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PiMag OptimizerII
The Nikken solution in the search for perfect water.
The Nikken PiMag Optimizer II uses the same forces as those found in nature -
magnetic energy, water agitation, pi technology - to
produce water that is optimized, ideal for any use. A revolving pair of
4,400-gauss magnets produces a complex magnetic field a cocoon of magnetism.
The pi ring inside the pitcher exposes the water to natural minerals and coral
calcium as the rotor creates a vortex (cyclone) pattern, adding oxygen. The
Optimizer II has a two-liter water pitcher with a closeable spout, making it
ideal for keeping optimized water that's ready for drinking. The ergonomic
layout of the Optimizer II requires minimal counter space, and the digital
readout panel includes multiple functions.
PiMag Water System
The only water system with microfine ultrafiltration,
magnetic and pi technologies. Decades ago, in a remote region of
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