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Table 4 lists the step size information functions. These functions report the current and initial step sizes, the minimum and maximum allowable step sizes, whether fixed or variable step sizes are being used, which step size control method is in use, and whether the integration is proceeding forward or backward in time.
Table 4 Step Size Information Functions.
Function |
Description |
GetH0 |
Returns the initial step size. |
GetHMax |
Returns the maximum allowable step size. |
GetHMin |
Returns the minimum allowable step size. |
GetHUsed |
Returns the last successful step size. |
GetHCurr |
Returns the current value of the step size. |
GetStepSize |
Returns the current step size. |
UsingFixedStepSize |
Returns true if the integrator is using a fixed step size. |
UsingVariableStepSize |
Returns true if the integrator is using a variable step size. |
UsingRichardsonExtrapolation |
Returns true if the integrator is using Richardson Extrapolation to determine the variable step size. |
UsingEmbeddedFormula |
Returns true if the integrator is using the Butcher Table's embedded formula to determine the variable step size. |
IntegratingForward |
Returns true if the integrator is integrating forward in time. |
h0 = pInteg->GetH0();
Type |
Description |
double |
Initial step size value. |
hMax = pInteg->GetHMax();
Type |
Description |
double |
Maximum allowed step size value. |
For variable step size control, the step size will never be allowed to exceed this value.
hMin = pInteg->GetHMin();
Type |
Description |
double |
Minimum allowed step size value. |
If you set the step size less than the minimum allowed an errorState_StepSizeTooSmall error will be set. However, if a variable step size selection would require a step size smaller than the minimum then an errorState_TooMuchAccuracy error will be set. In the latter case, you can use GetTolScaleFactor( to determine what you need to scale the absolute and relative tolerances by to achieve the minimum step size.
hUsed = pInteg->GetHUsed();
Type |
Description |
double |
Step size value used on the last successful step. |
This function reports the size of the step just taken. Note that when doing event finding, a Reset or Terminal event will cause the cause the reported step size to be smaller than the actual step attempted. The reported step size is limited to the time of the event.
hCurr = pInteg->GetHCurr();
Type |
Description |
double |
Current value of the step size in the integrator. |
This value may be larger than that reported in GetHUsed( .
hCurr = pInteg->GetStepSize();
Type |
Description |
double |
Current value of the step size in the integrator. |
This is a synonym for GetHCurr( .
if ( pInteg->UsingFixedStepSize() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is using a fixed step size strategy. |
if ( pInteg->UsingVariableStepSize() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is using a variable step size strategy. |
if ( pInteg->UsingRichardsonExtrapolation() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is using Richardson Extrapolation to set the variable step size in the step selection strategy. |
if ( pInteg->UsingEmbeddedFormula() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is using the embedded formula in the Butcher Table to set the variable step size in the step selection strategy. |
if ( pInteg->IntegratingForward() ).
Type |
Description |
bool |
Returns true if the integrator is integrating forward in time, false if backward. |
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