Bulgara | Ceha slovaca | Croata | Engleza | Estona | Finlandeza | Franceza |
Germana | Italiana | Letona | Lituaniana | Maghiara | Olandeza | Poloneza |
Sarba | Slovena | Spaniola | Suedeza | Turca | Ucraineana |
Symmetric positive-definite matrices have many interesting and desirable properties. For example, they are nonsingular, and LU decomposition can be performed on them without our having to worry about dividing by 0. In this section, we shall prove several other important properties of symmetric positive-definite matrices and show an interesting application to curve fitting by a least-squares approximation.
The first property we prove is perhaps the most basic.
Lemma 13
Any symmetric positive-definite matrix is nonsingular.
Proof Suppose that a matrix A is singular. Then by Corollary 3, there exists a nonzero vector x such that Ax = 0. Hence, xTAx = 0, and A cannot be positive-definite.
The proof that we can perform LU decomposition on a symmetric positive-definite matrix A without dividing by 0 is more involved. We begin by proving properties about certain submatrices of A. Define the kth leading submatrix of A to be the matrix Ak consisting of the intersection of the first k rows and first k columns of A.
Lemma 14
If A is a symmetric positive-definite matrix, then every leading submatrix of A is symmetric and positive-definite.
Proof That each leading submatrix Ak is symmetric is obvious. To prove that Ak is positive-definite, let x be a nonzero column vector of size k, and let us partition A as follows:
Then, we have
since A is positive-definite, and hence Ak is also positive-definite.
We now turn to some essential properties of the Schur
complement. Let A be a symmetric positive-definite matrix, and let Ak
be a leading k k submatrix
of A. Partition A as
Then, the Schur complement of A with respect to Ak is defined to be
(By Lemma 14, Ak
is symmetric and positive-definite; therefore, exists by Lemma
13, and S is well defined.) Note that our earlier definition (23) of the
Schur complement is consistent with definition (29), by letting k = 1.
The next lemma shows that the Schur-complement matrices of symmetric positive-definite matrices are themselves symmetric and positive-definite. This result was used in Theorem 12, and its corollary is needed to prove the correctness of LU decomposition for symmetric positive-definite matrices.
Lemma 15
If A is a symmetric positive-definite matrix and Ak
is a leading data k k
submatrix of A, then the Schur complement of A with respect to Ak
is symmetric and positive-definite.
Proof That S is symmetric follows from Exercise 1-7. It remains to show that S is positive-definite. Consider the partition of A given in equation (28).
For any nonzero vector x, we have xTAx > 0 by assumption. Let us break x into two subvectors y and z compatible with Ak and C, respectively. Because Ak-1 exists, we have
by matrix magic. (Verify by multiplying through.) This last equation amounts to 'completing the square' of the quadractic form. (See Exercise 6-2.)
Since xTAx > 0 holds for any
nonzero x, let us pick any nonzero z and then choose , which causes
the first term in equation (30) to vanish, leaving
as the value of the expression. For any z 0, we therefore
have zTSz = xTAx > 0, and
thus S is positive-definite.
Corollary 16
LU decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix never causes a division by 0.
Proof Let A be a
symmetric positive-definite matrix. We shall prove something stronger than the
statement of the corollary: every pivot is strictly positive. The first pivot
is a11. Let e1 be the first unit vector,
from which we obtain . Since the
first step of LU decomposition produces the Schur complement of A with
respect to A1 = (a11), Lemma 15 implies
that all pivots are positive by induction.
Fitting curves to given sets of data points is an important application of symmetric positive-definite matrices. Suppose that we are given a set of m data points
(x1,y1),(x2,y2),,(xm,ym),where the yi are known to be subject to measurement errors. We would like to determine a function F (x) such that
yi = F(xi) +for i = 1, 2, . . . , m, where the approximation
errors i are
small. The form of the function F depends on the problem at hand. Here,
we assume that it has the form of a linearly weighted sum,
where the number of summands n and the specific basis functions fj are chosen based on knowledge of the problem at hand. A common choice is fj(x) = xj-1, which means that
F(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2 +is a polynomial of degree n - 1 in x.
By choosing n = m, we calculate each yi exactly in equation (31). Such a high-degree F 'fits the noise' as well as the data, however, and generally gives poor results when used to predict y for previously unseen values of x. It is usually better to choose n significantly smaller than m and hope that by choosing the coefficients cj well, we can obtain a function F that finds the significantl patterns in the data points without paying undue attention to the noise. Some theoretical principles exist for choosing n, but they are beyond the scope of this text. In any case, once n is chosen, we end up with an overdetermined set of equations that we wish to solve as well as we can. We now show how this can be done.
denote the matrix of values of the basis functions at the given points; that is, aij = fj(xi). Let c = (ck) denote the desired size-n vector of coefficients. Then,
is the size-m vector of 'predicted values' for y. Thus,
is the size-m vector of approximation errors.
To minimize approximation errors, we choose to minimize the
norm of the error vector , which gives
us a least-squares solution, since
we can minimize |||| by differentiating ||
with respect to each ck and then setting the result to 0:
The n equations (32) for k = 1, 2, . . . , n are equivalent to the single matrix equation
(Ac -y)TA = 0or, equivalently (using Exercise 1-3), to
AT(Ac - y) = 0 ,which implies
ATAc = ATy .In statistics, this is called the normal equation. The matrix AT A is symmetric by Exercise 1-3, and if A has full column rank, then ATA is positive-definite as well. Hence, (ATA)-1 exists, and the solution to equation (33) is
c = ((ATA)-1AT)ywhere the matrix A+ = ((ATA)-1AT) is called the pseudoinverse of the matrix A. The pseudoinverese is a natural generalization of the notion of a matrix inverse to the case in which A is nonsquare. (Compare equation (34) as the approximate solution to Ac = y with the solution A-1b as the exact solution to Ax = b.)
As an example of producing a least-squares fit, suppose that we have 5 data points
shown as black dots in Figure 3. We wish to fit these points with a quadratic polynomial
F(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2.We start with the matrix of basis-function values
whose pseudoinverse is
Multiplying y by A+, we obtain the coefficient vector
which corresponds to the quadratic polynomial
F(x) = 1.200 - 0.757x + 0.214x2as the closest-fitting quadratic to the given data, in a least-squares sense.
As a practical matter, we solve the normal equation (33) by multiplying y by AT and then finding an LU decomposition of AT A. If A has full rank, the matrix AT A is guaranteed to be nonsingular, because it is symmetric and positive-definite. (See Exercise 1-3 and Theorem 6.)
Prove that every diagonal element of a symmetric positive-definite matrix is positive.
Let be a 2
2 symmetric
positive-definite matrix. Prove that its determinant ac - b2
is positive by 'completing the square' in a manner similar to that
used in the proof of Lemma 15.
Prove that the maximum element in a symmetric positive-definite matrix lies on the diagonal.
Prove that the determinant of each leading submatrix of a symmetric positive-definite matrix is positive.
Let Ak denote the kth leading submatrix of a symmetric positive-definite matrix A. Prove that det(Ak)/det(Ak-1) is the kth pivot during LU decomposition, where by convention det(A0) = 1.
Find the function of the form
F(x) = c1 + c2x lg x + c3exthat is the best least-squares fit to the data points
Show that the pseudoinverse A+ satisfies the following four equations:
AA A = A ,31-1 Shamir's boolean matrix multiplication algorithm
In Section 3, we observed that Strassen's
matrix-multiplication algorithm cannot be applied directly to boolean matrix
multiplication because the boolean quasiring Q = (,
, 0, 1) is not a ring. Theorem 10 showed that if we used arithmetic
operations on words of O(lg n) bits, we could nevertheless apply
Strassen's method to multiply n
boolean matrices in O(nlg 7) time. In this problem, we
investigate a probabilistic method that uses only bit operations to achieve
nearly as good a bound but with some small chance of error.
a. Show that R =
(, ,
, 0, 1), where
is the XOR
(exclusive-or) function, is a ring.
Let A = (aij) and B = (bij)
be n n
boolean matrices, and let C = (cij) = AB in the
quasiring Q. Generate A' = (a'ij) from A
using the following randomized procedure:
If aij = 0, then let a'ij =
If Aij = 1, then let a'ij =
1 with probability 1/2 and let a'ij = 0 with
probability 1/2. The random choices for each entry are independent.
b Let C' = (c'ij) = A'B in the ring R. Show that cij = 0 implies c'ij = 0. Show that cij = 1 implies c'ij = 1 with probability 1/2.
Show that for any > 0, the probability is at most
/n2 that a given c'ij never
takes on the value cij for lg(n2/
) independent choices of the matrix A'. Show that the
probability is at least 1 -
that all c'ij take on their correct values at
least once.
Give an O(nlg 7 lg n)-time randomized algorithm
that computes the product in the boolean quasiring Q of two n n
matrices with probability at least 1 - 1/nk for any constant k
> 0. The only operations permitted on matrix elements are
, and
31-2 Tridiagonal systems of linear equations
Consider the tridiagonal matrix
a. Find an LU decomposition of A.
b. Solve the equation Ax = (1 1 1 1 1)T by using forward and back substitution.
c. Find the inverse of A.
d. Show that for any n
symmetric, positive-definite, tridiagonal matrix A and any n-vector
b, the equation Ax = b can be solved in O(n)
time by performing an LU decomposition. Argue that any method based on forming A-1
is asymptotically more expensive in the worst case.
e. Show that for any n
nonsingular, tridiagonal matrix A and any n-vector b, the
equation Ax = b can be solved in O(n) time by
performing an LUP decomposition.
31-3 Splines
A practical method for interpolating a set of points with a
curve is to use cubic splines. We are given a set of n + 1
point-value pairs, where x0 < x1 < < xn.
We wish to fit a piecewise-cubic curve (spline) f(x) to the
points. That is, the curve f(x) is made up of n cubic
polynomials fi(x) = ai + bix
+ cix2 + dix3 for i
= 0,1, . . . , n - 1, where if x falls in the range xi
xi +
1, then the value of the curve is given by f(x) = fi(x
- xi). The points xi at which the cubic
polynomials are 'pasted' together are called knots. For
simplicity, we shall assume that xi = i for i =
0,1, . . . , n.
To ensure continuity of f(x), we require that
f(xi) = fi(0) = yi ,for i = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1. To ensure that f(x) is sufficiently smooth, we also insist that there be continuity of the first derivative at each knot:
for i = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1.
a. Suppose that for i = 0, 1, . . . , n, we are given not only the point-value pairs but also the first derivatives Di = f'(xi) at each knot. Express each coefficient ai, bi, ci, and di in terms of the values yi, yi+1, Di, and Di+1. (Remember that xi = i.) How quickly can the 4n coefficients be computed from the point-value pairs and first derivatives?
The question remains of how to choose the first derivatives of f(x) at the knots. One method is to require the second derivatives to be continuous at the knots:
for i = 0, 1, . . . ,n - 1. At the first and
last knots, we assume that ; these
assumptions make f(x) a natural cubic spline.
b. Use the continuity constraints on the second derivative to show that for i = 1, 2, . . . , n - 1,
Di + 4Di + Di + 1 = 3(yi + 1 - yi - 1) .c. Show that
2D0 + D1 = 3(y1 - y0) ,d. Rewrite equations (35)--(37)
as a matrix equation involving the vector D = D0,
D1, . . . , Dn
of unknowns.
What attributes does the matrix in your equation have?
e. Argue that a set of n + 1 point-value pairs can be interpolated with a natural cubic spline in O(n) time (see Problem 31-2).
f. Show how to determine a
natural cubic spline that interpolates a set of n + 1 points (xi,
yi) satisfying x0 < x1
< < xn,
even when xi is not necessarily equal to i. What
matrix equation must be solved, and how quickly does your algorithm run?
There are many excellent texts available that describe numerical and scientific computation in much greater detail than we have room for here. The following are especially readable: George and Liu [81], Golub and Van Loan [89], Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling[161, 162], and Strang[181, 182].
The publication of Strassen's algorithm in 1969 [183] caused
much excitement. Before then, it was hard to imagine that the naive algorithm
could be improved upon. The asymptotic upper bound on the difficulty of matrix
multiplication has since been considerably improved. The most asymptotically
efficient algorithm for multiplying n n
matrices to date, due to Coppersmith and Winograd [52], has a running time of O(n2.376).
The graphical presentation of Strassen's algorithm is due to Paterson [155].
Fischer and Meyer [67] adapted Strassen's algorithm to boolean matrices
(Theorem 10) .
Gaussian elimination, upon which the LU and LUP decompositions
are based, was the first systematic method for solving linear systems of
equations. It was also one of the earliest numerical algorithms. Although it
was known earlier, its discovery is commonly attributed to C. F. Gauss
(1777-1855). In his famous paper [183], Strassen also showed that an n n matrix
can be inverted in O(nlg 7) time. Winograd [203]
originally proved that matrix multiplication is no harder than matrix
inversion, and the converse is due to Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [4].
Strang [182] has an excellent presentation of symmetric positive-definite matrices and on linear algebra in general. He makes the following remark on page 334: 'My class often asks about unsymmetric positive definite matrices. I never use that term.'
Symmetric positive-definite matrices have many interesting and desirable properties. For example, they are nonsingular, and LU decomposition can be performed on them without our having to worry about dividing by 0. In this section, we shall prove several other important properties of symmetric positive-definite matrices and show an interesting application to curve fitting by a least-squares approximation.
The first property we prove is perhaps the most basic.
Lemma 13
Any symmetric positive-definite matrix is nonsingular.
Proof Suppose that a matrix A is singular. Then by Corollary 3, there exists a nonzero vector x such that Ax = 0. Hence, xTAx = 0, and A cannot be positive-definite.
The proof that we can perform LU decomposition on a symmetric positive-definite matrix A without dividing by 0 is more involved. We begin by proving properties about certain submatrices of A. Define the kth leading submatrix of A to be the matrix Ak consisting of the intersection of the first k rows and first k columns of A.
Lemma 14
If A is a symmetric positive-definite matrix, then every leading submatrix of A is symmetric and positive-definite.
Proof That each leading submatrix Ak is symmetric is obvious. To prove that Ak is positive-definite, let x be a nonzero column vector of size k, and let us partition A as follows:
Then, we have
since A is positive-definite, and hence Ak is also positive-definite.
We now turn to some essential properties of the Schur
complement. Let A be a symmetric positive-definite matrix, and let Ak
be a leading k k submatrix
of A. Partition A as
Then, the Schur complement of A with respect to Ak is defined to be
(By Lemma 14, Ak is symmetric and
positive-definite; therefore, exists by Lemma
13, and S is well defined.) Note that our earlier definition (23) of the
Schur complement is consistent with definition (29), by letting k = 1.
The next lemma shows that the Schur-complement matrices of symmetric positive-definite matrices are themselves symmetric and positive-definite. This result was used in Theorem 12, and its corollary is needed to prove the correctness of LU decomposition for symmetric positive-definite matrices.
Lemma 15
If A is a
symmetric positive-definite matrix and Ak is a leading data k
submatrix of A, then the Schur complement of A with respect to Ak
is symmetric and positive-definite.
Proof That S is symmetric follows from Exercise 1-7. It remains to show that S is positive-definite. Consider the partition of A given in equation (28).
For any nonzero vector x, we have xTAx > 0 by assumption. Let us break x into two subvectors y and z compatible with Ak and C, respectively. Because Ak-1 exists, we have
by matrix magic. (Verify by multiplying through.) This last equation amounts to 'completing the square' of the quadractic form. (See Exercise 6-2.)
Since xTAx
> 0 holds for any nonzero x, let us pick any nonzero z and
then choose , which causes
the first term in equation (30) to vanish, leaving
as the value of the
expression. For any z 0, we therefore
have zTSz = xTAx > 0, and
thus S is positive-definite.
Corollary 16
LU decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix never causes a division by 0.
Proof Let A be a symmetric positive-definite matrix. We shall prove
something stronger than the statement of the corollary: every pivot is strictly
positive. The first pivot is a11. Let e1 be
the first unit vector, from which we obtain . Since the
first step of LU decomposition produces the Schur complement of A with
respect to A1 = (a11), Lemma 15 implies
that all pivots are positive by induction.
Fitting curves to given sets of data points is an important application of symmetric positive-definite matrices. Suppose that we are given a set of m data points
(x1,y1),(x2,y2),,(xm,ym),where the yi are known to be subject to measurement errors. We would like to determine a function F (x) such that
yi = F(xi) +for i = 1, 2, . .
. , m, where the approximation errors i are
small. The form of the function F depends on the problem at hand. Here,
we assume that it has the form of a linearly weighted sum,
where the number of summands n and the specific basis functions fj are chosen based on knowledge of the problem at hand. A common choice is fj(x) = xj-1, which means that
F(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2 +is a polynomial of degree n - 1 in x.
By choosing n = m, we calculate each yi exactly in equation (31). Such a high-degree F 'fits the noise' as well as the data, however, and generally gives poor results when used to predict y for previously unseen values of x. It is usually better to choose n significantly smaller than m and hope that by choosing the coefficients cj well, we can obtain a function F that finds the significantl patterns in the data points without paying undue attention to the noise. Some theoretical principles exist for choosing n, but they are beyond the scope of this text. In any case, once n is chosen, we end up with an overdetermined set of equations that we wish to solve as well as we can. We now show how this can be done.
denote the matrix of values of the basis functions at the given points; that is, aij = fj(xi). Let c = (ck) denote the desired size-n vector of coefficients. Then,
is the size-m vector of 'predicted values' for y. Thus,
is the size-m vector of approximation errors.
To minimize approximation
errors, we choose to minimize the norm of the error vector , which gives
us a least-squares solution, since
we can minimize |||| by differentiating ||
with respect to each ck and then setting the result to 0:
The n equations (32) for k = 1, 2, . . . , n are equivalent to the single matrix equation
(Ac -y)TA = 0or, equivalently (using Exercise 1-3), to
AT(Ac - y) = 0 ,which implies
ATAc = ATy .In statistics, this is called the normal equation. The matrix AT A is symmetric by Exercise 1-3, and if A has full column rank, then ATA is positive-definite as well. Hence, (ATA)-1 exists, and the solution to equation (33) is
c = ((ATA)-1AT)ywhere the matrix A+ = ((ATA)-1AT) is called the pseudoinverse of the matrix A. The pseudoinverese is a natural generalization of the notion of a matrix inverse to the case in which A is nonsquare. (Compare equation (34) as the approximate solution to Ac = y with the solution A-1b as the exact solution to Ax = b.)
As an example of producing a least-squares fit, suppose that we have 5 data points
shown as black dots in Figure 3. We wish to fit these points with a quadratic polynomial
F(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2.We start with the matrix of basis-function values
whose pseudoinverse is
Multiplying y by A+, we obtain the coefficient vector
which corresponds to the quadratic polynomial
F(x) = 1.200 - 0.757x + 0.214x2as the closest-fitting quadratic to the given data, in a least-squares sense.
As a practical matter, we solve the normal equation (33) by multiplying y by AT and then finding an LU decomposition of AT A. If A has full rank, the matrix AT A is guaranteed to be nonsingular, because it is symmetric and positive-definite. (See Exercise 1-3 and Theorem 6.)
Prove that every diagonal element of a symmetric positive-definite matrix is positive.
Let be a 2
2 symmetric
positive-definite matrix. Prove that its determinant ac - b2
is positive by 'completing the square' in a manner similar to that
used in the proof of Lemma 15.
Prove that the maximum element in a symmetric positive-definite matrix lies on the diagonal.
Prove that the determinant of each leading submatrix of a symmetric positive-definite matrix is positive.
Let Ak denote the kth leading submatrix of a symmetric positive-definite matrix A. Prove that det(Ak)/det(Ak-1) is the kth pivot during LU decomposition, where by convention det(A0) = 1.
Find the function of the form
F(x) = c1 + c2x lg x + c3exthat is the best least-squares fit to the data points
Show that the pseudoinverse A+ satisfies the following four equations:
31-1 Shamir's boolean matrix multiplication algorithm
Section 3, we observed that Strassen's matrix-multiplication algorithm cannot
be applied directly to boolean matrix multiplication because the boolean
quasiring Q = (,
, 0, 1) is not a ring. Theorem 10 showed that if we used arithmetic
operations on words of O(lg n) bits, we could nevertheless apply
Strassen's method to multiply n
boolean matrices in O(nlg 7) time. In this problem, we
investigate a probabilistic method that uses only bit operations to achieve
nearly as good a bound but with some small chance of error.
a. Show that R = (, ,
, 0, 1), where
is the XOR
(exclusive-or) function, is a ring.
Let A = (aij)
and B = (bij) be n n
boolean matrices, and let C = (cij) = AB in the
quasiring Q. Generate A' = (a'ij) from A
using the following randomized procedure:
If aij = 0, then let a'ij =
If Aij = 1, then let a'ij =
1 with probability 1/2 and let a'ij = 0 with
probability 1/2. The random choices for each entry are independent.
b Let C' = (c'ij) = A'B in the ring R. Show that cij = 0 implies c'ij = 0. Show that cij = 1 implies c'ij = 1 with probability 1/2.
c Show that for any > 0, the probability is at most
/n2 that a given c'ij never
takes on the value cij for lg(n2/
) independent choices of the matrix A'. Show that the
probability is at least 1 -
that all c'ij take on their correct values at
least once.
d Give an O(nlg 7 lg n)-time
randomized algorithm that computes the product in the boolean quasiring Q
of two n n
matrices with probability at least 1 - 1/nk for any constant k
> 0. The only operations permitted on matrix elements are
, and
31-2 Tridiagonal systems of linear equations
Consider the tridiagonal matrix
a. Find an LU decomposition of A.
b. Solve the equation Ax = (1 1 1 1 1)T by using forward and back substitution.
c. Find the inverse of A.
d. Show that for any n n
symmetric, positive-definite, tridiagonal matrix A and any n-vector
b, the equation Ax = b can be solved in O(n)
time by performing an LU decomposition. Argue that any method based on forming A-1
is asymptotically more expensive in the worst case.
e. Show that for any n n
nonsingular, tridiagonal matrix A and any n-vector b, the
equation Ax = b can be solved in O(n) time by
performing an LUP decomposition.
31-3 Splines
A practical method for interpolating a set of points with a curve is to
use cubic splines. We are given a set of n + 1 point-value pairs, where x0
< x1 < < xn.
We wish to fit a piecewise-cubic curve (spline) f(x) to the
points. That is, the curve f(x) is made up of n cubic
polynomials fi(x) = ai + bix
+ cix2 + dix3 for i
= 0,1, . . . , n - 1, where if x falls in the range xi
xi +
1, then the value of the curve is given by f(x) = fi(x
- xi). The points xi at which the cubic
polynomials are 'pasted' together are called knots. For
simplicity, we shall assume that xi = i for i =
0,1, . . . , n.
To ensure continuity of f(x), we require that
f(xi) = fi(0) = yi ,for i = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1. To ensure that f(x) is sufficiently smooth, we also insist that there be continuity of the first derivative at each knot:
for i = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1.
a. Suppose that for i = 0, 1, . . . , n, we are given not only the point-value pairs but also the first derivatives Di = f'(xi) at each knot. Express each coefficient ai, bi, ci, and di in terms of the values yi, yi+1, Di, and Di+1. (Remember that xi = i.) How quickly can the 4n coefficients be computed from the point-value pairs and first derivatives?
The question remains of how to choose the first derivatives of f(x) at the knots. One method is to require the second derivatives to be continuous at the knots:
for i = 0, 1, . .
. ,n - 1. At the first and last knots, we assume that ; these
assumptions make f(x) a natural cubic spline.
b. Use the continuity constraints on the second derivative to show that for i = 1, 2, . . . , n - 1,
Di + 4Di + Di + 1 = 3(yi + 1 - yi - 1) .c. Show that
2D0 + D1 = 3(y1 - y0) ,d. Rewrite equations (35)--(37) as a matrix equation involving the vector
D = D0,
D1, . . . , Dn
of unknowns.
What attributes does the matrix in your equation have?
e. Argue that a set of n + 1 point-value pairs can be interpolated with a natural cubic spline in O(n) time (see Problem 31-2).
f. Show how to determine a natural cubic spline that interpolates a set
of n + 1 points (xi, yi) satisfying x0
< x1 < < xn,
even when xi is not necessarily equal to i. What
matrix equation must be solved, and how quickly does your algorithm run?
There are many excellent texts available that describe numerical and scientific computation in much greater detail than we have room for here. The following are especially readable: George and Liu [81], Golub and Van Loan [89], Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling[161, 162], and Strang[181, 182].
The publication of
Strassen's algorithm in 1969 [183] caused much excitement. Before then, it was
hard to imagine that the naive algorithm could be improved upon. The asymptotic
upper bound on the difficulty of matrix multiplication has since been
considerably improved. The most asymptotically efficient algorithm for
multiplying n n
matrices to date, due to Coppersmith and Winograd [52], has a running time of O(n2.376).
The graphical presentation of Strassen's algorithm is due to Paterson [155].
Fischer and Meyer [67] adapted Strassen's algorithm to boolean matrices
(Theorem 10) .
Gaussian elimination,
upon which the LU and LUP decompositions are based, was the first systematic
method for solving linear systems of equations. It was also one of the earliest
numerical algorithms. Although it was known earlier, its discovery is commonly
attributed to C. F. Gauss (1777-1855). In his famous paper [183], Strassen also
showed that an n n matrix
can be inverted in O(nlg 7) time. Winograd [203]
originally proved that matrix multiplication is no harder than matrix
inversion, and the converse is due to Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [4].
Strang [182] has an excellent presentation of symmetric positive-definite matrices and on linear algebra in general. He makes the following remark on page 334: 'My class often asks about unsymmetric positive definite matrices. I never use that term.'
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