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We will begin by examining the DIETARY REQUIREMENTS of the chronic candida patient.


1) Stop feeding the yeast.

We do this by removing all foods containing sugar, especially sugar, cakes, chocolate, lollies, honey, jams and fruit juice. We must also remove all foods containing yeast, including bread, vegemite, mushrooms, alcohol and ferments like soy sauce and vinegar.

2) Removal of major intolerances.

You must isolate the main food intolerances or they will continue to suppress the immune system. Primaries are dairy products, eggs, wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, peanuts and orange juice. Muscle test and leave in all that you can. Environmental pollutants need consideration, especially mouldy bathrooms or mouldy house foundations, damp dwellings, house dust mite, sprays, pets and woollen underblankets.

3) Avoid substances that promote yeast growth.

Cease using the contraceptive pill. Use rhythm method, diaphragm, condoms. Cease using, or wean off, steroid hormones.

Support for the Immune System

1) Stress.

Reduce it. Look at the work situation, home situation, job relations, lack of gentle exercise, lack of relaxation.

2) Supplemental support.

Where there is any food intolerance, digestive enzymes and/or HCI, supplements become very important. They will be necessary to ensure the efficient breakdown of ingested foods so as to minimise the effect of larger food

particles slipping across a potentially porous 'out wall'. Digestive enzymes are the most frequently used.

The primary nutrients for immune support are Vitamin C, B Complex and the mineral zinc. Interestingly megadoses of Vitamin C are not as effective in the treatment of yeast as they are for many other problems. Iron should be used if the patient is demonstrating symptoms of iron deficiency. Evening primrose oil or micellised essential fatty acids are useful for preventing the miceal form (root growth) of the yeast. Vitamins E and A, often provided together in micellised form, are of value in repairing the damaged gut wall. They assist in dozens of other functions as well.

There are quite a lot of nutrients which help to clear this problem. In an effort to maximise effectiveness and keep supplements to a minimum, I usually choose digestive enzymes and a good quality B Complex containing C, zinc and E.

Create a Favourable Environment in the Bowel

There are really two components here.

First we must create an unfavourable environment for yeast. The choices are tea tree oil, garlic and caprylic acid. All are effective antifungals which make life difficult for yeast. Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic and antifungal. It is not certain whether it kills yeast but it certainly retards their growth. It is best taken at 3 drops rinsed down with water, twice per day. This will eliminate the yeast from the mouth to the anus. Most bodies will begin to reject this after about 3‑4 days. That is usually enough and it can be discontinued.

Garlic has similar properties. Large doses of odourless garlic is effective against candida albicans. Use 2‑3 tablets, twice per day. If possible, swallow a small clove of fresh garlic once or twice per day. Finally caprylic acid is a fatty acid with antifungal properties. The manufacturers claim its efficiency but I have found that it mostly fails a muscle test and therefore rarely use it.

The next step is to create a favourable environment for the lacto bacteria. It is essential to re‑inoculate the gut with these 'friendly bacteria'. They are antagonistic to yeast and will bring their numbers into check. Firstly, use a good quality acidophilus yoghurt. Jalna is excellent. Tolerance to dairy would need to be considered. Secondly, provide a supplemental form of lactobacillus acidophilus. This is readily available and ranges from cheap encapsulated bacteria to expensive refrigerated supplies. Despite manufacturers' assurances that their expensive products are the 'only ones', I find they just as often fail muscle testing where a cheap product will pass. However the old rule still prevails: you only get what you pay for.

The Dangers of Modern Bread

In the old days, bread dough was made in the evening and baked the next morning, after rising overnight. Now with quick‑acting yeast it can rise in an hour or less. It may stay in the oven for about the same time, then it is rushed to the cool room and sliced and packaged.

As a result, today's bread is full of quick‑acting, live yeast, ready to multiply in your gut. This bread is also poorly digested leading to intolerance and the absorption of undigested protein. By eating yeasted breads which are not cooked enough to kill live yeast, we further add this fungus to our system. This will stimulate candida growth. Sour dough bread is a much better choice. If made correctly this bread is leavened over a period of 1‑2 days without using active yeast or baking powders. In the short term, avoid all breads. After a month or two, it may be all right to allow a small amount of home‑made or correctly manufactured sour dough, once or twice per week.

DRINKS Distilled or filtered water, herb teas, coffee

substitutes, 1 vege juice per day. No fruit


ABSOLUTELY NO  bread, vegemite, dietary yeast, sugar, cakes,

chocolate, sweet biscuits, honey, fruit juice.

PREFERABLY NO milk, alcohol, soy sauce.

Alternative Food Choices

Many people feel they can handle a no sugar diet but come 'unstuck' at the thought of no bread. Establish what grains are allowed and suggest rice biscuits, rice wafers and crackers (these are nearly always safe). If tolerated use Rivita and Vita Wheat biscuits, in fact anything that does not have yeast on the packet. Try wholemeal crumpets.

In mild cases I allow up to 1 teaspoon of honey per day as a treat but this must be a maximum.

Summary of Treatment Protocol


This must be a no sugar, no bread or yeast products diet relying mainly on fish, chicken and vegetables and must be adhered to strictly for the first 10‑21 days.


‑ Use digestive enzymes, 2 with breakfast, 2 with dinner. Use B Complex preferably with Vitamin C and Zinc, 1 with breakfast, 1 with dinner.

Tea Tree Oil. 3 drops rinsed down with water immediately, taken twice per day for as long as tolerated (usually 3‑4 days). It is very powerful and better not taken with food.

Garlic. Use the odourless variety. 2‑3 capsules at breakfast and 2‑3 at dinner. Garlic and tea tree oil together might be a bit much so choose one to begin with, then move on to the other.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus capsules. 2 with breakfast, 2 with dinner. Powders should be used at about 2 level teaspoons in room temperature water with breakfast and dinner.


Sodium Ascorbate, 1 tsp with breakfast, 1 tsp with dinner.

Evening Primrose Oil, 2 capsules with breakfast, 2 with dinner.

Micellised Essential Fatty Acids, 1 ml in water with breakfast only.

Micellised A plus E, 1 ml in water with breakfast only.

Biotin, 200 mcg, with breakfast, 200 mcg with dinner.

Micostatin capsules (anti fungal drug). These can be valuable to break

the yeast's hold but must not be continued or the patient will become

dependant on them. If a muscle test indicates their use, consider 3

capsules with breakfast, 3 capsules with dinner for 5 days, then 1 capsule

with breakfast and 1 capsule with dinner for another 5 days.

Herxheimer reactions can occur with large doses of antifungals. The yeast reacts to the assault by the drug. This can cause nausea, flare up of skin problems, diarrhoea etc. Because of this possibility it is better not to apply large doses of the drug with tea tree oil or high dose garlic. Wait until the second week before introducing them.

Dioxychlor is an antioxidant used mainly in the cancer clinics of Mexico. It is an illegal import but can be brought in legally by individuals who buy it overseas. It is used in both homoeopathic form and intravenously. Results are often very favourable.


The manifestation of chronic thrush is indicative of intestinal proliferation of the Candida Albicans organism. This same bacteria is also responsible for cystitis. It is the close proximity of the anal orifice, vagina and urethra which allows the infection to spread from the bowel and manifest at these other sites. Similarly, the problem can be passed to a male partner and as such the partner will need treatment also.

The treatment of Candida infection requires dietary modification, immune support and recolonisation of the gut with the 'friendly' Lacto bacteria. Treatment can take many months or years. This can seem daunting but the problem must be addressed and there is nothing more pressing in one's life than the attainment of 'good health'. Allergies, both food and environmental are likely to be a major factor and will need to be addressed.


Post viral infection will be at the bottom of the immune suppression in all chronic Candida and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients. These viruses are usually Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis also known as glandular fever) Cytomeglo virus (belonging to the Herpes simplex group), Hepatitis virus and Coxsacci virus.

In time, and given the right ingredients of good food and relaxation, the immune system will overcome them. The two faster routes are with homoeopathic nosodes or intravenous Vitamin C therapy.

It is my personal belief that a major player in the game of immune suppression will be amalgam fillings. I feel that it will be these toxins combined with our poor lifestyle that creates the immune weakness that allows this low level viral activity to gain the powerful hold that it does. All other problems will stem from here.


Dr Stephen Davies reports in his excellent book 'Nutritional Medicine', that there are an estimated 10 billion micro organisms per gram in colonic and faecal matter and that these make up half of the mass of the stools that we pass. This means that there are actually more of these organisms than there are cells in the body.


'Some can eat their fill of cheese without any unpleasant consequences, and those whom it suits are wonderfully strengthened by it Others have something in the body which is inimitable to cheese and this is aroused and disturbed by it.'

These words by Hippocrates pretty much sum up the situation as far as allergies and intolerances are concerned. What is meat for one, is poison for another. When considering allergies, one must maintain a completely open mind. If somebody demonstrates the symptoms of allergy, it may not be the pint of milk they drink every day, or the glass of orange juice they have for breakfast; it may well be their aftershave or perfume, or the mould in the foundations of their house. The possibilities are vast.

As this course is about nutrition, we will concentrate on food intolerance, but please remain totally open‑minded as to all possible sources of allergens.

Allergies can cause a vast array of symptoms and contribute to just as many others. The majority of us have allergies, or more correctly sensitivities, to some foods and inhalants. Long ago (too long to remember), when we lived on clean fuel, our bodies would have been acutely sensitive to anything that caused an allergic reaction. Unfortunately, we are nowhere near as well in tune these days and reactions are well buried under the variety and quantity of food that we consume daily. Nonetheless, we can cultivate an awareness of how our bodies feel, and what makes us feel 'good' or 'not good'; this is one of the best indicators of what foods are compatible with you. The cleaner your body is, the clearer will be the messages it gives you.


Symptoms are so many and varied that it is impossible to cover them all. With infants, an allergy to a food or fabric or chemical may manifest as crib rocking or head banging during infancy, unpredictable behaviour, irritability, tantrums and restlessness.

Older children may suffer from bed wetting, hyperactivity, moodiness, disruptive behaviour, problems at school and learning difficulties.

Adult reactions can include all of these plus sinusitis, asthma, palpitations, fatigue, anxiety, thrush and anti‑social behaviour. When you are subjected to the stress of an allergic reaction you are certainly not yourself, and if it is severe enough almost anything is possible.

Allergies and intolerances can make your life hell.

Many of the things that we crave and eat daily can be the main culprits. Indeed food cravings are a dead give away in identifying problem foods. Because we are continually ingesting these foods we create further intolerance to them and as a result we are always a little 'under the weather' but do not realise what is causing it.

Circles under the eyes are often an indicator of allergies, however, do not jump to conclusions because this can also indicate kidney problems or possibly liver problems, or not enough sleep, or maybe a bit of each. In days of old it was considered a sure sign of masturbation, but that is hardly a conclusion that you should spring to.


The severity of an allergic reaction is very much a question of resistance. The stronger your body is, the less likely it is to be intolerant to things. From this you can know that a person who is 'run down' is going to

suffer with more intolerances than a healthy person. This, in turn, will cause a further compromising of their health. A two‑fold approach is therefore required.

1) Remove any offending food or substance.

2) Support the body with immune enhancing food and supplements.

When anything at all enters our inner environment, whether it be eaten, drunk or inhaled, our defence system considers it to be an invader until proven otherwise. The immune system is always 'on guard' in readiness. If this foreign matter checks out as compatible, or at least not harmful, it is allowed to pass. Indeed there is much evidence to suggest that each morsel of food is targeted whilst in the mouth, for use at its final destination. If an ingested substance is not compatible, an immune reaction follows.


When an allergen enters the body, there is an alarm reaction and a stress response. All of the glands and organs respond accordingly as we have studied during any stress response. The action between the allergen and the antibodies of the immune system can cause irritation and injury to tissues.

For example, when one experiences an allergic reaction such as hayfever, there may be inflammation to the upper air passages. In an effort to soothe the inflamed epithelial tissues of the nose and throat, the mucous membranes secrete large amounts of mucous and this usually results in a running nose or that 'all blocked up feeling'.

Other foods and chemicals to which one is sensitive, may produce a completely different effect. They may leave you feeling nervy, irritable and fatigued, for no apparent reason.

Our craving for allergic foods seems to be something like a drug dependence. Removing these foods from the diet often causes withdrawal symptoms. It has been suggested that we come to depend on the brief 'rush' of adrenaline and sugar (glucose) which will occur as the initial part of any stress reaction.


So far we have examined the nature and some of the symptoms of allergies and intolerances. Let us now look at further approaches to treating them. Before proceeding, it is important to define the terms allergy, intolerance and sensitivity. Authorities vary in their application of this terminology, so for the purpose of this course we will consider that any severe, violent or chronic reaction to a food or substance is an allergic reaction. Any lesser reaction to a food or substance, for example fatigue, mood swings or mucous congestion, we will regard as intolerance or sensitivity to that food or substance.

If you suspect a substance is causing problems, you must first identify that substance. This is not always easy, in fact, it can be positively difficult, and you will need to be open‑minded.

The following list covers the primary food offenders. It would not be unreasonable to say that everybody suffers some degree of intolerance to a number of these foods:

all dairy products ‑ milk, ice cream, chocolate, cheese and yoghurt.

Yoghurt is better tolerated because of its predigested nature.


grains ‑ wheat, rye, oats, barley (all contain gluten). Corn. Rice and

millet are usually safe.

soy beans ‑ including tofu and soy drinks.

citrus fruits ‑ oranges, lemons, grapefruits.

yeast ‑ all forms: brewers', torula, yeast flakes, fermented foods


tomatoes, capsicum, onion, garlic, potatoes.

food colourings and additives.

Some of the more common inhalants include:

house dust and dust mite.

sprays ‑ fly spray, deodorants, starches

moulds and fungi ‑ yeast family.

pet hair and dander

feather and down ‑ quilts and pillows.

exhaust fumes ‑ from motor vehicles.

gas ‑ from leaking stoves, water heaters, etc.

fresh paintwork and new carpet (rubber backing).


As you can see, this list covers many things that we contact daily. The orthodox medical response has been to seek 'one offender' or possibly a number of offenders, but usually from the grass or mould family or something equally obscure.

Little emphasis is placed on problem foods which should be the priority given that we spend all day, every day, ingesting them. Medical science does not yet understand that these problems are just a reflection of serious breakdowns occurring throughout the body.

Immune incompetence is the main reason for our inability to cope with these things. In a 'well' individual there will be certain foods and substances that could be classed as 'borderline' in biochemical compatibility. It will be these that manifest as intolerances in the weakened individual.

So, how does somebody become weakened and therefore susceptible?

The answer is in all the ways that we have previously examined, i.e. stress, poor lifestyle, pollutants, insufficient clean water, nutritional deficiencies, bowel toxicity and post viral infection. All will weaken the body and suppress immune function. To treat this we must temporarily remove the offending allergens, support the immune system and digestion with good food, herbs, supplements and clean water and address whatever other problem areas appear to be priorities.

It is possible to be allergic or intolerant to anything, and indeed some people develop violent reactions to shellfish or some other individual substance. However, the most common complaint addressed by natural therapist and medicos alike is usually called chronic run down syndrome. These people will nearly always be suffering from mild multiple intolerances and the identification and exclusion of these offenders will be a necessary part of their successful treatment.


Almost all allergens are either proteins or toxins. If you consider the examples given, you will see that, with the exception of citrus fruits and

moulds, they all fall into one of these two categories. Allergic reactions are often the result of undigested protein passing across the wall of the gastric mucosa and entering the bloodstream.

The answer to this problem lies in correct digestion. We also find that in many individuals the gut wall has become weak and porous as a result of poor nutrition. The condition of yeast overgrowth/Candidiasis presents its own special problems as the multiplying yeast grow long tentacle‑like 'roots' and burrow through the gut in search of food. Faeces, macro molecules (large undigested protein especially) and toxins slip through the wall and directly into the bloodstream.


This is one of the oldest methods used to establish the degree of debilitation caused by allergies. The basic principle involves eliminating almost all possible food allergens and allowing the body a period of cleansing. From this cleansed state, we are hypersensitive to any food or substance which is disagreeable to us.

Fasts, using distilled or spring water only are the most effective; however, they are also the most difficult for the lay person. Such a fast requires great commitment to the task, and usually necessitates a break from work and a calm and supportive environment.

Vegetable and fruit juice fasts are the next best. Few people are allergic to vegetables and fruits (except citrus). These should be organic, to avoid sprays, and should be taken slowly and mixed with distilled or spring water. This type of fast can be undertaken for a week or so with relative ease and complete safety. To identify allergens, you break the fast slowly introducing one food at a time; about 2 hours apart. Slowly work your way through, with the most likely problem foods last. Be careful, because reactions from the hypersensitive state can be quite severe.


This technique is part of the healing system called Applied Kinesiology or A.K. It involves testing the strength of individual muscles. The strength of these muscles depends on the integrity of our body's electrical system. By placing a food or substance close to the body, the electrical system is either undisturbed, as in the case of a 'good' food, or it is 'blown', temporarily, as in the

case of an unsuitable food or substance. In the latter case, the muscle being tested will weaken and this will indicate an intolerance to the substance. Foods, vitamins, minerals, fabrics or indeed anything can, and should be, tested.

This system has its weaknesses, of course, but it is a superb indicator when a quick and simple appraisal is required. Tests can be repeated easily, every week or two, to check whether one's strength and resistance is building. This raises another important point: sensitivities are usually temporary.

We have seen that when weakened, we are much more likely to suffer from sensitivities. However, just because you have them now, does not mean that you will have them forever. This is mainly true of foods. If you avoid that food, and look after yourself, then systems will strengthen and in a short space of time, you may tolerate occasional meals containing that food.


These tests are performed by medical practitioners and can be useful for pinpointing allergies to substances other than foods, i.e. dustmites, house dust, etc. They are not very accurate for foods.


A 'healthy person' may have a slight intolerance to dairy foods, and suffer a little hayfever in spring. Others may experience considerable problems from everyday, accepted foods. Finally there are those who will be flattened by everything on our list. The people are usually diagnosed as suffering from M.E. or myalgic encephalomyelitis. M.E. is also known as Post Viral Syndrome.

As the name implies, there will be low level viral activity compromising their immune system, resulting in sensitivity to virtually everything. It is hard to know which comes first: reduced immunity resulting in the viral activity (i.e. cytomeglo or Epstein‑Barr virus) or the viral activity resulting in reduced immunity. Either way both conditions will be present and the body will not be strong enough to overcome them without considerable assistance. Treatment will necessitate all of the aforementioned processes plus the use of homoeopathic nosodes or megascorbate therapy to overcome viral activity. M.E. sufferers usually require months of bed rest. This condition is becoming common and is really just a further deterioration of the 'chronic rundown syndrome'.


Difficulties arise in tracing allergens, given that most of our foods are a variety or combination of products. Bread, for instance, usually contains wheat or rye flour (the protein here is gluten), yeast, sugar, salt emulsifier and oils. All of these are possible problems especially the gluten and the yeast. Many foods contain milk, to which most of the community will be intolerant to some degree. Eggs are also widely used in cooking and are high on the intolerance list.

As you can see, there are potential problems lurking in all areas for the chronic sufferer. This certainly builds a strong argument for simplicity of diet and lifestyle and the removal of processed foods and junk food.

Many allergies are masked; that is their effect is not always immediate. In fact it can take many hours before the symptoms of a masked allergen become apparent. In such cases it is almost impossible to assess by observation alone which food or substance caused the problem.


The two most accurate methods of determining a body's tolerance to foods and chemicals is with either the Vega test, or the new and highly advanced electrodiagnostic equipment. Both of these methods measure electrical resistance through the meridians of the body and the operator can determine accurately which substances are causing problems and what remedies will help. This type of testing is indicated for any serious illness.


As we have seen, this is a 'gluten intolerance' and it is being increasingly diagnosed as a result of our high consumption of products containing wheat, rye, oats and barley. These all contain the protein gluten.

Coeliac disease is an intestinal disorder. The ingestion of gluten destroys the villi and this interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Malnutrition can result from impaired absorption. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea and severe wind. It can also result in anaemia. All grains need to be checked and, if necessary, eliminated from the diet. A full spectrum of supplemental nutrients should be supplied, with special emphasis on digestive enzymes. Slippery elm can be very helpful.


A restrictive diet will be a necessary step in the return to health for chronic sufferers of allergies or sensitivities. It is important that any such restrictive diet be monitored closely. Experience has repeatedly shown that long term restrictive dieting often produces the opposite effect; that is, the person becomes sicker. This seems to result from the boredom of such a diet, and the lack of nutrients from limited variety and failing digestion. Do not go on indefinite restrictive dietary programmes. Most are not able to make the instant leap to flowing good health that such 'quality' eating is supposed to bring. Be fully committed to a low allergy regime for 7, 10 or 20 days then relax it. The old saying of 'a little bit of what you like won't hurt you' seems to be not only true, but essential. Begin to re‑introduce suspect foods on a rotation basis of about every 4 days. The body will usually tolerate this well. Here is yet another reason for variety in the diet.


Food and chemical intolerance is epidemic in our society. This manifests in a vast array of symptoms from flatulence to mental disease.

Identification and avoidance of offending substances is necessary as is support for the immune system and a good quality diet.

The following low allergy dietary programme is effective and not too difficult to apply. Do not stay on it indefinitely. Use it to 'break the hold' of food sensitivities and to provide the body with a rest and period of recuperation from such foods. Continue to test and introduce more variety into the diet ‑ including the occasional treat. Do not forget to look for environmental allergens like new paint, feather doonas, wool blankets, mouldy bathrooms and pets.


This low allergy diet is completely safe and provides all of the necessary protein and nutrients for glowing good health. Obviously any food that is a known problem should be omitted.

Most people cope well with this programme for a short to moderate period. You must be prepared. This means buying all of the allowable foods in advance and having things like cooked rice, baked veges, tinned sardines, nuts and fruits available to snack on. You may eat as much food as you like within reason, as long as there is variety. Do not forget to expect likely detoxifying reactions.


ALLOWABLE FOODS: Fruits and dried fruit (in moderation) ‑

check citrus

Vegetables ‑ check tomatoes, capsicum,

onion, garlic, mushrooms


Almonds ‑ some nuts are OK ‑ not


Sunflower seeds/pepitos

Brown rice


Beans ‑ most varieties are OK ‑ soy

usually fails


Chicken ‑ prefer free range

Fish ‑ fresh or tinned, especially sardines

‑ pour off oil

Yoghurt ‑ if tolerated ‑ not with asthma

or other mucous conditions

1 tsp honey per day

As you can see this list eliminates the primary offenders of milk, yeast, grains and eggs.

ALLOWABLE DRINKS Distilled or filtered water

Herb teas ‑ made with distilled or

filtered water

Fresh vegetables or fruit juices. Not


It is important to consume lots of water to flush the kidneys, rehydrate the body and minimize any detoxifying symptoms. Remember not to take this with food.

One teaspoon of sodium ascorbate, morning and night in a little water, after food, is advisable. Indeed the full range of immune supportive

supplements will be necessary to restore full health.

Low Allergy Dietary Suggestions


1. Boiled brown rice with sultanas, add seeds/nuts plus coconut

fibre and 1/2 tsp of honey.

2. Puffed millet or puffed rice + sultanas (or any dried fruit). Add

seeds and honey etc plus filtered water or apple juice and water.

3. Millet porridge ‑ grind millet seeds for a few minutes in a blender.

Stir into boiling water.

4. Fruit or melon.

5. Yoghurt (skim off fat). If allowed add seeds, honey etc.


1. Fruit

2. Almonds

3. Avocado on rice crackers


A combination of any of the following foods:

1. Vegetables ‑ raw, steamed or baked, salad (check tomatoes,

onion, capsicum etc)

Fish ‑ fresh or sardines, salmon or tuna; chicken preferably free

range chemical‑free; rice: boiled brown.

3. Avocado ‑ 2 per week maximum; beans: caution with tomato

based or soy


1. Fruit/dried fruit

2. Rice crackers with banana, avocado, hommus or tahini


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