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XML utility instructions

XML utility instructions Please start using this utility with one day without any XML made in usual way. For one day you need only one Excel file. You have two ways to make this operation: Open the template Notyyyymmdd.xls
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Xml Slide Show V3 tutorial

Xml Slide Show V3 tutorial 1.      Install the XMLSlideShowV3.mxp file. If your Macromedia Flash opened, please close it first and then double click on the mxp file. Follow the installing instructions and then open
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Importing the Data from Multiple XML Files

Importing the Data from Multiple XML Files It's a simple matter to import more than one file with the same structure into an HTML file. Basically, you just need to repeat the operation, making sure that the uniqueness of target tag names and v
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Accessing Oracle XML DB Repository Data

18 Accessing Oracle XML DB Repository DataThis chapter describes how to access data in Oracle XML DB repository using standard protocols such as FTP, HTTP/WebDAV and other Oracle XML DB resource Application Program Interfaces (APIs). It also introduc
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