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This pilot project is initiated and developed by a
taskforce team of 15 young and enthusiastic persons, students at the Faculty of
Commerce from the
The main objective of the pilot
project we started to work on is to offer some alternative solutions for the
economic and social tribulations in the North-Eastern Romania Region and to
help at the revival of the deprived area of
The way we thought we could reach this objective is to open a Consultancy Centre in Suceava, this city being, as we mentioned in the Area Description, one of the most important ones in the region.
If the project is approved, its budget is to be 150000 200000 yearly for the first to years, which will be dedicated to creating and developing this centre.
The consultancy experts must be trained in a foreign country, in existing similar centres, in order to gain the experience needed.
For that we appeal to your institution, hoping that you will be interested in becoming one of the foreign partners of this project.
the opening of the Consultancy Centre in Suceava, we intend to respond to some
current needs, specific for the deprived area of
The need of information on the existing opportunities in the area (the fiscal facilities, cheap and qualified work force, the potential of tourism, the natural resources), with minimum expenses for the public;
The need of managerial training for crisis situations (target: the business people from the area and future entrepreneurs); Consultancy regarding the start of a business, creating business plans, development strategies, the possibility of participating in different programs;
The need of
promoting the area and its extraordinary opportunities (in
The need of supporting the private sector (free consultancy regarding opening, developing and extending a small and medium private business; creating links with domestic and foreign business partners; bringing new financial resources in the area, reducing the unemployment)
The need to implement IT and high-tech (explaining the advantages of bringing IT into a competitive business, offering information on the soft producers and the IT providers)
The need to train consultancy experts in the field of deprived areas
We identified these needs by:
Office research (by analysing statistical data, by studying publications from The Ministry of Development and Prognosis, The Ministry of Industry, The Ministry of Labour, by Internet and mass media research)
Field research (visits in Suceava county, done by two of the team members; they had contacts and meetings with local investors and authorities, in order to take into account their opinions regarding these needs and ways of responding to them and ways of solving the problems people face in the deprived area of Bucovina)
Suceava Chamber of Commerce and Industry it will give us all the economic, statistical and legislative data needed
The F.R.E. Suceava Trade Union it offers us access to a computer room with 24 workstations.
Now we are looking for some foreign partners, with great experience in the field of consultancy centres for regional development and revival of deprived areas.
The finality of the project is to have a successful Consultancy Centre. But for us to be able to get good results out of it, we need partners with previous experience in this domain to guide us through the opening and the development stages of the Centre.
A training of our future consultancy specialists in similar centres from your area would be a very useful experience for the Romanian part. Therefore, we thought that one of the parts of the partnership should be the exchange of experience between the parts, meaning members of our team to come to your country for training seasons, and at the end of this period, each one of them should have the obligation to do a training project on a theme proposed by the trainer. This work that we are going to perform would be on unpaid bases, something like voluntary work.
On the other hand, specialists from your institution should come to
Another task of the partnership, along with this mobility part, will be the advertising and through it, creating links between different businesses from the partners areas. By advertising, we understand to create a web site with links to all the partners, to create and circulate promotional materials (such as posters, leaflets, newsletters, disks, etc.) on the centre and the partners. We intend to create some theoretical supports on what consultancy is with examples from the area we work on: a CD- ROM, a book. The team members will create a new theoretical course, regarding management problems into the deprived areas.
These are the major things we thought to be the base of the partnership in the project.
Of course, for all these things to be possible, the funding for all the administrative costs of the centre, the mobility expenses and so on, will be divided in percentages between the partners.
The first step is represented by the theoretical and practical training of a part of the students in the similar centres in the countries of the partners.
After training the consultancy agents, the Centre will be opened, with local support. The mobility will continue, so that all the members of our team will be trained to become consultancy experts.
Another phase of the project is represented by the
advertising the region and the activity of the centre in
We will use the connections established with local and foreign partners and with possible investors, in order to get new financial resources in the area.
The consultancy agents working in this centre will benefit from the information and the experience provided by local and foreign partners. They will provide consultancy for local entrepreneurs, and potential investors.
Our agents will create a new university course, regarding management in deprived areas and dealing crisis situations some local entrepreneurs. This course will be an optional one for students, post university studies and will help to properly train local entrepreneurs and investors to be good managers, in the provided situation of the deprived areas.
Besides free managerial advice for local investors, the
Centre aims to become a model for other similar Centres in
The deadline for us to hand the pre-proposal for the project at the Leonardo da Vinci National Agency is the 18th of January 2002.
Funds will be calculated and indicated in the project proposal. The funds that will be provided to your organisations must be used for:
training the Romanian students as consultancy agents (in the field of development of the deprived areas)
distributing advertising materials about the
travelling expenses related to the visit of your representatives in
The timescale of a project being approved after submission is couple of months, so we proposed as a starting date for the execution of the project the 1st of October 2002 and this leads to the 1st of October 2004 being the ending date of it.
The Pilot Project Schedule:
No. |
Time period |
Activities and events |
1st October 2002 31st December 2002 |
Finding the space for the centre, juridical statute, the space endowment, local contacts; The inauguration of the Pilot Consultancy Centre (with the partners participation) and the beginning of the activity; Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st January 2003 31st March 2003 |
Training for the first Romanian group in the partners similar centres. Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st April 2003 30th June 2003 |
Developing the Web site by Romanian IT specialists, in collaboration with the partners The improves of the activity in the centre as a result of the first training The partners come to Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st July 2003 30th September 2003 |
Training for the second Romanian group in the partners similar centres The analysis of the first year of activity Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st October 2003 31st December 2003 |
A seminar in Suceava, regarding the activity and new modalities to develop it with the participation of the partners Recruitment of new members and collaborators to work for the centre and their training (to be made by the experienced members of the centre) The expand of the centre and its activities Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st January 2004 31st March 2004 |
Training for the second Romanian group in the partners similar centres Finding other financial resources to extend the centre and to make it self-sustainable Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st April 2004 30th June 2004 |
A Festival of Jobs and Business Opportunities in Suceava A study on the situation of other regions in the country, to see if extending the Pilot Centre in other cities is needed and possible Finding other financial resources for the centre Other different specific activities in the centre |
1st July 2004 30th September 2004 |
Final evaluation Final rapport Organizing an event with the participation of the partners with debates on what the centre is comparing with what it ought to be Using the results of the previous study about the other regions for opening new centres Other different specific activities in the centre |
Expected results:
Among the expected results of the project, we mention:
Opening of the consultancy centre
20 future consultants will be trained and specialised for an efficient activity in the Suceava Pilot Consultancy Centre (the students who initiated the pilot project will undergo training courses held in the partner countries, in order to achieve the status of expert consultant)
The accomplishment of a central Web site with information regarding the existing partnership and the pilot project the consultancy centre. This site will contain a series of links to other sites, which on the one hand will provide information to the partner countries, the projects realized by the latter in the domain, the support provided to us in the accomplishment of the activity etc and on the other hand information regarding the N-E Region and the areas presenting economic difficulties in the partner countries.
Creating a database with useful information for the entrepreneurs and the investors
(this database will contain statistics regarding the economic, social and politic environment both at a micro-economic and macro-economic level.)
300 firms will benefit from our information
An important number of people will be trained to be managers of their own business
Organizing 3 conferences. During these conferences an ample discussion will take place and will comprise a detailed presentation of the information regarding the N-E Region (strong points, weak points, opportunities, threats), legislation, facilities granted to SME s in this area, steps to be followed in the formation of an SME, opportunities for obtaining expedient credits, the possibility of participating at a variety of programmes launched by the Government at a micro-economic and macro-economic level.
Organizing 6 seminaries in the first year and of 8 seminaries during the next year. The seminaries will have a specific theme, chosen in advance. The methods chosen for these seminaries are comprised of case studies, experiments and simulations. The equipment used for these seminaries resides in slate projections, video projections, PC soft specialised for experiments and simulations.
Consultancy for business plans and projects. Providing advice for the development of projects in order to obtain financial resources after two years of financing, the centre will have to obtain new funds in order to continue its activity. Its main goal is represented by the project developments, which will take part at a selection for obtaining external funds during projects ranking European level.
The relations between the business people from inside and outside the country will be propagated
The launching of a campaign for promoting the consultancy centre, the partnership, the undergoing activity and the economically challenged areas.
The consultancy centre will take part at a Fair dedicated to jobs and business opportunities. The consultancy centre will present its activity, the existent opportunities in the N-E Region for developing a business, and aside from that, the centre will be representing the various companies from the N-E Region, which does not possess the financial capacity of attending such a fair.
Developing the analytic mandatory course for Entrepreneurship in economically challenged areas, which will be introduced in the Universitys programme. Approximately 100 persons are expected to attend the Entrepreneurship in economically challenged areas course.
Conditions for opening new Consultancy Centres in other regions of the country will be created
Involving the local communities and authorities and changing their mentalities
Extending the partnership with similar institutions from different countries that face similar problems.
Replacing old unprofitable activities with new ones, using new technologies
Reducing the unemployment
Accelerating the economic development of the area
Contributing to
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