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Jala neti


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Jala neti

For those who may not have much idea of the internal workings of the nasal cavities, it may seem stupid to pour warm salty water through one's nose. To help clear fears and misunderstandings, we have tried to explain the procedure with diagrams.

The first line of nasal defense is the tiny hair called cilia which should trap larger particles entering the nose. These cilia are usually cleansed by normal breathing and by blowing the nose, but sometimes, due to a gradual build up of dirt, they can become clogged and may require washing out. The entire nasal passage - from the nose tip to throat (and beyond) - is covered with a layer of mucus. This mucus is secreted from within the mucous lining, and its function is to trap smaller foreign particles and bacteria. The dirty mucus is normally blown out, snorted and coughed out or swallowed.

The sinus passages are an even finer mechanism of filtering which, if infected, secrete a runny mucus to evict the germs. This is generally called sinusitis and can be a short term symptom or a chronic condition.

In Stage 1, the water simply flows up one nostril to just above the bridge of the nose where the usual air flows meet, backwards into the middle cavity and then the water flows down and out the other side of the nose. In this route, it passes by the frontal and mid nasal sinuses. In Stage 1 there should be no flow of water back towards the throat or into the mouth. When done correctly, there is very little sensation as the water will be the same temperature as the blood, and the salinity will be the same salinity as the blood. As a result, the nose hardly notices the flow through.

In the more advanced of Stages 2 and 3, only attempted after mastery of Stage 1, the water flows fully through the whole nasal cavity, down the back of the naso-pharynx and comes out through the mouth. In this route, it passes by the post-nasal sinuses, cleansing all the nasal passages more strongly. In neither version is there any discomfort or damage to the nasal functions.

Ideally, at no stage, should any water actually go up into the sinus passages or the Eustachian tubes. However, this may happen if the practitioner breathes incorrectly or blows too strongly when drying. This causes only momentary discomfort and is not dangerous. In such an event, a few minutes of air-drying will usually clear out any stray water droplets.

The way in which Jala Neti rinses out the dirt and bacteria filled mucous lining would be obvious to most people as the warm water loosens and dissolves any internal build ups, and takes them outwards. But what may not be so obvious is that, due to gravity and a venturi-effect, the sinus passages are also drained by the vacuum pressure flow of the water. Whereas it would normally be impossible to drain a dead end cavity like the sinuses, Jala Neti achieves this ingeniously and simply.

For those with thick mucus conditions as well as those with running sinuses, the relief of sinus pressure can be felt within seconds. In a more detailed examination, it would also be seen, that through the effect of osmosis and capillary action, the blood vessels of the nose are stimulated to cleanse as well.

The nose is the air conditioner of the body. One of the many functions of the nose is to regulate the temperature and humidity of the incoming air. Some people have dry noses and suffer dry, crusty, nose bleed type problems. Others are wets, with the constantly running sinuses and the tissues always up their sleeve! Others have perpetual stuffy and blocked nostrils. Regular practice of Jala Neti helps to establish the correct working environment of temperature and humidity in the nose.

How to do - Stage 1

Jala Neti Stage 1

Nasal cleansing can be performed over a sink, a bowl on a table, in the shower or outside. First fill the Neti Pot with warm water of a temperature suitable for pouring in the nose - neither too hot nor cold. Just like testing a babys bottle, pour a bit on your arm or taste and spit to check the temperature. Pure water is best if available but this is not obligatory.

Mix in salt to the proportion of one - level teaspoon for half a liter of water. This equates to 0.9% the same as human blood and is called an isotonic solution. Mix the salt thoroughly. Taste the water and spit - adjust if not correct. After several attempts you will be able to recognize the correct mixture by taste. Be sure to fully mix and dissolve the salt.

Place the nose cone of the neti pot into the right nostril, sealing it to the nostril with a few twists and slight pressure. Try to point the spout straight up in line with the nasal passage so as not to block the tip of the nozzle by the inside of the nose. Open your mouth and breathe gently through the mouth. Do not sniff, swallow, laugh, talk or have any movement of air through the nose while the water is flowing through.

Now slowly bend forward from the waist so that the tip of the nose is the lowest point of the head; and then tilt/roll the head, so that the left nostril is now the lowest point of the nose. Tilt slowly so that water doesnt run out the top of the pot onto your face! Keep the nose cone fully sealed into the right nostril so that water doesnt leak out. Continue breathing through the mouth while the water flows. After a few seconds and the water should run out the left nostril. Keep breathing slowly and gently through the mouth. After the water begins to flow, wait about 20 - 30 seconds for about half a pot to flow right to left, and then remove the pot and stand up.

Before changing sides, blow out gently through both nostrils to clear water and mucus from the nose. It is important that you do not blow hard at this point or you will send water up into the ear tubes and sinuses. All that is needed is a couple of slow, soft blows out into the sink to remove the water in the nose. Do not pinch the nostrils to create extra force, or blow hard and vigorously.

Repeat steps 3 & 4 as above, but with the nose cone entering from the left nostril and the flow of water going left to right. After the pot runs dry, stand up, blow out gently through both nostrils and then prepare to dry out the nose. Read: Drying the nose

If, after doing the above steps, there is still a mucus blockage, the whole process may be repeated several times until it clears. If you regularly need to do several pots to effectively clear nasal mucus, it is easiest to mix several liters of solution in a bowl beforehand.

Always do half a pot right to left, then half a pot left to right. Repeating this sequence is better than doing one whole pot in each direction, and taking a break to refill in between sides. It also gives the mucus a better chance to dissolve and exit more quickly.

How to do - Stage 2

Jala Neti Stage 2

The second stage of Jala Neti is actually called sinus bellowing. Its a more advanced and powerful practice; hence one should first master the simpler version of Stage 1. Ideally, this stage of Neti should be supervised by a teacher on your first few attempts, however many people manage to succeed unaided.

First one pot of water is done as per Stage 1 to clear out the frontal nasal passages, and then a second pot is done in this more advanced way. In this case, it is not necessary to dry the nose fully between Stages 1 and 2. A few gentle blows out into the sink is satisfactory before refilling the net pot.

On the second pot while the water is running through from one nostril to the other it is gently sniffed backwards and spat out of the mouth. The easiest way is to draw one slow, long inhalation through the nose to bubble the water as it goes through. Do not do quick sharp snorts or you may send water up the ear tubes and sinuses. On the exhalation, that water is spat out the mouth. One or two slow sniffs will make half a pot disappear quickly! Repeat on the other side for several slow sniffs to drain the pot. A third pot may be done to repeat Stage 2 if desired.

Although not dangerous, one should try not to swallow any water when sniffing backwards.

Extra care must be taken to dry the nose properly after Stage 2, as more water floods the nasal passages and may cause irritation for some time if not completely dried out. Repeat the full drying process as many times as it takes.

This stage of Neti works more on clearing out the posterior sinus passages which Stage 1 does not reach and is even more effective than Stage 1 for post nasal drip, sinusitis, coughs and throat problems.

How to do - Stage 3

Stage 3 (Brief description only)

The third stage or method is a little more difficult and advanced again. Here the warm salty water is taken in through the mouth and snorted out the nose. This is quite tricky at first and may be a little uncomfortable for some people in the beginning. The benefits are similar yet stronger than the other forms of Neti. It must only be done after a pot of Stages 1 & 2 each, and only after rinsing the mouth and throat with saline water to ensure there are no pathogens (harmful bacteria) transferred from the mouth to the nasal cavities. Here too, care must be taken to dry the nasal passages properly, and again, this stage of Neti should ideally be supervised by a teacher on the first few attempts.

How to do - Frequency

Recommended Frequency of Neti Practice For general nasal cleanliness, once or twice a day is usually sufficient.

In the case of a cold, 3 - 4 times a day will give great relief, providing the nose is well dried each time and this frequency does not induce nose bleeds. Reduce this frequency when over the worst of the congestion.

Jala Neti is best practised first thing in the morning to clear out the nights grogginess and prepare the body and mind for the days breathing activities. However, if you live or work in a dusty or polluted environment where the nostrils have an increased load of filtering, a good second occasion is upon returning from such work.

Neti should always be done before rather than after meals. The best times are:

- upon waking before breakfast,

- mid morning before lunch,

- evening before dinner,

just before bed.

How to do - Drying The Nose

Drying The Nose

Drying the nose properly is a very important part of the practice. Never neglect to do this part properly. People with high blood pressure should be careful of this part. If dizziness results when draining the nose, drying should only be done standing upright.

First bend forwards from the waist and hang the head upside down with the nose pointing towards the floor, letting any residual water drain from the nose for 10 - 20 seconds. Then point the nose towards the knees. In each position, gently breathe in the mouth and out the nose about 10 times. A few droplets of water may run down.

Then stand up to do some rapid breathing through the nostrils. First do 10 breaths through both nostrils together, sniffing in and out moderately with a bit more emphasis on the exhalation. Then close off the right nostril with one finger and do 10 rapid sniffing breaths through the left nostril only. Then do 10 sniffing breaths through the right nostril only. Finally, do 10 breaths again through both nostrils together.

All this should clear and dry the nose. If it feels as if there is still some water in there, repeat the whole drying process again. Failure to dry the nose properly may manifest the symptoms of a cold for several hours. Leaving dirty water in the sinus passages or Eustachian tubes may also result in infection.

How to do - Salts for Jala Neti

Recommended Salts for Jala Neti

Doubt sometimes arises as to which type of salt is best for use in Jala Neti. Ideally, pure Sea Salt should be used. Below are some of the different types of salt available on the market today and their suitability for use in Jala Neti.

Cooking Salt or Pickling Salt

This is generally nothing other than pure sea salt, but check on the packet. It can vary in coarseness - the finer, the better for quick and even dissolving. If you cant get it fine, grind your own from whatever you can find. Store airtight to avoid lumping up. Found in supermarkets and health shops.

Table Salt

This is just finely ground cooking salt with a free flowing agent in it to stop it from lumping up. Who needs aluminum, silicone or iodine up their nose? Can be used for Jala Neti without any harm when cooking salt is not available, but try to avoid it if you have a choice.

Vegetable Salt

This is a compound mixture of salts, herbs and spices, and will do your nose and olfactory senses NO GOOD AT ALL!

Rock Salt

Depending on origin, rock salts have other minerals in them and are therefore not recommended for Neti. They are usually very big, hard crystals requiring a saltcellar. Nice for cooking with, but not for up your nose.

Macrobiotic Salt

Often grayish in color. Usually just sea salt from Japan and therefore more expensive than local salt. May be used for Neti with no harm.

Kosher Salt

This is sea salt that is guaranteed to be pure and has no pollutants. Other Substances

There are sometimes other recipes given for therapeutic nasal irrigation fluids. You may come across reference to Buffered Saline, Ringers Solution or other antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents, but these are better avoided due to their unnatural origins and possible harsh effects on the body.

Troubleshooting common problems


If water does not flow out of the outgoing nostril (after giving it about 10 seconds to do so), before concluding there is a nasal blockage, check the following:

- Relax in the nose and facial area.

- Check that the end of the nose cone is not pushed against the inside of the nose thereby blocking water coming out of the pot. Align the spout in a straight line with the nostril passage, and dont push it in too hard.

- Check that the pot is tilted enough for the water to flow down towards the nose.

- Check that you are not sniffing the water backwards towards the throat.

- Check that the water is not leaking out of the ingoing nostril.

- Check that the water is not too cold, since cold-water contracts the nasal passages.

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds can happen initially to those with high blood pressure, or those with extremely sensitive, raw or irritated nasal lining. In such an event, one should desist from the practice and seek guidance before continuing.

Teachers of the technique should always enquire beforehand if the new practitioner has a history of nose bleeds, and students should also think to volunteer this information. Often those with chronic sinus problems, who have been on cortisone medications for years, have such a history. Those who work in chemically polluted environments may have them too, as can stress heads and worry warts or those with high blood pressure.

In all cases, proceed as per usual, but taking extra care on the following areas:

- Always use the purest water and the purest salt.

- Never have the water too hot nor too salty.

- Never blow the nose hard when changing sides or drying.

- Do not hang upside down when drying.

- Do not to do Neti more than once daily without advice.

In the case of a nosebleed during or after neti, one should cut back to alternate days or stop doing neti until qualified advice has been sought. Milk Neti is a good treatment for chronic nose bleeders, but advice should be sought from a qualified person before doing it.

Water Going To The Back Of The Throat

This is fairly common on the first few attempts. In Jala Neti stage 1, the idea is not to get water to the back of the nasal passages. But in stage 2, the technique is to actually sniff the water to the back of the throat on the inhalation willfully and spit it out the mouth on exhalation. In Stage 1, there is no harm or danger if that happens accidentally. It is just a matter of spitting it out. If this occurs unintentionally, it can be caused by:

- Rushing, due to nervousness.

- Incorrect angle of the head and/or pot.

- Nose breathing, talking or swallowing whilst the water is flowing through.

- Sniffing backwards instead of blowing outwards when changing sides.

- A heavy mucus blockage in the nose causing a damming up effect where the water goes up and back towards the throat instead of flowing down the outgoing nostril.

- To avoid any of the above, go slowly, to get the head into the correct position before the water starts to flow out of the pot. Remember to open your mouth and get a nice relaxed mouth breath happening before tilting the pot for the water to come out.

Water Running Onto The Face

This is caused by either rushing the process or else by badly designed pots. Go slowly, step by step, to find the right angle for the pot and the head.


If this occurs during the water flow, it is most often caused by worry, tension or fear about the practice. It will go away with practice. If it occurs sometime after the first trial, it can be caused by not drying the nose well enough and salty water being left to dry in the sinus passages or else blowing too hard when changing sides and drying the nose.

Ears Popping

It can sometimes happen that the ears will pop when doing Jala Neti. Some people get a fright, and are concerned that it may be something serious but this is nothing to be concerned about. Such sounds are caused by a change in pressure in the Eustachian tubes as the water flows past, and are usually a sign that nasal mucus is clearing and balancing what was previously blocked.

It can also happen when blowing out between sides or when drying the nose, and there is a squeaky sound caused by a few droplets of water. After drying this goes away.

Pressure Build Up In the Sinuses and Ears

This often occurs during the first few attempts for those people with very blocked sinuses or ear passages. They must just bear with it until the warm water dissolves and removes the excess mucus. Greater relief comes in the end. One or two pots usually clear it completely.

Stinging In The Nose

A tingling, or even stinging sensation in the nose can be caused by:

- Newness of the practice which will pass after several attempts.

- Water too fresh, that is, there is insufficient salt in the mixture or else the mixture is not stirred well enough. Use the correct measure, in a full pot. Always taste and spit before using and stir well before irrigating.

- Water too hot. Always taste and spit first to check the temperature.

- Water too salty. Use correct measure in a full pot. Taste and spit before using.

- Pollutants in the water. Town water, bore water, tank water can all have various smells and tastes, some of which may sting if strong enough. Whilst recommending clean fresh water, it should not usually be necessary to boil or purify your Neti water every time, but if you suspect your town water is at fault, use bottled water, charcoal filtered town water or catch some rainwater for Neti usage.

- Contamination in pot. Always store your neti pot upside down to avoid dust, insects, etc, getting inside. Otherwise, rinse before use. Never use toxic or aromatic solvents to clean or repair a Neti Pot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1  I think that actually doing Neti sounds disgusting but I would like to do it for the benefits. How can I get over my resistance?

Q.2  Isnt running water through your nose dangerous; after all, the nose wasnt designed to take in water?

Q.3  How does Jala Neti actually work? How does running warm, salty water through your nose fix up so many problems?

Q.4  Can Neti be done too often?

Q.5  I have done a similar thing to Jala Neti for years. I take water from a bowl in my hand and sniff It up my nose. Is It like that?

Q.6  Should the amount of salt ever be changed, for instance if you get a cold?

Q.7  Can anything other than a proper Neti Pot be used?

Q.1  I think that actually doing Neti sounds disgusting but I would like to do it for the benefits. How can I get over my resistance?


This is a common conflict. The intellect says Yeah, thats a great idea but the feelings are disgusted by the thought of it. The best way is to read all the literature about it so as to strengthen your rational argument for doing it, and then be carefully guided by a qualified person who will take into account your fears and nervousness and prove to you in about 3 minutes just how simple and easy it really is. Your irrational feelings will then be won over by a truly positive experience.

Q.2  Isnt running water through your nose dangerous; after all, the nose wasnt designed to take in water?


Jala Neti is in no way a dangerous practice - it will bestow only benefits. However, if misused or abused, at best, it will not work in the reputed way, or at worst, it can lead to minor side effects such as headaches, colds, nasal infections, earaches. All the reports we have heard about problems with Jala Neti have come from those who try to improvise beyond the traditional methods. This is why it is best to receive instructions personally from a qualified teacher and to always stick to the rules

But water in the nose is not unusual. Remember the way you feel after a good swim in the surf? A good flushing of the nose with salt water is a good thing. Stage 1 of Jala Neti is no more than that a flush out of the frontal nose passages, except that the water is warm, 4 times less salty than sea water, and you are in control not like when you get dumped in the surf and come up spluttering half drowned! Thats often what people are afraid of when they first hear about saline nasal cleansing. They may have nasty memories of nearly drowning at the beach. But its nothing like that. Admittedly there are certain internal nasal orifices in which the salty water should not go. It may take a few attempts to get the head angle correct so that this does not happen, but the results of a few bad attempts are not serious.

Q.3  How does Jala Neti actually work? How does running warm, salty water through your nose fix up so many problems?


Without being too anatomical or medical about it, the basic elements involved with Jala Neti and all saline cleansing techniques for that matter is that the warmth and salinity of the water is the same as the bodys own metabolism so that there is no tendency for rejection. You can use warm isotonic saline in any part of the body for health benefits. For this reason, the exact proportion of salt used is very important. Some people are worried about the salt. They think it might clog up their arteries! They ask, Can it be done without the salt? The answer is no. Salty water is a great body cleanser. It is used to flush out old mucus secretions that have trapped dirt and germs from the activities of everyday life. The normal function of the bodys mucous lining within the upper respiratory tract is to do that very thing, to trap dirt and germs. Normally, sniffing, blowing, coughing, sneezing and swallowing can clear out gross particles which become trapped in the mucous lining, but by washing the nasal passages with saline water, a complete cleanout is done more effectively. This then prevents rubbish passing further into the system by the first stage filters becoming overloaded. In a healthy person who eats well, breathes well and lives in a clean environment, the mucous lining should be able to cope alone and cleanse itself on a regular basis. But for a mouth breather, or one who eats bad food, or one who works in a dirty city or factory, the dirt and germs build up beyond the capacity of the normal cleansing mechanisms, causing all manner of malfunctions in the nose, sinus passages, eyes, ears, throat, chest. Also, unconsciously they swallow this dirt-laden mucus and then have stomach problems, and on it goes, right through the system.

Q.4  Can Neti be done too often?


Yes. The correct frequency is determined by a persons particular problems and particular needs, but for most people, in most situations, once or twice a day, first thing in the morning and/or in the evening is sufficient. In some therapeutic situations, three or four times a day may be recommended, but this would not be continued indefinitely. This is why one should be instructed and advised in the beginning, and then checked up on occasionally if there is a difficult nasal pathology.

Q.5  I have done a similar thing to Jala Neti for years. I take water from a bowl in my hand and sniff It up my nose. Is It like that?


No, not at all. We know that many people have tried this. Some say their grandmothers or grandfathers used to do it. Some use cold water and some use warm. Some use salt and some do not. But those methods cant possibly work as well as Jala Neti. It also runs the risk of leaving water up the sinus passages that will remain for some time afterwards. They do say it works in clearing the nose and helps prevent colds, and it may somewhat, but after these people have tried Jala Neti, they are always impressed at how much easier, safer and more effective it is.

Q.6  Should the amount of salt ever be changed, for instance if you get a cold?


No. The proportion of salt is called normal saline the same ratio as human blood. Too little salt will actually sting the nose, as will too much. There are certain mixtures, which ENT surgeons prescribe, but those things should only ever be used for severe nasal conditions. For the general user, and for preventative nasal health, always use: One level teaspoon of salt per half a liter of water.

Q.7  Can anything other than a proper Neti Pot be used?


Well, we have heard of other devices being tried such as tea pots, invalid feeders, modified baby bottles, modified tomato sauce bottles, cooking funnels, the bowl and sniffing method. Someone even improvised with a length of garden hose?!?!? But quite frankly, why bother? You could get a tea leaf stuck up your nose! Also, all these other things may have odd smells or tastes which will spoil the experience. There is no simpler method than a well designed Neti Pot.

Jala Neti for Smokers

Jala neti can be especially helpful to smokers, as it has been proven to relieve a large number of smokers from their addiction.

There are usually 2 components for those trying to kick the habit of smoking - one is the physical aspect and a psychological aspect. For those who are willing to accept the merits of yoga, there is a third aspect, which is the 'spiritual aspect'.

Seldom do conventional treatments 'attack' all these aspects. You may have a predominantly physical approach through the use of nicotine-free alternatives available. Or you may address the psychological aspect through hypnosis treatments and so on. But rarely is there a concerted approach at addressing all the aspects simultaneously.

What jala neti does immediately is that it opens up the nostrils remarkably so that you are automatically led to breathe through the nose. This automatic breathing results in a natural aversion to breathe through the mouth, which is the case in smoking.

At the psychological level, jala neti stimulates the mind in such a way that you develop a gradual disinterest in the act of smoking. In fact, in yoga jala neti is responsible for specifically stimulating the energy center behind the forehead, which leads to such a disposition.

Through this two-pronged approach a gradual and permanent disinterest in smoking is experienced.

Neti for Balanced breathing

Have you ever wondered why we have two nostrils when in fact the air that we inhale through them gets mixed anyway?

Irrelevant as it may seem, the 4-5 cms. of length where the air is separated has very important effects on our constitution.

In various studies there has been found a correlation between certain kinds of health disorders and breathing patterns. For example, people who generally breathe predominantly from the left nostril are found to be more susceptible to respiratory ailments such as sinusitis, bronchitis and even throat infections. They were also more likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism, decreased sex drive, stomach disorders and headaches.

Those with predominantly right side breathing are more prone to arterial disorders such as arterial hypertension.

While it is never that the breath flows equally from both nostrils, however, in a healthy person the balance keeps alternating between the nostrils every 2-3 hours. That is the sign of healthy breathing. This is said to stimulate unique nerve centers, which are found along the different nostrils for optimum respiratory and circulatory health.

Jala neti goes a long way in restoring this optimum-breathing pattern. For those suffering nasal blockages due to polyps, sutra neti is recommended to free the nostrils from such obstructions.

It is therefore seen that people who practice jala neti regularly often see themselves relieved of seemingly unrelated symptoms like gastric disorders and so on.

Sutra Neti

Sutra means a thread and Sutra Neti is also called thread neti.

Sutra Neti is advised as an alternate procedure to clearing the nasal passages in case doing Jala neti is not successful. This is recommended short of a medical procedure to remove obstructions such as polyps.

Though it MUST be learnt under expert guidance, once learnt, it is remarkably simple and serves as very good toning for the entire nasal cavity including the cranial nerves. It is extremely soothing and very effective in removing stubborn mucus.

In this method of neti, a soft rubber catheter or special cotton strings entwined together are gently inserted into the nostril. This catheter is glided along the floor of the nostrils and gradually pushed up the nasal cavity. Once it is felt a t the back of the throat, it is gently pulled from the mouth by inserting the fingers and gradually pulling it out of the mouth.

One end of the catheter protrudes from the throat while the other from the mouth. It is gently pulled back and forth to loosen the obstructions and mucus. This helps in freeing up the nostrils very effectively.

While some people can perform this quite easily on the first try, others may take up to a month or even more to become comfortable.

In fact sutra neti is an advanced form of neti to stimulate all the glands and organs of the entire nasal region including the eyes and ears. It has a very suitable effect for thyroid related disorders.

Neti for Yoga

The importance of jala neti in yoga dates back to thousands of years. To realize the benefits from yoga it is imperative that you can breathe fully through the nose and in advanced cases also regulate the quantum of flow through the individual nostrils.

In fact, Pranayama - one of the most important facets of yoga is responsible for bringing about tremendous changes in our body and mind. Pranayama is all about regulating and controlling the breath and thereby the life force in us.

Therefore, yogis begin their practice of yoga by doing jala neti, which ensures the desired condition for regulating breath flow.

Jala neti is also responsible for the stimulation of the pituitary gland in the brain, which is of tremendous significance in yoga. This stimulation awakens the energy center behind the forehead called the Ajna Chakra. This energy center must be sufficiently stimulated for higher states of meditation.

Therefore jala neti is an essential prerequisite for meditation too. Relaxation is also a very important aspect of yoga and you will notice that you relax best when your breathing is unobstructed and freely flowing. This ensures an abundant supply of oxygen at the right temperature to stimulate relaxation. Here too, jala neti provides the desired result. Thus, neti forms an integral part of yoga.

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