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DBA9.0 system Technology brochure


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DBA9.0 system

Technology brochure

Part one

DBA-9.0 installation brochure

Chapter one general description

LED display can display various characters, symbols and graphics. Because of its simple operation and convenient control, the system is used widely in Social various professions.

LED control system is the Core part of the LED display, according to the control mode of the display screen, it May divide into the synchronous control system and the asynchronous control system

The asynchronous control system relying on the simple structure and the high capability/price ratio become the favorite for the general LED screen manufacturer.

The asynchronous control system principle is that the computer should edit the picture information, which needs to display in advance, then put the information into the LED display frame memory, and display page by page, circulation reciprocation, the display monitor may work in off-line.

ARM Embedded LED control system (Embedded Controller) is an asynchronous control system.

But it both has the asynchronous control system to be possible working in the off-line way and high capability/price ratio characteristic, and also has absorbed the synchronization control system gray level control characteristic.


1Rich Function, Strong Extension:

System design more perfect, the extension is strong, provides the good technical support and the application development platform for the user; it can be redeveloped, may provide the different solution according to the user request;

2Stable Performance , Plug and Play

Uses the large-scale programmable logical element, unique design, compact structure, the performance is stable; not need to debug before using, Plug and Play

3Super High Frame Frequency, Stable Picture

High scan frequencythe frame frequency is more than 120Hz in the limited controllable field, the picture is stable without flicker.

4Supports Off-Line Working

After transmitting the data the system can work in off-line way, even the power failure, the data would not be lost.

5Strong Compatibility

Versatility is fine; it matches many kinds of popular specifications LED display unit in the market.

6Hardware Architecture

The hardware architecture makes use of embedded system technology, realizing the network transmission, and preserving the serial interface communication


System software interface friendly, the operation is simple;

8The Largest Screen Size

Double Color 512256 (256 256 gray level)

Full Color 256128 (4096 4096 4096 gray level)

(9) Long-Distance Transmission

Uses the advanced data transmission technology, and network high-speed data communication chip, guards against the static electricity, anti-radar strikes, support the long-distance transmission;

(10) Ethernet Data Transmission

Supports the TCP/IP protocol, the RJ45 connection interface, conforms to IEEE8023 10BASE_T;

(11) Supports for Many Kinds of Formats Display

Supports BMPEMFWMFJPGJPEGDIB and so on picture formats edit and browse.

Support text (* .txt) format edit and browse;

Supports the GIF format animations and videos edit and brows;

(12) Large Capacity

The large capacity uses 16M FLASH store 7.5 M picture;

(13) Supports the Figure Clock Display and Real Time Regulated.

The color and the position of the clock can be set by software. The clock only demonstrates hour and minute, the demonstration form is: XX:XX;

(14) Supports Multi-Field Display.

The embedded controller separates the screen into three fields, the first section is main display field, the second section is clock field, and the third section is caption field.

(15) The various stunts

Stunt functions are various, more than 30 display modes; every picture can be made stunts, supporting enter and exit mode. Repeating the same picture. Moreover, the system can be set about every pictures moving speed, the stop time, loop times and not to moving the captions and so on. Supports for mosaic, the horizontal stockade, the vertical stockade, vertical jalousie, the horizontal jalousie, left rotation 360, left rotation 180, left rotation 90, right rotation 360, right rotation 180, right rotation 90, the rectangle from center to all around, the rectangle from the around to the center, from the center to around in cross, from the around to the center in cross and so on 36 kinds of stunts;

(16)The Moving Caption

The moving caption color changed by setting.

Supports the real time input and the *.txt format edit and browse. Setting 99 pieces of captions in all and selecting one of them to display.

The moving captions typeface use the standard 16 lattices regular scripts fonts,

The moving caption color changed by setting.

Supports the real time input and the *.txt format edit and browse. Setting 99 pieces of captions in all and selecting one of them to display.

The moving captions typeface use the standard 16 lattices regular scripts fonts, There are two kinds of display modes: one is transparent mode, the other is cover mode, if it is transparent display mode, the moving captions superpose on the picture directly, taking the picture as the background, if it is the cover display, the picture is coved by the captions background color that is able to be set.

The moving captions position, the stop time, the moving speed and the loop time are able to be set.

Note: moving captions travel way only from right to left, the typeface only supports 16 lattices standard regular scripts fonts;

(17)Brightness Adjustment

Supports 8 levels of brightness controls, brightness can be set through the software, also be set through our company ARM appendix board (taking temperature, humidity, brightness sensor)

(18)The Temperature and Humidity Display

Supports the temperature and humidity display (only supports our company ARM appendix board), display on the top line of the screen (if the position need modify can be custom-made)

(19) Hardware Latch The Screen

Supports standard numeral keyboard interface, realizes the hardware to latch the screen;

(20) Others

Embedded controller series product can be adjust the display screens specification and the controlled size (the limited field: Double color 512256, full color 256128);

Embedded controller supports the indoor screen and the outdoors screen, the scanning mode including: double color 16scan mode, full color 8scan mode; Organizes multi-computers in one network by setting the different IP number and be controlled together

Main technical parameter



Gray Level

Red Green Blue 16384 Level

Control range

Full color 320192

Shifting Frequency


Refresh Frequency

60Hz-1000 Hz

Shift Register Chip

74HC595 MBI5026

TB62726 and so on

Scan Pulse/Bar Ratio

1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 static

The Number of The Output Port



T568A and T568B

Power supply


Chapter two system installation

Package list

ARM-9.0 embedded controller

One <<LED display controller handbook >>

One LED display controller software CD

Hardware installation

(1)embedded controller fixed un the display container

(2)the controller connect the screen with a network-line ,the line manufacture and connection method for details see the appendix.

(3)the screen driver board connects to the controller output port with 40pins flat line in one by one correspondence (port definition to see appendix)

(4)turn on the power supply ,carefully adjusts the LED controller input voltage +5v,suggest to provide the special power source for controller ,guarantees ,the power Votage +5v+0.2v.

(5)confirm the connection right, then to setting the parameters and testing.

Embedded controller graphic

PCB graphic as follows

5Vconnection USBconnection audio output signal output1

232COM NET CFjack signal output 2 signal output 3


USBconnection ARM9core

switchboard CFcard 232COM netline

24port signal output Udisk audio line 5Vpower

CF card jack SD card jack

Audio output USB connection

Net communication 232COM

Part two

ARM-9 series

Embedded LED display controller system software handbook

Chapter One original setting

After finished installation software, double click XMPLAYERThe software may research ARM9 automatically in the local net,auch as the following picture:

and then click NEW such as :the following picture

ARM9 program :is used for control and edit ARM9

confirm the size of screen: set the size of your screen, if you choose joining the controller card, it may research ARM9 automatically when first time using it. After set relative parameter, it may read data when you next time use, or you can choose joining the controller card, clickARM9 IP, and then click OK such as the following picture:

You may set according to your requirement, choose single window and multi-window ,such as we choose NO4 window ,click range(2*2)as follows;

Then you can adjust the window , pay attention that the same surface window may not folder, or it may report error. If you want to folder ,you can set the child window transparence to 0

Chapter two

controller card hardware setting

click control menu controller configure as follows:

May pop screen body setting dialogue, as follows

Click Initializationas follows

Click OKThe software may send parameter to ARM9 automatically, then click guide Aas follows:

Click OKas follows

You can set the lines according to your own screen model size, if you screen module the smallest size :16*16,but one of them are two group of RGB control, you should set 16*8,if 4group of RGB, You should set 16*4,and then click OK as the following picture

According to the count of continuous dark line and count of all bright line in LED display ,fill above dialogue ,and click OKas following

LEDscreen may have a light blink or bright, click the table cell accord with the bright LED location and order. click and then the LED may bright another light to induct you click them ,click all grids and then click OK then go to next step ,choose Wizad B

Click the color cell, accord with the color LED show, then click OK. It may pop the following picture

Click the table cell, accord with the order of LED screen show line, then click OK

Fill the size ,and click sending, back ,save the set ,as the following picture, click OK to save the parameter.

click OK to save the parameter.

Chapter three.

program edition

Then we back to program edition

Right click to add picture, ,then click OK, We can preview the program on the left corner. as follows:

Chapter four.

program sending

click control menu Asyn sendingas the following picture

Then wait for transfer document, at last choose the ARM9 to send, may finish the program edition, as following picture:



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