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Processor Selector Functional Specification


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Processor Selector Functional Specification


Processor Selector Functional Specification 


Document record 

Document information 

Quality history 



Benefits to resellers 

Benefits to Intel 

Outline Functional Specification 

Outline Database Structure 

Admin Tool 

Add languages 

Add Countries 

Create Processors 

Create Questions 

Create Question media 

Associate processors with question

Flash Tool 

Video Sequences 


Final Recommendation 

How the tool can be setup 

Reseller registration 

Embedded in reseller site 

Co-branded microsite 

Document record

Document information


Jamie Griffiths


Bright Digital 


1st November 2007

Quality history







First Draft



To provide resellers with a tool they can use to boost the effectiveness of their own sites

To provide end customers with a really easy way to start choosing their new computer

To boost the reseller centre offering

Benefits to resellers

  • Increases their customer service
  • Customer education to support a purchase decision
  • Encourage up sell to higher specification computers

Benefits to Intel

  • Placing Intel top of mind to end customers choosing a PC
  • Providing useful assistance to resellers to build loyalty to Intel
  • Educating the end customers and encouraging individual people to buy Intel

Outline Functional Specification

The processor selector is a tool that allows the end user to use a tool to easily answer simple, relevant questions that recommends a processor based on their choices.

The processor selector solution will consist of:

Admin tool


Flash tool

An initial draft of the flash tool can be seen here:

Please note that this is a draft and the structure has changed slightly where each slider here has 2 media options (rollover the black boxes to see the popup overlay a video would play in this box), the final version will have 3, representing low, middle and high (left, middle, right on the slider).

Outline Database Structure

Type (this will be pre-populated to begin, with work and play)

ID (int)

TypeName(varchar 255)


ID (int)

TypeID (int)

Order (int)


QuestionID (int)

LanugageID (int)

QuestionText (varchar 255)


QuestionID (int)

LanugageID (int)

MediaPath (varchar 255)

MediaTitle (varchar 255)

Order (int)


ID (int)

LanguageName (varchar 255)


ID (int)

DefaultProcessorName (varchar 255)


ID (int)

LanugageID (int)

ProcessorName (varchar 255)

ProcessorText (varchar 255)

ProcessorImage (varchar 255)

Processor QuestionJoin

ID (int)

QuestionID (int)
ProcessorID (int)

Order (int)

Admin Tool

The following functions must be available to the administrator.

Add languages

Adminstrator can add languages to the system as Intel creates the necessary assets. Languages will simply require a notation fr = french.

Add Countries

Adminstrator can add countries to the system from which resellers can choose who they serve. Countries will simply require a notation fr = french.

Create Processors

Administrator will be able to add processors to the tool.

  • Name
  • Text (appears on final screen) multiple input boxes will be available for each language
  • Image multiple upload boxes will be available for each language once created

Create Questions

Administrator will be able to add questions

  • Select type (from work or play)
  • Text (appears on final screen) multiple input boxes will be available for each language

Create Question media

Once a question has been created, the Administrator will be able to add media to it. Each question will have 3 pieces of media that are used to represent the 3 extreme positions on the sliding scale (low, middle, high).

  • Name
  • Text multiple input boxes will be available for each language
  • MediaFile(flv) multiple upload boxes will be available for each language once created

Below the main question media input section will be a table. The table will contain the english names of the media. The administrator will be able to click an up / down arrow next to each name in order to change the order of the media when it appears in the flash (1 being on the left, 2 in the middle, 3 on the right).

Associate processors with question

Once a question has been created, the Administrator will be able to associate processors with it. The administrator can associate as many processors as they want to a question.

  • Top of the page will be split into 2 columns, with the heading Desktop and Laptop
  • All processors are listed underneath each heading, with checkboxes next to them. The administrator must check each processor they want to associate with this particular question, for desktop AND laptop.

When clicked, the processors will appear in 2 tables below each column. As with the media, the administrator will be able to click up down arrows to alter their order. Processors lower in the order are the least powerful (or more suited to less demanding requirements), and vica versa.

How this affects the front end:

When the flash loads, the slider represents the number of processors for that question. So if the slider is completely to the left hand side, this is processor 1, completely to the right is processor X (depending on the number of associated processors).

This means that the number of processors determines how big the chunk of the slider is for each processor.

Flash Tool

The flash tool will work in the following way.

The user will get straight into the content from the outset, selecting how much they want to use it for work or play using a sliding bar. Sliding the bar left or right will automatically adjust the percentages.

There will be some photographic images of people at work at home and obviously using a PC for entertainment to visualise the intention of the tool.

There will be a strong call the action to get them started.

The user will be taken to either the work or the play selection screen, depending on which has the higher percentage. If it is 50% / 50% it will go to play first.

Both the work and the play sections will function in the same way.

There will be 5 task subject bars each with increasingly complex versions of the same task. The user must select using the same sliding bar concept. If they want some more advice they can select to see how other people use their PCs. There will be 3 people to select along the sliding bar (this is not shown in the image on the right).

See section below for more information on how the questions work.

In the first stage of development selecting the person will launch a flash animation will play a short 5 sec sequence showing the possibilities. See note about sequences below.

Once the user is satisfied with the balance of their usage they can select to move on. If they choose to use the machine for work and play it will move onto the other section. If just one section of choices is required it will lead to the recommendation.

The recommendation screen will have a link leading the user to a screen predefined by the reseller on setup.

See section below for more information on how the recommendations work.

Video Sequences

There will be 30 short sequences (3 for each task, 5 work tasks and 5 play). In the first stage of development these will be 5 second flash animations, each one starting with a text quote from the photographed person, leading into a series of representative screens that illustrate what is intended.

These quick and easy to watch sequences are intended provide inspiration for people to want to do more with their PC and to help less experienced PC users understand the industry buzz terms.

[NB: We will need to check with legal whether we can show actual applications from other people Skype, You-Tube etc, or whether we will have to mock them up. Using real screens could prove more cost effective]

If this tool proves successful it may be worth revisiting these sequences and upgrading the animations to live person video.


The flash will pull in all the questions (unlimited, but likely to be around 6) from the database. For each question, the flash must setup the slider. This requires:

  • Setting up the correct media in the correct order.  The media will expand and play in a overlay box when the user rolls over it.
  • Setting up the slider logic dependant on the number of processors.

o        The slider needs to attribute the chosen percentage to a particular processor.

o        For example, the administrator has associated 5 processors with question 1. If the user move the slider to the left, representing 10%, then this selects (without the user knowing it), processor 1.

Final Recommendation

The final recommendation is made based on the highest processor requirement from the questions answered. So if the users settings for 5 questions was the lowest processor, but the last question got a setting reflecting the highest processor, their final recommendation would be the highest processor.

The links on the final page below both the desktop and laptop recommendations will be determined by the resellers settings. See next section.

How the tool can be setup

There will be two ways for a reseller to make use of the tool:

  1. Embedded in reseller site
  2. Co-branded microsite

The tool will be promoted within the reseller centre and in the channel newsletter.

Reseller registration

A reseller who wants to participate goes to the admin section of the microsite where they will be automatically logged (there will be no apparent login step anyone not logged in will be denied access) in via their Intel ID (affiliate agent will be installed on the live server to automatically detect their login status please contact us directly to discuss this).

The reseller will be asked to enter 3 required pieces of information on their admin page:

The ID they wish to use

The country they service (select ONE from drop down list this will be used for PPC functions only)

Their preferred background colour

The default return link they want on the microsite (the page that users will return to when they click the link once the recommended processor screen appears)

Their logo (using a local file browser to upload)

They can also optionally add a specific URL for each of the processors that are in the processor selector*. This has the advantage that the user that the user can be directed straight to the reseller page that contains the laptop / desktop containing that specific processor instead of a default page. It is likely this will result in more conversions.

* When the Intel administrators update the processors periodically, an email will go out to all reseller using the system, notifying them they need to add a new URL for that processor.

They are then given 2 things:

A URL they can use within a frame on their own site should they want to embed the selector.

o       This will be of the format mainurl/embed/resellerid

A URL to the full microsite version that they can link to directly form their website

o       This will be of the format mainurl/resellerid

Updating their branding

Resellers can log back into the microsite if they so wish and change their background colour and logo. They cannot change their ID, and the URL they use will not change.

Embedded in reseller site

The reseller will utilise the embed URL within a frame on their website. The embed version will have no peripheral information it will purely be the processor selector tool with no co-branding, and the resellers chosen background colour.

Co-branded microsite

This will be hosted externally by Intel (Bright Digital) and will be a micro site version that the reseller can link to. There will be the option for resellers to add their own logo and to add a tailored link on the final screen back to their own site.

Linked version

The tool itself could be promoted to end customers through a paid search campaign. We would create PPC campaign that was regionally / country targeted, with the PPC ads shown on unweighted rotation (so each reseller would get equal exposure). The PPC destination link for each rotated ad would contain the specific reseller ID within its parameters, so the processor selector would be personalised for that reseller once the link had been clicked.

Search version

The tool itself could be promoted to end customers through a paid search campaign. We would create PPC campaign that was country targeted, with the PPC ads shown on unweighted rotation (so each reseller would get equal exposure). The PPC destination link for each rotated ad would contain the specific reseller ID within its parameters, so the processor selector would be personalised for that reseller once the link had been clicked.

If the microsite is accessed directly, not through paid search or a reseller link

The microsite will default to English, but can be changed to any other language / country by 2 select boxes. The country selected filters the resellers, and one of these filtered is randomly selected and their links are used on the recommendation page.

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