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Handout: Stem-Changing Verbs
A number of German verbs undergo a change in the stem vowel in
the present tense. This only affects the second-person singular (DU) form and the third-person singular
(ER, SIE, ES) forms. The
other forms (ich, wir, ihr, Sie) act just like regular verbs, and in
every person, the endings remain the same as for regular verbs. You cannot
automatically know by seeing an infinitive (e.g. ‘sehen’) that a verb will stem-change; you’ll need to memorize which verbs
belong to this class.
1. Vowel change from e › i
Verbs you need to know that follow this pattern
(e › i) are
Other verbs that you may encounter include
brechen (to break), helfen (to help), sterben
(to die), werfen (to throw).
2. Vowel change from e › ie
Verbs you need to know that follow this pattern
(e › ie) are
lesen and sehen (and its associated forms aussehen
and fernsehen).
Other verbs that you may encounter include
empfehlen (to recommend), geschehen (to happen), stehlen
(to steal).
3. Vowel change from a › ä
you need to know that follow this pattern (a › ä) are:
anfangen, einladen, fahren, halten,
laufen, schlafen (and its relative einschlafen),
and tragen.
Other verbs that you
may encounter include
backen (to bake), fallen (to fall), lassen
(to leave, to let), schlagen (to hit), waschen (to
Now it’s up to you. First, make sure you understand the patterns
of stem-changing verbs. Fill in
the three conjugation tables below.
Now try some ‘dehydrated’ sentences: combine the elements
below to make complete sentences.
Maria / tragen / heute / einen Hut . | ||
Peter / essen / jeden Tag / Pizza . | ||
du / sehen / den Tisch / dort ? | ||
ich / einschlafen / normalerweise / um 11 Uhr . | ||
mein Vater / lesen / abends / die Zeitung | ||
Fahren / du / abends/ zur Uni ? | |
Sie (formal) / sprechen / Deutsch ? | ||
Ihr / nehmen / dieses Jahr / zu viele Klassen ! | ||
Wann / treffen / du / deine Freunde ? | ||
Wann / anfangen / die Klasse ? |
Now try to translate these sentences. Just follow the same
patterns we’ve been using!
I’m inviting my girlfriend to the party (=zur Party). |
Do you guys read a lot of books? |
My brother watches TV in the evenings. |
Let’s eat spaghetti tonight! |
Anna is running very fast. |
Lisa looks very nice today! |
Matthias rides his bike to school (=zur Uni) on Wednesdays. |
I always (=immer) forget your telephone number. |
Note: we probably won’t be doing a lot with the verbs einladen
and halten, because they’re unusual. Here’s the full conjugation
for those two verbs. What do you notice doesn’t fit the normal verb pattern,
besides the stem-vowel change?
Don’t worry -- all the other verbs listed on the first page
are quite normal apart from the stem change (except of course for nehmen,
which loses its ‘h’ and gets a double ‘m’ instead).
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