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'Counting Sheep' Sweater & Hat


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'Counting Sheep' Sweater & Hat Lion Brand Wool-Ease

SKILL LEVEL:  Intermediate

SIZE: Child 4, Child 5-6, Child 7-8
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Chest 28 (30, 32) inches Length 15 (15 inches, 16)inches Sleeve width at upper arm 15 (16, 16)inches
Note: Pattern is written for smallest size with changes for larger sizes in parentheses. When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes. To follow pattern more easily, circle all numbers pertaining to your size before beginning.


18 sts and 24 rows to 4 inches in St st using Size 8 needles. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you less stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.



SEED STITCH (over any number of stitches
Row 1 * K1, p1; rep from * .
Row 2 and all foll rows
K the purl sts and p the knit sts.

FENCE PAT I (multiple of 4 sts
Rows 1 and 3
(RS) K1 B, k1 C, * k3 B, k1 C; rep from * , end k2 B.
Row 2
Purl across with colors as established.
Row 4
With C, purl.
Rows 5 - 7
Rep Rows 1 - 3.

FENCE PAT II (multiple of 4 sts
Rows 1 and 3
(RS) K1 B, k1 C, * k3 B, k1 C; rep from * , end k2 B.
Row 2
Purl across with colors as established.
Row 4
With C, purl.
Rows 5 and 7
K1 A, k1 C, * k3 A, k1 C; rep from end k2 A.
Row 6
Purl across with colors as established.


When working charts, use small balls of yarn for separate areas of color. Twist yarns on WS to avoid holes.


With smaller needles and B, cast on 60 (64, 68) sts. Work in k1, p1 rib as foll:

3 rows B, 2 rows C, 3 rows B and inc 4 sts across last row64 (68, 72). Change to larger needles. Beg with a k row, work 20 rows in St st (k on RS, p on WS). Work 7 rows in Fence Pat I. With B, beg with a p row and work 17 rows in St st. Work 7 rows in Fence Pat II. With A, beg with a p row and work even in St st until piece measures 15 (15, 16)' from beg, end with a WS row. Bind off 17 (18, 19) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Place rem 30 (32, 34) sts on holder.

Cast on and rib as for back, inc 4 sts across last row. Change to larger needles and beg with a k row, work 4 rows in St st.

Beg Chart #1: Row 1 (RS) K5 (7, 9) B, place marker (pm), * work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k9 B, pm, rep from * once, work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k5 (7, 9) B. Working sheep in seed st as noted and all other sts in St st, work as established through chart Row 16. Work 7 rows of Fence Pat I. With B, purl 1 row.

Rep Chart #1: Row 1 (RS) K 15 (17, 19) B, pm, work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k9, pm, work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k 16 (18, 20) B. Work sts as before to top of chart. Work 7 rows Fence Pat II. With A, beg with a p row and work 11 (13, 15) rows in St st.

Beg Chart #2: Row 1 (RS) K5 (7, 9) A, pm, work 11 sts of Chart #2, pm,

k 32 A, pm, work 11 sts of Chart #2, pm, k5 (7, 9) A. Work sts as established through chart Row 5. With A, p 1 row.

Rep Chart #2: Row 1 K27 (29, 31) A, pm, work 11 sts of Chart #2, pm, k26 (28, 30) A. Work sts as before to top of chart. With A only, cont in St st until piece measures 13 (13, 14)' from beg, end with a WS row.

Shape Neck: Next Row (RS) K24 (25, 26), place 16 (18, 20) sts on holder, join 2nd ball of yarn and k to end. Working both sides at once, bind off from each neck edge 3 sts once, then dec 1 st each side every other row 4 times. Bind off rem sts.

With smaller needles and B, cast on 34 (38, 38) sts. Work in k1, p1 rib as foll:

3 rows B, 2 rows C, 3 rows B and inc 6 sts across on last row40 (44, 44) sts. Change to larger needles. With B, beg with a k row and work 10 rows in St st. Work 7 rows in Fence Pat II. With A, cont in in St st, AT SAME TIME, inc 1 st each side every 4th row 12 times, every 6th row twice68 (72, 72) sts. Work even and when piece measures 12 (12, 13)' from beg, bind off all sts.

Sew left shoulders tog.

Neckband With RS facing, smaller needles and A, pick up and k70 (74, 78) sts evenly around neck edge. Work 1' in k1, p1 rib. Sew right shoulders, including neckband. Place markers 7 (8, 8)' down from shoulders on front and back. Sew straight edge of sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams. With D, work French knots or make small loops for sheeps ears.

With smaller needles and B, cast on 80 sts. Work 7 rows in k1, p1 rib. Change to larger needles. Beg with k row, work 4 rows in St st.

Beg Chart #1: Row 1 (RS) K4 B, place marker (pm), * work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k8 B, pm; rep from * twice, work 12 sts of Chart #1, pm, k4 B. Work sheep in seed st as noted and all other sts in St st, work as established through chart Row 16. Piece measures approx 3' from beg. Work fence pat as foll:

Row 1 (RS) * K2 B, k1 C; rep from * , end k2 B.
Row 2
Purl with colors as established.
Row 3
With C, knit.
Row 4
* P2 A, p1 C; rep from end p2 A.
Row 5
* K2 A, k1 C; rep from * , end k2 A. With A, p 1 row.
Beg Crown: Dec Row 1
(RS) * K9, k2tog; rep from end k373 sts.

P 1 row.
Dec Row 2
* K8, k2tog; rep from end k359 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 3
* K7, k2tog; rep from end k352 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 4
* K6, k2tog; rep from end k345 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 5
* K5, k2tog; rep from end k345 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 6
* K4, k2tog; rep from end k338 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 7
* K3, k2tog; rep from end k331 sts. P 1 row.
Dec Row 8
* K2tog; rep from end k116 sts. P 1 row. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread tail through rem sts, pull tog tightly and sew seam

ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES Click for explanation and illustration

approx = approximately

beg = begin(s)(ning)

cont = continu(e)(s)(ing)

dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing)

foll = follow(s)(ing)

inc = increas(e)(s)(ing)

k = knit

p = purl

pat = pattern

Pm = place marker

rem = remain(s)(ing)

rep = repeat(s)(ing)

RS = right side

St st = Stockinette stitch

st(s) = stitch(es)

tog = together

WS = wrong side

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