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Led Studio


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Chapter I   Introduction

1. 1 Features

tLED Studiot, programmed and produced for LED by the Program Team of tLED Studiot, is powerful, practical and easy to learn software for making or playing programs, supporting a range of formats, such as txt documents, doc documents, pictures (BMPJPGGIFPCXt) and cartoons (MPGMPEGMPVMPAAVIVCDSWFRMRARMJASFt)

1.2 Operating Environment

u      Operating system

Chinese/English Windows98/me/2000/NT/XP

u      Hardware Configuration

Pentium 300MHz or above

ROM: 64M

Graphics Card: Standard VGA 256mode or above

u      Related Software

Microsoft Media player compulsory

OFFICE2000tSin case of *. doc files

RealPlayertSin case of RealPlayer files

Chapter II       Install and Uninstall

2. 1 Installation

tLED Studiot can be easily installed, as shown below:

Put the tLED Studiot installation CD into the CD-ROM, The Installation Menu will automatically pop up. (if not, then select this CD-ROM, double click it with your mouse)Then select tInstall LED Studiot to start the Installation Guide, as Shown in Figure 2-1. After that, simply follow the instruction on the screen. Note: This software is protected by a serial number. Please enter the correct serial number in order to process the installation. Please ask the products provider for the correct serial number.

After tLED Studiot software has been successfully installed, there will be a tLED Softwaret program group in the tStartts/tProgramts,then move to the tLED Softwaret under this program group, click to start. Also, there will be a tLED Studiot short-cup on your desktop: as shown to the right: . Also, you can start the program by double click on the icon.

2. 2 Uninstall

tLED Studiot software provide an auto-uninstall function, for your convenience to delete all tLED Studiot files, program groups and short-cuts, users can either select tDelete LED Studiot under the tLED Softwaret group, or go to the tcontrol panelts, select tadd/delete programts to undergo quick uninstall. (Uninstall window as shown in Figure 2-2), now select tAutomatict can delete all files, program groups and short-cuts.


Chapter III  Instruction in details

3. 1 Consists of Program

Program (Program document) consists of one or more than one program pages. There are two kinds of program page: normal program page and overall program page. Normal program pages are the main components of a program, so there may be many, they will be played in order, one after another; there should be only one overall program page, played throughout the playing process. It is mainly used for fixed contentst broadcast, such as clock, company logo, etc.

Program page consists of one or more windows, which is used to show the contents that users want to play, like documents, pictures, cartoons, multimedia segments etc. There are twelve kinds of program windows: file window, text window, single line text window, static text window, table window, timer window, data base window, DVD/VCD window, external software window, date/time window, video line-in window, and geometrical graph window.

File window: can play various files like words, pictures, cartoons, tables, etc.

Text window: Used for quick inputs of short writings, such as notifies, etc.

Single line text window: to play single line text window, such as notices, adverts etc. writings.

Static text window: to play static texts, like company names, titles, etc.

Table Window: to edit and play table figures.

Timer window: for timing, supporting clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Database Window: To play ACCESS Database and ODBC Driver Database

DVD/VCD window: to play DVD/VCD

External program window: To insert external program into the play window, mainly used for small programs made by users.

Date/Time window: to display date and time

Video line-in window: to play signals from TV cards, Video Collecting Cards, etc.

Geometric graph window: to display geometric graphs like straight lines, circles.

3. 2 Interface Window Introduction

tLED Studiot software consists of two windows: play window and control window. (As shown in Figure 3-1)


Figure 3-1


3. 2. 1 Play Window

Play Window (Namely the contents displayed on the LED screen) is to display the contents that users want to play, like files, pictures, cartoons, multi-media fragments. Here, the contents are the same as those on the LED screen, and also they are coherent. This software support several play windows (At most 99) working simultaneously, which means that one computer may control 99 LED screen at a time. In each play window, operations can be done separately, such as opening files, playing or editing files, and so on. And these operations   dontt affect each other.

3. 2. 2 Control window

Control window is used for controlling the position, size and contents of the playing area, control window can be expanded to edit window. It contains Menu, Toolbar and Edit control: a control window with Editing is shown below:


Text Box: Figure 3-2
Figure 3-3

Menu bar:    Including file, control, tool, setting, test (only for producer) and help, in total 6 sub-menus.

Toolbar: It is the fast operation of the menu functions.

Edit: consists of two parts, left hand side are program options, displaying info of the program and sub-windows; right hand side are control options, controlling the playing actions, time, etc. of the program.

3. 3 Features introduction

3. 3. 1 Menu

Include file, control, tool, setting, test (only for LED screen producer) and help, in total 6 sub-menus.

Figure 3-3


File Menu: as shown in Figure 3-3, include New, Open, Save, Save as, Open Demo File, Open recently used files and Exit.

New:      for setting up a new LED Studio file.

Open:    for opening a previously done LED Studio file.

Save:     for saving current LED Studio file.

Save as: for saving current LED Studio file as a new LED Studio file.

Open Demo File: for opening demo LED Studio file, to process function demonstration.

Open recently used file: for opening recently used LED Studio files.

Exit: to exit LED Studio.

Control Menu: As shown in Figure 3-4, it includes play, play last, play next, pause, stop, notify, score manager, play PowerPoint file, stop PowerPoint file, play VCD/DVD, backup program and manager for LED Screen Sever.

Text Box:  
Figure 3-4
Play: to play current LED Studio file.

Play last: to play the last program while playing.

Play next: to play the next program while playing.

Pause: to pause currently playing LED Studio file.

Stop: to stop currently playing LED Studio File.

Notify: to insert temporary playing notice.

Scare manager: for displaying the scores.

Play Power point file: for playing PowerPoint files.

Stop PowerPoint file: to stop the currently playing PowerPoint File.

Play VCD/DVD: for playing VCD/DVD files.

Backup program: to backup current program.

Manager for LED Screen Sever: to manage remote screen, please refer to chapter 17: network control, for details.

Tool Menu: as shown in Figure 3-5, it includes Word, Excel, Paint, Notepad, Calculator, etc. Single click on them can open programs which coming with windows or pre-installed, to shortcut edit the program.


Figure 3-5


Option Menu: As shown in Figure 3-6, it includes: Screen combination/synchronism, Screen Brightness/Contrast/Color, Screen Area, Virtual/Real LED screen, Play Foreground/background, Lock/Unlock LED Screen Properties, Turn on/off LED Screen Power, Schedule Table, Schedule Hide Setup, Language, Show/Hide Play window, Software Setup, User Setup, etc.

Figure 3-6


Screen combination/synchronism:Multi-display combination means every screen in the multi-display plays a part of a same program; Multi-display synchronism means multi-display play same program synchronously; Multi-display independence means every display in the multi-display plays different programs.

Screen Brightness/ Contrast/ Color: used for adjusting the Brightness, Contrast, and Brightness on the LED Screen. After clicking on it, a dialog box will appear, as shown below, it can adjust every screen independently; Use your mouse to drag the adjusting button for brightness, contrast, and color, you can change the settings. Then choose tSavet to save the changes or choose Restore to reset. Also you can tick in the box in front of tEnable Adjust Bright Autot to let it automatically adjust the brightness according to the environment. If the screen is virtual screen, please select tVirtual displayt(As shown in figure 3-7)

Figure 3-7

Screen Area: To setup the Led display area to the monitor, as shown in figure 3-8, setup the screen displays start from (20,20) to (148,148) on the screen monitor; it can setup multi-screen independently; After selecting tAlways display screent, there will appear a red frame, and it is used to display the screen area of content.

Figure 3-8

Play Foreground/background: used for background playing. When selected, contents will not be shown on the monitor, but only on the LED screen.

Lock/Unlock LED Screen Properties: Lock the current contents on the monitor to the LED screen, and do not refresh. vice versa.

Turn on/off LED Screen Power: for remote control to turn on or off the power of LED screen.

Schedule Table: to setup some schedule for the LED screen, such as turn on/off timing. Please refer to Chapter 16 for details.

Schedule Hide Setup: Enable/disable schedule hide, a window as shown in Figure 3-9 will appear after selecting it.

Text Box:  
Figure 3-9

Language: setup the operating langue of the software, options like auto, English, French, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian will be available.

Hardware maintenance: When reinstalling the computer, the user need the led display connection diagram, which is offered by display maker. Click tHard maintenancet, and input the password: 168, will appear a dialog box, as shown in figure 3-10; click tLoadt, and load the file offered by display maker; and then click tTestt, if your screen display normally, you can tsave to screen.t The tAdvancet is used to load receiving card program, if you are not professional for Led display, please not to operate it.

Figure 3-10

Show/Hide Play window: Used to show or hide the playing window.

Software Setup: To setup software options. (Details refer to software setting chapter)

User Setup: Setup the purview of users. (Details refer to User Setup Chapter)

Test:  As shown in Figure 3-11, it contains gray test, grid test, dot test, color bar test, check position, check color.



                           Figure 3-11

Grey test: Can operate gray test on the LED screen.

Grid test: Can test whether the Figure on the screen is correct or not.

Dot test: Can test the high frequency character of the screen.

Color bar test: Can test the color hierarchy of the screen.

Check position: Can show the position coordinates on the screen.

Check color: Can check color value on the screen.

Help: As shown in Figure 3-12, it contains Help, Knowledge, Check IP Address, and About LED Studio.

Text Box:  
Figure 3-12

Help: supply online help.

Knowledge: as shown in Figure 3-13, open knowledge dialog box, you can tick in the box in front of tdisplay at start upt to enable or disable this function.



                        Figure 3-13

Check IP Address: check your IP address.

About LED Studio: show the version number of the software and copyright info.

3. 3. 2 Toolbar

Toolbar is the fast operation of menu, as shown in Figure 3-14, from left to right the icons are: new, open, save, open/close display window, allow/forbid edit, play, play from current program, pause, stop, play background, lock/unlock screen, turn on/off screen power, and change look (change interface skin button), functions in details please refer to menu.

Text Box:   Figure 3-14

                          Figure 3-14

3. 3. 3 Edit control

Edit control is the hard core of this software, illustration in details please refers to the next section: programming flow.

3. 4 programming flow

3. 4. 1 First step: setup the size of the playing window

The size of the window has to be setup correctly, otherwise when the program is done, only part of the Figure can be displayed on the screen or the Figure is not large enough.

How to setup: Menu--tControl--tSoftware setup--tPlay window, can lead you to the software setup window. There, you can choose lock to LED screen (we strongly recommend you to do so, because the size and position of the playing window will be exactly the same as the LED screen); or you can choose Screen combination/synchronism, Floating.

Select Floating, Setup the display number as 1, and click tUpdate display number t, as shown in figure 3-15. Setup the start (X,Y) as (0,0), and setup the width and height according to your Screen, for example, your screen is 128*92, setup (W, H) as (128,92).

  Figure 3-15

3. 4. 2 Step 2: Open a New Program page

Program page is a basic element of a program. In Figure 3-16, it is a program page toolbar, to open a new program page, just simply click on tnew program paget button. (Note: if you cannot find the program page toolbar, please click on the button tallow editt  on the toolbar above). There could be infinity program page in the file, to delete a program page, you can use the delete button. If you want to change the playing order of each page, use the moving button , . Normal program page will be played in order, while overall program page will be played continuously, without any time limits. (Such as time display)

Figure 3-16


3. 4. 3 Step 3: Setup program page option.

After a program page has been created or selected, you can setup the program page option, as shown in the Figure below. There are options like: name, playing time, background color, background picture, background picture effect, and background music.

3. 4. 4 Step 4: Create program windows

Program page is only a frame, which could contain as many program windows as possible. Each program window can play different words, pictures, tables, cartoons, and videos, etc. In total, there are twelve kinds of program windows available. Click on the tcreate new programt button, a program selecting menu as shown in Figure 3-17 will pop-up. Now, we are going to introduce these 12 different kinds of windows.


Figure 3-17


File window: It is the most important window, because all supported files will be played here. You can add as many files here as you want. There are more 10 kinds of supported files, including: Document files (TXT), HTM/HEML/MHT files, EXCEL files, WORD files (DOC/RTF), all kinds of picture files (BMP/JPG/GIF/PCX/WMF/ICO), all kinds of media files (AVI/MPG/MPEG/WMV/ASF), VCD files (DAT), Flash files (SWF), RealPlayer files (RM).

Text windows, Single Line text windows, Static Document windows: These three windows are not compulsory. Words can be shown in the File window, such windows are only for providing simple words like title of a company, greeting captions, notes, etc. a quicker method to input.

Table Window: Used to edit the play list data.

Timer window: Used for timing

Database window: Used to play ACCESS database and ODVC driver data base.

DVD/VCD window: Used to play DVD/VCD.

External Program Window: Used to insert external program into the play window.

Date /Time Window: Used to display date and time.

Video line-in WindowsThis window is used to display external video signals like TV, VCD/DVD, tape recorder, etc. This window requires video input cards like all variety of TV cards, Video capture cards.

Geometric graphs window: this is used to display geometric graphs.

3. 4. 5 Step 5: Setup Program Window options

All program windows has the same options as shown in Figure 3-18, Name, Frame, Position, Width, Lock, Timing. For program windows with different options, illustrations are list below.



Figure 3-18


File Window: as shown in Figure 3-19, the window has been divided into two parts. The upper one is the file play-list, while the lower one is the file options. Above the play-list, there is a file toolbar, which can be used to add, delete or move files. The file options in the lower part various by different file formats, we will explain below.

Figure 3-19

tDocument filest options are shown in Figure 3-20, choose of background color, background pictures, background action, and more than 40 special techniques are available. Also there are 4 effects you can choose: line, speed, stay, and font. (Note, if there are not many words, document window could be chosen; if the preface is complicated, WORD document could be used to make-up)

  Figure 3-20

 tPicture filet supports all variety of picture formats (BMP/JPG/GIF/PCX /WMFt), options refer to Figure 3-21. You can choose background color, background pictures, background action, and more than 40 special techniques. Also there are 4 effects you may use: line, speed, stay, and font. Plus, more than 50 different types and speed of clearing you can select.

Figure 3-21

tMedia and cartoons filest include all kinds of media files (AVI/MPEG/ASF/WMV), FLASH cartoons files (SWF), REALPLAYER files (RM), etc. Options are shown in Figure 3-22. Again, choose of background color, background pictures, background action, and more than 40 special techniques are available. Also there are 4 effects you can choose: line, speed, stay, and font.

Figure 3-22

tWORD filest options are shown in Figure 3-23, you can choose options like special techniques, effects, speed, etc. (Note: WORD2000 or OFFICE2000 is required in case of . doc files. Some computer and tRising Anti-virust Software are not compatible, if you cannot find the pre-installed WORD, please uninstall Anti-virust Software and try again)

Figure 3-23

Text Window: Single click on the tadd textt button on the toolbar, as shown in Figure 3-24, can let you setup the background, Font, Action, Speed, Staying time, etc. You can also key in words or do type editing. (Note: If there are too many words, please use WORD files or TXT files to play in the window.)

Figure 3-24

Video Line-in window: As shown in Figure 3-25, all options are related to the Video Input Equipments. Please refer to your userts manual of the Video Input Equipments.

Figure 3-25

Date/time window: As shown in Figure 3-26, you can setup background color, background mode, background picture, static text, display style, display effect, font, etc.

Figure 3-26

3. 4. 6 Step 6: Finish Programming

After the above 5 steps, a program has been done. If you want more than one program page, please repeat from step 2 to step 5. Please do not forget to save your program page after you finished. Click on the saving button or select menu--tsave.

3. 4. 7 Step 7: Play the program

To play the current program files, click on the button to start; to pause; to stop, or select from control menu. If you want to play a different program file, please click on the open button, to open a program and play it.
                 Chapter IV       Character display

To play a document program, there are six methods: in a document window; in a single line text window; in a static document window; open the document in a picture and document window; Add words to the picture files and play in a picture and document window; or insert notice while a program is playing.

4. 1 play in a document window

This window is not compulsory. Words can be displayed in a picture and document window, this window is only a quick way to key in simple words like company name, greeting caption, or notes.

4. 1. 1 Create a new window

Click on the tnew windowt button, as shown in Figure 4-1. Then select tText windowt in the menu to create a new text window, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Text Box:  
Figure 4-1

4. 1. 2 Setup Text window

As shown in Figure 4-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program, and prevent it from moving

Background: setup the background color of this program

4. 1. 3 Insert and edit text

As shown in Figure 4-3, the lower part is for editing texts. After clicking on the tadd textt button, a tText Editt dialog box will appear as shown in the Figure 4-3 below. In the edit box at the bottom, you can key in or paste text. Also you can do type-editing, you can setup options like: Background, Font, Action, Speed, Staying time, etc.

Figure 4-3

Close the tText Editt dialog box after finishing editing. Now the Text will appear in the list, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4

If you want to make any changes to your texts, just simply select them and then click on the button. An edit box as shown in Figure 4-3 will appear and let you edit the texts. To delete the texts, you can use the button. To change the playing order, use buttons  and . Or you can preview the selected texts by clicking on the button.

4. 2 Play in a single line text window

This window is only for single line sliding captions, such as greeting captions, notes, etc. These texts support transparent display, which can be added on any windows, including video files playing in video windows or in pictures and texts windows, as shown in below figure 4-5

Figure 4-5


4. 2. 1 Create a new Single Line Text window

Click on the tnew windowt button, and then select tSingle Line Text windowt in the menu to create a new single line text window, as shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6

4. 2. 2 Setup Single Line Text window

As shown in Figure 4-6, the upper part is for setting up program properties. There are two ways to input texts, one is open from external documents, and another is directly input to the edit box.

Open from external documents: Select tExternal filet, in Figure 4-6, then click on button to open files, as shown in Figure 4-7. Edited text files can be dynamically displayed when the program is playing. In Figure 10-3, you can setup Action, Background, and Font.

Input in the edit box Select the tTextt, as shown in figure 4-6 and then type in texts that you want in the box below, as shown in Figure 4-7, you can also setup the Action, Background and Font.

                       Figure 4-7

4. 3 Play in the Static Text window

This setup window is for playing static texts.

4. 3. 1 Create a new Static Text Window

Click on the tnew windowt button, and then select tStatic Text windowt in the menu (as shown in Figure 4-8) to create a new static text window, as shown in Figure 4-9.


Figure 4-8

Figure 4-9

4. 3. 2 Setup the static text window

As shown in Figure 4-9, the upper part is for program propertiest setting. Type in the texts you want in the edit box, and choose their properties below, like: transparency, Align, Background, and Font, etc.

4. 4 Play text files in a File Window

4. 4. 1 Create a new File window

Click on the tNew Windowt button, select tFile Windowt in the menu (as shown in Figure 4-10) to create a new tFile Windowt, as shown in Figure 4-11.

Text Box:  
Figure 4-10

4. 4. 2 Setup File Window

As shown in Figure 4-11, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

4. 4. 3 Open files

Click on the tadd filet button     , (in the lower part of Figure 4-12), an open file dialog box will appear. All supported format has been shown in the list at the bottom of the dialog box. Select WORD File, choose the file you want to open in the box above, then click on topent to open it.

Figure 4-12

The opened file has been added to the list, now the options of this file will be listed below. (As shown in Figure 4-13) Options can let you setup the background (includes color, pictures, drawing method), Font, Plenty Actions, four available effects, Line, Speed, Staying time, Font, etc. (Note: If there are only a few words, file window may be used. If the type-editing is complicated, WORD file may worth to be considered. )

Figure 4-13

4. 5 Add texts onto a picture file

The text display method in this section is the same as that in Chapter 5, picture display, appearing and clearing texts. Details please refer to Chapter 5

4. 6 Insert notes during playing

Instruction in details please refer to Chapter 16

Chapter V            Picture display

5. 1 Create a new picture window

Click on the tNew windowt button, and select tFile Windowt in the menu (as shown in Figure 5-1), to create a new file window, as shown in 5-2.

Figure 5-1

5. 2 Setup picture window

As shown in Figure 5-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 5-2

5.3          Open playing files

Click on the tadd filet button to open the file dialog box (as shown in Figure 5-3), select the picture format from the list. Then select the file that you want to open in the box above. (Once you select a picture, you can preview it in the right-hand-side frame.) Click on topent to open the selected file, now the bottom-right corner of the main window will change, as shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-3

Figure 5-4

5. 4 Setup picture properties

The opened file has been added to the list. Now, options of this file will be listed below. (Figure 5-4), you can select background color, background picture, background picture drawing method, plenty actions, four effects, speed, staying time, clearing effects, clearing speed.

5.5Insert background picture, appearing music and texts.

Insert background picture

Click on the button in Figure 5-4, select and open the picture you want to insert in the topen filet dialog box. Also you may directly key in the address of the background picture in the edit frame.

Insert clearing music

Click on the button in Figure 5-4, and select the music file that you want in the topen filet dialog box, then click topent.

Insert appearing texts

Click on the tTEXTt button in Figure 5-4, the tPicture/Textt dialog box will appear (Figure 5-5)


                                                   Figure 5-5

Click on tAddt button in Figure 5-5 to open ttext editt dialog box, insert the file that you want and setup their properties and effects, and then close the dialog box.

The Text file that you edited has been added to the file list, if you want to insert more than one appearing text, you can repeat the two steps above. To edit it, select from the file list and then click on the teditt button to edit it. To delete it, use the delete button, you may also use move up, move down buttons to select files.

Click on Exit to finish the insert of appearing texts.

Chapter VI  Cartoons display

6. 1 Create a new cartoon window

Click on the tNew windowt button, select tFile Windowt in Figure 6-1 to create a new file window, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-1

6. 2 Setup Cartoons window

As shown in Figure 6-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 6-2

6. 3 Open playing files.

Click on the tadd filet button in the lower part (Figure 6-2) to open file dialog box. (as shown in Figure 6-3)

This studio can play all cartoons files and all media files (AVI/MPEG/ASF/WMV), FLASH files (SWF), REALPLAYER files (RM), etc. Select any file of the above formats, and then click on topent to open it. Now the bottom-right of the main window will change to looks like Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-3

Figure 6-4

6. 4 Setup Cartoons file properties

The opened file has been added to the list, now there will be options of this file appear below. (Figure 6-4), you can select background color, background picture, background picture drawing method, and three effects are optional.

Chapter VII              table display

There are two ways to display a table, one is set up a table window to insert table display, and the other is pre-done the table in WORD or EXCEL, Then use the second method we introduced in chapter 4 to play the file, we are not going to repeat this.

7. 1 Create a new table window

Click on tNew windowt button, select tTable Windowt in the menu (Figure7-1) to create a new table window. (as shown in 7-2)

Figure 7-1

7. 2 Setup Table Window

As shown in Figure 7-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 7-2

7. 3 Insert and edit tables

Click on tAdd Tablet button in lower part of Figure 7-2 to open the tedit tablet dialog box. (as shown in Figure 7-3)


ttable propertiest button : setup table properties

tInsert tablet button: insert rows or columns.

tDelete tablet button: delete rows or columns.

tSplit/Combinet button: split or combine rows or

Those to the right are commonly used for type-editing, they can change the Font, Size, Color, Background color, mode, align method.

Setup table properties

Click on tTable propertiest button, to open ttable propertyt dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-4. You may change the settings like: name, with/without title, lock title, titlets Font, size, mode, color, and tablets background color, grid line color, table drawing effect, speed, staying time, and lock the row and column number.

Figure 7-4

Insert table

Click on tinsert tablet button, to open the tadd tablet dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-5, select input type, quantity, and input mode (to current position or to end), click tokt to finish.

Figure 7-5

Delete table

Click on tdelete tablet button, to open tdelete tablet dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-6. Select delete row or column, and then click on tokt to finish.

Figure 7-6


Select the cells that you want to combine, click on tSlit/Combinet button to combine them, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7

Select the cell that you want to slit, click on tSlit/Combinet button to split, as shown in Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8

Chapter VIII         Homepage Display

8. 1 Create a new Homepage Window.

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tFile Windowt in Figure 8-1 to create a new file window, as shown in 8-2.

Figure 8-1

8. 2 Setup homepage window

As shown in Figure 8-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 8-2

8. 3 Open playing files

Click on the tadd homepaget button at the bottom in Figure 8-2 to open tWeb Page URLt dialog box. (Figure 8-3)

Figure 8-3

Type in the web page address and click ok, now the main bottom right of the window will change to looks like Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4

The opened file has been added to the list, now the options of this file will be listed below. (As shown in Figure 8-4). You can change the background color, background picture, background picture drawing method, and three available effects. Also you may change the action, speed, and staying time.

Chapter IX               Database Display

9. 1 Create a new Database Window

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tdatabase windowt in Figure 9-1 to create a new database window, as shown in 9-2.

Figure 9-1

9. 2 Setup database window

As shown in Figure 9-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 9-2

9. 3 Add Access Database

9. 3. 1 Add Access database

Click on the tadd databaset button on the toolbar, and the tSelect Databaset dialog box will appear (Figure 9-3). Select Access database in the dialog box, then click tOkt button, then select and open the database you want in the topent dialog box. (Figure 9-4)

Figure 9-3

Figure 9-4

Figure 9-5

Control window with database added is shown in Figure 9-5. The list above is the list of databases. You may use tdelete databaset button to delete it. The list below is the list of datasheets.

9. 3. 2 Add Access Datasheets

Click on the tadd datasheett button on the toolbar, a tDatabase Propertiest dialog box (Figure 9-6) will appear. The dialog box has been divided into two parts. The upper one is for table properties setting, the lower one is for column properties setting.

Figure 9-6

Setup table properties

Name: name of the datasheet

Inquire: select inquired datasheet (If you are familiar with the database well, you can define the inquired sentences.)

Action: come-out effect, speed, staying of the table

Row: Height of the rows in the table

Grid: select the color of the grid lines.

Background: select the background color.

Font: select the color of the table name.

Title: select Font, size, bold, italic or underline for the title of the table if it do exist.

Setup column properties

All Columns has been listed to the left of Figure 9-6 you can select and make changes to them.

Name: Column name

Width: Column width

Align: Texts Align method

Background: select the background color of this column

Texts: color of the texts

Font: select textst Font

Size: textst size

Button: Whether use bold, italic or underline

Click on tPreviewt, you may preview the newly added table, click on tokt to finish adding Access Database.

9. 3. 3 Edit Access Datasheets

Select datasheets that you want to edit from the database. Click on the tedit datasheett button, appearing a tDatabase propertiest dialog box (Figure 9-6), you may edit the sheet itself or columns in it.

9. 3. 4 Delete Access Datasheets

Select the Datasheets that you want to delete from the database, then click on the tdeletet button.

9. 4 Add ODBC driver database

To add ODBC Database, some basic knowledge about database are needed, please refer to related books, we are not going to introduce here.

After click on the tAdd Databaset button, a tselect databaset dialog box will appear. (Figure 9-3) Select tAccess databaset, and then click ok and choose the data source you want to open from the tselect data sourcet dialog box. (Figure 9-7)

Figure 9-7

If the data source is not prepared, you can first click on tNewt button to activate the tdata source set up guidet to help you.

The Datasheets and its setting are the same as that for Access Database (refer to 9. 3)

Chapter X       Date and Time

10. 1 Create Date/Time window

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tdate/time windowt in Figure 10-1 to create a new date/time window, as shown in 10-2.

Figure 10-1

10. 2 Setup date/time window

As shown in Figure 10-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 10-2

10. 3 Setup date and time

There are two kinds of date/time display, one is analog, another is digital. You may select one of them in display style. (Figure 10-2)

Analog clock

As shown in Figure 10-3, it is the analog clockts plotting and properties settings. You can set exceed or lag time differences; Static texts and its font; color, size, shape, and font of the time display; color of the hour hand, minute hand, second hand; and also the display and color of the dates and days.

Figure 10-3

Digital clock

As shown in Figure 10-4, it is the digital clockts plotting and properties settings. You can select the display style; set exceed or lag time differences; Static texts and its font; hour style; year style; single or multi line display; also the text font.

Figure 10-4

Chapter XI  External Program

11. 1 Create a new window

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tExternal Exe windowt in Figure 11-1 to create a new External Exe window, as shown in 11-2.

Text Box:  
Figure 11-1

11. 2 Setup external program window

As shown in Figure 11-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Figure 11-2

11. 3 Open external program

Click on the tBrowset button in the bottom of Figure 11-2, a topen filet dialog box will appear. Select the external program you want to open, here we choose Win2000 calculator program. Now, the main window will look like that as Figure 11-3

One application may contains more than one windows, all windows will be listed below. In this example, there are two windows: calculator and CalcMsgPumpWnd. Do not forget to select the correct window that you want to display. (Note: some of the windows can not be displayed)


                            Figure 11-3

Top, bottom, left, right bounds can be used to cut the parts of an application which we do not want it to be displayed. In this example, display of the calculator in the playing window is shown in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4

Chapter XII       Timer Display

12. 1 Create a new window

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tTimer windowt in Figure 12-1 to create a new Timer window, as shown in Figure 12-2.

Figure 12-1

12. 2 Setup the timer window

As shown in Figure 12-2, the upper part is for setting up program properties.

Name: program name

Frame: you can setup the width and color of the frame

Starting point X: x-coordinate of the starting point

Starting point Y: y-coordinate of the starting point

Width: setup the width of this program

Height: setup the height of this program

Lock: lock this program window to prevent it from moving.

Background: Select background color and background picture, the background picture includes four kinds of drawing effects: Center, Stretch, Zoom, Tile.

Transparent: Setup the background whether it is transparent.

Figure 12-2

12. 3 Time Setting

As shown in Figure 12-3, it is the properties setting of the timer display. You can setup static texts; Textts action, size, bold, italic, underline, color, etc. Arriving date/time; whether display number of days, hour; minute, second, multi line, no negative sign, etc. In this example, timer settings in playing window are shown in Figure 12-4.

Figure 12-3

Figure 12-4

Chapter XIII     VCD/DVD display

13. 1 Direct playing

Click on the tcontrolt, choose Play VCD/DVD, and then select the objective drive. Like tE:t As shown in Figure 13-1

Text Box:  I Figure 13-1


                           Figure 13-1

13. 2 Play in program

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tVCD/DVD windowt in Figure 13-2 to create a new VCD/DVD window, as shown in Figure 13-3. Then set up all variety of parameters.

Remarks: installing the VCD/DVD player first when play VCD/DVD. Here, recommend to install PowerDVD or WinDVD.

Figure 13-2

Figure 13-3

Chapter XIV      Video Line-in Display

Video Window is mainly used for input video signals from TV cards or external VCD/DVD player, note: TV card is needed for all settings.

14. 1 Create a new window

Click on tNew windowt button, and select tVideo windowt in Figure 14-1 to create a new Video window, as shown in 14-2. Then set up all variety of parameters.

Figure 14-1

14. 2 Setup Video Window

Video input equipment: you may choose different Video Cards (note: only if you has installed more than one video card)

Audio input equipment: to choose audio (note: some TV cards play sounds through Audio cards)

Video input source: to choose Video input source (note: most TV cards has three input sourcestSCATV, Video end, and S-Video)

TV Channel: to choose TV channel (Note: some TV cards do not support this function)

Figure 14-2

Chapter XV       PowerPoint Display

15. 1 Play

Click on tControlt, and then click on tPlay PowerPoint Filet. Select a file to play. (Figure 15-1) When playing, it will automatically move the display area to the big screen. (Note: if alternatively playing between LED Studio and Led screen is needed, you may setup it in the repertoire; if you want to play PowerPoint in File window, you may use convert tools to convert PowerPoint Files to Flash Files. )

Figure 15-1

15. 2 Stop playing

Click on tcontrolt, and then select tStop PowerPoint File. t

Chapter XVI      Notify display

Notify Manager is mainly used to insert temporary notify into the program while it is playing.

16. 1 Open tNotify Managert Window

Click on tcontrolt in the main menu, and then select tNotify Managert. (Figure 16-1) A tNotify Managert dialog box will appear.

Text Box:  
Figure 16-1

16. 2 Setup Notify Manager Window

In Figure 16-1, you can select which screen that your notify is going to put; how many times it is going to repeat, whether it is transparent, left edge, right edge, bottom edge, action, background, font, etc.

16. 3 Play/Stop Notify Display

When everything has been set, click on tplayt in figure 16-1 to broadcast the notify. Or click on tstopt to stop it.

Chapter XVII    Score Manager

Notify Manager is mainly used to insert temporary notify into the program while it is playing.

17. 1 Open Score Manager Window

Click on tControlt, and then select tScore Managert. A tScore Managert dialog box will appear (Figure 17-1)

Figure 17-1

17. 2 Setup Score Manager Window

Scores display includes two different types: Time display and Scores display. Screen number indicates in which screen the display should be; Time display indicates how long the display is going to be.

Time Display Setting

Reset: Reset time to 0:00;

Start: Start to count;

Stop: stop counting;

Font: Setup Font and properties of the display texts;

Top Edge: setup the distance between the display time and the top edge;

Right Edge: setup the distance between the display time and the right edge;

Scores display settings

Home: Scores for Home team, two display language available;

Score: Score sign, such as t:t ;

Away: Scores for Away team, two display language available;

Picture: one display picture for each team.

Bottom Edge: setup the distance between the display time and the bottom edge;

Font: setup the Font of the display texts;

Background: Setup background color;

17. 3 Play/Stop Score

When everything has been set, click on tShow allt in Figure 17-1 to play time and scores. Click tShow timet to show time; tShow scoret to show scores; or tstopt to stop showing time and scores.

Chapter XIIX     Playing Schedule

18. 1 open the schedule table

You may open the schedule table by click on the toptiont on the main menu, and select tSchedule Tablet (Figure 18-1), startup tSchedule Tablet dialog box, as shown in figure 18-2.

Text Box:               Figure 18-1
Figure 18-1

18. 2 Add Scheduled Command

18. 2. 1 Step1: Open tScheduled Commandt dialog box.

Click on the taddt button to open tScheduled Commandt dialog box. (as shown in Figure 18-3)

Figure 18-3

18. 2. 2 Step 2: Setup Command list properties

Command properties: select command property, default setting is tTurn on LED Screen powert

Program file: this option only valid if the command is to: play program files, perform external program, play PowerPoint files. Click on tselectt can let you select files.

Execution time: setup when the command starts

Valid date: setup valid date

Valid days: Setup valid days

18. 2. 3 Step 3: Exit tScheduled Commandt Dialog box

Click tokt to finish adding scheduled command. As shown in Figure 18-4, there is already a tTurn LED screen powert command in the list, if you want more than one command, repeat the 3 steps above.

Figure 18-4

18. 3 Edit Scheduled Command

Select the command that you want to edit from the list. Click on teditt to open the tScheduled commandt dialog box to edit this command.

18. 4 Delete Scheduled Command

Select the command that you want to delete from the list, click on tdeletet bottom, if you want to delete all commands, use tdelete allt bottom.

18. 5 Start up Scheduled Command

Click on tStart up scheduledt, keep it remain selected to activate the schedule table, vice versa. (Figure 18-5)

Figure 18-5

18. 6 Exit

Click on tExitt to finish the settings of tSchedule managert

Chapter XIX      Network control

19. 1 Remote Manager (Online)

If you want to operate network control, you must setup the computer which controls the LED screen to remote control server, the other computers set as costumer computers. Remote control server can be controlled by all customer computers within the network. Customer computer may control all remote control servers within the network. If you want to carry out the remote control in the Internet, the remote control server must dial up, cantt be by LAN, otherwise it cantt be connected.

19. 1.1 Setup remote control server

Select tOptiont --tSoftware setupttStNetworkingt, and then enter to the tSoftware setupt dialog box. (Figure 19-1)

Select tLocal Led screent and tRemote manager (online)t, and type in a non-used Port number (normally the default number 6600 will be fine). Customer computer must type in the same port number in order to link to the remote control server, and click tSave setupt to exist dialog box.


Figure 19-1

19. 1.2 Remote Screen Manager

Select tOptionttStSoftware setupttStNetworkingt, and then enter tSoftware setupt dialog box, as shown in figure 19-2. Select tLocal Led screent and tRemote Manager (online)t, and click tSave setupt to exist the dialog box.

Figure 19-2

You may enter the tRemote Managert dialog box by clicking on the tControlt then tRemote Managert. (Figure 19-3) Click on taddt can enter tRemote server Setupt dialog box. (Figure 19-4) Type in a screen name to separate more than one screen. Type in the IP address. (Note: you may get the IP address by click on tCheck IP Addresst in the tserver setupt dialog box or turn to your network administrator) Then you should type in the related port code, and screen number. Key in the password if necessary. If there are several servers, they can be all added to the list.

Figure 19-3

Figure 19-4

19.1. 3 Remote control

Click on tRemote Controlt button to enter the tremote controlt window (Figure 19-5). You may apply any command to the server.

Figure 19-5

19.1. 4 Send Files

By clicking on tSend filest, you may enter the tSend filet dialog box, as shown in Figure 19-6. All files will be sent to the sub-catalog tPRGDATAt under the install catalog of the server. You may input objective catalog to create sub-catalog. Or overcast the existing files, to refresh some playing contents.

Figure 19-6

19.1. 5 Send Program

By clicking on tSend programt, you may enter the tSend programt dialog box, as shown in Figure 19-7. All files will be sent to the sub-catalog tPRGDATAt under the install catalog of the server. You may input objective catalog to create sub-catalog.

Figure 19-7

19.2 Remote Manager (offline)

When sending program in long-distance (No LAN), adapting Remote Manager (online) to dial up is inconvenient, because the IP address is not fixed, and you must check the IP address when connecting it. However, the Remote Manager (offline) can deal with the inconvenience. If the company has its own website, and IP address of the website is fixed, client-side sends the programs to the website, and service-side get and play the program from the website through setting time.

19.2.1 Setup remote server

Select tOptionttStSoftware setupttStNetworkingt, and then enter tSoftware setupt dialog box, as shown in figure 19-8; select tLocal Led Screent and tEnable Remote Server (offline) t.

Figure 19-8

Time: at minutes interval to check it in the website; if updating program, download it.

Name: input the led screen name of your client-side when sending programs.

ftp IP: your website IP address.

Port: type in a non-used Port number (normally the default port 21 will be fine).

fpt user/password: website management user name and password.

19.2.2 Manger for Led Screen Server (offline)

Select tOptionttStSoftware setupttStNetworkingt to enter tSoftware setupt dialog box, as shown in figure 19-9; select tLocal Led screent and tRemote Manager (offline)t, then click tSave setupt to exist the dialog box.

Figure 19-9

Select tControlt menu, click tRemote Manager (offline)t to enter tRemote Manager (offline)t dialog box, as shown in figure 19-10;

Figure 19-10

Click on taddt can enter tRemote server Setupt dialog box. (Figure 19-11 Inputting a screen name to tell differences among multi-screen. Typing in the IP address and the related port code, and screen No., and user name and user password.

Figure 19-11

19.2.3 Send program

Click the tSend programt to enter tSend programt dialog box, as shown in Figure 19-12; all program files and program using files will be sent to the sub-catalog tPRGDATAt under the install catalog of the server. You may input objective catalog to create sub-catalog.

Figure 19-12
Chapter XX       Background Playing

20. 1 Activate Background playing

Only Windows98/XP operating system supports this function. However, some settings must be done as well: Right click on the space on the desktop, a menu like Figure 20-1 will appear.

Figure 20-1

Select property: Appearing a property menu, as shown in Figure 20-1. Click on toptiont, and activate monitor t2t. Select textend the contents of Windows to this monitort, then click on tapplyt, followed by tokt. Now, you may use the tbackground playingt function. Click on tbackground playingt on the toolbar of tLED studiot, playing window will switching between the LED screen and the Monitor. When playing window is on the monitor, the LED screen will display the contents of Windows.

Figure 20-2

20. 2 Cancel Background playing

If you want to cancel background playing to play at the front, please apply the setting below: right click on the space of your desktop, appearing Figure20-1. Select tpropertyt, appearing Figure 20-2, select monitor t2t, but remove the tttof textend the contents of Windows to this monitort. Then click on tmonitor 1t and press tokt. After that, right click with your mouse again, appearing Figure 20-1. click on property, appearing Figure 20-2. Then select toptiont and then tadvancet, appearing Figure 20-3. Then click on tdisplayt, appearing Figure 20-4. Click the red switch in it, the switch will turn green, then press tokt.

Figure 20-3

Figure 20-4

Chapter XXI      Multi-display Combination, Synchronism and Independence

21.1Enter Multi-display Combination, Synchronism Independence Setup

Click tOptiont in the menu, and select tSoftware setupt, and a dialog box will appear, then select tMulti-display Combination/Synchronismt, shown in figure 21-1, then click tCombination/Synchronism setupt to enter Multi-display Combination and Synchronism and Independence setup, shown in figure 21-2.

Figure 21-1

Figure 21-2

As shown in figure 21-2, the left side is software play window setup, and it can setup multi-window, and every widow can setup start, width and height separately. The right side is Led display setup, it can setup start, display number, width and height through hardware setup, but the setups cantt be changed. The orders for shortcut keys from left to right are F9, F8, F7, F6, F5, F4, F3, F2. For example, the Multi-display synchronism, multi-display combination and multi-display independence are corresponding to the shortcut keys F9, F8, and F7 separately.

21.2 Setup Multi-display synchronism

Click tAddt to add a multi-display synchronism setup, and setup tMulti-display synchronism 1t in the name, click tChange namet to change the name, as shown in figure 21-3.

Figure 21-3

Making the starts of all hardware Led display are the same as the LED display 1. (Remarks: if width and height of your hardware Led display are not same, it can only show a part of the play program.  ) If you want to switch the multi-program and play synchronously, you can add a multi-display synchronism 2, and input the number 2 in the tSoftware play display numbert, and select Led display 2 setup. If  the width and height of Led display 1 is 128*128, the width or height of Led display 2 cantt be less than 128, and setup all the hardware Led display starts and Led display 2 start as (128,0), as shown in figure 21-4.

Figure 21-4

21.3 Setup Multi-display Combination

Typing in tMulti-display combination 1t in the name, and click tAddt to add a tmulti-display combination setupt, shown in figure 21-5. Setup the width and height of software Led display as (256,256), and start of hardware display 1 as (0,0), and start of hardware display 2 as (128,0), and start of hardware 3 as (0,128), then a play windows will appear after finishing setup, as shown in figure 21-6. Of them, there are 3 red frames, standing for the play area for display 1, display 2 and display 3. Like the multi-synchronism, it can add multiple multi-display combinations.

Figure 21-5

Figure 21-6

21.4 Setup multi-display Independence

Inputting tmulti-display independencet in the name, and click tAddt to add tmulti-display independence setupt, as shown in figure 21-7. Setup software play display number as 3, and starts of software led display 1 and hardware led display both as (0,0); width and height of led display 1 and hardware led display both as (128,128); starts of software display 2 and hardware display 2 both as (128,0), width and height both as (128,128), and starts of software display 3 and hardware display 3 both as (0,128), width and height both as (128,128), then a play widow will appear after setup, as shown in figure 21-8.

Figure 21-7

Figure 21-8

After finishing the Multi-display Combination, the Multi-display Synchronism and Multi-display Independence, the option tScreen combination/synchronismt is available, as shown in figure 21-9.

Figure 21-9

Chapter XXII Software Setup

22. 1 Open software setup

Click on toptiont  in the menu, and select tsoftware setupt. A administrator password dialog box will appear, type in the password and choose tokt to open the tsoftware setupt dialog box. (As shown in Figure 21-1)

Figure 22-1

22. 2 Play Window

Play window includes three modes: Lock to Led display, multi-display combination/synchronism and random setup.

Lock to LED Display
Lock play window to Led area

Multi-display combination/synchronism
Select multi-display combination/synchronism, and click tcombination/synchronism setupt to open multi-display combination/synchronism setup dialog box, as shown in figure 22-2.

Figure 22-2

Random setup
User can setup the display number and adjust the size and position of every display at random; when Led display number changes, click tupdate display numbert to update it.

Enable change by mouse

Allow the change of play window size by mouse

Always on top

Play window will always on top of any other windows.

Software play frame frequency:

Adjusting the value can improve the play effect according to different computer configuration.

22. 3 Auto Setup

As shown in figure 22-3, the software has following functions:

Start when Windows starts up

Load file when starting

Play document when starts up automatically

Play document when starts up manually

Change virtual/real automatically

Mouse hide when software is playing

Auto update new version software.

Figure 22-3

22. 4 Networking

Setup the server and client-side.

22. 5 Other setup

As shown in figure 22-4,

Auto restart when error: restart the software automatically when error occurs

Restart every day: restart at a certain time everyday

Auto Backup: backup program at certain time

Record play time: record the play file time, then save it to Play.txt under the install catalog.

Unable message when error: No dialog box appears when error

Prompt when quit: whether appearing dialog box when existing this software every time.

Figure 22-4
Chapter XXIII   User Setup

23. 1 Open User Setup

Click on the tOptiont, and then select tUser Setupt, it will pop-up an tInput Passwordt dialog box, as shown in Figure 23-1. Type in the password in the box and then press OK. (Figure 23-2)

Figure 23-1

Figure 23-2

23. 2 Add user

Click on tAdd Usert in Figure 23-2, a dialog box like Figure 22-3 will appear. Enter the Username and Password. Then press tOKt.

Figure 23-3

23. 3 Delete User

Select an exist user from the list (Figure 23-2), (Note: Administrator can not be deleted) select tdeletet. A notice frame will appear, select tYest.

23. 4 Change Password

Select an exist user from the list (Figure 23-2), click on tchange passwordt button. Enter the new password in the tChange passwordt dialog box, then press tokt.

23. 5 User Authentication

If you tick the box before tUse password before start upt, the next time the software starts up, User Authentication will be required.

Chapter XXIV           Frequently asked questions

1. Warning: MCI systematic error when starts up?

This is because that Windows Media Player has not been installed, please install it. Find a file named: Mpsetup2K.exe (for Win2K/XP/ME) or Mpsetup98. exe (forwin98) in your CD-Rom. Double clicks to install.

2. Warning: cannot find LED screen system or transmission error?

This is due to the disconnection between the Serial Pot cable and the LED, or they are not well connected. Please check the cable.

3. How to change the position and size of the play window?

To change the position and size of the window, you must go to software setup. Set the position of play window to tAny positiont, then enter coordinates and screen size. You may also use mouse to drag and change the position and size of the play window. For details, please refer to tSoftware Setupt

4. How to run and play certain files?

Firstly, you should go to tSoftware Setupt, and select all three options under auto -setup.

5. How to edit the existing files (. lsd)?

Click on tOpent button to open the file, and then select tallow editt to allow you make changes to the files. For details, please refer to tProgrammingt




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