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Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Filtration
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4807; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval
This test method has been approved by the sponsoring committee and accepted by the Cooperating Societies in accordance with
established procedures
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the determination of sediment
in crude oils by membrane filtration. This test method has been
validated for crude oils with sediments up to about 0.15 mass
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate
safety and health practices and determine the applicability
of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.3 The accepted unit of measure for this test method is
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 473 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel
Oils by the Extraction Method
D 2892 Test Method for Distillation of Crude Petroleum
(15-Theoretical Plate Column)3
D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products
D 4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products
D 4377 Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Pontentiometric
Karl Fischer Titration
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 A portion of a representative crude oil sample is
dissolved in hot toluene and filtered under vacuum through a
0.45-m porosity membrane filter. The filter with residue is
washed, dried, and weighed to give the final result.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 A knowledge of the sediment content of crude oil is
important both in the operation of the refinery and in the
buying and selling of crude oils.
5. Apparatus
5.1 Reservoir and Filter Support Assemblyan assembly
designed to hold 47-mm diameter filters was used in the
development of this test method (see Fig. 1).
5.1.1 Filter Reservoircapable of holding from about 250
mL of solvent. The lower part of the reservoir has a 40-mm
inside diameter and is designed to secure the 47-mm diameter
filter against the filter support. The reservoir can be jacketed to
facilitate heating the reservoir and sample during filtering.
NOTE 1Use of a glass reservoir should minimize the effect of static
electricity when filtering.
5.1.2 Filter Support/Funnelsupport base for the filter has
a porous scintered glass center section about 40 to 43 mm in
diameter. The support base is designed to fit securely against
the reservoir holding the filter in place over the porous section.
The stem of the funnel portion should be long enough to extend
down into the filter flask such that the end is below the outlet
for the vacuum.
5.1.3 Clamp Assemblyspring or screw type clamp to
secure the reservoir to the filter support. The clamp should be
tight enough to prevent the solvent from leaking through at the
junction between the glass and filter membrane. The exterior
dimensions of the reservoir and support/funnel are designed to
facilitate clamping the two pieces together.
5.1.4 Rubber Stoppera single-hole, capable of holding the
lower stem of the filter support/funnel securely onto the
filtering flask.
5.1.5 Vacuum Filtering Flask, 500 mL or larger.
5.2 Membrane Filter, nylon membrane filter, 47 mm in
diameter with 0.45-m pore size.
5.3 Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of 105
5.4 Vacuum Pump, capable of reducing and maintaining the
pressure at 200 mm Hg (-80 KPA) during the filtering.
5.5 Analytical Balance, capable of measuring to the nearest
0.0001 g.
5.6 Heating Coil for Filter Assembly copper tubing (
in. diameter) wound around the reservoir on the filter apparatus
and connected to a circulating bath to maintain the oil in the
reservoir at 90 2C (see Fig. 1). Alternative methods of
heating the reservoir such as heating tape or glass thermal
jacket could also be used.
5.7 Mixer a nonaerating, high-speed mixer capable of
meeting the homogenization efficiency test in Annex A1. Large
volume dynamic mixing systems such as those used with
automatic crude oil sampling receptacles are also acceptable
providing they comply with Annex A1.
6. Reagents
6.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade chemicals shall be
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that
all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Committee
on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society,
where such specifications are available. Other grades may be
used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the
accuracy of the determination.
6.2 Toluene (Warning, Flammable).
NOTE 2Warning: Flammable.
7. Sampling, Test Specimens
7.1 Sampling, is defined as all the steps required to obtain an
aliquot of the contents of any pipe, tank, or other system, and
to place the sample into the laboratory test container. The
laboratory test container and sample volume shall be of
sufficient dimensions and volume to allow mixing as described
in 7.3.1. Mixing is required to properly disperse sediment as
well as any water present in the sample.
The following mixers have been found satisfactory for samples under 300 mL:
Ultra Turrax Model
TP 18/10, available from Tekmar Co.,
Brinkman Polytron Model PT 35, available from Brinkman Instruments, Inc.,
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole,
and National
7.2 Laboratory SampleUse only representative samples
obtained as specified in Practice D 4057 or D 4177 for this test
method. Analyze samples within two weeks after taking the
sample. Retaining samples longer may affect the results.
7.3 Test SamplesThe following sample handling procedure
shall apply.
7.3.1 Mix the test sample of crude oil at room temperature
in the original container immediately (within 15 min) before
analysis to ensure complete homogeneity. A test sample drawn
directly from a large volume dynamic mixing system analyze
within 15 min or else remix as follows:
NOTE 3Analysis should follow mixing as soon as possible. The
15-min interval mentioned above is a general guideline which may not
apply to all crudes, especially some light crudes which do not hold water
in suspension for even this short a time.
7.3.2 Mixing of the sample should not increase the temperature
of the sample more than 10C, or a loss of water may
occur and this affects sample composition. The type of mixer
depends on the quantity of crude. Before any unknown mixer
is used, the specifications for the homogenization test, Annex
A, must be met. The mixer must be re-evaluated following any
changes in the type of crude, quantity of crude, or shape of the
sample container.
7.3.3 For small test sample volumes, 50 to 300 mL, a
nonaerating, high-speed, shear mixer is required. Use the
mixing time, mixing speed, and height above the bottom of the
container found to be satisfactory in Annex A1. Clean and dry
the mixer between samples.
8. Procedure
8.1 Prepare nylon filters by heating in an oven at 105C for
15 min. Cool and store the dried filters in a desiccator (without
desiccant) until needed. Use only new filters.
8.2 Weigh the filter immediately before use to the nearest
0.0001 g.
8.3 Using tweezers, place the membrane filter on the center
of the filter support, which is mounted on the filtering flask
with a rubber stopper. Attach the reservoir to the filter support
and clamp it securely.
8.4 Connect the heating coil to the circulating bath and
place the coil around the lower part of the reservoir. Set the
temperature of the circulating bath so as to maintain the oil in
the reservoir at 90 2C.
NOTE 4Care should be taken not to overheat the reservoir so as to
cause evaporation of the toluene and glazing of the filter.
8.5 Into a 200-mL beaker, weigh 10 g of a thoroughly mixed
sample (see Section 7) to the nearest 0.0001 g. Add 100 mL of
toluene to the beaker and heat the mixture with stirring to 90
2C. Maintain the temperature at 90 2C for about 15 min to
dissolve any wax in the crude.
8.6 Start the vacuum pump and adjust the vacuum to 200
mm Hg. Carefully pour the sample mixture into the filter
reservoir in three portions. Generally the sample should filter in
10 to 15 min. If the nature of the crude or the amount of
sediment causes the filtration to proceed extremely slowly (for
example, filtering times greater than 30 min), reduce the
sample size to 5 g or less and repeat the test. Keep the volume
of toluene at 100 mL.
NOTE 5If the filtration of a given crude typically takes less than 10
min and the sample stays at 90 2C during this time, then external
heating of the filter reservoir may not be necessary.
8.7 Before the last portion of sample has completely filtered,
wash the reservoir and filter with 50 mL of hot toluene
(90C) until no oil is visible on the filter. With the vacuum on,
leave the filter on the apparatus for 2 min.
8.8 Disassemble the filter apparatus by removing the clamp
and reservoir. Inspect the condition of the filter. If the filter has
been properly mounted, it may not be necessary to wash the
edges after disassembly. However, if upon removing the
reservoir dark spots are observed around the edge of the filter
further washing is necessary. With the vacuum on, use a
dropper to wash the filters edges with hot toluene (90C).
8.9 If the filter is completely or partially covered with black
or dark brown crude oil residue after the washing step above,
then discard the filter and repeat the test with a smaller sample
NOTE 6Normally the color of the sediment on the filter is gray or light
tan. A black or deep brown colored deposit on the filter is indicative of
incomplete washing.
8.10 If the appearance of the filter is acceptable (as in 8.9)
then carefully remove it and place it in an oven at 105C for 15
min. Cool in a desiccator and reweigh to the nearest 0.0001 g.
9. Calculation
9.1 Calculate the mass percent of sediment as follows:
Mass %
G gain in mass of filter, g, and
S sample mass, g,
10. Report
10.1 Report results to the nearest 0.001 % as the mass
percent of sediment by membrane filtration. The test report
shall reference this Test Method D 4807 as the procedure used.
11. Precision and Bias
11.1 RepeatabilityThe difference between successive test
results, obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
under constant operating conditions on identical test material,
would in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
test method, exceed the following values in only one case in
twenty (see Table 1).
where X is sample mean
11.2 ReproducibilityThe difference between two single
and independent results obtained by different operations working
in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
method, exceed the following values only in one case in twenty
(see Table 1).
where X is sample mean
11.3 BiasThe data generated during the development of
this test method showed that more sediment is recovered from
crude oil using this test method compared to the results of Test
Method D 473.
12. Keywords
12.1 apparatus; crude oil; membrane filtration; procedure;
reagents; sampling; sediment
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The homogenization efficiency of each unknown
mixer shall be evaluated before use. The grade of crude oil, the
sample size, and the sample container expected to be used with
the mixer should be used in this test. The specifications of this
test should be met before running this test method and any
changes in the mixing procedure should be re-evaluated by this
test. The mixing efficiency is measured by following the water
content as described in Test Method D 4377. The crude oil used
in this test should be dry (less than 0.1 % water), otherwise
perform a preliminary distillation to remove the water as
described in Test Method D 2892.
A1.2 Weigh the sample container to the nearest 0.01 g. Fill
the container halfway (or the level normally used) with the dry
crude. Immerse the mixer into the crude with the bottom of the
mixer 5 mm above the bottom of the container and mix the
crude at the speed and for the amount of time you expect to
use. Suggested mixing time is between 1 and 5 min at 5 to 7000
r/min. Immediately determine the water content in duplicate
(see Test Method D 4377) of the dry crude. Obtain the average
of the duplicate results.
A1.3 Weigh the crude and container to the nearest 0.01 g.
Immerse the mixer into the crude as in A1.2. Knowing the
weight of the crude, add enough water to increase the water
content 1 % above the base level found in A1.2. From a
water-filled syringe previously weighed (nearest 0.1 mg), inject
the water below the surface of the crude near the inlet to the
mixer. Reweigh the syringe (to the nearest 0.1 mg) and
determine the amount of water added. Any oil on the needle
should be wiped off before weighing. Mix the sample in the
same manner as in A1.2. Determine the water content of the
crude immediately after mixing. Sample the crude just below
the liquid level.
A1.4 Without additionally mixing the crude, determine the
water content of the crude 15 and 30 min after the initial
mixing in A1.3.
A1.5 Remix the sample in the same manner as A1.2.
Immediately after mixing, determine the water content in
A1.6 The water contents of the crude determined in A1.3,
A1.4, and A1.5 minus the base determined in A1.2 should
agree within 0.05 % absolute of the added water and to each
other. If they do not agree, this test should be repeated while
changing the mixing time, the mixing speed, or the height of
the mixer in the crude, or a combination thereof until these
conditions are met.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM,
reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585
(phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (
Esta norma se emite bajo la designacin fija D 4807; el nmero que sigue la designacin inmediatamente indica el ao de adopcin original o, en el caso de revisin, el ao de ltima revisin. Un nmero en parntesis indica el ao de la ltima revisin. Un epsilon del exponente (e) indica un cambio editorial desde la ltima revisin.
Este mtodo de la prueba ha sido aceptado por el comit patrocinando y habido aceptado por las Sociedades Cooperando de acuerdo con los procedimientos establecidos.
1. Alcance
1.1 este mtodo de la prueba cubre la determinacin de sedimento
en aceites crudos por filtracin de la membrana. Este mtodo de la prueba ha sido
validado para aceites crudos con sedimentos a a aproximadamente 0.15 masa
1.2 esta norma no pretende para dirigirse todos del
la seguridad involucra, si cualquiera, asociado con su uso. Es el
la responsabilidad del usuario de esta norma para establecer apropiado
seguridad y la salud practica y determina la pertinencia
de prior de las limitaciones regulador para usar.
1.3 la unidad aceptada de medida para este mtodo de la prueba es
2. los Documentos de Referencias
2.1 Normas de ASTM:
D 473 Mtodo de la Prueba para el Sedimento en Aceites Crudos y Combustible
Aceites por el Extracto Method2
D 2892 Mtodo de la Prueba para la Destilacin de Petrleo Crudo
(15-Theoretical plato Column)3
D 4057 Prctica para Manual que Prueba de Petrleo y
Petrleo Products3
D 4177 Prctica por el Probar Automtico de Petrleo y
Petrleo Products3
D 4377 Mtodo de la Prueba para el Agua en Aceites Crudos por Pontentiometric
Karl Fischer Titration3
3. el resumen de Mtodo de la Prueba
3.1 una porcin de una muestra de aceite cruda representativa es
disuelto en tolueno caliente y se filtr bajo el vaco a travs de un
0.45-m filtro de membrana de porosidad. El filtro con residuo es
lavado, sec, y pes para dar el resultado final.
4. la importancia y Uso
4.1 un conocimiento del volumen del sedimento de aceite crudo es
importante ambos en el funcionamiento de la refinera y en el
comprando y vendiendo de aceites crudos.
5. el aparato
5.1 depsito y Apoyo del Filtro Asamblea-una asamblea
diseado para sostener 47-mm filtros del dimetro se us en el
desarrollo de este mtodo de la prueba (vea Fig. 1) .4
5.1.1 filtro Depsito-capaz de tenencia de aproximadamente 250
mL de solvente. La parte ms baja del depsito tiene un 40-mm
dentro del dimetro y se disea para afianzar el 47-mm dimetro
fltrese contra el apoyo del filtro. El depsito puede ser jacketed a
facilite calentando el depsito y pruebe durante filtrarse.
NOTE que 1-Use de un depsito de vidrio deben minimizar el efecto de esttica
electricidad al filtrarse.
5.1.2 base de Support/Funnel-apoyo de filtro para el filtro tiene
una scintered vidrio centro seccin porosa aproximadamente 40 a 43 mm en
dimetro. La base de apoyo se disea para encajar firmemente contra
el depsito que sostiene el filtro en lugar encima de la seccin porosa.
El tallo de la porcin del embudo debe ser mucho tiempo bastante para extenderse
baje en el frasco del filtro tal que el extremo est debajo de la toma de corriente
para el vaco.
5.1.3 Asamblea-primavera de la alerta o alerta de tipo de tornillo a
afiance el depsito al apoyo del filtro. La alerta debe ser
firme bastante para impedir al solvente gotear a travs de al
unin entre el vidrio y membrana del filtro. El exterior
las dimensiones del depsito y apoyo / embudo se disean a
facilite sujetando los dos pedazos juntos.
5.1.4 Tapn de caucho un solo el agujero, capaz de tenencia el
tallo ms bajo del filtro apoyo embudo firmemente hacia el
frasco filtrndose.
5.1.5 vaco que se Filtra Frasco, 500 mL o ms grande.
5.2 Filtro de la membrana, filtro de membrana de niln, 47 mm en
dimetro con 0.45-m poro size.5
5.3 horno, capaz de mantener una temperatura de 105 6
5.4 Bomba del vaco, capaz de reducir y mantener el
presione a 200 mm Hg (-80 KPA) durante el filtrarse.
5.5 Equilibrio analtico, capaz de medir al ms cercano
0.0001 g.
5.6 Rollo de la calefaccin para la Asamblea del Filtro - la tubera cobriza (1.8 -
en. dimetro) la herida alrededor del depsito en el aparato del filtro
y conect a un bao circulante para mantener el aceite en el
depsito a las 90 6 2C (vea Fig. 1). los mtodos Alternativos de
calentando el depsito como cinta calorfica o vidrio termal
la chaqueta tambin podra usarse.
5.7 Mixer6-a nonaerating, el mezclador de gran velocidad capaz de
encontrndose la prueba de eficacia de homogenization en Anexo A1. Grande
volumen los sistemas mezclando dinmicos como aqullos usados con
aceite crudo automtico que prueba receptculos tambin es aceptable
proporcionando ellos obedecen Anexo A1.
6. los reactivos
6.1 pureza de qumicos de calidad de Reactivo-reactivo ser
usado en todas las pruebas. A menos que por otra parte indic, se piensa que
todos los reactivos conformarn a las especificaciones del Comit
en los Reactivos Analticos de la Sociedad Qumica americana,
donde las tales caracterstica tcnicas son que available.7 Otras calidades pueden ser
us, con tal de que se determina primero que el reactivo es de
pureza suficientemente alta para permitir su uso sin disminuir el
exactitud de la determinacin.
6.2 Toluene (Advirtiendo, Inflamable).
NOTE 2-Warning: Inflamable.
7. probando, Espcimenes de la Prueba,
7.1 que prueban, se define como todos los pasos exigi obtener un
alcuota de los volmenes de cualquier caera, tanque, o otro sistema, y
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