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Cancer is a multifactorial degenerative disease. So is any disease, for that matter, its just that with cancer we need to acknowledge this fact quickly. Only medical practitioners are permitted to treat cancer. There are many different varieties ranging from skin cancer, to cancer of the internal organs.

Because the severe forms of this disease are often fatal, it is important that any treatment be commenced immediately. It is estimated that cancer develops some 2‑3 years before the first physical symptoms appear. So, by the time the disease is diagnosed, it is already well established.

Past Trauma

In most cases, there has been some traumatic experience, like the loss of a spouse or grandparent, which occurred some 18‑24 months before the first appearance of physical symptoms. This seems to be the 'final straw', the 'icing on the cake'.

It has been suggested that cancer is the final decision 'not to live'. Unconscious suicide. It is, however, vital that a cancer sufferer makes a conscious choice in favour of life, and totally accepts their power in recreating health. The domain of mental and emotional stresses, past traumas and current problems are all intimately related to the immune system's ability to defend the body against the ravages of cancer. Cancer cells are always present in our bodies, and only require sufficient lack of immunity, and toxic overload, to manifest.

Physical Breakdown

Our cells are constantly reproducing themselves. The body has control mechanisms which regulates this reproduction. Cancer appears to be a breakdown of these control mechanisms allowing a breed of aggressive and destructive cells to multiply. Groups of these cells break off and travel via the circulatory or lymphatic systems to lodge in other organs or tissues and broaden the destruction. This process is called Metastasizing. It is the spreading of the cancer.

The Search for a Wonder Drug

The drug companies continue their futile and expensive search for the illusive invader, in the meantime providing vast quantities of drugs to support programmes of chemotherapy. Orthodox medicine is only just beginning to consider that diet and lifestyle may have something to do with this disease, after all, there is 'no proof'.

Drug companies have a big investment in avoiding this sort of discussion. Meanwhile, millions of dollars and countless lives are wasted. This whole 'sham' supports big business and conveniently allows us to demonstrate that we are 'doing all we can'. Every effort is made to avoid personal responsibility.

Natural Treatments for Cancer

It is beyond the scope of this course to go thoroughly into a discussion on the Natural Therapies which are available to cancer sufferers, however, we will examine some of the key issues.

First and foremost, prevention is better than cure. Every effort that you make dietarily, and in the reduction of stressful factors in your life and environmental pollutants will reduce the risk of developing this disease. Quality whole foods, fasting, relaxation, meditation and satisfying work and relationships are key factors. I would suggest that a sense of purpose, higher than the everyday concerns of life, would be something to develop urgently.

Vitamin C

Remarkable results have been achieved with Vitamin C through low oral doses up to intravenous programmes. This vitamin at least should be considered for all cancer sufferers.


A period on raw food and juices is indicated to allow the body a thorough clean out. Colonics and coffee enemas are very important to clean the bowel and stimulate the liver to detoxify. Complete rest is required at this time. Meditation will begin to release stress and untangle emotional memory. One of the most famous and effective cancer diets is the Gerson Diet.

Supplements other than Vitamin C may be better avoided until a thorough cleansing has been achieved. An exception could be Laetrile, from apricot kernels. It is believed that its cyanide content stimulates the immune system.

The Will to Live

The natural treatment of cancer is a major process within itself, the important factors being a will to live, a positive mental attitude and committed dietary improvement. This process needs to be supervised by experienced and dedicated people. Areas like the family dynamics of the patient need to be closely monitored.

Its hardly any use to be positive and joyful when everybody else is walking around shaking their heads and muttering, 'it'll never work'. Support groups are a tremendous benefit, as long as they are positive also. I would encourage you to read widely on the alternative therapies available for cancer because this overall approach towards the healing of mind, body and spirit is no different than that which needs to be applied conscientiously in all of our healing work.

Recommended Reading

You Can Conquer Cancer by Ian Gawler

Killing Cancer ‑ The Jason Winter Story by Jason Winters

Vitamin C and the Treatment of Cancer by Irwin and Stone

Cancer, A Study of Fifty Cases by Dr. Max Gerson


We will examine some of the fundamental points in healing these three common complaints.

There is one factor that they all share in common; that is mucous congestion. Remember that the body will produce excessive mucous in an attempt to soothe inflamed mucous membranes. These can become inflamed through an infection or food and environmental allergens.

Some foods are particularly prone to initiating an immune response (allergic reaction) and mucous congestion. Dairy products are a primary offender and should be omitted or at least greatly restricted in the diets of those suffering from congestion and related breathing problems. This means no milk, ice cream, chocolate, cheese or yoghurt.


Megadose Vitamin C. Those familiar with Megascorbate Therapy are advised to begin this procedure at the first signs of a cold. It is it caught immediately it can be eliminated within hours. Remember, don't stop the treatment abruptly or you will leave yourself open to renewed or new infection.

Treating a Cold

First and foremost, rest. Give your body a chance to deal with the virus. Secondly, rehydrate. This is very important. Most people are dehydrated already and this further complicates a cold because water is lost through excessive mucous. Use mildly sugary drinks for this. These give an energy lift and are much more effective for rehydrating than plain water. Remember that cold drinks irritate mucous membranes so take them hot or at room temperature every 2 hours or so. Good choices are home made lemonade, herbal teas with honey, flat mineral water with apple juice. Also try hot water with lemon, honey and brandy before bed.


For most, 3 teaspoons (or more) of Vitamin C daily plus a good B Vitamin and Iron Tonic will do wonders. Garlic has marvellous antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Take it as odourless garlic tablets or swallow 4 of a raw clove once or twice per day (don't chew it!). Echinacea is a powerful immune stimulating herb.

An infusion of fresh sage is especially useful to sip and gargle for sore throats.

Remember to avoid dairy products. Also things like orange juice (citrus fruits) if they present a problem.


Consider Louise Hays' comments that colds are related to 'Too much going on at once. Mental confusion and disorder. Even small hurts'. Look at this next time you choose to manifest a cold.


All the same advice for sinus problems as for mucous congestion. Avoidance of dairy products and allergenic foods is especially important.

Careful consideration of environmental irritants should be given. Some of the primary offenders here are house dust mite, mouldy pillows and mattresses, feather duvets, pets and woollen clothing.

Also check perfumes. It is possible to muscle test and identify many of the irritants that will be causing or contributing to sinus problems, including pets.

What to do

Rooms should be vacuumed regularly. Allergy free dust covers can be used on pillows and mattresses. Feather duvets can be replaced for some synthetic material. Pets are a major cause of congested sinuses. You will be surprised to find how many people are allergic to wool. They may be wearing it everyday and sleeping with their face against a woollen underblanket or blanket for 8 hours each night.


Use all of the supplements that are indicated to improve the individuals health. Give special consideration to Vitamin C and Garlic. Vitamin A soothes mucous membranes and can be valuable.

Natural inhalants can help break up congestion. Eucalyptus or Camphor Oil in hot water or Tiger Balm can all be used.


Louise Hay says that sinus problems are 'Irritation to one person, someone close!'


All of the above advice goes double for asthma. The identification of food and environmental allergens is a priority. Dr. Stephen Davies defines asthma as 'a type of reversible airways obstruction characterised by the narrowing of air passages in the lungs and caused by muscle spasms and mucous secretions. Asthma can be divided into two categories.

Childhood‑onset Asthma

This usually develops after a series of respiratory tract infections. It is closely linked with a history of eczema, hayfever, urticaria or migraine.

Adult‑onset Asthma

Dr. Davies reports that this is more common in women than in men. He says there are two broad types. In the first there is no obvious reason for the attacks. In the second the attacks are triggered by fairly obvious factors like allergens. These may include pollens, house dust, cigarette smoke or automobile exhaust.

Orthodox Treatment

Drugs given for the treatment of asthma are primarily for the relief of symptoms as it is believed there is no cure. Bronchodialating sprays help to relax respiratory muscles. Cortesone is given as an anti inflammatory agent and as support for the heart. Certain drugs like Beta Blockers and Aspirin potentially increase the risk of asthma attack. Believe it or not caffeine can actually have a positive effect with some asthmatics.

Caution: Never go off Cortesone if you have a long history of use. The removal of any medically prescribed drug is up to a doctor. A person can become quite dependent on cortesone and must wean off it slowly. This advice goes for sprays and nebulisers also.

Food Allergens

The obvious priorities are dairy products. Unless specifically indicated, remove milk, ice cream, chocolate, cheese and yoghurt from the diet. Check all of the other 'risk' foods as well.

Environmental Allergens

Check pollens, house dust, feathers (duvets), moulds, pets, sprays and pollutants in the home and work place. Don't forget clothing and perfumes.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is most important for asthmatics. Use Sodium Ascorbate or another suitable form of 'C' at 5‑10gms per day.


Has proven value in reducing the symptoms of asthma especially amongst those asthmatics using steroids. Use a B Complex, high in B6 or add extra B6.

Digestive Supplements

Dr. Davies reports low stomach acid is common amongst asthmatic children. Also consider digestive enzymes for those with sugar (pancreatic) problems. This will help with food intolerances too.

Vitamin A

May be useful to soothe inflamed mucous membranes. Muscle test for suitability.


Stress is known to trigger asthma attacks, therefore all efforts should be made to reduce stress. Regular massage and meditation are two excellent areas to begin.

Sometimes suppression of the breath can be related to childhood 'smothering', known as smother love. Emotional regression therapy can be valuable for uncovering the beginnings of emotional patterns that are the 'unknown triggers' of asthma attacks.

Louise Hay says that breath represents 'ability to take in life'. Suppression of the breath, whether it be through asthma or cigarette smoking or some other means of suffocation can be viewed as a fear or refusal to take in life fully. Not feeling the right to take up space or even exist at times'.


There can be many factors involved with skin problems. Indeed this is an area that Natural Therapists are often called upon to treat and it can be one of the most difficult. Don't be put off by this. Always remember that with nutrition, easy is best!

The skin is our largest eliminatory organ. It is sometimes called the 'Third Kidney'. Herein lies a clue to the cause of many skin problems; elimination. It is not normal for skin to eliminate in such a way that results in pustular discharge or irritating rashes. This is often an indicator that the normal organs of elimination and detoxification are not coping and that toxic wastes are being eliminated via the skin.

The primary organ of detoxification, plus a multitude of other vital functions is the liver.

Next, we must consider that major organ of elimination the Colon. If the colon is blocked, wastes and toxins will be reabsorbed and the body may eliminate them through the skin. The liver, being the major organ of detoxification, will bear the brunt of this also. Good liver function is intimately related to a clean colon. Similarly, good bile flow from the liver is necessary for efficient digestion and elimination.

Finally, there are those precious organs of detoxification and elimination ‑ the Kidneys.


From this scenario it is clear the effect a poor quality diet and the consumption of stimulants and refined carbohydrates is likely to have on all of the organs and tissues of our body. In many individuals this will be directly reflected in the condition of their skin.

So start by cleaning up the diet. Remove all of the rubbish foods. These will burden the liver, kidneys and colon and will be contributing to skin conditions in every case.

Assuming that you are not in a depleted state, go on a cleanse for 7 to 10 days. This can be very effective, especially if combined with bowel cleansing, but remember that you are already eliminating through the skin and the resulting detoxifying reactions are likely to make this worse before it gets better.

Other Considerations


Always consider allergies or food intolerance when treating skin conditions. Milk will often be a contributing factor, if not the cause. Yeast and grain intolerance is also common and oranges and eggs are definite possibilities.


This is often at the bottom of chronic skin conditions. Always consider it. The standard whole foods diet, with the removal of sugar and yeast can be enough. Use appropriate supplements like Tea Tree Oil, B Vitamins, Garlic and Acidophilus. Be patient, yeast problems take time.

Lack of Essential Fatty Acids

A lack of Linoleic Acid can result in Eczema in both adults and infants. Eczema can produce anything from dry, scaly skin to heavily encrusted, itchy scabs. In fact the name Eczema is almost interchangable with the word Dermatitis which means inflammation of the skin. Eczema can often be rectified by taking 1‑3 dessertspoons of quality cold pressed vegetable oil per day. For infants use 2 tsp per day

External Influences

Remember that the skin is a sense organ. As such it is very susceptible to outside influence and can be affected or damaged by irritating substances like household sprays, cleansers, paints and detergents. Fabrics like wool can cause reactions. The problem may be caused by regular handling or a 'one off' contact.


All Vitamins and Minerals are necessary for good health, however a few require special consideration for skins.

Sulphur containing Amino Acids, Methionine and Cysteine are both indicated for skin problems. This is also true for poor hair and nails; skin, hair and nails all being part of the integument. Remember that these amino acids are liver metabolites also.

B Vitamins

Especially B2 and B6 are essential for healthy skins.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for healthy skins as is the mineral Zinc.

Evening Primrose Oil

This can be valuable during any inflammatory disorder. Take it internally or rub it directly on the inflamed area.


Louise Hay says that the skin is a 'sense organ' and 'protects our individuality'. Her affirmation for skin problems is, 'I feel safe to be me'. Remember they are an individual and will have their own totally unique set of requirements which will be appropriate for that point in time.


In considering diet, there are a few priorities that will need immediate attention. Address these points first.

Is this person drinking sufficient clean water?

Are they eating breakfast?

Is there enough complete protein?

Remove the main sources of junk food


It is appropriate that this section on food combining should follow allergies. Whilst the body is not actually 'intolerant' to poor food combinations, it can certainly be upset by them. The question of what foods are eaten with what other foods may need to be addressed if an individual's digestion is poor.

The basic need for correct food combinations arises from the fact that some foods just don't go with others. On the other hand, some foods are extremely compatible with each other.

Digestion, absorption and utilisation of the nutrients from our foods are all greatly improved when the ingested combinations are harmonious.

With Western eating habits, the focus is usually on the greatest variety of foods. Never mind what suits our bodies. Most people would, of course, draw the line at trying to mix steak and chocolate gateau on the same plate, because it would make you feel sick immediately.

Well, exactly the same is true of any incompatible combination, only the results are not experienced so quickly. Any burden on your digestive system ultimately results in less nutrients for your body.

The focus with all natural therapies must be on prevention, rather than cure, so we must always be learning new ways to support the body in its maintenance of wellness.

A word of caution: Correct food combinations must not be the focus of your dietary advice to others.

Food combining is fine tuning only.

What is vitally important is that people stop eating junk food, sweets and chocolate and turn their focus towards a simple diet of whole foods. Only when they have demonstrated a capacity to do this properly should you introduce the concept of food combining.

You will only create difficulties for anyone trying to juggle the vast amount of conflicting nutritional information if you tell them that they must now try to combine all of their foods correctly. Get the Diet right first! Only then should you introduce food combining. I make one exception to this rule only. I ask people not to eat fruit with other food.

Having sounded this warning clearly, let's take a look at what foods combine best. Please look at the Food Combining Chart.

Food Combining Chart

This chart is a copy of the original 'Hunza Food Combining Chart' by David Phillips. As you can see, things get pretty complicated in the world of food combining. There are, however, some simple rules and priorities.

Rule No. 1

Don't combine protein and starch in the same meal. As you can see, we just eliminated 90% of the average person's diet in that one statement. Proteins and starches don't combine well at all. The whole issue here, with this or indeed any food combination, is that different foods need different enzymes and digestive secretions to facilitate their digestion. It is well known that reactions requiring different combinations of acidity or alkalinity cannot take place together without either nulifying each other or causing a violent reaction. Our saliva is slightly alkaline, our stomachs are highly acidic and our intestinal environment is also slightly alkaline. These areas are very separate.

Each has its own job to do and when they are burdened by too many food varieties, they don't cope. The simpler the diet, the more efficient the digestion will be and that must mean better absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

We have seen that most food allergens are proteins. The incomplete digestion of protein and other nutrients following meals of fat, protein and starch will definitely contribute to food intolerance.

Take your time with food combining. Get your diet right first, then slowly begin to improve the quality of your food combinations.

Rule No. 2

Don't eat fruit with other foods. If you do this the fruit will be digested last, and because of its high sugar content, it will ferment and cause digestive upset and gas. Always eat fruit an hour before or an hour after other meals. This is another reason why fruit makes one of the best 'between meal' snacks.

Rule No. 3

Don't eat melons with fruit or any other food. Melons are usually eaten in fairly large quantities and they don't combine successfully with anything else.

These are the three main rules and are not too difficult to apply. Start with these before moving on to anything else.

Compatible Combinations

Now let's examine what does go together. Neither proteins, fats or starches combine well with each other, but individually they all combine well with vegetables. So, a meal of fish and vegetables makes an excellent combination. There is a trap here. Remember that potatoes, pumpkin and corn are starches, so they cannot be included as vegetables.

If you want to eat potato, and you want to observe correct combining rules, they you could have it with any of the bean or grain combinations (all are starches), plus vegetables.

Similarly, avocado, which is a fat, is fine with other vegetables, excluding potato, pumpkin and corn.

As I've said, melons should be eaten separately altogether, and fruits should be eaten between meals.

Every time that we consider these various, healthy dietary practices, we always end up back at the same conclusion. A simple diet of whole foods, with minimum variety, is best. For example, a small handful of almonds as a 'between mean' snack will be much more efficiently digested than the equivalent in mixed fruit and nuts.

Clinical Application

Always tell people to eat fruit separately from other foods, but apart from this, the standard rule must apply. Don't introduce food combining until they have handled the basics of a good quality, low junk food diet. In other words, after they've got everything else right.

This means they will be eating sufficient protein and lots of vegetables. They will be eating a minimal amount of sugar and processed food, and will be including nuts, seeds and fruit in their daily diet. They must also be having 6‑8 small glasses of water between meals.

Having said this, there are times when it may be helpful to introduce some of the food combining rules. If there is severe digestive problems or excessive flatulence, bloating or stomach pains, consider the following

Don't drink any liquids with meals

Don't eat fruit or melons with other foods

Don't eat starches and proteins together

before eating. They may also require digestive enzymes to assist their liver and pancreatic secretions. These digestive processes should be considered as a separate issue to that of body chemistry (pH).

Recapping on Digestive Enzymes and HCI

There will be situations where both Hydrochloric acid supplements and Digestive enzymes would be in a persons best interest. Remember that these supplements act in different parts of the G.I. However, if a choice is to be made between the two the general rule of thumb would be

Use HCI or Apple Cider Vinegar where there is excessive Burping. Use Digestive Enzymes where there is excessive Flatulence.

Don't use HCI if there is burning in the stomach as this may be indicative of a stomach ulcer and the last thing that is needed is more acid.


The following plan is for common sense eating. You can add your own recipes and preferences within the basic guidelines. If you follow these ideas, you will start to feel better as your body throws off stored toxins and begins a new rebuilding process. This is your greatest guarantee for a long and healthy life.

You should always have breakfast, a reasonable sized lunch with a light evening meal. This gives you the energy to begin the day and is great for your weight control as you don't feel the need to snack.

Strictly speaking, no junk food is allowed. This type of food is slow poison and if you can eliminate it from your diet, you will already be way in front. This includes all take aways, fish and chips, Chinese food, pasties, pies, hamburgers. The same goes for refined carbohydrates, i.e. sugars and refined flours, lollies, cakes, pastries, chocolates, ice cream, white bread, white rice, soft drinks and most tinned foods.


Wherever possible, food should be fresh, and eaten raw or lightly steamed or baked. Meat or fish can be grilled. Don't deep fry anything and avoid cooking in oil or fat. Oil oxidises when exposed to heat and becomes rancid.

So, now that I've taken away all your favourite foods, let's show you what you can have to replace those things that have gone. You new diet will be made up of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, whole grains, plus some animal protein: free range chicken and eggs, fish, yoghurt and soft cheese.

You will find very little of what you need at the supermarket. Find a good health food store and a good vegetable market (look towards buying as much of your food organically grown as possible). Just take it one step at a time.


This is the most important meal of the day, especially important if you don't normally eat it.


Buy raw muesli from a health food shop. Look for one which is oat based and doesn't contain any sugar. Serve with apple juice or soak in hot water. Soy milk is acceptable if you like it. Don't add milk.


Steamed/boiled brown rice with sultanas. Add a little coconut and some sunflower seeds or chopped almonds. Water down with apple juice or soy milk if necessary. Similarly with porridge or puffed rice/millet/corn.


One soft boiled or soft poached egg on whole grain toast, Ryvita or rice cakes and maybe some sprouts or lettuce and tomatoes.


A large bowl of fresh fruit or melon with natural low fat acidophillus yoghurt.

You can have a fruit or vegetable juice or a herb tea or coffee substitute, but it must not be taken with meals. Either have it half an hour before or after meals to avoid diluting your digestive juices.

There you are. That's not so hard, is it? Alternate between this selection. A good breakfast is really essential. If you can't do anything else at least do this.


Lunch must consist primarily of salad and/or vegetables. Make up a large salad or use left over vegetables from last night's meal. Add to this some protein like yoghurt, ricotta/cottage cheese, almonds, salmon, sardines, tuna or chicken. Thick vegetable soups are great in cold weather. Ryvita or rice cakes are good if you're avoiding yeast, although there are now yeast free breads readily available. Try some tahini (sesame seed pulp), hummus (chick pea) or avocado as a spread. Beans make great additions to salad lunches. You can add a little apple cider vinegar or olive oil to your salad if you like.


Should not be too large and can be raw, baked or steamed vegetables. Include boiled brown rice and beans. Potatoes can make a very healthy base for evening meals as does whole grain pasta and lentils/beans. Perhaps some chicken or fish. Remember this protein is vitally important. You don't need much but you must have some. Four to five meals a week of animal protein is a sensible average, make the rest a vegetable ‑ Bean + Grain combination.

Pork, bacon, sausage or any processed meats are not recommended.


Can be eater at anytime between meals. Fruit and vegetable juices also. These are great cleansers although try not to mix fruit and vegetables either in meals or in juices.

Sweet things

As a substitute for the cakes and sugars you leave behind, honey can be used in moderation. Remember that it too is also very sweet so about one teaspoon per day is a sensible maximum. Keep dried fruit, nuts and seeds (but not peanuts) on hand to have as snacks. About one handful per day is the maximum. These are very rich. Rice cakes with tahini/avocado/beans make good snacks too.

Unsweetened carob can be used as a substitute for chocolate. The occasional whole grain muesli biscuit, either home made or from the health food shop is OK.

Remember to always buy wholegrain or sprouted breads, preferably yeast free. 100% rye sourdough is excellent. Always use brown rice, and wholemeal or stoneground flour. White flour is valueless rubbish.

Some changes will need to be made in the time you allow yourself for learning about new foods and preparing them. You must be happy with your new eating habits. Enjoying your food is very important. Nobody is perfect and if you muck up occasionally it doesn't matter because you are still miles ahead of where you used to be.

The occasional biscuit and sweet will not kill you and can be a tasty reward, although you'll find that your desire for these sweet and fatty things will drop away very quickly. When preparing food and when eating, always remember ' variety and moderation in all things'.

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