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The Personal Pronoum
Pronumele este partea de vorbire care tine locul unui substantiv.
Pronumele personal este acel pronume care desemneaza anumite persoane si in limba engleza are urmatoarele forme:
Persoana |
Nominativ |
Dativ |
Acuzativ |
I |
I |
(to) me |
me |
II |
You |
(to) you |
you |
III m |
He |
(to) him |
him |
III f |
She |
(to) her |
her |
III n |
It |
(to) it |
it |
I |
We |
(to) us |
us |
II |
You |
(to) you |
you |
They |
(to) them |
them |
Pronumele personal are functia de subiect sau nume predicativ in Nominativ.
a) He knows the rules. subiect
b) Who is it ? It is I! nume predicativ
Pronumele in cazul Acuzativ este folosit cu functia sintactica de complement direct sau complement indirect.
a) I see him. complement direct
b) I work for him. complement indirect
c) I dont want to talk to her. complement indirect
Pronumele personal in Dativ are functia sintactica de complement indirect.
a) I give a book to him. complement indirect
b) I give him a book. complement indirect (trece in fata CD dar dispare prepozitia).
Pronumele personal it se foloseste:
a) Pentru a inlocui substantive ce denumesc lucruri, animale:
The book is interesting. It is on the table.
b) in expresii care denumesc timpul, vremea, distanta, temperatura:
It is five oclock. - timpul
How far is Bucarest ? It is 180 Km. distanta
It is cold. temperaturi
It snows. - vreme
I. Pronume si adjective demonstrative
Forma |
Singular |
Plural |
de apropiere |
this |
these |
de departare |
that |
those |
Adjectivele demonstrative sunt singurele care se acorda in numar cu substantivul.
II. Adjective si pronume cantitative:
some; any; no (folosite ca adjective);
none (folosit doar ca pronume);
much (folosit pentru a exprima cantitatea);
many (folosit pentru a exprima numarul).
Some se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ.
I have some books.
Any se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la negativ sau interogativ.
Have you any books ?
I havent any books.
No se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ, acest adjectiv avand sens negativ
I have no books.
III. Adjective si pronume posesive
Forma |
Adjective |
Pronume |
I |
my |
mine |
II |
your |
yours |
III m |
his |
his |
III f |
her |
hers |
III n |
its |
its |
I |
our |
ours |
II |
your |
yours |
their |
theirs |
Pronumele posesive sunt folosite pentru a inlocui adjective posesive si substantivele lor:
This is my pencil. It is mine.
in limba engleza adjectivele posesive se acorda in numar si gen cu posesorul:
A boy loves his mother.
A girl loves her father.
A) Definitie: Verbul este partea de vorbire care exprima o actiune (a munci), o stare (a dormi), sau modificarea unei stari (a inflori).
B) Clasificari:
Din punct de vedere al structurii morfologice verbele se impart in:
a) Verbe simple: to work; to go;
b) Verbe compuse: to spotlight = a proiecta;
c) Verbe cu particula adverbiala: to put up = a se caza;
d) Verbe cu prepozitie obligatorie: to look at = a privi;
e) Locutiuni verbale: to take care of = a avea grija de.
Din punct de vedere al sensului lexical verbele se impart in:
a) Verbe cu sens lexical plin (numite si verbe notionale): to go; to read; to write;
b) Verbe cu sens lexical redus (in aceasta categorie intrand):
verbe copulative: to be; to appear;
verbe auxiliare: to be; to have; to do; shall; will (marci ale viitorului);
verbe modale exprima atitudinea vorbitorului fata de enunt: can; may; must.
C) Verbele auxiliare indeplinesc functia de marca a categoriilor gramaticale, adica ajuta la formarea timpului, aspectului, modului si diatezei.
in limba engleza fiecare timp are doua aspecte: simplu si continuu.
Aspectul continuu se formeaza cu ajutorul auxiliarului to be, iar verbul deconjugat primeste terminatia -ing.
Diateza pasiva se formeaza intotdeauna cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be, iar verbul deconjugat este la participiu trecut.
Timpurile perfecte se formeaza intotdeauna cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have urmat de participiul trecut al verbului deconjugat.
D) Timpul categoria gramaticala a timpului se refera la ordinea evenimentelor in timp, asa cum este perceputa aceasta de vorbitor in momentul vorbirii.
Momentul vorbirii este momentul prezent. Fata de acest moment evenimentele sunt:
a) anterioare: Present Perfect; Past Tense; Past Perfect.
b) posterioare: Future Tenses;
c) simultane: Present Tense.
Pentru a stabili corect un timp in limba engleza trebuie facuta analiza acestuia luand in considerare trei elemente:
a) Momentul vorbirii momentul in care enuntul este pronuntat de vorbitor;
b) Momentul savarsirii actiunii momentul in care a avut loc actiunea sau starea;
c) Momentul de referinta - reprezinta axa timpului pe care se plaseaza vorbitorul in perceperea evenimentului (se foloseste pentru stabilirea timpurilor perfecte).
E) Verbele auxiliare to be si to have conjugate la trecut:
Afirmativ |
Interogativ |
Negativ |
Afirmativ |
Interogativ |
Negativ |
I was |
Was I ? |
I was not |
I had |
Had I? |
I had not |
You were |
Were you? |
You were not |
You had |
Had you? |
You had not |
He was |
Was he ? |
He was not |
He had |
Had he? |
He had not |
She was |
Was she? |
She was not |
She had |
Had she? |
She had not |
It was |
Was it? |
It was not |
It had |
Had it? |
It had not |
We were |
Were we? |
We were not |
We had |
Had we? |
We had not |
You were |
Wereyou? |
You were not |
You had |
Had you? |
You had not |
They were |
Were they? |
They were not |
They had |
Had they? |
They had not |
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