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In this section, I am sharing with you the result of many years of my own research into the physiological reasons and relationships of Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (ADDS) to metabolism disturbance that can be caused by severe emotional and physical stress. I hold the idea that AIDS is not a viral disease but a metabolic disorder precipitated by an exaggerated way of life. It can equally be caused by severe malnutrition in poorer and famine-stricken societies. I know this view is completely against current beliefs forced by media presentation of a social problem, but it is the responsibility of dedicated scientists to take into consideration and explore all aspects of this problem. We are only now beginning to understand what AIDS may be. We know one thing it is not: a virus-produced disease! At the end of this section, you will be introduced to unfolding events around AIDS research. I will also show you that I have been one of the leaders of the controversy.
At this point, and through the perspective of a stress-induced metabolic system disturbance, a more accurate understanding of AIDS may also become possible. We should not close our eyes to new information just because we are sold on the idea that this condition is caused by a class of viruses conveniently called Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV).
For some time now, it has been scientifically shown and recognized that those suffering from AIDS demonstrate a marked variation from the normal 'amino acid pool composition'the inventory of amino acids available in their body. They are consistently and drastically short of methionine, cystine and cysteinevery important amino acids. They also have a manifold rise in levels of arginine and glutamate. This state of a very drastic amino acid imbalance seems to last for some time before the patient becomes very sick It seems in clinically obvious and recognizable AIDS-suffering people, this pattern for amino acid composition of the body is dominant. In the section on tryptophan, it was explained that the amino acid pool composition of the body can change and become depleted if some of them are used up more than others.
In a series of other experiments, when IL-6 and another similar substance (TNF -tumor necrosis factor) are added to a cell culture medium that contains cells with the ability to produce the virus, particles labeled HIV are extruded. If, before the addition of IL-6 or TNF, cysteine is added to the same culture medium, HIV particles are not produced. Thus, there is a direct correlation between HIV production in AIDS and amino acid content of the virus-growing cell. It seems on the face of it that AIDS patients are victims of an imbalance in their bodies' amino acid composition. If they could correct their protein metabolism, they might be able to survive, and their bodies might be able to produce sufficient resistance to fight other acute infections. After all, even for the manufacture of antibodies to defend against other bacteria, the body needs the basic amino acid ingredients in their correct proportions.
It is unfortunate that we are looking at the virus and not seeing the physiological imbalance in AIDS patients. It is also unfortunate that we do not understand the subordinate metabolic roles of IL-6 to the cortisone-releasing mechanism and IL-1 production. These agents, and others in their pack, are produced to mobilize primary raw materials from body reserves to fight stress and repair possible damages caused by having confronted any particular stressor. Their function is designed around the mechanism of breaking down proteins held in the muscles of the body and converting them to their basic amino acids for their use in the liver. So, the general direction in severe stress-damage is to mobilize the essential ingredients for their emergency re-usea process of feeding off the body itself.
A bruised boxer or a person traumatized in an accident or after repeated surgery will depend on these physiological processes to clear the ineffective and nonviable tissue and repair and remodel the site of damage. If the reconstruction is extensive and IL-6 and its companion TNF are involved, breakdown of DNA or RNA of the damaged and dying cells will produce exact fragments to dear the debris, very much like having to dismember the steel structure of a large building that can not be 'bulldozed away' and has to be carried off the site, a piece at a time. This is a very well recognized process in the research of surgical wounds.
It is most unfortunate that virologists are presenting the 'site clearing action' of these two agents in the body as steps in the production of HIV in cell culture media. On this fragment of unconnected information is placed the whole argument that AIDS is a virus-caused disease. Why? Because a test has been designed that marks and shows the particular fragments produced by IL-6 or TNF. It seems that some of these DNA or RNA particles are labeled as HTV-and that is why there are several types. It is more unfortunate that the amino acid composition of HTV itself very much resembles that of vasopressin. A vaccine that would arrest HIV activity will/most probably arrest the activity of vasopressin. This seems to be the reason a workable vaccine against HIV has not yet been produced. Unfortunate to the extreme is the 'commercialization of the idea' that everyone who shows a positive HIV test will soon die from AIDS, because the anxiety of having an incurable disease could become a killer by itself.
Without getting into the emotional side of this issue, and sticking strictly to a scientific understanding of the human body, we have to become aware of a simple fact. Tissues of the vagina and the anus and rectum are designed for different purposes. It is true both have similar sensory systems attached to a single central mechanism for the registration of pain and pleasure, but structurally they are not the same. The vagina has a thick, multi-layered cell lining that, while not easily absorbing semen from inside, is designed to withstand friction and sheering force. Even here, there is a mechanism for secretion of lubricating mucus to withstand these forces. Furthermore, semen has chemical properties that will increase the thickness and resistance of the lining membrane in the vagina and the skin of the penis that becomes smeared by it.
The seminal fluid secreted with the sperm is a very complex composition. It contains a chemical substance called trans-glu-tamin-ase (TGE). In certain circumstances, TGE binds some proteins to other proteins. It also causes some cells to die in a special wayto shrivel and not disintegrate, thus its power to produce a thickening of the vaginal wall to cope with normal male-female sex relationships. This property of semen, when introduced into the intestine, will alter the water-absorbing quality of its lining, thus the associate diarrhea in AIDS. The semen also contains proteins with extremely strong immune suppressive properties.
It is the immune suppressive property of semen that will facilitate the passage of sperm all the way up into the uterus and its tubes to fertilize the female egg. To the body, the millions of sperm that enter the uterus are invading foreign 'objects' and would be highly reactionary for the uterine wall and its tubes had they not been protected by the immune repressive properties of proteins from the semen that bathe the sperm. In order for the sperm and eventually the fetus (that has different antigenic properties to the mother's tissue) to survive during nine months of pregnancy, the mother's immune system has to be suppressed for the duration of pregnancy. It seems that something in the semen (possibly a uteroglobin-like protein that is called SV-IV) codes for the mother's immune suppression. It is this immune-suppressive property of semen that ensures the survival of initially the sperm, and ultimately the fetus during full-term pregnancy until the birth of a living offspring. It is interesting to know that in the third trimester of pregnancy there is often a reversal of the T4:Ts ratio.
Semen in the female vagina is not absorbed. Because of the anatomical design and position of the vagina, the semen is drained. On the other hand, the rectum is lined with very thin and delicate cells. In the rectum, semen is retained and its extremely potent physiological properties are allowed freedom of action. Within the constituents of semen, there are substances that are designed to over take the host's immune system and force them to shut down the same way that a radar jamming device is used on board warplanes to enter enemy airspace and deliver their bombs. Thus, semen has an independent ability to shut down the immune system of its host tissue if its agents are allowed entry into the recipient's system. Because of this ability, the marker of T4:T8 ratio reversal is seen in homosexuals with AIDS.
With repeated secretion of semen into a male or female rectum, the immune system suppression is unavoidablenot because of a 'virus,' but because of chemical properties of the semen itself. Women who participate in anal sex to avoid becoming pregnant should be aware of this immune suppressive property of semen.
In addition to all of the above, the intestinal wall is not capable of withstanding the forces involved in rectal manipulation for sexual purpose. The reason such sexual manipulations become possible because of one single fact: The intestinal tract does not have an acute pain sensory system if damaged from inside unless the damage affects the peritoneum, which is the thin outside cover of the gastrointestinal tract. It is amply supplied with nerves that will register pain. It is a type of 'non-adhesive' that permits various segments of the intestinal tract to glide over one another in their movements and during adaptation to the passage of food. The rectum is not completely covered by peritoneum in the same way as the rest of the intestinal tract.
Thus, the inside lining of the rectum can become damaged from being pumped against or otherwise abusively dilated and fist-and-forearm manipulated without registering the damage in the same way the skin would sound the alarm when its resistance is broken. The rectum is the end part of an anatomical structure whose activity has to be performed silently. However, this does not mean the damage is not recognized physiologically, and it does not mean the physiological steps for repair of the local damage will be less vigorous.
As part and parcel of the repair mechanisms, the chemical agents TNF, IL-1, IL-6, and others in their pack will be secreted to commence the process of crisis management. If the damage is such that resident bacteria could also break barriers and begin increased local activity, production of these agents for crisis management will increase. (It has been shown experimentally that AIDS patients have markedly increased levels of IL-6 and TNF in their blood.) This raised IL-6, as it was explained in the section on diabetes, will also destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Hence, a simple explanation for diabetes seen in the advanced stages of full-blown AIDS.
These agents function very much like a team of specialist salvage workers that go to a site after an earthquake. One group would clear the debris; others would bring survival supplies for those caught in the area who cannot be relocated; another would begin to restore power, water, and telephone services, and so on. In the everyday life of a city, all these processes take place, and they are carried out by people and machines. In the human body, the same processes take place. The agents that perform these necessary functions are hormones and their subordinate enzyme systems. The principle is the same. Each cell has a personality and needs to survive on the spot if it can be repaired. Only the dead or irreparably damaged cells will have to be dismembered and cleared away.
In rectal manipulation, should there be more than routine wear and tear, these same agents become operatives for its repair. It will take time to reproduce the original 'blueprint' and fully restore local tissues. Should there be a recurrence of the injury, on top of a tissue that is already weak, more forceful presence of these local repair agents will be called for. There may come a time that these hormones and their subordinate operators will be permanently commissioned and their presence in the blood circulation will become measurable. Since the relationship and significance of their increased presence for the repair of the 'unsensed' local damage in the rectum is not appreciatedand furthermore, the rationale of their activity not recognizedpart of their mechanism of function is highlighted and labeled as the causative factor for the physiological upheaval that is conveniently labeled as 'AIDS' for public consumption.
In laboratory research, it has been shown that cysteine will prevent the production of HIV in cultured cells. In other laboratory research, it has been shown that AIDS patients are short of cysteine and its precursor cystine. In two, simple-to-understand experiments, a metabolic basis to the development of the disease has been dearly demonstrated. If the cells that are sufficiently abnormal to produce HIV are given cysteine, their abnormality is corrected and they do not produce the HIV. All we need to know now is how these AIDS patients became cysteine-deficient. We should commence the research of this phenomenon and not sidetrack AIDS research into a dead end by making a jump of faith and-assuming it to be virus-produced.
In my opinion, it seems the 'HTV test' highlights the presence of a fragment of DNA or RNA of a damaged cellit indicates a process of cell nucleus breakdown. It could be produced by many other factors, one of them cysteine and zinc deficiency, particularly in people from underdeveloped and poorer countries. It is also possible that it is caused as a result of persistent and increasingly severe local damage in the rectum, producing a long-term run on the body's protein reserves. This test by itself is not an accurate indicator of the presence of an agent that causes the disease. The HIV itself is produced by a more severe imbalance in the makeup of the amino acid pool of the body. It is this devastating amino acid pool imbalance that kills the patients, and not the HIV particle.
As soon as this statement is made, many questions will pop up in the minds of people who have been made to focus on HIV spread through blood. It is true the blood may contain the released HIV particles; however, this blood also contains many other hormones and transmitterssome not yet even known. One can not assume AIDS to be caused by HIV unless the physiological effects of the various other components in the serum or blood are known.
As a hypothetical example, Sir Peter Medawar, FRS, a Nobel
laureate and president of the Royal Society in
In a series of very significant experiments, scientists Brodish and Lymangrove have shown that 'stressed intestines' produce a local hormone that has a very strong and long-lasting activity. It acts as a very potent cortisone-releasing agent. This hormone could be transfused in the serum from one animal to another. It stays in the new animal for some time and has exactly the same cortisone-releasing activity.
Cortisone-release mechanisms, at certain levels, will result in the production of some nucleus breakdown and similar DNA fragmentation to HIV particle formation. Again, this is a metabolic disorder even if the tests are perceived to represent HIV particle formation.
We should understand that all manufacturing processes in the cells of the body are taking place in a fluid medium; parts can float away unless an anchoring system is in place. A very important point that needs clarification is the fact that many units of cysteine are involved in the formation of a type of anchoring 'rope' that
has at some specific points zinc hooks attached to a number of cysteines that keep the DNA assembly line in position and prevent the drift of its segments, very much like wash lines with their hooks for open-air drying of clothes. The sex hormone receptor's structure, formation, and function in men and women depend very strongly on the presence of this zinc and cysteine 'fingers.' Thus, the deficiency of cysteine in the body of those with AIDS could have a far greater significance than may be apparent at first. Could the loss of gender dominance in either sex be initially caused by changes in the amino acid pool composition of the body, with 'comparative' cysteine, and possibly zinc, deficiency at the top of the list? I personally think this to be a strong possibility.
When you 'think' with your head and not your heart, you should ask yourself: If the primary and initial problem in AIDS is a wrong mix of the amino acid composition in the body, to the point of affecting the natural attributes of gender dominance, is AIDS preventable? The logical first step is a prudent correction of the physiological imbalance, coupled to the needed education about the destructive effects of giving in to homosexual experimentations. One should realize, when the correct mix of amino acids to procreate a normal offspring is not available to the body, its direct is on the sex hormones and their receptors. One must assume they decommissioned lest the natural design of the species (man)gets drastically changed. It should be remembered the natural design to sexuality is its outcome of procreation and rearing of offspring. The associated addictive 'high' is the driving force behind the design.
Now comes a social dilemma! If the presently established indulgence in homosexual gratification becomes a generally accepted norm by society and parents, they will be dooming the persons concerned to a much faster eradication from nature's inventory of its creations. The natural design of the human body has in its blueprint certain 'dead-end' directions; the frequent gratification of unnatural rectal sexual urges is one of them.
By joining so many disease conditions by the acronym of AIDS, and by getting the public to think of AIDS as a single disease produced by a slow virus, my colleagues in this branch of research are doing a disservice to mankind. They sharply deviate from the truth, and in the process, secure more research funds, sell more test kits and promote the sale of poisonous chemicals that accelerate the deterioration of the health of those so treated.
Another question that might be asked concerns the relationship of intravenous morphine and heroin use to the production of AIDS. The answer may possibly be found in chemical properties of these substances on body physiology. Morphine-like substances register their effect through the nerve system, which sends messages around by the use of serotonin as its neurotransmitter agent. This nerve system and morphine-like substances are able to alter the metabolic pattern of the body. Endorphins, the natural morphines of the body, not only suppress pain sensation and produce euphoria, they also alter the level of hunger sensation. People who use morphine and heroin lose their appetite and do not seem to eat properly. They begin to feed off their own body.
Furthermore, those who use these drugs on a regular basis are highly stressed people, either by the initial reason that forced them to take drugs, or by the difficulty of getting a regular supply. In any event, stress physiology sets in, and because of altered metabolism, not enough of the body's daily needs will be available. When morphine or heroin is used, the sensations of hunger and thirst are also suppressed, and the body begins to feed off itself. In countries where people used to smoke opium, a great number of these people eventually died of lung infectionsexactly what is now blamed on the virus and contaminated needles.
It is also important to know there is a time gap of many years between recognition of 'HIV' in the body and production of clinical symptoms of immune suppression. I can assure you, the amino acid imbalance during this time gap becomes a far more potent killer than the 'virus of AIDS.' At the beginning, the body begins to produce antibodies to the virus. It is only after some time that production of all antibodies becomes insufficient and ineffective. We should remember that a balanced and well-proportioned amino acid pool composition in the body is absolutely essential for antibody production by the white blood cells and the liver cells.
One terrible aspect of AIDS is the cruelty with which it affects babies born to mothers who are HTV positive. It should be clear, if the mother is deficient in certain amino acids in her body, she is not able to provide the baby with the correct range of amino acids for its normal development. Should the mother be even minimally deficient in her methionine, cystine, cysteine, tryptophan and others, the baby is bound to be short of these same elements that will possibly predispose to DNA fragmentation in the process of cell development, particularly in the breast-feeding phase of the child's development.
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