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Windows Disk Idle Detection
This paper details the infrastructure supporting disk idle detection in the Windows operating system. The Windows power manager cooperates with disk driver software to automatically spin down hard disk drive rotational media to reduce power consumption when the system is idle.
System manufacturers will learn how to configure the disk idle detection power policies in their system preload. System manufacturers and test personnel will learn how to use the PwrTest utility to observe the mechanics of disk idle detection.
This information applies for the
following operating systems:
Windows Vista with Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2008
The current
version of this paper is maintained on the Web at:
References and resources discussed here are listed at the end of this paper.
Disk Idle Detection Requirements
Disk Idle Detection Infrastructure
Configuring Disk Idle Detection Policies
Using PowerCfg to Configure Disk Idle Detection Policies
Configuring Disk Idle Detection for Maximum Power Savings
Configuring Disk Idle Detection for Maximum Performance
Configuring the Disk Burst Ignore Time-Out
Using PwrTest to Observe Disk Idle Detection
PwrTest DISK Scenario Overview
PwrTest DISK Scenario XML Log Elements
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Document History
Date |
Change |
September 27, 2007 |
First publication |
November 20, 2007 |
Correct Web references; no technical content change |
To help achieve maximum system energy efficiency, the Windows power manager cooperates with various software drivers to automatically power down devices when they are not in use. This mechanism-called 'device idle detection'-allows devices to change their power state automatically based on system environment, power policy, and current device usage.
Although any device can participate in device idle detection, several devices are more tightly integrated with the Windows power manager to help ensure maximum system power savings. The hard disk drive device in a desktop or mobile PC is one device that is tightly integrated with the Windows power manager. Device idle detection for hard disk devices involves changing the state of the rotational media within the disk device.
Powering down the rotational media in a hard disk drive is called a 'spin-down,' and powering up the rotational media in a hard disk drive is called a 'spin-up.' Disk idle detection is key in achieving maximum mobile PC battery life because the difference in power consumption between the spin-up and spin-down states can be up to 500 milliwatt (mW) on mobile PC form-factor disk devices. The difference in power consumption between the spin-up and spin-down states is larger on full-size desktop PC form-factor hard disk devices.
The Windows power manager uses disk activity, power policy, and system power source (AC/DC) to determine when to spin down and when to spin up the disk device. Power policy configures the time interval between the last disk access and spin-down of the device, as well as any amount of disk activity that should be ignored to be more aggressive in entering the spin-down state.
In addition to power policy, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and later Windows operating systems include diagnostic events that allow the system administrator to observe the mechanics of disk idle detection and ensure correct operation. These diagnostic events are displayed and logged by the PwrTest utility, which supports various Windows power management test scenarios.
This paper details the infrastructure that supports idle detection for disk devices, which includes hard disk drives based on rotational media. System manufacturers will learn how to configure the disk idle detection policies for maximum power savings or performance. System manufacturers will also learn how to use the PwrTest utility to validate correct operation of disk idle detection in their pre-installation images.
Readers of this paper are encouraged to first review 'Power Policy Configuration and Deployment for Windows Vista,' which details the Windows Vista power policy configuration architecture. This white paper is available on the WHDC Web site.
Disk idle detection is a cooperative arrangement between the Windows power manager and the disk software driver stack. This arrangement helps enable rich configuration of disk idle detection policies and helps achieve maximum mobile PC battery life.
Although disk idle detection is supported on all recent versions of the Windows operating system, the infrastructure and policies described in this paper apply to Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and later versions of Windows.
Disk idle detection as described in this paper applies only to hard disk devices with rotational media connected to the system through an ATA-compatible bus, including IDE and SATA. Disk idle detection is not supported for hard disk devices connected through 1394 or USB. Disk idle detection is also not supported for hard disk devices connected to a storage controller that uses a Storport-based driver.
Disk idle detection is a cooperative arrangement between the Windows kernel power manager and the disk software driver stack. This arrangement allows for detailed policy configuration and automatic changes to the current idle detection policies based on system environment, including power source (AC or battery power).
Figure 1 provides an overview of the disk idle detection infrastructure in Windows. The numbered interactions in the diagram are:
Disk idle detection policy parameters are delivered to the kernel power
manager from the power policy store. The policy parameters are initially
delivered shortly after boot of the system and thereafter as changes occur due
to the user manipulating individual policy values or the active power plan.
Applications and services on the system generate disk activity through
various mechanisms, including file accesses, page file usage, or registry
Activity Indicator
The power manager is notified of each disk read or write access. This
allows the power manager to track the time since the last disk access and
statistics for the amount of disk accesses over time.
If no disk activity has occurred for at least the current disk idle time‑out,
the power manager sends a power-down notification to the disk software driver
stack indicating that the disk should spin down. The notification takes the
form of a device power I/O request packet (IRP) for the D3 device power state.
Spin-down Notification
The Microsoft ATA disk driver translates the D3 device power IRP into a
standby-immediate ATA command. This command instructs the disk device to stop
spinning the rotational media in the hard disk drive.
Command Delivery
The disk controller driver issues the standby-immediate ATA command to the
hard disk drive device. The rotational media in the disk drive stops spinning
until further disk activity.
Source (AC/DC) Change Notification
The platform hardware and firmware can notify the ACPI driver of changes in
the current system power source. For example, the system might transition from
AC to DC (battery) power periodically during normal use of the system.
Source (AC/DC) Change Notification
The ACPI driver forwards the power source change notifications to the
kernel power manager. Many power policies, including disk idle detection
policies, have separate values for AC and DC (battery) power. If the system
changes power sources, the kernel power manager automatically changes to the
correct disk idle detection policy for AC or DC (battery) power.
Figure . Disk Idle Detection Infrastructure
If the disk is in the spin-down state and the disk driver detects additional disk activity, the disk driver automatically spins up the disk device by requesting a device power IRP for the D0 device power state.
The configuration parameters for disk idle detection are stored as discrete power policy values. Integration of disk idle detection with power policy allows the policies to automatically change based on system power source (AC or battery power) and the user's selection of power plan. For example, disk idle detection policies can aggressively favor power savings on battery power and in the Power Saver power plan. Similarly, disk idle detection can be completely disabled for the High Performance power plan.
The primary disk idle detection policy is the disk idle time‑out, which is the amount of consecutive time without disk activity after which the disk should be powered down. Table 1 details the disk idle time-out power policy setting.
Table 1. Disk Idle Time-Out Policy
Friendly name |
Turn off hard disk after |
Description |
Specify how long the hard drive is inactive before the disk turns off. |
PowerCfg Alias |
Group Policy Path |
TemplatesSystemPower Management |
6738e2c4-e8a5-4a42-b16a-e040e769756e |
Symbol |
Defined In |
Ntpoapi.h |
Balanced Defaults |
60 minutes (AC) |
30 minutes (DC) |
The disk idle time‑out is specified in seconds and has a minimum value of 30 seconds. Disk idle detection is evaluated on 15-second intervals. Therefore, the disk is placed in the spin-down state after the disk idle time‑out 15 seconds without disk activity.
Although the disk idle time‑out alone can be configured to favor power savings or performance, some Windows systems might exhibit very small amounts of disk activity separated by relatively long amounts of disk idle time. This pattern of disk activity impacts system power savings because the disk is powered up periodically. The disk then remains in the spin-up state for at least the disk idle time‑out, even if the amount of disk activity that caused the disk to spin up is very small.
The disk burst activity time addresses these scenarios by allowing the administrator to configure an amount of disk activity that will be ignored as the power manager accrues disk idle time. Table 2 details the disk burst activity time power policy setting.
Table 2. Disk Burst Activity Time Policy______________
Friendly name |
Hard disk burst ignore time |
Description |
Ignores a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if a hard disk is idle. |
PowerCfg Alias |
Not applicable |
Group Policy Path |
Not applicable |
80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d3195efc663 |
Symbol |
Defined In |
Ntpoapi.h |
Balanced Defaults |
30 seconds (AC) |
30 seconds (DC) |
The power manager uses a sliding window algorithm that resets the disk idle time‑out counter if disk activity is observed for longer than the hard disk burst ignore time. Similarly, the current amount of hard disk burst ignore time is decremented for each period of observed disk inactivity.
Note that the disk burst ignore time policy is hidden. Administrators or system manufacturers must use the PowerCfg utility to change the disk burst ignore time policy value.
The power manager uses both the disk idle time‑out and the disk burst ignore time policies to evaluate disk idle detection and determine when to power off the disk.
The disk is powered off if the amount of disk idle time is larger than the disk idle time‑out that is specified in power policy. If the disk burst ignore time is set to 0 (disabled), the current amount of disk idle time is reset each time the disk activity occurs. If the disk burst ignore time is set to a value greater than 0, then the amount of disk idle time is reset if the disk has been consecutively busy for the disk burst ignore time.
Figure 2 demonstrates the relationship between the disk idle time and the disk burst ignore time. Disk idle detection is evaluated on 15-second intervals. This figure assumes a disk idle time‑out of 120 seconds (2 minutes) and a disk burst ignore time of 30 seconds.
Figure 2. Disk Idle Detection Operation
The configuration parameters for disk idle detection are exposed in power policy to enable easy configuration for end users and IT administrators. The primary method of power policy configuration, including the disk idle detection policies, is to use PowerCfg. PowerCfg is a command-line tool included with Windows Vista for enumerating and configuring power policy objects.
For an introduction to power policy, see 'Windows Vista Power Policy Configuration and Deployment' on the WHDC Web site.
System manufacturers and administrators should use the PowerCfg utility to configure disk idle detection policies.
The current disk idle detection policies can be seen by using the following command:
Power Scheme GUID: a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a (Power saver)
Subgroup GUID: 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442 (Hard disk)
Power Setting GUID: 6738e2c4-e8a5-4a42-b16a-e040e769756e (Turn off hard disk after)
Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
Possible Settings units: Seconds
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x000004b0
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000078
Power Setting GUID: 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d3195efc663 (Hard disk burst ignore time)
Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
Possible Settings units: Seconds
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000001e
In the preceding example, the disk idle time‑out for AC power is 1,200 (0x4b0) seconds, or 20 minutes. Similarly, the hard disk burst ignore time is 30 (0x1e) seconds for both AC and DC power.
It is important to remember that power policies might be different for each power plan on the system. In the preceding example, the SCHEME_CURRENT alias was used to enumerate settings for the current power plan, which is the Power Saver plan.
To change the disk idle time‑out or the disk burst ignore time‑out, PowerCfg should also be used. In the following example, the disk burst ignore time‑out is disabled (set to 0) for both AC and DC power on the current power plan. To make the configuration change global on the system, the administrator must update the AC and DC values on all installed power plans. Installed power plans can be enumerated by using the PowerCfg /LIST option:
C:>powercfg -setacvalueindex SCHEME_CURRENT SUB_DISK 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d
3195efc663 0
C:>powercfg -setdcvalueindex SCHEME_CURRENT SUB_DISK 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d
3195efc663 0
C:>powercfg -setactive SCHEME_CURRENT
The disk idle detection policy values can be configured to favor system performance or power savings.
To favor power savings, the disk idle time‑out should be reduced from the default value of 30 or 60 minutes. To further favor power savings, the disk burst ignore threshold should be set to a non-zero value between 15 and 60 seconds.
We suggest that changes to the disk idle detection policies scale appropriately with power plan as well as AC and DC power sources. For example, the disk idle time‑out should be shorter on battery (DC) than on AC power and the disk burst ignore threshold should be greater on battery power to favor quickly turning the disk off after small amounts of disk activity.
System manufacturers should evaluate changes to the disk idle detection policies on their specific systems with value-added software installed.
The disk idle detection policy values can be configured to favor system performance or power savings.
To favor performance, the disk idle time‑out can be extended from the default of 30 or 60 minutes or disabled entirely. To disable disk idle detection, set the disk idle time‑out to 0.
Another opportunity to favor performance and prevent the likelihood of frequent disk spin-down is to disable the disk burst ignore behavior. To disable the disk burst ignore behavior, set the disk burst ignore time‑out to 0.
We suggest that changes to the disk idle detection policies scale appropriately with power plan as well as AC and DC power sources. For example, the disk idle time‑out should be longer on AC power than on battery (DC power). Additionally, the disk idle time‑out can be disabled on both AC and DC for High Performance power plans, but still enabled on AC and DC for Power Saver plans.
System manufacturers should evaluate changes to the disk idle detection policies on their specific systems with value-added software installed.
System administrators and IT professionals should pay special attention to the disk burst ignore time-out policy value on systems with multiple internal hard disk devices. Disk idle detection applies equally to all supported disk devices on the system, regardless of whether they are the disk from which the Windows installation was booted.
The disk burst ignore time-out should be disabled (set to 0 seconds) for the following disk activity workloads:
Systems with page files configured on disks other than the Windows installation boot disk.
Workloads with highly intermittent disk activity (such as once per hour for 2 seconds) where very short latency is required.
If t he disk burst ignore time-out is enabled, the system favors power savings over performance and aggressively spins down disk devices, even when a relatively long disk idle time-out is configured in power policy.
System manufacturers and enterprise administrators might need to validate that disk idle detection is functioning correctly on their systems. The PwrTest utility, which is provided in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), is designed to facilitate validation of disk idle detection. The PwrTest utility features a DISK scenario that displays information about the disks present on the system, their current disk idle detection policies, and the current power state of the disk device.
To obtain the PwrTest utility, install the WDK. More information is available on the WHDC Web site.
The PwrTest utility supports a DISK scenario that displays the current status of disk idle detection on the system. The DISK scenario is accessed through the /DISK option and provides the following data in real time:
The device ID for disks currently registered for idle detection.
The disk idle detection policy values currently in use (disk idle time‑out and disk burst ignore time‑out).
The amount of idle time accrued for each disk.
The amount of disk burst time ignored for each disk.
The power state (on, off) for each disk.
The PwrTest DISK scenario is designed to allow system manufacturers to validate that the disk can be powered off on systems with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) pre-installation image installed.
The following example demonstrates an example of the PwrTest DISK scenario:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft PwrTest>pwrtest /disk
Executing PwrTest DISK scenario for 30 minutes. Press 'q' anytime to quit
Timestamp D# St Event Data Notes
0 On New IDEDiskHTS721010G9SA00_____ _______ ______ __________MCZIC10
0 On Busy Idle: 0s, NonIdle: 0s
* -- Pol Timeout: 120s, IgnoreThreshold: 0s
0 On Busy Idle: 0s, NonIdle: 0s Idle Reset
0 On Busy Idle: 0s, NonIdle: 0s Idle Reset
0 On Idle: 15s, NonIdle: 0s
0 On Idle: 30s, NonIdle: 0s
0 On Idle: 45s, NonIdle: 0s
0 On Idle: 60s, NonIdle: 0s
0 On Busy Idle: 0s, NonIdle: 0s Idle Reset
0 On Busy Idle: 0s, NonIdle: 0s Idle Reset
0 On Idle: 15s, NonIdle: 0s
11:29:05 0 On Idle: 30s, NonIdle: 0s
11:29:20 0 On Idle: 45s, NonIdle: 0s
11:29:35 0 On Idle: 60s, NonIdle: 0s
11:29:50 0 On Idle: 75s, NonIdle: 0s
11:30:05 0 On Idle: 90s, NonIdle: 0s
11:30:20 0 On Idle: 105s, NonIdle: 0s
11:30:35 0 Off Idle: 120s, NonIdle: 0s Spin-down
11:30:50 0 Off Idle: 135s, NonIdle: 0s
11:31:05 0 Off Idle: 150s, NonIdle: 0s
The following information appears on each line of the output from the PwrTest DISK scenario:
The current time when the event occurred.
D# (Disk Number)
The number of the disk associated with this event. Disk devices are enumerated
initially when the DISK scenario starts or on demand as new disk devices are
St (State)
Whether the disk is currently powered on or off.
The overall event type, which is one of the following:
A new disk device has been detected. The disk device's hardware ID appears.
The disk was busy during the last 15-second period. The accrued idle time
and non-idle time appear.
The disk idle time‑out policy has been changed. This occurs when the
policy is changed by using Power Options
or the PowerCfg utility. The disk idle time‑out policy also changes when
the system transitions from AC to DC power. The disk idle time‑out and
disk burst ignore time policy values appear.
PwrTest also stores disk event data in memory. When the DISK scenario has completed, PwrTest generates a corresponding XML log file that can be post-processed to inspect correct function of disk idle detection. The XML file contains all of the data that PwrTest displays in a format that is easily parsed by script utilities or imported into a spreadsheet program for advanced analysis. The XML log elements are described in the following section.
Table 3 describes each of the elements in the XML log generated by the PwrTest /DISK scenario.
Table 3. PwrTest DISK Scenario XML Log Elements
Element |
Description |
<DiskIdleEvents> |
PwrTest DISK scenario event information. |
<DiskIdleChangeEvent> |
Event data relating to arrival or removal of a disk device. |
<Timestamp> |
The time when the event occurred. |
<DiskNumber> |
The number of the disk. PwrTest maintains a list of disk devices and associates a 0-based index list of disk numbers. |
<InstancePath> |
The hardware/instance ID of this disk device. |
<Description> |
A textual description of the event impact, such as 'DeviceDetected' when a new disk device is first discovered. |
<DiskIdleEvent> |
A periodic event that indicates disk spin-down statistics, including accrued idleness and current power state. |
<Device> |
A pointer value to the disk device's DEVICE_OBJECT structure. Software must not use the pointer value directly-it is provided solely to determine corresponding <DiskIdleEvent> elements. |
<Pdo> |
A pointer value to the DEVICE_OBJECT structure of the physical device object (PDO) in the disk device's driver stack. Software must not use the pointer value directly-it is provided solely to determine corresponding <DiskIdleEvent> elements. |
<BusyCount> |
The number of disk read/write actions accrued since the last <DiskIdleEvent>. |
<AccruedBusyCount> |
The total accrued disk read/write actions for the corresponding disk. |
<IdlePowerState> |
The device power state (such as '3' for D3) to which the disk device will transition when it is turned off. |
<CurrentPowerState> |
The current device power state of the disk device. |
<Timeout> |
The current spin-down time‑out in use for the disk device, in seconds. |
<IgnoreThreshold> |
The current amount of disk active time to be ignored before resetting accrued idle time, in seconds. |
<AccruedIdleTime> |
The accrued disk idle time, in seconds. The accrued disk idle time must be equal to or larger than the time‑out for the disk to be spun down. |
<AccruedNonIdleTime> |
The amount of accrued non-idle time, in seconds. If the accrued non-idle time is greater than the ignore threshold, the accrued idle time is reset. |
<Analysis> |
A textual description of the result of this event, such as 'Spin-down' when the accrued idle time is equal to or larger than the current time‑out. |
<DiskIdlePolicyChange> |
An indication that the spin-down policy value has changed. This element includes updated <Timeout> and <IgnoreThreshold> elements. |
Disk idle detection is a cooperative arrangement between the Windows power manager and the disk software driver stack. This arrangement helps enable rich configuration of disk idle detection policies and helps achieve maximum mobile PC battery life. The configuration parameters for disk idle detection are stored as discrete power policy values, which change based on system power source (AC or battery power) and the user's selection of power plan.
OEMs and system integrators can customize the disk idle detection policies to favor power savings or performance. Disk idle detection policies are configured by using the PowerCfg utility, and operation of disk idle detection can be observed by using the PwrTest utility.
System manufacturers should use the information in this paper to:
Validate correct operation of disk idle detection on their platforms.
Customize the disk idle time‑out and the disk burst ignore time‑out policies. The disk idle detection policies can be customized for performance or power savings.
Observe disk idle detection diagnostic events by using the PwrTest utility and Windows Vista with Service Pack 1.
PowerCfg utility command-line documentation on the TechNet Web
Advanced policy parameters documented in "Processor Power Management in Windows
Vista and Windows Server 2008" on the WHDC Web site at:
PwrTest utility, command-line documentation on MSDN
WHDC Web site
How to Obtain the WDK:
Windows Vista Power Policy Configuration and Deployment
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