a little more than usual proceeds to a brothel.
The bawd asks him if he wants a fair one, a dark one or a red-haired one. Go on.
ESTRAGON: (gently.) You wanted to speak to me? (Silence. Estragon takes a step forward.) You had something to say to me? (Silence. Another step forward.) Didi . . .
ESTRAGON: (step forward). You're angry? (Silence. Step forward). Forgive me. (Silence.
Step forward. Estragon lays his hand on
ESTRAGON: What about hanging ourselves?
ESTRAGON: (highly excited). An erection!
shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
ESTRAGON: Let's hang ourselves immediately!
ESTRAGON: We can always try.
ESTRAGON: After you.
ESTRAGON: Just so!
ESTRAGON: Use your intelligence, can't you?
ESTRAGON: This is how it is. (He reflects.) The bough . . . the bough . . . (Angrily.) Use your head, can't you?
ESTRAGON: (with effort). Gogo light-bough not break-Gogo dead. Didi heavy-bough break-Didi alone. Whereas-
ESTRAGON: If it hangs you it'll hang anything.
ESTRAGON: So you tell me. I don't know. There's an even chance. Or nearly.
ESTRAGON: Don't let's do anything. It's safer.
ESTRAGON: Good idea.
ESTRAGON: On the other hand it might be better to strike the iron before it freezes.
ESTRAGON: What exactly did we ask him for?
ESTRAGON: I can't have been listening.
ESTRAGON: A kind of prayer.
ESTRAGON: A vague supplication.
ESTRAGON: And what did he reply?
ESTRAGON: That he couldn't promise anything.
ESTRAGON: In the quiet of his home.
ESTRAGON: His friends.
ESTRAGON: His correspondents.
ESTRAGON: His bank account.
ESTRAGON: It's the normal thing.
ESTRAGON: I think it is.
ESTRAGON: (anxious). And we?
ESTRAGON: I said, And we?
ESTRAGON: Where do we come in?
ESTRAGON: Take your time.
ESTRAGON: As bad as that?
ESTRAGON: We've no rights any more?
Laugh of
ESTRAGON: We've lost our rights?
Silence. They remain motionless, arms dangling, heads sunk, sagging at the knees.
ESTRAGON: (feebly). We're not tied? (Pause.) We're not-
They listen, grotesquely rigid.
ESTRAGON: I hear nothing.
the arm of Vladimir, who totters. They listen, huddled together.) Nor I.
Sighs of relief. They relax and separate.
ESTRAGON: You gave me a fright.
ESTRAGON: Pah! The wind in the reeds.
ESTRAGON: And why would he shout?
ESTRAGON: (violently). I'm hungry!
ESTRAGON: Is that all there is?
ESTRAGON: Give me a carrot. (
and gives it to Estragon who takes a bite out of it. Angrily.) It's a turnip!
pockets, finds nothing but turnips.) All that's turnips. (He rummages.) You must have eaten the last. (He rummages.) Wait, I have it. (He brings out a carrot and gives it to Estragon.) There, dear fellow. (Estragon wipes the carrot on his sleeve and begins to eat it.) Make it last, that's the end of them.
ESTRAGON: (chewing). I asked you a question.
ESTRAGON: Did you reply?
ESTRAGON: It's a carrot.
ESTRAGON: I've forgotten. (Chews.) That's what annoys me. (He looks at the carrot appreciatively, dangles it between finger and thumb.) I'll never forget this carrot. (He sucks the end of it meditatively.) Ah yes, now I remember.
ESTRAGON: (his mouth full, vacuously). We're not tied?
ESTRAGON: (chews, swallows). I'm asking you if we're tied.
ESTRAGON: To your man.
ESTRAGON: His name is Godot?
ESTRAGON: Fancy that. (He raises what remains of the carrot by the stub of leaf,
twirls it before his eyes.) Funny, the more you eat the worse it gets.
ESTRAGON: In other words?
ESTRAGON: (after prolonged reflection). Is that the opposite?
ESTRAGON: Of character.
ESTRAGON: No use struggling.
ESTRAGON: No use wriggling.
ESTRAGON: Nothing to be done. (He
proffers the remains of the carrot to
Like to finish it?
A terrible cry, close at hand. Estragon drops the carrot. They remain motionless, then together make a sudden rush towards the wings. Estragon stops halfway, runs back, picks up the carrot, stuffs it in his pocket, runs to rejoin Vladimir who is waiting for him, stops again, runs back, picks up his boot, runs to rejoin Vladimir. Huddled together, shoulders hunched, cringing away from the menace, they wait.
Enter Pozzo and Lucky. Pozzo drives Lucky by means of a rope passed round his neck, so that Lucky is the first to enter, followed by the rope which is long enough to let him reach the middle of the stage before Pozzo appears. Lucky carries a heavy bag, a folding stool, a picnic basket and a greatcoat, Pozzo a whip.
POZZO: (off). On! (Crack of whip. Pozzo appears. They cross the stage. Lucky
passes before
Noise of Lucky falling with all his
ESTRAGON: Stay where you are!
POZZO: Be careful! He's wicked. (
ESTRAGON: (undertone). Is that him?
ESTRAGON: (trying to remember the name). Er . . .
POZZO: I present myself: Pozzo.
ESTRAGON: He said Godot.
ESTRAGON: (timidly, to Pozzo). You're not Mr. Godot, Sir?
POZZO: (terrifying voice). I am Pozzo! (Silence.) Pozzo! (Silence.) Does that name mean nothing to you? (Silence.) I say does that name mean nothing to you?
ESTRAGON: (pretending to search). Bozzo . . . Bozzo . . .
ESTRAGON: Ah! Pozzo . . . let me see . . . Pozzo . . .
ESTRAGON: Pozzo . . . no . . . I'm afraid I . . . no . . . I don't seem to . . .
Pozzo advances threateningly.
ESTRAGON: (hastily). We're not from these parts, Sir.
POZZO: (halting). You are human beings none the less. (He puts on his glasses.) As far as one can see. (He takes off his glasses.) Of the same species as myself. (He bursts into an enormous laugh.) Of the same species as Pozzo! Made in God's image!
POZZO: (peremptory). Who is Godot?
POZZO: You took me for Godot.
POZZO: Who is he?
ESTRAGON: Nothing of the kind, we hardly know him.
ESTRAGON: Personally, I wouldn't even know him if I saw him.
POZZO: You took me for him.
ESTRAGON: (recoiling before Pozzo). That's to say . . . you understand . . . the dusk
. . . the strain . . . waiting . . . I confess . . . I imagined . . . for a second . . .
POZZO: Waiting? So you were waiting for him?
POZZO: Here? On my land?
ESTRAGON: We meant well.
POZZO: The road is free to all.
POZZO: It's a disgrace. But there you are.
ESTRAGON: Nothing we can do about it.
POZZO: (with magnanimous gesture). Let's say no more about it. (He jerks the rope.)
Up pig! (Pause.) Every time he drops he falls
asleep. (Jerks the rope.) Up hog! (Noise of Lucky getting up and picking up his
baggage. Pozzo jerks the rope.) Back! (Enter Lucky backwards.) Stop! (Lucky
stops.) Turn! (Lucky turns. To
Yes, the road seems long when one journeys all alone for . . . (he consults his watch) . . . yes . . . (he calculates) . . . yes, six hours, that's right, six hours on end, and never a soul in sight. (To Lucky.)
Coat! (Lucky puts down the bag, advances, gives the coat, goes back to his place, takes up the bag.) Hold that! (Pozzo holds out the whip. Lucky advances and, both his hands being occupied, takes the whip in his mouth, then goes back to his place. Pozzo begins to put on his coat, stops.) Coat! (Lucky puts down the bag, basket and stool, helps Pozzo on with his coat,
goes back to his place and takes up bag, basket and stool.) Touch of autumn in the air this evening. (Pozzo finishes buttoning up his coat, stoops, inspects himself, straightens up.) Whip! (Lucky advances, stoops, Pozzo snatches the whip from his mouth, Lucky goes back to his place.) Yes,
gentlemen, I cannot go for long without the society of my likes (he puts on his glasses and looks at the two likes) even when the likeness is an imperfect one. (He takes off his glasses.) Stool! (Lucky puts down bag and basket, advances, opens stool, puts it down, goes back to his place, takes
up bag and basket.) Closer! (Lucky puts down bag and basket, advances, moves stool, goes back to his place, takes up bag and basket. Pozzo sits down, places the butt of his whip against Lucky's chest and pushes.) Back! (Lucky takes a step back.) Further! (Lucky takes another step back.) Stop!
(Lucky stops. To
ESTRAGON: What ails him?
ESTRAGON: Why doesn't he put down his bags?
ESTRAGON: Say something to him.
ESTRAGON: (looking at the neck). I see nothing.
Estragon goes over beside
ESTRAGON: It's the rope.
ESTRAGON: It's inevitable.
ESTRAGON: It's the chafing.
They resume their inspection, dwell on the face.
ESTRAGON: (shrugging his shoulders, wry face.) Would you say so?
ESTRAGON: Look at the slobber.
ESTRAGON: Look at the slaver.
ESTRAGON: A cretin.
ESTRAGON: (ditto). It's not certain.
ESTRAGON: It's inevitable.
ESTRAGON: What about them?
ESTRAGON: Looks like his last gasp to me.
ESTRAGON: Would that be a good thing?
ESTRAGON: (timidly). Mister . . .
ESTRAGON: (louder). Mister . . .
POZZO: Leave him in peace! (They turn toward Pozzo who, having finished eating, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.) Can't you see he wants to rest? Basket! (He strikes a match and begins to light his pipe. Estragon sees the chicken bones on the ground and stares at them greedily. As Lucky does not move Pozzo throws the match angrily away and jerks the rope.)
Basket! (Lucky starts, almost falls, recovers his senses, advances, puts the bottle in the basket and goes back to his place. Estragon stares at the bones. Pozzo strikes another match and lights his pipe.) What can you expect, it's not his job. (He pulls at his pipe, stretches out his legs.) Ah! That's better.
ESTRAGON: (timidly). Please Sir . . .
POZZO: What is it, my good man?
ESTRAGON: Er . . . you've finished with the . . . er . . . you don't need the . . .
er . . . bones, Sir?
POZZO: No no, he does well to ask. Do I need the bones? (He turns them over with the end of his whip.) No, personally I do not need them any more. (Estragon takes a step towards the bones.) But . . . (Estragon stops short) . . . but in theory the bones go to the carrier. He is therefore the one to ask. (Estragon turns towards Lucky, hesitates.) Go on, go on, don't be afraid, ask him, he'll tell you. Estragon goes towards Lucky, stops before him.
ESTRAGON: Mister . . . excuse me, Mister . . .
POZZO: You're being spoken to, pig! Reply! (To Estragon.) Try him again.
ESTRAGON: Excuse me, Mister, the bones, you won't be wanting the bones?
Lucky looks long at Estragon.
POZZO: (in raptures). Mister! (Lucky bows his head.) Reply! Do you want them or don't you? (Silence of Lucky. To Estragon.) They're yours. (Estragon makes a dart at the bones, picks them up and begins to gnaw them.) I don't like it. I've never known him to refuse a bone before. (He looks anxiously at Lucky.) Nice business it'd be if he fell sick on me! He puffs at his pipe.
ESTRAGON: (not to be outdone). A disgrace!
He resumes his gnawing.
POZZO: You are severe. (To
question? (Silence.) Sixty? Seventy? (To Estragon.) What age would you say
he was?
POZZO: I am impertinent. (He knocks out his pipe against the whip, gets up.) I must be getting on. Thank you for your society. (He reflects.) Unless I smoke another pipe before I go. What do you say? (They say nothing.) Oh I'm only a small smoker, a very small smoker, I'm not in the habit of smoking two pipes one on top of the other, it makes (hand to heart, sighing) my heart go pit-a-pat. (Silence.) It's the nicotine, one absorbs it in spite of one's precautions. (Sighs.) You know how it is. (Silence.) But perhaps you don't smoke? Yes? No? It's of no importance. (Silence.) But how am I to
sit down now, without affectation, now that I
have risen? Without appearing to -how shall I say- without appearing to falter.
ESTRAGON: Ah! That's better.
He puts the bones in his pocket.
ESTRAGON: So soon?
POZZO: One moment! (He jerks the rope.) Stool! (He points with his whip. Lucky moves the stool.) More! There! (He sits down. Lucky goes back to his place.) Done it!
He fills his pipe.
POZZO: I hope I'm not driving you away. Wait a little longer, you'll never regret it.
ESTRAGON: (scenting charity). We're in no hurry.
POZZO: (having lit his pipe). The second is never so sweet . . . (he takes the pipe out of his mouth, contemplates it) . . . as the first I mean. (He puts the pipe back in his mouth.) But it's sweet just the same.
POZZO: He can no longer endure my
presence. I am perhaps not particularly human, but who cares? (To
has your future in his hands . . . (pause) . . . at least your immediate future?
POZZO: He speaks to me again! If this goes on much longer we'll soon be old friends.
ESTRAGON: Why doesn't he put down his bags?
POZZO: I too would be happy to meet him. The more people I meet the happier I become. From the meanest creature one departs wiser, richer, more conscious of one's blessings. Even you . . . (he looks at them ostentatiously in turn to make it clear they are both meant) . . . even you, who knows, will have added to my store.
ESTRAGON: Why doesn't he put down his bags?
POZZO: But that would surprise me.
POZZO: (delighted). A question! Who? What? A moment ago you were calling me Sir, in fear and trembling. Now you're asking me questions. No good will come of this!
ESTRAGON: (circling about Lucky). What?
ESTRAGON: Ask him what?
ESTRAGON: I wonder.
POZZO: (who has followed these exchanges with anxious attention, fearing lest the question get lost). You want to know why he doesn't put down his bags, as you call them.
POZZO: (to Estragon). You are sure you agree with that?
ESTRAGON: He's puffing like a grampus.
POZZO: The answer is this. (To Estragon). But stay still, I beg of you, you're making me nervous!
ESTRAGON: What is it?
Estragon goes over beside
POZZO: Good. Is everybody ready? Is everybody looking at me? (He looks at Lucky, jerks the rope. Lucky raises his head.) Will you look at me, pig! (Lucky looks at him.) Good. (He puts the pipe in his pocket, takes out a little vaporizer and sprays his throat, puts back the vaporizer in his pocket, clears his throat, spits, takes out the vaporizer again, sprays his throat again, puts back the vaporizer in his pocket.) I am ready. Is everybody listening? Is everybody ready? (He looks at them all in turn, jerks the rope.) Hog! (Lucky raises his head.) I don't like talking in a vacuum. Good. Let me see. He reflects.
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
POZZO: What was it exactly you wanted to know?
POZZO: (angrily). Don't interrupt me! (Pause. Calmer.) If we all speak at once we'll never get anywhere. (Pause.) What was I saying? (Pause. Louder.) What was I saying?
ESTRAGON: (forcibly). Bags. (He points at Lucky.) Why? Always hold. (He sags, panting.
) Never put down. (He opens his hands, straightens up with relief.) Why?
POZZO: Ah! Why couldn't you say so before? Why he doesn't make himself comfortable?
Let's try and get this clear. Has he not the right to? Certainly he has. It follows that he doesn't want to. There's reasoning for you. And why doesn't he want to? (Pause.) Gentlemen, the reason is this.
POZZO: He wants to impress me, so that I'll keep him.
POZZO: Perhaps I haven't got it quite right. He wants to mollify me, so that I'll give up the idea of parting with him. No, that's not exactly it either.
POZZO: He wants to con me, but he won't.
POZZO: He imagines that when I see how well he carries I'll be tempted to keep him on in that capacity.
ESTRAGON: You've had enough of him?
POZZO: In reality he carries like a pig. It's not his job.
POZZO: He imagines that when I see him indefatigable I'll regret my decision. Such
is his miserable scheme. As though I were short of slaves! (All three look at Lucky.) Atlas, son of Jupiter! (Silence.) Well, that's that, I think. Anything else? Vaporizer.
POZZO: I might just as well have been in his shoes and he in mine. If chance had not willed otherwise. To each one his due.
POZZO: I beg your pardon?
POZZO: I do. But instead of driving him away as I might have done, I mean instead of simply kicking him out on his arse, in the goodness of my heart I am bringing him to the fair, where I hope to get a good price for him. The truth is you can't drive such creatures away. The best thing would be to kill them. Lucky weeps.
ESTRAGON: He's crying!
POZZO: Old dogs have more dignity. (He proffers his handkerchief to Estragon.) Comfort him, since you pity him. (Estragon hesitates.) Come on. (Estragon takes the handkerchief.) Wipe away his tears, he'll feel less forsaken. Estragon hesitates.
Childish gestures.
POZZO: Make haste, before he stops. (Estragon approaches Lucky and makes to wipe his eyes. Lucky kicks him violently in the shins. Estragon drops the handkerchief, recoils, staggers about the stage howling with pain.) Hanky! Lucky puts down bag and basket, picks up handkerchief and gives it to Pozzo goes back to his place, picks up bag and basket.
ESTRAGON: Oh the swine! (He pulls up the leg of his trousers.) He's crippled me!
POZZO: I told you he didn't like strangers.
POZZO: It's a good sign.
ESTRAGON: (on one leg). I'll never walk again!
POZZO: He's stopped crying. (To Estragon.) You have replaced him as it were. (Lyrically.) The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh. (He laughs.) Let us not then speak ill of our generation, it is not any unhappier than its predecessors. (Pause.) Let us not speak well of it either. (Pause.) Let us not speak of it at all. (Pause. Judiciously.) It is true the population has increased.
Estragon takes a few limping steps, stops before Lucky and spits on him, then goes and sits down on the mound.
POZZO: Guess who taught me all these beautiful things. (Pause. Pointing to Lucky.) My Lucky!
POZZO: But for him all my thoughts, all my feelings, would have been of common things. (Pause. With extraordinary vehemence beyond me. So I took a knook.
POZZO: That was nearly sixty years ago . . . (he consults his watch) . . . yes, nearly sixty. (Drawing himself up proudly.) You wouldn't think it to look at me, would you? Compared to him I look like a young man, no? (Pause.) Hat! (Lucky puts down the basket and takes off his hat. His long white hair falls about his face. He puts his hat under his arm and picks up the basket.) Now look. (Pozzo takes off his hat. [All four wear bowlers.] He is completely bald. He puts on his hat again.) Did you see?
Pozzo more and more agitated.
ESTRAGON: Any longer.
ESTRAGON: It's terrible.
like that! After so many years! Really!
POZZO: (sobbing). He used to be so kind . . . so helpful . . . and entertaining . . . my good angel . . . and now . . . he's killing me.
ESTRAGON: Does he want someone to take his place or not?
ESTRAGON: Ask him.
POZZO: (calmer). Gentlemen, I don't know what came over me. Forgive me. Forget all
I said. (More and more his old self.) I don't remember exactly what it was, but you may be sure there wasn't a word of truth in it. (Drawing himself up, striking his chest.) Do I look like a man that can be made to suffer? Frankly? (He rummages in his pockets.) What have I done with my pipe?
ESTRAGON: Unforgettable.
ESTRAGON: Apparently not.
ESTRAGON: It's awful.
ESTRAGON: The circus.
ESTRAGON: The circus.
POZZO: What can I have done with that briar?
ESTRAGON: He's a scream. He's lost his dudeen. Laughs noisily.
ESTRAGON: End of the corridor, on the left.
POZZO: (on the point of tears). I've lost my Kapp and Peterson!
ESTRAGON: (convulsed with merriment). He'll be the death of me!
POZZO: You didn't see by any
chance- (He misses
saying goodbye! How could he! He might have waited!
ESTRAGON: He would have burst.
POZZO: Oh! (Pause.) Oh well then of course in that case . . .
ESTRAGON: Come here.
POZZO: What for?
ESTRAGON: You'll see.
POZZO: You want me to get up?
ESTRAGON: Quick! (Pozzo gets up and goes over beside Estragon. Estragon points off.) Look!
POZZO: (having put on his glasses). Oh I say!
ESTRAGON: It's all over. Enter
stool, comes and goes agitatedly.
POZZO: He's not pleased.
POZZO: He subsides. (Looking round.) Indeed all subsides. A great calm descends.
(Raising his hand.) Listen! Pan sleeps.
All three look at the sky.
POZZO: You don't feel like going until it does?
ESTRAGON: Well you see-
POZZO: Why it's very natural, very natural. I myself in your situation, if I had an appointment with a Godin . . . Godet . . . Godot . . . anyhow, you see who I mean, I'd wait till it was black night before I gave up. (He looks at the stool.) I'd very much like to sit down, but I don't quite know how to go about it.
ESTRAGON: Could I be of any help?
POZZO: If you asked me perhaps.
POZZO: If you asked me to sit down.
ESTRAGON: Would that be a help?
POZZO: I fancy so.
ESTRAGON: Here we go. Be seated, Sir, I beg of you.
POZZO: No no, I wouldn't think of it! (Pause. Aside.) Ask me again.
ESTRAGON: Come come, take a seat I beseech you, you'll get pneumonia.
POZZO: You really think so?
ESTRAGON: Why it's absolutely certain.
POZZO: No doubt you are right. (He sits down.) Done it again! (Pause.) Thank you,
dear fellow. (He consults his watch.) But I must really be getting along,
if I am to observe my schedule.
POZZO: (cuddling his watch to his ear). Don't you believe it, Sir, don't you
believe it. (He puts his watch back in his pocket.) Whatever you like, but not that.
ESTRAGON: (to Pozzo). Everything seems black to him today.
POZZO: Except the firmament. (He
laughs, pleased with this witticism.) But I see what it is, you are not from
these parts, you don't know what our twilights can do. Shall I tell you?
(Silence. Estragon is fiddling with his boot again,
ESTRAGON: But take the weight off your feet, I implore you, you'll catch your death.
POZZO: True. (He sits down. To Estragon.) What is your name?
POZZO: (who hasn't listened). Ah yes! The night. (He raises his head.) But be a little more attentive, for pity's sake, otherwise we'll never get anywhere. (He looks at the sky.) Look! (All look at the sky except Lucky who is dozing off again. Pozzo jerks the rope.) Will you look at the sky, pig! (Lucky looks at the sky.) Good, that's enough. (They stop looking at the sky.) What is there so extraordinary about it? Qua sky. It is pale and luminous like any sky at this hour of the day. (Pause.) In these latitudes. (Pause.) When the weather is fine. (Lyrical.) An hour ago (he looks at his watch, prosaic) roughly (lyrical) after having poured forth even since (he hesitates, prosaic) say ten o'clock in the morning (lyrical) tirelessly torrents of red and white light it begins to lose its effulgence, to grow pale (gesture of the two hands lapsing by stages) pale, ever a little paler, a little paler until (dramatic pause, ample gesture of the two hands flung wide apart) pppfff! finished! it comes to rest. But- (hand raised in admonition)- but behind this veil of gentleness and peace, night is charging (vibrantly) and will burst upon us (snaps his fingers) pop! like that! (his inspiration leaves him) just when we least expect it. (Silence. Gloomily.) That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.
Long silence.
ESTRAGON: So long as one knows.
ESTRAGON: One knows what to expect.
ESTRAGON: Simply wait.
He picks up his hat, peers inside it, shakes it, puts it on.
POZZO: How did you find me? (
Fair? Middling? Poor? Positively bad?
POZZO: (to Estragon). And you, Sir?
ESTRAGON: Oh tray bong, tray tray tray bong.
POZZO: (fervently). Bless you, gentlemen, bless you! (Pause.) I have such need of
encouragement! (Pause.) I weakened a little towards the end, you didn't notice?
ESTRAGON: I thought it was intentional.
POZZO: You see my memory is defective.
ESTRAGON: In the meantime, nothing happens.
POZZO: You find it tedious?
ESTRAGON: Somewhat.
POZZO: (to
POZZO: Gentlemen, you have been . . . civil to me.
ESTRAGON: Not at all!
POZZO: Yes yes, you have been correct. So that I ask myself is there anything I can do in my turn for these honest fellows who are having such a dull, dull time.
ESTRAGON: Even ten francs would be a help.
POZZO: Is there anything I can do, that's what I ask myself, to cheer them up? I have given them bones, I have talked to them about this and that, I have explained the twilight, admittedly. But is it enough, that's what tortures me, is it enough?
ESTRAGON: Even five.
ESTRAGON: I couldn't accept less.
POZZO: s is enough? No doubt. But I am liberal. It's my nature. This evening. So much the worse for me. (He jerks the rope. Lucky looks at him.) For I shall suffer, no doubt about that. (He picks up the whip.) What do you prefer? Shall we have him dance, or sing, or recite, or think, or-
POZZO: Who! You know how to think, you two?
He thinks?
POZZO: Certainly. Aloud. He even used to think very prettily once, I could listen to him for hours. Now . . . (he shudders). So much the worse for me. Well, would you like him to think something for us?
ESTRAGON: I'd rather he dance, it'd be more fun.
POZZO: Not necessarily.
ESTRAGON: Wouldn't it, Didi, be more fun?
ESTRAGON: Perhaps he could dance first and think afterwards, if it isn't too much to
ask him.
POZZO: By all means, nothing simpler. It's the natural order. He laughs briefly.
POZZO: Do you hear, hog?
ESTRAGON: He never refuses?
POZZO: He refused once. (Silence.) Dance, misery!
Lucky puts down bag and basket, advances towards front, turns to Pozzo. Lucky dances. He stops.
ESTRAGON: Is that all?
POZZO: Encore!
Lucky executes the same movements, stops.
ESTRAGON: Pooh! I'd do as well myself. (He imitates Lucky, almost falls.) With a little practice.
POZZO: He used to dance the farandole, the fling, the brawl, the jig, the fandango and even the hornpipe. He capered. For joy. Now that's the best he can do. Do you know what he calls it?
ESTRAGON: The Scapegoat's Agony.
POZZO: The Net. He thinks he's entangled in a net.
Lucky makes to return to his burdens.
POZZO: Woaa! Lucky stiffens.
ESTRAGON: Tell us about the time he refused.
POZZO: With pleasure, with pleasure. (He fumbles in his pockets.) Wait. (He fumbles.) What have I done with my spray? (He fumbles.) Well now isn't that . . . (He looks up, consternation on his features. Faintly.) I can't find my pulverizer!
ESTRAGON: (faintly). My left lung is very weak! (He coughs feebly. In ringing tones.)
But my right lung is as sound as a bell!
POZZO: (normal voice). No matter! What was I saying. (He ponders.) Wait. (Ponders.)
Well now isn't that . . . (He raises his head.) Help me!
POZZO: Wait! All three take off their hats simultaneously, press their hands to their foreheads, concentrate.
ESTRAGON: (triumphantly). Ah!
POZZO: (impatient). Well?
ESTRAGON: Why doesn't he put down his bags?
POZZO: Are you sure?
POZZO: I've already told you?
ESTRAGON: He's already told us?
ESTRAGON: (glance at Lucky). So he has. And what of it?
POZZO: Stoutly reasoned!
ESTRAGON: And why has he put them down?
POZZO: Answer us that.
POZZO: True!
Silence. They put on their hats.
ESTRAGON: Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful!
POZZO: Give him his hat.
POZZO: He can't think without his hat.
ESTRAGON: Me! After what he did to me! Never!
He does not move.
ESTRAGON: (to Pozzo). Tell him to go and fetch it.
POZZO: It's better to give it to him.
He picks up the hat and tenders it at arm's length to Lucky, who does not move.
POZZO: You must put it on his head.
ESTRAGON: (to Pozzo). Tell him to take it.
POZZO: It's better to put it on his head.
He goes round behind Lucky, approaches him cautiously, puts the hat on his
head and recoils smartly. Lucky does not move. Silence.
ESTRAGON: What's he waiting for?
POZZO: Stand back! (
LUCKY: On the other hand with regard to-
POZZO: Stop! (Lucky stops.) Back! (Lucky moves back.) Stop! (Lucky stops.) Turn!
(Lucky turns towards auditorium.) Think! During Lucky's tirade the others react as follows.
LUCKY: Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Puncher and Wattmann of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine athambia divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with
those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even though intermittent is better than
nothing but not so fast and considering what is more that as a result of the labors left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Testew and Cunard it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labors of men that as a result of the labors unfinished of Testew and Cunnard it is established as hereinafter but not so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public works of Puncher and Wattmann it is established beyond all doubt that in view of the labors of Fartov and Belcher left unfinished for reasons unknown of Testew and Cunard left unfinished it is established what many deny that man in Possy of Testew and Cunard that man in Essy that man in short that man in brief in spite of the strides of alimentation and defecation wastes and pines wastes and pines and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the strides of physical culture the practice of sports such as tennis football running cycling swimming flying floating riding gliding conating camogie skating tennis of all kinds dying flying sports of all sorts autumn summer winter winter tennis of all kinds hockey of all sorts penicillin and succedanea in a word I resume flying gliding golf over nine and eighteen holes tennis of all sorts in a word for reasons unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham
Clapham namely concurrently simultaneously what is more for reason unknown but time will tell fades away I resume Fulham Clapham in a word the dead loss per head since the death of Bishop Berkeley being to the tune of one inch four ounce per head approximately by and large more or less to the nearest decimal good measure round figures stark naked in the stockinged feet in Connemara in a word for reasons unknown no matter what matter the facts are there and considering what is more much more grave that in the light of the labors lost of Steinweg and Peterman it appears what is more much more grave that in the light the light the light of the labors lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in the plains in the mountains by the seas by the rivers running water running fire the air is the same and then the earth namely the air and then the earth in the great cold the great dark
the air and the earth abode of stones in the great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord six hundred and something the air the earth the sea the earth abode of stones in the great deeps the great cold on sea on land and in the air I resume for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis the facts are there but time will tell I resume alas alas on on in short in fine on on abode of stones who can doubt it I resume but not so fast I resume the skull fading fading fading and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the tennis on on the beard the flames the
tears the stones so blue so calm alas alas on on the skull the skull the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the tennis the labors abandoned left unfinished graver still abode of stones in a word I resume alas alas abandoned unfinished the skull the skull in Connemara in spite of the
tennis the skull alas the stones Cunard (mle, final vociferations) tennis . . . the stones . . . so calm . . . Cunard . . . unfinished . . .
POZZO: His hat!
ESTRAGON: Avenged!
POZZO: Give me that! (He snatches
the hat from
POZZO: Walk or crawl! (He kicks Lucky.) Up pig!
ESTRAGON: Perhaps he's dead.
POZZO: Up scum! (He jerks the rope.) Help me!
POZZO: Raise him up!
ESTRAGON: He's doing it on purpose!
POZZO: You must hold him. (Pause.) Come on, come on, raise him up.
ESTRAGON: To hell with him!
ESTRAGON: What does he take us for?
They raise Lucky, hold him up.
Don't let him go! (
Now! You can let him go. (
likewise. Pozzo turns over with his foot the remains of Lucky's hat.) Well now isn't that just-
POZZO: Wait! (He doubles up in an
attempt to apply his ear tohis stomach, listens. Silence.) I hear nothing. (He
beckons them to approach,
ESTRAGON: I hear something.
POZZO: Where?
POZZO: (disappointed). Damnation!
ESTRAGON: Perhaps it has stopped. They straighten up.
POZZO: Which of you smells so bad?
ESTRAGON: He has stinking breath and I have stinking feet.
POZZO: I must go.
ESTRAGON: And your half-hunter?
POZZO: I must have left it at the manor. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Then adieu.
POZZO: Adieu.
POZZO: Adieu. Silence. No one moves.
POZZO: Adieu.
ESTRAGON: Adieu. Silence.
POZZO: And thank you.
POZZO: Not at all.
ESTRAGON: Yes yes.
POZZO: No no.
ESTRAGON: No no. Silence.
POZZO: I don't seem to be able . . . (long hesitation) . . . to depart.
ESTRAGON: Such is life. Pozzo turns, moves away from Lucky towards the wings, paying out the rope as he goes.
I need a running start. (Having come to the end of the rope, i.e., off stage
, he stops, turns and cries.) Stand
back! (
look towards Pozzo. Crack of whip.) On! On!
POZZO: Faster! (He appears, crosses
the stage preceded by Lucky.
POZZO: Up! Pig! (Noise of Lucky getting up.) On! (Exit Pozzo.) Faster! On! Adieu!
Pig! Yip! Adieu! Long silence.
ESTRAGON: It would have passed in any case.
ESTRAGON: What do we do now?
ESTRAGON: Let's go.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah! Pause.
ESTRAGON: That's the idea, let's make a little conversation.
ESTRAGON: Very likely. They all change. Only we can't.
ESTRAGON: I suppose I did. But I don't know them.
ESTRAGON: No I don't know them.
Unless they're not the same . . .
ESTRAGON: Why didn't they recognize us then?
ever recognizes us.
ESTRAGON: Forget it. What we need-
Ow! (
ESTRAGON: Didi! It's the other foot!
He goes hobbling towards the mound.
BOY: (off). Mister!
Estragon halts. Both look towards the voice.
ESTRAGON: Off we go again.
Enter Boy, timidly. He halts.
BOY: Mister Albert . . . ?
ESTRAGON: What do you want?
The Boy does not move.
ESTRAGON: (forcibly). Approach when you're told, can't you?
The Boy advances timidly, halts.
BOY: Mr. Godot . . .
ESTRAGON: (violently). Will you approach! (The Boy advances timidly.) What kept you so late?
BOY: Yes Sir.
ESTRAGON: What kept you so late?
The Boy looks at them in turn, not knowing to which he should reply.
ESTRAGON: (violently). You let me alone. (Advancing, to the Boy.) Do you know what time it is?
BOY: (recoiling). It's not my fault, Sir.
ESTRAGON: And whose is it? Mine?
BOY: I was afraid, Sir.
ESTRAGON: Afraid of what? Of us? (Pause.) Answer me!
ESTRAGON: How long have you been here?
BOY: A good while, Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
ESTRAGON: That's all a pack of lies. (Shaking the Boy by the arm.) Tell us the truth!
BOY: (trembling). But it is the truth, Sir!
ESTRAGON: I'm unhappy.
ESTRAGON: I'd forgotten.
renounces, limps to his place, sits down and begins to take off his boots. To Boy.) Well?
BOY: Mr. Godot-
BOY: I don't know, Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir. Silence.
BOY: (in a rush). Mr. Godot told me to tell you he won't come this evening but surely tomorrow. Silence.
BOY: Yes Sir. Silence.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: I mind the goats, Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: No Sir, not me.
BOY: He beats my brother, Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: He minds the sheep, Sir.
BOY: I don't know, Sir.
BOY: I don't know, Sir. Silence.
BOY: Does he give you enough to eat? (The Boy hesitates.) Does he feed you well?
BOY: Fairly well, Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: I don't know, Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: In the loft, Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir. Silence.
BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
BOY: Yes Sir.
He steps back, hesitates, turns and exit running. The light suddenly fails. In a moment it is night. The moon rises at back, mounts in the sky, stands still, shedding a pale light on the scene.
(Estragon gets up and goes towards
ESTRAGON: Pale for weariness.
ESTRAGON: Of climbing heaven and gazing on the likes of us.
ESTRAGON: (turning to look at the boots). I'm leaving them there. (Pause.) Another will come, just as . . . as . . . as me, but with smaller feet, and they'll make him happy.
ESTRAGON: Christ did.
ESTRAGON: All my life I've compared myself to him.
ESTRAGON: Yes. And they crucified quick. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Nor anywhere else.
ESTRAGON: How do you make that out?
ESTRAGON: Then all we have to do is to wait on here.
He draws Estragon after him. Estragon yields, then resists. They halt.
ESTRAGON: (looking at the tree). Pity we haven't got a bit of rope.
ESTRAGON: Remind me to bring a bit of rope tomorrow.
ESTRAGON: How long have we been together all the time now?
ESTRAGON: Do you remember the day I
threw myself into the
ESTRAGON: You fished me out.
ESTRAGON: My clothes dried in the sun.
He draws him after him. As before.
ESTRAGON: Wait! (He moves away from
ESTRAGON: No, nothing is certain.
ESTRAGON: It's not worthwhile now. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Well, shall we go?
Next day. Same time.
Same place.
Estragon's boots front center, heels together, toes splayed. Lucky's hat at same place.
The tree has four or five leaves.
Having begun too high he stops, clears his throat, resumes:
A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
He stops, broods, resumes:
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
And wrote upon the tombstone
For the eyes of dogs to come:
A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
He stops, broods, resumes:
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
He stops, broods. Softly.
And dug the dog a tomb . . .
He remains a moment silent and
motionless, then begins to move feverishly about the stage. He halts before the
tree, comes and goes, before the boots, comes and goes, halts extreme right,
gazes into distance, extreme left, gazes into distance. Enter Estragon right,
barefoot, head bowed. He slowly crosses the stage.
towards him.) Come here till I embrace you.
ESTRAGON: Don't touch me!
Do you want me to go away? (Pause.)
Gogo! (Pause.
ESTRAGON: Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! Stay with me!
ESTRAGON: You let me go.
me! Estragon raises his head. They look long at each other, then suddenly embrace, clapping each other on the back. End of the embrace. Estragon, no longer supported, almost falls.
ESTRAGON: What a day!
ESTRAGON: Another day done with.
ESTRAGON: For me it's over and done with, no matter what happens. (Silence.) I heard you singing.
ESTRAGON: That finished me. I said to myself, He's all alone, he thinks I'm gone for ever, and he sings.
ESTRAGON: (sadly). You see, you piss better when I'm not there.
ESTRAGON: (shocked). Happy?
ESTRAGON: And now?
again. . . (Gloomy.) There I am again.
ESTRAGON: You see, you feel worse when I'm with you. I feel better alone too.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: You couldn't have stopped them.
ESTRAGON: There was ten of them.
ESTRAGON: I wasn't doing anything.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: I tell you I wasn't doing anything.
ESTRAGON: I wasn't doing anything.
ESTRAGON: Happy about what?
ESTRAGON: Would you say so?
ESTRAGON: What am I to say?
ESTRAGON: I am happy.
ESTRAGON: We are happy. (Silence.) What do we do now, now that we are happy?
ESTRAGON: And if he doesn't come?
ESTRAGON: Everything oozes.
ESTRAGON: It's never the same pus from one second to the next.
Estragon looks at the tree.
ESTRAGON: Was is not there yesterday?
from it. But you wouldn't. Do you not remember?
ESTRAGON: You dreamt it.
ESTRAGON: That's the way I am. Either I forget immediately or I never forget.
ESTRAGON: Pozzo and Lucky?
ESTRAGON: I remember a lunatic who kicked the shins off me. Then he played the fool.
ESTRAGON: I remember that. But when was it?
ESTRAGON: He gave me a bone.
ESTRAGON: And all that was yesterday, you say?
ESTRAGON: And here where we are now?
ESTRAGON: (suddenly furious). Recognize! What is there to recognize? All my lousy life I've crawled about in the mud! And you talk to me about scenery! (Looking wildly about him.) Look at this muckheap! I've never stirred from
ESTRAGON: You and your landscapes! Tell me about the worms!
ESTRAGON: No I was never in the
called . . . (he snaps his fingers) . . . can't think of the name of the man, at a place called . . . (snaps his fingers) . . . can't think of the name of the place, do you not remember?
ESTRAGON: (a little calmer). It's possible. I didn't notice anything.
ESTRAGON: (exasperated). I didn't notice anything, I tell you!
ESTRAGON: It'd be better if we parted.
ESTRAGON: The best thing would be to kill me, like the other.
ESTRAGON: Like billions of others.
(Afterthought.) And is forgotten.
ESTRAGON: In the meantime let us try and converse calmly, since we are incapable of keeping silent.
ESTRAGON: It's so we won't think.
ESTRAGON: It's so we won't hear.
ESTRAGON: All the dead voices.
ESTRAGON: Like leaves.
ESTRAGON: Like leaves.
ESTRAGON: Each one to itself. Silence.
ESTRAGON: They rustle.
ESTRAGON: They rustle. Silence.
ESTRAGON: They talk about their lives.
ESTRAGON: They have to talk about it.
ESTRAGON: It is not sufficient. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Like leaves.
ESTRAGON: Like leaves. Long silence.
ESTRAGON: I'm trying. Long silence.
ESTRAGON: What do we do now?
ESTRAGON: Ah! Silence.
ESTRAGON: Sing something.
ESTRAGON: That should be easy.
ESTRAGON: You can start from anything.
ESTRAGON: True. Silence.
ESTRAGON: I'm trying. Silence.
ESTRAGON: It does.
ESTRAGON: You think all the same.
ESTRAGON: That's the idea, let's contradict each another.
ESTRAGON: You think so?
ESTRAGON: Then what are we complaining about?
ESTRAGON: Perhaps not. But at least there's that.
ESTRAGON: That's the idea, let's ask each other questions.
ESTRAGON: That much less misery.
ESTRAGON: Well? If we gave thanks for our mercies?
ESTRAGON: But did that ever happen to us?
ESTRAGON: These skeletons.
ESTRAGON: At the very beginning.
ESTRAGON: You don't have to look.
ESTRAGON: I beg your pardon?
ESTRAGON: We should turn resolutely towards Nature.
ESTRAGON: Obviously.
ESTRAGON: Que voulez-vous?
ESTRAGON: Que voulez-vouz.
ESTRAGON: That wasn't such a bad little canter.
ESTRAGON: Let me see.
He takes off his hat, concentrates.
They put on their hats, relax.
ESTRAGON: What were you saying when?
ESTRAGON: The very beginning of WHAT?
ESTRAGON: I'm not a historian.
now that we're happy . . . go on waiting . . . waiting . . . let me think . . . it's coming . . . go on waiting . . . now that we're happy . . . let me see . . . ah! The tree!
ESTRAGON: The tree?
ESTRAGON: I'm tired.
ESTRAGON: I see nothing.
ESTRAGON: It must be the Spring.
ESTRAGON: I tell you we weren't here yesterday. Another of your nightmares.
ESTRAGON: How would I know? In another compartment. There's no lack of void.
do yesterday evening?
ESTRAGON: Do . . . I suppose we blathered.
ESTRAGON: Oh . . . this and that I suppose, nothing in particular. (With assurance.) Yes, now I remember, yesterday evening we spent blathering about nothing in particular. That's been going on now for half a century.
ESTRAGON: (weary). Don't torment me, Didi.
ESTRAGON: They must have been there, as usual.
ESTRAGON: They were like fishbones.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: That's right, someone gave me a kick.
ESTRAGON: And all that was yesterday?
ESTRAGON: I can't.
ESTRAGON: And what about it?
ESTRAGON: I must have thrown them away.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: (exasperated). I don't know why I don't know!
ESTRAGON: (exasperated). Because they were hurting me!
ESTRAGON: They're not mine.
ESTRAGON: Mine were black. These are brown.
ESTRAGON: Well they were a kind of gray.
ESTRAGON: (picking up a boot). Well they're a kind of green.
angrily.) Well of all the
ESTRAGON: You see, all that's a lot of bloody
ESTRAGON: All that's a lot of bloody
ESTRAGON: But mine were too tight.
ESTRAGON: (having tried in vain to work it out). I'm tired! (Pause.) Let's go.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: Ah! (Pause. Despairing.) What'll we do, what'll we do!
ESTRAGON: But I can't go on like this!
ESTRAGON: Is that all there is?
ESTRAGON: Are there no carrots?
ESTRAGON: Then give me a radish. (
ESTRAGON: I only like the pink ones, you know that!
ESTRAGON: I only like the pink ones!
Estragon gives it back.
ESTRAGON: I'll go and get a carrot.
He does not move.
his is becoming really insignificant.
ESTRAGON: Not enough. Silence.
ESTRAGON: I've tried everything.
ESTRAGON: Would that be a good thing?
ESTRAGON: A relaxation.
ESTRAGON: A relaxation.
ESTRAGON: You'll help me?
ESTRAGON: We don't manage too badly, eh Didi, between the two of us?
ESTRAGON: We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?
have resolved, before we forget.
(He picks up a boot.) Come on, give me your foot. (Estragon raises his foot.)
The other, hog! (Estragon raises the other foot.) Higher! (Wreathed together
they stagger about the stage.
ESTRAGON: It fits.
ESTRAGON: (vehemently). No no, no laces, no laces!
ESTRAGON: (grudgingly). It fits too.
ESTRAGON: Not yet.
ESTRAGON: They're too big.
ESTRAGON: That's enough about these boots.
ESTRAGON: (violently). Enough! (Silence.) I suppose I might as well sit down.
He looks for a place to sit down, then goes and sits down on the mound.
ESTRAGON: If I could only sleep.
ESTRAGON: I'll try.
He resumes his foetal posture, his head between his knees.
Bye bye bye bye
Bye bye
ESTRAGON: (looking up angrily). Not so loud!
Bye bye bye bye
Bye bye bye bye
Bye bye bye bye
Bye bye . . .
Estragon sleeps.
ESTRAGON: I was falling
ESTRAGON: I was on top of a
He takes Estragon by the arm and walks him up and down until Estragon refuses to go any further.
ESTRAGON: That's enough. I'm tired.
He releases Estragon, picks up his coat and puts it on.
ESTRAGON: Let's go.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: We came too soon.
ESTRAGON: But night doesn't fall.
ESTRAGON: Then it'll be night.
ESTRAGON: Then it'll be day again. (Pause. Despairing.) What'll we do, what'll we do!
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
ESTRAGON: Farewell.
ESTRAGON: You'll never see me again.
Estragon takes
hat on his head. Estragon puts on Lucky's hat
in place of
How does it fit me?
ESTRAGON: How would I know?
He turns his head coquettishly to and fro, minces like a mannequin.
ESTRAGON: Hideous.
ESTRAGON: Neither more nor less.
He takes off Lucky's hat, peers into it, shakes it, knocks on the crown, puts it on again.
ESTRAGON: I'm going. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Play at what?
ESTRAGON: Never heard of it.
of his baggage. Estragon looks at him with stupefaction.) Go on.
ESTRAGON: What am I to do?
ESTRAGON: (after reflection). Naughty!
ESTRAGON: Gonococcus! Spirochete!
ESTRAGON: Think, pig!
ESTRAGON: That's enough of that.
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
(He looks up, misses Estragon.) Gogo! (He
moves wildly about the stage. Enter Estragon left, panting. He hastens towards
ESTRAGON: I'm accursed!
ESTRAGON: They're coming!
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: I'm in hell!
ESTRAGON: They're coming there too!
no way out there. (He takes Estragon by the arm and drags him towards front. Gesture towards front.) There! Not a soul in sight! Off you go! Quick! (He pushes Estragon towards auditorium. Estragon recoils in horror.) You won't? (He contemplates auditorium.) Well I can understand that. Wait till I see. (He reflects.) Your only hope left is to disappear.
ESTRAGON: (calmer). I lost my head. Forgive me. It won't happen again. Tell me what to do.
ESTRAGON: You go and stand there.
(He draws
ESTRAGON: (louder). Do you see anything coming?
They resume their watch. Silence.
ESTRAGON: (turning his head). What?
ESTRAGON: No need to shout!
They resume their watch. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Carry on.
ESTRAGON: No no, you first.
ESTRAGON: On the contrary.
They glare at each other angrily.
ESTRAGON: Punctilious pig!
ESTRAGON: Finish your own!
Silence. They draw closer, halt.
ESTRAGON: That's the idea, let's abuse each other.
They turn, move apart, turn again and face each other.
ESTRAGON: Morpion!
ESTRAGON: (with finality). Crritic!
He wilts, vanquished, and turns away.
ESTRAGON: Now let's make it up.
ESTRAGON: Take it!
ESTRAGON: Yours arms?
ESTRAGON: Off we go!
They embrace. They separate. Silence.
ESTRAGON: What do we do now?
ESTRAGON: While waiting. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Our movements.
ESTRAGON: Our relaxations.
ESTRAGON: Our relaxations.
ESTRAGON: To calm us down.
ESTRAGON: (stopping). That's enough. I'm tired.
ESTRAGON: I'm tired breathing.
ESTRAGON: The tree?
Estragon does the tree, staggers.
ESTRAGON: Do you think God sees me?
Estragon closes his eyes, staggers worse.
ESTRAGON: (stopping, brandishing his fists, at the top of his voice.) God have pity on me!
ESTRAGON: On me! On me! Pity! On me!
Enter Pozzo and Lucky. Pozzo is
blind. Lucky burdened as before. Rope as before, but much shorter, so that
Pozzo may follow more easily. Lucky wearing a different hat. At the sight of
POZZO: (clutching onto Lucky who staggers). What is it? Who is it?
Lucky falls, drops everything and brings down Pozzo with him. They lie helpless among the scattered baggage.
ESTRAGON: Is it Godot?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Is it Godot?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Do you hear him?
POZZO: Help!
POZZO: Pity!
ESTRAGON: I knew it was him.
ESTRAGON: It's not Godot?
ESTRAGON: Then who is it?
POZZO: Here! Here! Help me up!
ESTRAGON: Let's go.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: It was him?
ESTRAGON: Ask him.
ESTRAGON: To do what?
ESTRAGON: He can't get up?
ESTRAGON: Then let him get up.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
Pozzo writhes, groans, beats the ground with his fists.
ESTRAGON: We should ask him for the bone first. Then if he refuses we'll leave him there.
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: I tell you there was ten of them.
ESTRAGON: Is he there?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: And suppose we gave him a good beating the two of us?
(Pause.) No, the best would be to take advantage of Pozzo's calling for help
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: We help him?
ESTRAGON: And suppose he
something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most
of it, before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for once the foul brood to which a cruel fate consigned us! What do you say? (Estragon says nothing.) It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less a credit to our species. The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least reflection, or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question. What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Billions.
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
POZZO: Help!
VLADIMIR: All I know is that the hours are long, under these conditions, and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which how shall I say which may at first sight seem reasonable, until they become a habit. You may say it is to prevent our reason from foundering. No doubt. But has it not long been straying in the night without end of the abysmal depths? That's what I sometimes wonder. You follow my reasoning?
ESTRAGON: (aphoristic for once). We are all born mad. Some remain so.
POZZO: Help! I'll pay you!
ESTRAGON: How much?
POZZO: One hundred francs!
ESTRAGON: It's not enough.
ESTRAGON: You think it's enough?
POZZO: Two hundred!
bored to death, there's no denying it. Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste. Come, let's get to work! (He advances towards the heap, stops in his stride.) In an instant all will vanish and we'll be alone once more, in the midst of nothingness!
He broods.
POZZO: Two hundred!
He tries to pull Pozzo to his feet, fails, tries again, stumbles, falls, tries to get up, fails.
ESTRAGON: What's the matter with you all?
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
Where am I?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
ESTRAGON: You promise?
ESTRAGON: And we'll never come back?
ESTRAGON: We'll go to the
ESTRAGON: I've always wanted to wander
in the
ESTRAGON: (recoiling). Who farted?
POZZO: Here! Here! Pity!
ESTRAGON: It's revolting!
ESTRAGON: I'm going. (Pause. Louder.) I'm going.
fullness of time.
ESTRAGON: What's the matter with you?
ESTRAGON: Are you staying there?
ESTRAGON: Come on, get up, you'll catch a chill.
ESTRAGON: Come on, Didi, don't be pig-headed!
He stretches out his hand which
Estragon pulls, stumbles, falls. Long silence.
POZZO: Help!
POZZO: Who are you?
ESTRAGON: Sweet mother earth!
ESTRAGON: I don't know.
ESTRAGON: Not now, not now. Silence.
POZZO: What happened?
ESTRAGON: What about a little snooze?
ESTRAGON: Don't mind him. Sleep.
POZZO: Pity! Pity!
ESTRAGON: (with a start). What is it?
ESTRAGON: I must have been.
ESTRAGON: Make him stop it. Kick him in the crotch.
ESTRAGON: What do we do now?
ESTRAGON: Don't leave me!
ESTRAGON: Yes, call to him.
ESTRAGON: Together.
ESTRAGON: Are you sure his name is Pozzo?
ESTRAGON: We might try him with other names.
ESTRAGON: It'd be amusing.
ESTRAGON: To try him with other names, one after the other. It'd pass the time. And we'd be bound to hit on the right one sooner or later.
ESTRAGON: We'll soon see. (He reflects.) Abel! Abel!
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Got it in one!
ESTRAGON: Perhaps the other is called Cain. Cain! Cain!
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: He's all humanity. (Silence.) Look at the little cloud.
ESTRAGON: There. In the zenith.
ESTRAGON: Let's pass on now to something else, do you mind?
ESTRAGON: But to what?
ESTRAGON: Suppose we got up to begin with?
ESTRAGON: Child's play.
ESTRAGON: And now?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Let's go.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: Ah! (Despairing.) What'll we do, what'll we do!
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: What does he want?
ESTRAGON: Then why doesn't he?
ESTRAGON: Then why don't we? What are we waiting for?
They help Pozzo to his feet, let him go. He falls.
arms round their necks.) Feeling better?
POZZO: Who are you?
POZZO: I am blind. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Perhaps he can see into the future.
POZZO: I used to have wonderful sight but are you friends?
ESTRAGON: (laughing noisily). He wants to know if we are friends!
ESTRAGON: Exactly. Would we have helped him if we weren't his friends?
POZZO: You are not highwaymen?
ESTRAGON: Highwaymen! Do we look like highwaymen?
ESTRAGON: Damn it so he is. (Pause.) So he says.
POZZO: Don't leave me!
ESTRAGON: For the moment.
POZZO: What time is it?
ESTRAGON: That depends what time of year it is.
POZZO: Is it evening?
ESTRAGON: It's rising.
ESTRAGON: Perhaps it's the dawn.
ESTRAGON: How do you know?
POZZO: (anguished). Is it evening?
ESTRAGON: I tell you it's rising.
POZZO: Why don't you answer me?
ESTRAGON: Give us a chance.
friend here would have me doubt it and I must confess he shook me for a moment. But it is not for nothing I have lived through this long day and I can assure you it is very near the end of its repertory. (Pause.) How do you feel now?
ESTRAGON: How much longer are we to cart him around? (They half release him, catch him again as he falls.) We are not caryatids!
POZZO: Wonderful! Wonderful, wonderful sight!
ESTRAGON: (irritably). Expand! Expand!
(Pause.) Memoria praeteritorum bonorum that must be unpleasant.
ESTRAGON: We wouldn't know.
POZZO: Quite wonderful!
POZZO: I woke up one fine day as blind as Fortune. (Pause.) Sometimes I wonder if I'm not still asleep.
POZZO: I don't know.
POZZO: (violently). Don't question me! The blind have no notion of time. The
things of time are hidden from them too.
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
POZZO: Where are we?
POZZO: It isn't by any chance the place known as the Board?
POZZO: What is it like?
There's a tree.
POZZO: Then it's not the Board.
ESTRAGON: (sagging). Some diversion!
POZZO: Where is my menial?
POZZO: Why doesn't he answer when I call?
POZZO: What happened exactly?
ESTRAGON: Exactly!
POZZO: Go and see is he hurt.
POZZO: You needn't both go.
ESTRAGON: After what he did to me? Never!
POZZO: Yes yes, let your friend go, he stinks so. (Silence.) What is he waiting for?
ESTRAGON: I'm waiting for Godot.
POZZO: Well to begin with he should pull on the rope, as hard as he likes so long
as he doesn't strangle him. He usually responds to that. If not he should give him a taste of his boot, in the face and the privates as far as possible.
ESTRAGON: And if he defends himself?
POZZO: No no, he never defends himself.
ESTRAGON: Don't take your eyes off me.
He goes towards Lucky.
ESTRAGON: (bending over Lucky). He's breathing.
With sudden fury Estragon starts kicking Lucky, hurling abuse at him as he does so. But he hurts his foot and moves away, limping and groaning. Lucky stirs.
ESTRAGON: Oh the brute!
He sits down on the mound and tries to take off his boot. But he soon desists and disposes himself for sleep, his arms on his knees and his head on his arms.
POZZO: What's gone wrong now?
POZZO: And Lucky?
POZZO: What?
POZZO: I don't understand.
POZZO: Certainly I am Pozzo.
POZZO: Yesterday?
POZZO: I don't remember having met anyone yesterday. But tomorrow I won't remember
having met anyone today. So don't count on me to enlighten you.
POZZO: Enough! Up pig!
He thought. You had your sight.
POZZO: As you please. Let me go! (
Lucky gets up, gathers up his burdens.
POZZO: On. (Lucky, laden down, takes his place before Pozzo.) Whip! (Lucky puts everything down, looks for whip, finds it, puts it into Pozzo's hand, takes up everything again.) Rope! Lucky puts everything down, puts end of rope into Pozzo's hand, takes up everything again.
POZZO: Sand. (He jerks the rope.) On!
POZZO: I'm going.
POZZO: We wait till we can get up. Then we go on. On!
POZZO: To sing?
POZZO: But he is dumb.
POZZO: Dumb. He can't even groan.
POZZO: (suddenly furious.) Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time!
It's abominable! When! When! One day, is that
not enough for you, one day he went dumb, one day I went blind, one day we'll
go deaf, one day we were born, one day we shall die, the same day, the same
second, is that not enough for you? (Calmer.) They give birth astride of a
grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more. (He jerks the
rope.) On! Exeunt Pozzo and Lucky.
ESTRAGON: (wild gestures, incoherent words. Finally.) Why will you never let me sleep?
ESTRAGON: I was dreaming I was happy.
ESTRAGON: I was dreaming that
ESTRAGON: Blind? Who?
ESTRAGON: Well what about it?
ESTRAGON: You dreamt it. (Pause.) Let's go. We can't. Ah! (Pause.) Are you sure it wasn't him?
ESTRAGON: I suppose I might as well get up. (He gets up painfully.) Ow! Didi!
ESTRAGON: My feet! (He sits down again and tries to take off his boots.) Help me!
He'll tell me about the blows he received and I'll give him a carrot. (Pause.) Astride of a grave and a difficult birth. Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave digger puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries. (He listens.) But habit is a great deadener.
(He looks again at Estragon.) At me too someone is looking, of me too someone is saying, He is sleeping, he knows nothing, let him sleep on. (Pause.) I can't go on! (Pause.) What have I said? He goes feverishly to and fro, halts finally at extreme left, broods. Enter Boy right. He halts. Silence.
BOY: Mister . . . (
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir. Silence.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: No Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: Yes Sir. Silence.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: He does nothing, Sir. Silence.
BOY: He's sick, Sir.
BOY: I don't know, Sir. Silence.
BOY: Yes Sir.
BOY: I think it's white, Sir. Silence.
BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
hesitates) . . . that you saw me. (Pause.
ESTRAGON: What's wrong with you?
ESTRAGON: I'm going.
ESTRAGON: Where shall we go?
ESTRAGON: Oh yes, let's go far away from here.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
ESTRAGON: What for?
ESTRAGON: Ah! (Silence.) He didn't come?
ESTRAGON: And now it's too late.
ESTRAGON: And if we dropped him? (Pause.) If we dropped him?
ESTRAGON: (looking at the tree). What is it?
ESTRAGON: Yes, but what kind?
Estragon draws
ESTRAGON: Why don't we hang ourselves?
ESTRAGON: You haven't got a bit of rope?
ESTRAGON: Then we can't. Silence.
ESTRAGON: Wait, there's my belt.
ESTRAGON: You could hang onto my legs.
ESTRAGON: We'll soon see. Here.
They each take an end of the cord and pull. It breaks. They almost fall.
ESTRAGON: You say we have to come back tomorrow?
ESTRAGON: Then we can bring a good bit of rope.
ESTRAGON: I can't go on like this.
ESTRAGON: If we parted? That might be better for us.
ESTRAGON: And if he comes?
ESTRAGON: Well? Shall we go?
ESTRAGON: You want me to pull off my trousers?
ESTRAGON: (realizing his trousers are down). True. He pulls up his trousers.
ESTRAGON: Yes, let's go. They do not move. (Curtain)
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