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Setting options for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean type


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Setting options for Chinese, Japanese and Korean type


Photoshop provides several options for working with Chinese Japanese and Korean (CJK)

type Characters in CJK fonts are often referred to as double-byte characters.

Displaying CJK type options

In order to view and set options for working with Chinese Japanese and Korean type you must select Show Asian Text Options in the Preferences dialog box. You can also control how font names are displayed-in English or in the native language.

To display CJK type options:

Do one of the following:

In Windows and Mac OS 9.x Choose Edit > Preferences > General.

In Mac OS X Choose Photoshop > Preferences > General.

Select Show Asian Text Options.

To display CJK font names in English:

Do one of the following:

In Windows and Mac OS 9.x Choose Edit > Preferences > General.

In Mac OS X Choose Photoshop > Preferences > General.

Select Show Font Names in English.

Adjusting tsume

Tsume reduces the space around a character by a specified percentage value. The character itself is not stretched or squeezed as a result Instead the space between the character s bounding box and the em box is compressed. When tsume is added to a character spacing around both sides of the character is reduced by an equal percentage. To reduce spacing between characters:

Select the characters you want to adjust.

In the Character palette enter or select a percentage for Tsume . The greater the percentage the tighter the compression between characters At 100% (the maximum value) there is no space between the character s bounding box and its em box.

Specifying how leading is measured

Top-to-top leading measures the spacing between lines of type from the top of one line to the top of the next line. This is different from Bottom-to-bottom leading which measures the space between lines from the type baseline If you use Top-to-top leading, the first line of type in a paragraph is aligned flush with the top of the bounding box if you use Bottom-to-bottom leading space appears between the first line of type and the bounding box.

The leading option you choose does not affect the amount of leading between lines, only how the leading is measured (See "Specifying leading on section 352

Note: Top-to-top Leading and Bottom-to-bottom Leading are not available for vertical text.

To specify how leading is measured:

Select the paragraphs you want to adjust.

Choose Top-to-top Leading or Bottom-to-bottom Leading from the Paragraph palette menu A check mark indicates which option is selected.

Using tate-chuu-yoko

Tate-chuu-yoko (also called kumimoji and renmoji) is a block of horizontal type laid out within a vertical type line.

Before and after tate-chuu-yoko applied.

To turn on or turn off tate-chuu-yoko:

Select the characters that you want to rotate.

Choose Tate-Chuu-Yoko from the Character palette menu A check mark indicates that the option is turned on.

Note: Using tate-chuu-yoko does not prevent you from editing and formatting type; you can edit and apply formatting options to rotated characters as you do to other characters. Specifying left and right underlining

When working with vertical type you can add an underline on either side of the type line. For more information see Applying underline and strikethrough on section 355

Working with Japanese composition

The Paragraph palette includes several options for composing Japanese characters. Kinsoku Shori Determines line breaks in Japanese type Characters that cannot begin a line or end a line are known as kinsoku characters Photoshop includes weak and maximum kinsoku sets based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995. Mojikumi Determines spacing between punctuation symbols numbers and other character classes in Japanese type Photoshop includes several predefined mojikumi sets based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995.

Oidashi and Oikomi When kinsoku shori or mojikumi is on you can choose different methods for processing line breaks. Oidashi-push-out line breaking-is a method of moving characters down to the next line in order to prevent prohibited characters from ending or beginning a line. Oikomi-push-in line breaking-is a method of moving characters up to the previous line in order to prevent prohibited characters from ending or beginning a line.

To select a mojikumi set for a paragraph:

In the Paragraph palette choose an option from the Mojikumi pop-up menu:

None to turn off the use of mojikumi.

Mojikumi Set 1 to use half-width spacing for punctuation.

Mojikumi Set 2 to use full-width spacing for most characters except the last character in the line.

Mojikumi Set 1, and Mojikumi Set 2.

Mojikumi Set 3 to use full-width spacing for most characters and the last character in the line.

Mojikumi Set 4 to use full-width spacing for all characters.

Mojikumi Set 3, and Mojikumi Set 4.

To select a kinsoku shori set for a paragraph:

In the Paragraph palette choose an option from the Kinsoku Shori pop-up menu:

None to turn off the use of kinsoku shori.

JIS Weak or JIS Maximum to prevent the following characters from beginning or ending a line:

JIS Weak Set

Characters that can t begin a line

Characters that can t end a line

JIS Maximum Set

Characters that can t begin a line

Characters that can t end a line

To select a kinsoku line breaking option:

Choose Oidashi or Oikomi from the Paragraph palette menu A check mark indicates which option is selected.

Using burasagari

Burasagari allows single-byte periods double-byte periods single-byte commas and double-byte commas to fall outside the paragraph bounding box.

To turn on or turn off burasagari:

Choose Burasagari from the Paragraph palette menu A check mark indicates that the option is turned on.

Note: The Burasagari option is not available when Kinsoku Shori is set to None.

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