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A High Voltage Power Supply for your Lab


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A High Voltage Power Supply for your Lab Built and Tested by Jean-Louis Naudin Cliquez ici pour la version Franaise created on February 11, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update February 13, 2003 Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et non commercial All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

You will find in this document a very useful High Voltage Power supply ( Lab HV-PS ) diagram for your personal laboratory experiments. This is a dual outpout power supply :
- the first output is a Low Voltage output fully tunable between 0 to 70 V DC,
- the second output is a High Voltage output fully tunable between 0 to 30 KV DC

This Lab HV-PS is able to lift off a Lifter v2.0 without problem at a voltage about 21 KV. This allows you to conduct some interesting experiments about the Lifter hovering by tuning the HV output level.

Click here to download the BU508D datasheet

Detailled diagram of the flyback transformer : HR7839 ou 1352.5003

This Lab HV-PS uses common and cheap electronic components that you can buy in any electronic hobby shop.

Note : It is recommend to have one or two BU508D transistors as spare parts, because it is very sensitive to HV pulses.

To build the Lab HV-PS, you may use any common flyback transformer rescued from a old color PC monitor ( see below ).

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