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Choose the correct answer:

A/An .. is a writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court at a specified time.

a. invocation

b. order

c. subpoena

d. warrant

2. Choose the correct answer:

A/An .. is a written statement which is signed and sworn before a solicitor and which can then be used as evidence in court hearings.

a. Injunction

b. affidavit

c. indictment

d. warrant

3. Choose the correct answer:
The writ ordering a person to be brought before a court or judge, so that the court may ascertain whether his detention is lawful is called .. .
a. Certiorari

b. Habeas Corpus

c. capias

d. ratio legis

4. Choose the correct answer:
The application of the writ of Habeas Corpus, also called the Great Writ:
a. has never been suspended throughout United States history
b. has been suspended during times of war (the Civil War) and national crisis
c. has been suspended whenever the newly elected president of the United States so decided

5. Chose the correct definition:
An amendment is .. .
a. an official approval of something which then becomes legally binding
b. a formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a debate or meeting
c. an addition, alteration or improvement to a motion or document
d. a decision made by a judge or magistrate

6. Choose the correct answer:
A/An a written statement of the details of the crime with which someone is charged in the Court.
a. complaint
b. allegation
c. verdict
d. indictment

7. Choose the correct answer:
As a general rule, with the exception of minors, mentally disordered persons and drunken persons, all natural persons have full contractual ...

a. intention
b. consideration
c. capacity
d. acceptance

Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

I wish we had been able to go to that concert.
a. We were able to go to that concert.
b. We weren't able to go to that concert.
c. We are able to go to that concert.

9. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

If I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you.
a. I didn't know you were coming.
b. I knew you were coming.
c. I didn't know how to wait for you.

10. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

If you loved me, you wouldn't hurt my feelings all the time.
a. I think you love me.
b. I don't think you want to hurt my feelings.
c. I don't think you love me.

Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

He went to court to bring charges against his neighbour.
a. He went to court and then he decided to bring charges against his neighbour.
b. He went to court for the purpose of bringing charges against his neighbour.
c. Having brought charges against his neighbour, he went to court.

12. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

I'd rather we didn't accuse him of prosecutorial abuse.
a. I wish we hadn't accused him of prosecutorial abuse.
b. I'd prefer to accuse him of prosecutorial abuse.
c. I'd prefer not to accuse him of prosecutorial abuse.

13. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

It's time the jury reached a verdict.
a. The jury hasn't reached a verdict yet.
b. The jury has just reached a verdict.
c. It's the right time for the jury to reach a verdict.

14. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

What would have happened if I hadn't offered her the job?
a. I offered her the job
b. I didn't offer her the job.
c. She didn't happen to be offered the job.

15. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

He is used to working pro bono.
a. In the past, he worked pro bono.
b. He often works pro bono.
c. He is asked to work pro bono now.

16. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence: The Government broke off negociations with the trade unions.
a. The Government suspended negociations with the trade unions
b. The Government postponed negociations with the trade unions.
c. The Government refused negociations with the trade unions.

Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

Is it really possible to lay off employees with compassion?
a. Is it really possible to demote employees with compassion?
b. Is it really possible to dismiss employees with compassion?
c. Is it really possible to transfer employees with compassion?

18. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

How do you plan to bring up the subject of budget cuts?
a. How do you plan to mention in conversation the subject of budget cuts?
b. How do you plan to digress from the subject of budget cuts?
c. How do you plan to tackle the subject of budget cuts?

19. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

We still can't rule out the possibility of attempted suicide.
a. We still can't discredit the possibility of attempted suicide.
b. We still can't admit the possibility of attempted suicide.
c. We still can't exclude the possibility of attempted suicide.

20. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

The international financial crisis calls for urgent measures.
a. The international financial crisis necessitates urgent measures.
b. The international financial crisis causes urgent measures.
c. The international financial crisis leads to urgent measures.

Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

The witness remembered locking the door before leaving the house.
a. The witness didn't forget to lock the house before leaving the house.
b. The witness recalled the fact that he had locked the door before leaving the house.
c. The witness remembered to lock the door and then left the house.

22. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

The students stopped whispering when the teacher announced the test results.
a. The students ceased whispering when the teacher announced the test results.
b. The students stopped to whisper when the teacher announced the test results.
c. The students paused to whisper when the teacher announced the test results.

23. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

Airline regulations prevented passengers from disembarking the plane.
a. Airline regulations warned passengers not to disembark the plane.
b. Airline regulations assisted passengers in disembarking the plane.
c. Airline regulations hindered passengers from disembarking the plane.

24. Choose the statement that has similar meaning with the following sentence:

I look forward to seeing you again!
a. I can hardly wait to see you again!
b. I'll make some plans to see you again!
c. I expect you to see me again!

25. In the sentence:

The ITADA amended the fraud chapter of title 18 of the United States Code. , the verb to amend means:
a. to alter or revise (legislation, a constitution, etc.) by formal procedure
b. to make someone pay a certain amount of money exacted as a penalty
c. to judge (something) with disapproval; censure

26. In the sentence:

Identity fraud involves the misappropriation of another person's personal identifying information., the verb to misappropriate means:
a. to have as one's property/to own
b. to appropriate for a wrong or dishonest use/to embezzle or steal smth
c. to give (a person) wrong directions or instructions

27. In the sentence:

Criminals use this information to run up debts on another person's account., the expression to run up debts means:
a. to get rid of one's debts by running
b. to pay back one's debts
c. to amass/accumulate or incur debts

28. In the sentence:

Criminals use this information to take over existing financial accounts., the expression to take over means:
a. to cancel the validity of / abolish
b. to assume the control or management of
c. to examine / investigate smth for accuracy
29. In the phrase:

to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense., the word penalty means:
a. a handicap awarded against a player or team for illegal play, such as a free shot at goal by the opposing team, loss of points, etc
b. loss, suffering, or other unfortunate result of one's own action, error
c. a legal or official punishment, such as a term of imprisonment

30. In the sentence:

In exchange for kickbacks, some patients undergo unwarranted medical procedures, the word kickbacks means:
a. money given to a person to ensure that something is kept secret
b. money to be paid as compensation to a person for injury, loss, etc
c. money or valuables used as a bribe
d. illegal commission paid to someone who helps in a business deal

31. In the sentence:

Without an indictment from a grand jury, prosecutors cannot bring charges against an individual. the legal term indictment means:
a. acquittal
b. an official written statement accusing someone of a crime or an offence
c. an informal statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime
d. allegation

32. In the sentence:

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Branzburg's cases. the verb to hear means:
a. to accidentally listen to what someone is saying
b. to listen to what the plaintiff has to say
c. to listen to all the facts in a case in a court of law in order to make a legal decision

33. In the sentence:

Judge Hayes states that the freedom of the press is not above the law. the phrase to be above the law means:
a. not to have to obey the law
b. to obey the law
c. to criticize the law
d. to enforce the law

34. In the sentence:

The third lawyer rebutted some of the allegations contained in the notice. the verb to rebut means:
a. to prove that the statements are wrong, offering convincing arguments
b. to support the statements with convincing arguments
c. to deny the allegations, without offering convincing arguments

35. Choose the synonymous term for the adjective counterfeit, considering the following examples: counterfeit documents/notes:
a. forged
b. embezzled
c. illegal
d. fraudulent

36. Choose the correct answer:
For additional costs and charges, take notice of the list of prices stated
a. thereby
b. henceforth
c. hereunder

37. Choose the English equivalent for the Latin legal phrase nolle prosequi:
a. 'do not follow' criminals: interdiction issued by the Court to police officers
b. 'do not pursue': power used by the Attorney-General to stop a criminal trial
c. 'do not release criminals from prison'

38. Choose the English equivalent for the Latin legal phrase quid pro quo:
a. 'one thing for another': action done in return for something done or promised
b. with the authority of /on behalf of
c. 'because of lack of care': decision wrongly made by a court (which does not therefore set a precedent)

39. In the sentence:

The taxpayer does not have locus standi in this court. the Latin phrase locus standi means:
a. 'place to stay': right to witness a trial in a court of law
b. 'place of the seal': used to show where to put the seal on a document
c. 'place to stand': right to appear and be heard in a court

40. In the sentence:

The same ratio legis is found in the laws of continental European countries. the Latin phrase ratio legis means:
a. 'reason for deciding': main part of a court judgment setting out the legal principles applicable to the case
b. 'reason of the law': the principle behind a law
c. 'reason of the court': the argument the court has for the final ruling in a case

41. In the sentence:

A writ ne exeat regno can be issued to prevent the embezzler from leaving the country. the Latin phrase ne exeat regno means:
a. 'do not leave the country': interdiction addressed to a debtor that is being prosecuted
b. 'do not pursue': power used by the Attorney-General to stop a criminal trial
c. 'do not leave the house': interdiction addressed to an offender placed under house arrest

42. Choose the correct answer:
If a product ..... suit is contested, the defendant's response is usually to argue that the product was free of defects.
a. industrial
b. palimony
c. unreliability
d. liability
43. Choose the correct answer:
David Frank had to pay heavy .. to his former employer, plus additional legal costs.
a. damages

b. remedy
c. charges
d. damage

44. Choose the correct answer:
A '. contract' includes any contract enforceable under statutory or common law.
a. good faith
b. lawful
c. witnessed
d. trustworthy

45. Choose the correct answer:
The First Amendment protects the . of the press in the U.S. of America.
a. emancipation
b. deliverance
c. release
d. freedom

46. Choose the ocrrect answer:
The reporter was called to testify before a .. concerning his knowledge of the drug activities reported in his articles.
a. great jury

b. large jury

c. majestic jury

d. grand jury

47. Choose the correct answer:
An order from a higher court demanding that a lower court send up the record of a case for review is called . .

a. indictment;

b. subpoena;
c. certiorari;
d. Habeas Corpus.

48. In the sentence:

The parties hereby agree that this Agreement may be terminated without prior written consent. the text reference word hereby means:
a. from this time forward
b. by means of this contract
c. in this contract
d. stated later in this contract

49. In the sentence:

The secretary signed per pro the manager. the Latin phrase per pro means:
a. the person who signs at the foot of a document
b. with the authority of /on behalf of
c. forging the signature of a superior in his/her absence

50. In the sentence:

For further information, see the documents listed hereunder. the text reference word hereunder means:
a. at the bottom of a document
b. under the signature of the person who signs the documents
c. under this heading or below this phrase

51. In the sentence:

This case will henceforth be known under the name of State vs. Johnson. the text reference word henceforth means:
a. from this time on
b. stated later in this document
c. according to this document

52. In the sentence:

The case proceeded notwithstanding the objections of the defendant. the text reference word notwithstanding means:
a. consequently
b. in spite of
c. by whatever means

53. In the sentence:

In criminal law, mens rea is usually one of the necessary elements of a crime. the Latin term mens rea means:
a. 'good will': a feeling of benevolence, approval, and kindly interest
b. 'wilful misconduct': behaviour which may harm someone and which is known to be wrong
c. 'guilty mind': mental state required to be guilty of committing a crime

54. In the sentence:

He got an injunction preventing the company from selling his car. the   legal term injunction means:
a. act of bringing someone to court to answer a charge
b. ban or written court order, telling someone not to do something
c. court order compelling someone to stop doing something or not to do something

55. In the sentence:

If a contract isn't signed by both parties, is it legally binding? the legal term binding means:
a. which legally forces someone to do something
b. which is acceptable because it is true
c. which is open to negotiation

56. In the sentence:

No cruel punishments shall be inflicted upon the prisoners. the verb to inflict means:
a. to cause something painful or unpleasant to be suffered by someone else
b. to cause extreme physical pain to someone in order to extract information
c. to harm someone without any reason.

57. In the sentence:

The rights presented in the Constitution shall not be construed. the verb to construe means:
a. to comment upon the meaning of something
b. to misunderstand the meaning of something
c. to interpret the meaning of something

58. In the sentence:

The news about the NSA's eavesdropping programs, the verb to eavesdrop means:
a. to let one's ears drop
b. to listen secretly to the private conversation of others
c. to whisper secrets to someone's ear

59. In the sentence:

The federal government has vowed to prosecute, the verb to vow means:
a. to pledge, promise, or undertake solemnly
b. to pronounce a vowel
c. to take a solemn oath

60. In the sentence:

The government must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that, the phrase beyond any reasonable doubt means:
a. giving someone the benefit of the doubt
b. beyond any suspicion of guilt
c. almost certain proof needed to convict a person in a criminal case

61. In the phrase:

obtaining information respecting the national defense, the word respecting means:
a. regarding, concerning
b. obeying, not violating
c. showing or having respect for

62. In the sentence:

To convict a person for disclosing classified information, the expression to disclose information means:
a. to make information known
b. to receive money in exchange of information
c. to look for more information

63. In the sentence:

The FCS will forfeit the assets of those engaged in federal crimes. the verb to forfeit means:
a. to sell something at a lower price
b. to confiscate something as a penalty for an offence, breach of contract
c. to destroy or damage something by an act of vandalism

64. In the sentence:

Many organizations defraud the public and private health care systems. the verb to defraud means:
a. to destroy or damage something especially by secret means
b. to legally provide or obtain funds, capital, or credit for something
c. to illegally obtain money, rights, property (from someone) by fraud

65. Choose the correct answer:
Tom will be released to the community if the members of the Court . that he is eligible for the home confinement program.
a. will decide
b. decide
c. decides
d. would decide

66. Choose the correct answer:
Amendment IV of the Constitution of the United States of America prohibits:
a. the security of people's lives, houses, papers and effects
b. any unauthorized searches and seizures without a valid warrant, legally issued for a specific purpose
c. people's rights to offer resistance to having their houses searched without a valid warrant

67. Choose the correct answer:
The press cannot truly be free unless it .. at liberty to report on stories of public interest, i.e. the drug crisis.
a. is not
b. is
c. will be
d. will not be

68. Choose the correct answer:
If reporters had to identify their confidential sources before a grand jury, they . stories of public interest.
a. would have written
b. had written
c. will never write
d. would never write

69. Choose the correct answer:
If a reporter is forced to reveal his sources, law enforcement . apprehend a few criminals.
a. is being able to
b. may be
c. may be able to
d. be able to

70. Choose the correct answer:
. certiorari . by a higher court, it means that the justices have decided to let the lower court's decision stand.
a. If . is denied
b. Unless . is denied
c. If . is not denied
d. Unless . is not denied

71. Choose the correct answer:
You had better your crimes right now, when you still have a chance.
a. to confess
b. confessing
c. confess
d. have confessed

72. Choose the correct answer:
I would rather the rest of my life in jail than confess to a crime I did not commit.
a. spend
b. to spend
c. spending
d. spent

73. Choose the correct answer:
Amendment V of the Constitution of the United States of America stipulates that:
a. no person shall be held responsible for a crime without the right to speak in front of the Grand Jury
b. no person shall be forced to answer for a crime in front of the Grand Jury
c. no person shall be kept in custody without an indictment of a Grand Jury

74. Choose the correct answer:
Amendment IX of the Constitution of the United States of America says that:
a. the rights stipulated in the Constitution can be interpreted and applied as everyone pleases
b. the rights stipulated in the Constitution shall not be misconstrued so as to undermine others that people hold dear
c. the rights stipulated in the Constitution can always be amended in accordance with the old ones that people treasure

75. Choose the correct verbal tense:
If participants ..any problems with the monitoring equipment, they must notify officers immediately.
a. will experience
b. experience
c. experiences
d. would experience

76. Choose the correct verbal tense:
If the defendant has a prior criminal record, his sentence ..harsher
a. will be
b. is
c. would be
d. should be

77. Choose the correct verbal tense:
A grand jury decides if there .. a probable cause to indict (accuse) individuals or corporations on criminal charges based upon the evidence presented.
a. will be
b. has been
c. is
d. would be

78. Choose the correct answer:
If a person ..that he/she has been wrongfully imprisoned, he/she .. the right to challenge the legality of their confinement.
a. believe, will have
b. will believe, may have
c. believes, may have
d. has believed, will have

79. Choose the correct verbal tense:
If the writ of habeas corpus .., the prisoner will be brought into court.
a. will be issued
b. is issued
c. had been issued
d. were issued

80. Choose the correct answer:
If the grand jury ..its proceedings in secret, requiring a journalist to reveal confidential sources would have been considered prosecutorial abuse.
a. had conducted
b. has conducted
c. conducted
d. would have conducted

81. Choose the correct answer:
If a journalist's source is engaged in illegal activities and ..that the journalist could be required to identify him/her, the source ..hesitant to talk.
a. knew, would be
b. knows, will be
c. is known, will be
d. will know, will be

82. Choose the correct answer:
If reporters identify their confidential sources before a grand jury, the press will not truly be free.
a. are forced
b. must be forced
c. will be forced
d. can be forced

83. Choose the correct answer:
If you . for breach of contract, make sure you sue within the statute of limitations.
a. will sue
b. sued
c. sue
d. are sueing

84. Choose the correct answer:
If the pedestrian . by a policeman, the former should have made a complaint to the nearest police station.
a. should be assaulted
b. is assaulted
c. will be assaulted
d. had been assaulted

85. Choose the correct answer:
If the journalist's story ..... criminal activity, he would have reported it.
a. has involved
b. involves
c. had involved
d. will involve

86. Choose the correct answer:
If a prosecutor . a grand jury investigation in bad faith, journalists might have a right to refuse to reveal their sources.
a. were conducting
b. is conducting
c. had been conducting
d. will be conducting

87. Choose the correct answer:
If the students had chosen eye-catching titles for their articles, more people interested in reading their magazine.
a. would have been
b. won't have been
c. will be
d. have been

88. Choose the correct answer:
If the teacher . the articles from being published in the paper, the students wouldn't have brought suit to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.
a. hadn't prohibited
b. hasn't prohibited
c. wouldn't have brought
d. prohibited

89. Choose the correct answer:
The hacker who has taken upon himself to pry about in personal e-mails will be prosecuted if they ... hard evidence against him.
a. find
b. will find
c. will have found
d. finds

90. Choose the correct answer:
Tom would have hidden the murder weapon if he . guilty.
a. would have been
b. hadn't been
c. had been
d. would be

91. Choose the correct answer:
You a chance to enjoy your freedom if your previous conduct had been better.
a. might have had
b. might had
c. might had had
d. might has

92. Choose the correct answer:
You could have served your sentence in less than three weeks if you .. to 100 hour community work.
a. have been sentenced
b. had been sentenced
c. would be sentenced
d. were sentenced

93. Choose the corresponding main clause to match the following if clause:
... if the school newspaper were written by members of an extracurricular club?
a. The ruling in that case would have been different
b. Would the ruling in that case have been different
c. Will the ruling in that case have been different
d. The ruling in that case will have been different

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

You . better hurry if you don't want to miss the bus.
a. did
b. do
c. would
d. had

95. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

It's time we . something for the community.
a. doing
b. did
c. to do
d. to have done

96. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

They buy her toys as if she .. still a child.
a. is
b. were
c. is being
d. has been

97. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

If you . more seriously, you would have passed the exam.
a. worked
b. have been working
c. had worked
d. would have worked

98. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

They never allow us . flowers from their garden.
a. picking
b. pick
c. to pick
d. to have picked

99. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

He never allows . during his classes.
a. to talk
b. talking
c. to be talking
d. to have talked

100. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

If she . harder she might become a very good violinist.
a. worked
b. has worked
c. would work
d. would have worked

101. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

I didn't ask you . for me all afternoon.
a. wait
b. to wait
c. waiting
d. be waiting

102. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

I would like . the rest of my life in the countryside.
a. to spend
b. spending
c. spend
d. to have spent

103. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

It is utterly important that they both present.
a. are
b. were
c. should be
d. will be

104. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

She would rather he . home early.
a. come
b. came
c. comes
d. will come

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

He disguised himself lest he .. recognized.
a. were
b. won't be
c. should be
d. shouldn't be

. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

I'd like you . my friend.
a. to meet
b. meet
c. meeting
d. will meet

107. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

You . better hurry if you don't want to miss the bus.
a. did
b. do
c. would
d. had

108. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

It's time we . charges against him before it's too late.
a. bring
b. brought
c. to bring
d. to have brought

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

If the judge .. bail at $1 million, who would pay this sum of money?
a. set
b. sets
c. would set
d. would have set

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

As a federal agent, why would I risk my career perjury?
a. to commit
b. committing
c. commit
d. to have committed

111. Choose the correct answer:
If, after hearing both sides, the court .. that the grounds for the confinement are illegal, the petitioner .. .
a. finds, is released
b. will find, is released
c. has found, had been released
d. found, will be released

112. Choose the correct answer:
If I had known what an open-ended question is, I .. my last exam.
a. will pass
b. would pass
c. will have passed
d. would have passed

113. Choose the correct answer:
If you were such a good lawyer, your arguments .. in the present situation.
a. will hold up
b. might hold up
c. would hold up
d. would have holded up

114. Choose the correct answer:
If you ..the devil's advocate and .. some exceptions to the lawyers' argument,
we could have won our last case.
a. have played, (have) found
b. play, find
c. would have played, (would have) found
d. had played, (had) found

115. Choose the correct answer:
If you ..journalists covering the Supreme Court, what would you write in a murder case article?
a. are
b. were
c. had been
d. have been

116. Choose the correct answer:
If the defendant were found guilty, the jury .. the appropriate sentence, a life term or death.
a. will then determine
b. would then determine
c. might then determine
d. would then have determined

117. Choose the correct verbal tense:
If the sentence of death for rape ..the Eighth Amendment, the rapist may receive a life sentence.
a. violates
b. is violated
c. will violate
d. has violated

118. Choose the correct answer:
Judges ..the authority to hold journalists in contempt of court, if reporters .. to comply with an order to reveal the identity of unnamed sources.
a. had, refused
b. have, refuse
c. have, would refuse
d. have, will have refused

119. Choose the correct answer:
The snitch made me my rape charges, threatening me with a gun.
a. to drop
b. drop
c. dropping
d. to have dropped

120. Choose the correct answer:
The end justifies the means; after all, he didn't let me which option was the best for my difficult situation.
a. decide
b. deciding
c. to decide
d. being to decide

121. Choose the correct answer:
Let's just for the rest of the afternoon!
a. recessing
b. to recess
c. to have recessed
d. recess

122. Choose the correct answer:
Why not your case later, when we have further information.
a. to discuss
b. shall we discuss
c. discuss
d. discussing

123. Choose the correct answer:
He is far too unexperienced . to chief justice.
a. to being promoted
b. to be promoted
c. to has been promoted
d. being promoted

124. Choose the correct answer:
The police are said .. on this case for many months, without any results so far.
a. to be working
b. to have been working
c. to had worked
d. to being working

125. Choose the correct answer:
Though my parole officer is skilled at interviewing, counselling and assessing human
behaviour, he doesn't appear . their opinion on this matter.
a. sharing
b. to share
c. to being sharing
d. share

126. Choose the correct answer:
Apparently, professional criminals tend . to the scene of the crime.
a. to have returned
b. returning
c. to be returned
d. to return

127. Choose the correct answer:

'Find me a good lawyer! I don't want to risk the rest of my life in jail.'
a. spending
b. to spend
c. having spended
d. spend

128. Choose the correct answer:
I advised him . to court and accuse him of conspiracy crimes against humanity.
a. to go
b. going
c. to going
d. to have gone

129. Choose the correct answer:
She decided to drop all the charges, .. of first-degree murder.
a. lest he should be accused
b. so that he may be accused
c. lest he should not be accused
d. for fear he is accused

130. Choose the correct answer:
My lawyer suggested that I online legal advice a long time ago.
a. had taken
b. should have taken
c. could take
d. should take

131. Choose the correct answer:
The judge required that the bailiff the defendant, who will sit in the dock.
a. shall call
b. must call
c. should call
d. had called

132. Choose the correct answer:
'Shall we proceed? It's no use . for the defence witness who has contradicted his previous testimony!'
a. to wait
b. having to wait
c. waiting
d. wait

133. Choose the correct answer:
'I'm sorry Your Honour, but I can' t help . when I speak about my deceased son.'
a. crying
b. not to cry
c. not crying
d. cry

134. Choose the correct answer:
They arrived home . that the house had been burgled.
a. finding
b. having found
c. to find
d. to have found

135. Choose the correct answer:
Despite jailed for drug crimes five years ago, he has just been taken into custody for the same count.
a. to have been
b. having been
c. to being
d. having to be

136. Choose the correct answer:
British Airways regret that the flight BA 541 from Paris has been cancelled.
a. announcing
b. having announced
c. to announce
d. announce

137. Choose the correct answer:
He couldn't help that the defendant showed no remorse for his actions.
a. not to notice
b. not having noticed
c. noticing
d. notice
138. Choose the correct answer:
The state judge allowed him his court-appointed lawyers and represent himself at trial.
a. to fire
b. firing
c. to have fired
d. fire

139. Choose the correct answer:
I suggest .. upon the case after the respondent's rebuttal.
a. to deliberate
b. deliberating
c. to be deliberating
d. deliberate

140. Choose the correct answer:
The judge admitted bribe from one of his defendants months before the trial.
a. to take
b. to be taking
c. having taken
d. having took

141. Choose the correct answer:
He finds it hard the corrupt system of justice in this third world country.
a. enduring
b. to endure
c. having endured
d. for him to endure

142. Choose the correct answer:
He has been charged with and malicious destruction of property and has been taken into custody.
a. tresapass
b. trespassing
c. tresspassing
d. to trespass

143. Choose the correct answer:
The Court is thought . unjustly .. him to 10 years in prison, without any possibility
of parole.
a. to .. sentence
b. to have . sentenced
c. to having . sentenced
d. to being . sentenced

144. Choose the correct answer:
Several high-security measures need .. before hearing the witnesses.
a. be taken
b. taken
c. to be taken
d. to have been taken

145. Choose the correct answer:
He recommended us . an appeal as soon as the verdict was pronounced.
a. to make
b. making
c. to have made
d. make
146. Choose the correct answer:
We are sure that he didn't mean . perjury; he was just too afraid . the truth.
a. committing, to tell
b. to commit, to tell
c. to have committed, telling
d. commit, to be telling

147. Choose the correct answer:
They made him . under duress, without allowing his lawyer . present during the
a. to speak, to be
b. speaking, being
c. to be speaking, to be
d. speak, to be

148. Choose the correct answer:
I hate .. you but our witness seems .. it after all.
a. to interrupt, to have made
b. interrupting, to make
c. to interrupting, to have made
d. interrupt, to make

149. Choose the correct answer:
Everybody hates law expenses, especially when they have exceeded all expectations.
a. to pay
b. paying
c. to be paid
d. to be paying

150. Choose the correct answer:
I look forward to you in Court! We shall settle things then.
a. seeing
b. see
c. have seen
d. saw

151. Choose the correct answer:
The defendant admitted ... in the building at the time of the robbery, but
denied .. the security guard.
a. to have been, to have shot
b. to be, to shoot
c. having been, having shot
d. to having been, having shoot

152. Choose the correct answer:
It surprises me .. that he has been accused of money laundering.
a. hearing
b. to have heard
c. to hear
d. being heard

153. Choose the correct answer:
The solicitor advised his client the affidavit which could then be used as evidence in court hearings.
a. to sign
b. to have signed
c. signing
d. sign
154. Choose the correct answer:
Would you mind a close-up photograph of the crime-scene before tagging each item of evidence?
a. to take
b. take
c. being taken
d. taking

155. Choose the correct answer:
The investigator ordered that all unauthorized persons such as newspaper reporters or television crews well away from the crime-scene.
a. shall be kept
b. will be kept
c. should be kept
d. being kept

156. Choose the correct answer:
On being cross-examined, her husband strongly denied .. a gun at her.
a. to have pointed
b. having pointed
c. to point
d. being pointed

157. Choose the correct answer:
We keep . the law-makers that new laws should be instituted against public corruption.
a. telling
b. to be telling
c. being told
d. having tell

158. Choose the correct answer:
All foreigners complain that they are not used to . on the left side of the road.
a. drive
b. have to drive
c. driving
d. having driven

Choose the correct answer:
The police officer decided that the pimp .... his lawyer the minute he was arrested.
a. be called
b. shall have called
c. has called
d. should have called

160. Choose the correct answer:
The protesters urged that the defendant . on bail, even if he had been arrested on charges of assault on his wife.
a. will be released
b. would be release
c. being released
d. be released

Choose the correct answer:
It was unbelievable that he ... the same cell with the most dangerous inmate, in a high-security prison.
a. shall have shared
b. should have shared
c. having shared
d. shares

162. Choose the correct answer:
Wherever you .... , I shall protect you against your enemies!
a. have gone
b. may go
c. will be going
d. are going

163. Choose the correct answer:
However difficult this problem .., I will solve it in a minute!
a. shall be
b. will be
c. may be
d. be

Choose the correct answer:
. you do justice and issue many stay-away orders for violent ex-husbands!
a. Should
b. Shall
c. Might
d. May

165. Choose the correct answer:
Her supporters, who had occupied most of the rows in the packed courtroom were worried lest she ..... a prison sentence.
a. receives
b. should receive
c. may receive
d. received

166. Choose the correct answer:
Far . it from me to make any allegations before having some items of evidence.
a. away is
b. is
c. should be
d. be

167. Choose the correct answer:
I'd rather you .. my prior criminal record to your parents when I ask for your hand in marriage.
a. don't mention
b. didn't mention
c. aren't mentioning
d. won't mention

168. Choose the correct answer:
If only you ... me earlier about your previous conviction!
a. inform
b. had informed
c. informed
d. informing

169. Choose the correct answer:
Even if they .. willing to testify against him, the sentence would have remained the same.
a. were
b. are
c. having been
d. had been

170. Choose the correct answer:
It's time they .. with a solution against international extradition.
a. came up
b. had come
c. will come up
d. should come up

171. Choose the correct answer:
He was so anxious to leave the court room as if he . convicted to a life-time in jail.
a. has been
b. had been
c. were
d. having been

172. Choose the correct answer:
I wish the police .. all the witnesses under the witness protection program; now it's too late for this!
a. placed
b. had placed
c. should place
d. to place

173. Choose the correct answer:
Suppose you .. of espionage, what would you do to defend yourself?
a. are accused
b. should be accused
c. were accused
d. are being accused

174. Choose the correct answer:
It's high time somebody . him of bankruptcy fraud crimes!
a. suspected
b. had suspected
c. should suspect
d. suspect

175. Choose the correct answer:
If only they . more resources to taking care of their clients!
a. investing
b. have been investing
c. should invest
d. were investing

176. Choose the correct answer:
Suppose the court you to testify against your friend, what would you do?
a. summons
b. will summon
c. summoned
d. should summoned

177. Choose the correct answer:
The jury would rather the defendant . deceptive on the polygraph test the previous week.
a. hadn't been
b. weren't
c. wouldn't have been
d. having been

178. Choose the correct answer:
She wishes the opposing lawyer to see any new evidence before deposition.
a. isn't entitled
b. weren't entitled
c. haven't been entitled
d. won't be entitled

179. Choose the correct answer:
If we . more about the verdict, we would be ready to have a press release.
a. might know
b. know
c. will know
d. knew

180. Choose the correct answer:
Imagine your first witness .. not to testify in the last minute, what would you do next?
a. decide
b. decided
c. has decided
d. having decided

181. Choose the correct answer:
I wish you ... to terms with the global financial crisis!
a. come
b. are coming
c. came
d. have come

182. Choose the correct answer:
The defendant's wife wishes the prosecutors for a sentence on the high end two days ago.
a. won't ask
b. don't ask
c. didn't ask
d. hadn't asked

183. Choose the correct answer:
The famous pitcher was charged with to possess cocaine with the intent to distribute it.
a. conspiration
b. conspiring
c. conspire
d. being conspired

184. Choose the correct answer:
In Georgia prisoners and detainees are used to tortured and abused by police and security forces.
a. be
b. have been
c. having
d. being

185. Choose the correct answer:
It is vital that the defendant ... the benefit of the doubt.
a. be given
b. can be given
c. should be give
d. is given
186. Choose the correct answer:
The judge insisted that the verdict .. before the Court adjourns for lunch.
a. should be pronounced
b. being pronounced
c. be pronouncing
d. will be pronounced

Choose the correct answer:
The judge ordered that the court proceedings ..for an hour.
a. may be adjourned
b. should be adjourned
c. can be adjourned
d. might be adjourned

Choose the correct answer:
The magistrate decided that the woman .immediately.
a. should be released
b. could have being released
c. might release
d. is released

189. Choose the correct answer:
Under no circumstances will I disclose the name of my sources! Heaven ... !
a. forbids
b. forbid
c. forbade
d. will forbid

Choose the correct answer:
.. it to say that she is terribly sorry for what she did.
a. Sufficient
b. Suffice
c. Suffices
d. Sufficed

191. Choose the correct answer:
... what may, I shall not drop the charges against him!
a. Comes
b. Coming
c. Come
d. To come

192. Choose the correct answer:
It was out of the ordinary that the judge .. the lawyers representing the plaintiff and respectively the respondent to argue their cases in parallel.
a. should be asking
b. has asked
c. should have asked
d. to have asked

193. Choose the correct answer:
The members of the commission expressed a desire that the participants .. in an hour.
a. reconvened
b. to reconvene
c. might reconvene
d. should reconvene
194. Choose the correct answer:
The investigator's suggestion is that we ...matters more seriously and cordon off the crime-scene.
a. took
b. taking
c. should take
d. would take

195. Choose the correct answer:
I didn't dare tell the truth lest I ... arrested for conspiracy crimes.
a. should be
b. were
c. shouldn't be
d. will be

Choose the correct answer:
He began to be worried lest they . him of mortgage fraud crimes during their deliberations.
a. may accuse
b. should have accused
c. shall have accused
d. accused

Choose the correct answer:
It is demanded that the Council . common rules applicable to international transport.
a. laid down
b. lay down
c. should laid down
d. lays down

Choose the correct answer:
The defendant first contacted the plaintiff by telephone on 20th of March, 2009 and the former demanded that he . $ 1000.00 immediately.
a. should have be given
b. has been given
c. be given
d. may be given

199. Choose the correct answer:
Suppose there . the possibility of parole in the federal system, would any defense attorney ask for leniency?
a. is
b. were
c. has been
d. being

200. Choose the correct answer:
If only the police officers .. on what grounds he had been arrested!
a. have mentioned
b. mention
c. will mention
d. had mentioned

201. Choose the correct answer:
They'd sooner she .. a way to deal with her present situation on her own.
a. found
b. finds
c. founded
d. has found

202. Choose the correct answer:
If only they .. something to reduce the increasing number of identity thefts.
a. did
b. do
c. will do
d. have done

203. Choose the correct answer:
I'd rather she .. the rest of her life in jail than sell drugs for a living.
a. spends
b. spent
c. will spend
d. has spent

204. Choose the correct answer:
Suppose you . by the prosecutor's office that you are charged with a misdemeanor, would you contact an attorney?
a. will be notified
b. were notified
c. were notifying
d. may be notified

205. Choose the correct answer:
If only the defendant . clean to the judge about his involvement in the sexual assault of that teenage girl!
a. had come
b. will come
c. is going to come
d. comes

206. Choose the correct answer:
Unfortunately, the poacher ended up with six counts of possessing unlicensed guns.
a. to have been charged
b. to be charged
c. being charged
d. to being charged

207. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
I don't know how you can such an unbearable situation.
a. put by with
b. put up of
c. put up with

208. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
The pro bono lawsuit filed against the state . an increase in the judges' salaries.
a. brought in
b. brought around
c. brought about

209. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
I guess the printer in the layer's office has either run . paper or has broken ....
a. away with, . down
b. out of, . down
c. off with, . off

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Several law firms have decided to lay .. employees and call . all medical malpractice cases.
a. off, . off
b. out, . off
c. up, . down

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
You have to learn how to . if you are suffering from high stress levels.
a. draw back
b. wind down
c. hold up

212. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
My lawyer can bear . the truth of my story with substantial evidence.
a. in
b. away
c. out

213. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
At the crime scene, they tried to bring the unconscious woman . but without any success.
a. round
b. up
c. over

214. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Despite all difficulty, he finally managed to carry .. the orders he had been given.
a. about
b. off
c. out

215. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
We can't rule. this argument in the final hearing.
a. out
b. off
c. down

216. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Our plan to call the witness for the defence fell . due to a miscarriage of justice.
a. about
b. away
c. through

217. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
You are wearing me .. with your annoying allegations!
a. in
b. out
c. over

218. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Everybody considered that the judge had a reason to let him . like that.
a. off
b. on
c. away

219. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Why don't you put .. your claim to be granted the right to a fair and speedy trial?
a. over
b. out
c. forward

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
'Your Honour, I can stand .. the defendant! I demand to be heard!'
a. in for
b. up for
c. down to

221. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Your skillful lawyer will talk him .. testifying before the jury.
a. into
b. about
c. against

222. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
The matter was so delicate, that the judge had to think it before announcing the verdict.
a. up
b. over
c. out

223. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
The judge could no longer put his holding the court in contempt.
a. off with
b. down to
c. up with

224. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
I think you are entitled to put . a claim and ask the insurance company to pay for the damage.
a. off
b. in
c. into

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
His joke caught .. right away and the members of the jury were very excited.
a. on
b. through
c. out

226. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
The high crime rate in this American state .. urgent measures.
a. brings about
b. lays down
c. calls for

227. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
If nobody comes ... a solution soon, we shall be held responsible for planting evidence
in his car.
a. up with
b. in with
c. out with

228. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
If you don't know the police emergency phone number, you could look it . in the phone directory.
a. into
b. on
c. up

229. Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Our law firm will be taken . by the Lawyers' Corporation.
a. in
b. out
c. over

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
Now it would be a good time for us to bring . the matter of child support in Romania.
a. in
b. up
c. out

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
I have a very urgent message. Could you put me ... to Mr. Leigh, please?
a. through
b. off
c. up

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
He put his failure in Court .. pure bad luck, but still hoped for the best.
a. up to
b. down to
c. back to.

Choose the correct phrasal verb:
I must admit it was hard for me not to give . to his threats.
a. away
b. out
c. in

234. Choose the correct answer:
How can a young, unexperienced lawyer keep .. with the latest laws and regulations?
a. up-to-date
b. down-to-earth
c. high and dry

235. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Mi-as dori ca el sa nu fi fost condamnat pentru detinere ilegala de informatii clasificate.
a. I wish he hasn't been convicted for the illegal holding of classifyed information
b. I wish he hadn't been convicted of unlawful possession of classified information
c. I wish he wasn't convicted for the unlawfully possession of classified information

236. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

As prefera ca tu sa nu fi anchetat pentru incalcarea grava a securitatii nationale.
a. I would rather you weren't prosecuted for grave national security violations.
b. I had rather you didn't be prosecuted for violating the grave national security
c. I would rather prefer you wouldn't be investigated for grave violations of national security

237. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca as fi in locul tau, n-as folosi aceasta informatie pentru a prejudicia Statele Unite.
a. If I were in your shoes, I won't use this information to the prejudice of the United States
b. If I am you, I won't use this information to the detriment of the United States
c. If I were you, I wouldn't use this information to the prejudice of the United States

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Este imperativ ca aceasta frauda financiara sa fie investigata imediat.
a. It's imperative that this financial fraud should be investigated immediately
b. It's imperative that this financial fraud is being investigated immediately
c. It's imperative that this financial fraud be investigate immediately

239. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Una dintre cele mai comune metode de furt de identitate este furtul numarului cardului de credit sau al PIN-ului.
a. One of the commonest methods of identity stealing is the theft of credit card's numbers or Personal Identification Numbers
b. One of the most common methods of identity theft is the theft of credit card numbers or Personal Identification Numbers
c. One of the most common methods of identity's theft is the theft of the credit card's numbers or Personal Identity Numbers

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Mi-as dori sa stiu care sunt punctele slabe ale sistemului social de securitate care fac posibile infractiunile de furt de identitate.
a. I want to know what are the soft points of the social security system that makes identity theft crimes possible
b. I wish I knew which are the weak points of the social security system that make identity theft crimes possible.
c. I wish to have known which the weak points of the social security system are to make possible identity theft crimes

241. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca el ar fi fost acuzat de frauda in cadrul sistemului medical, ar fi putut primi o sentinta cu inchisoare pe viata?
a. If he had been charged with a health care fraud, could he have received a life sentence?
b. If he has been charged with a health care fraud, could he has received a sentence for life?
c. Had he been accused of a health care fraud, could he received a life sentence?

242. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca un pacient sufera o lezare corporala grava ca urmare a unei fraude medicale, cine va fi facut responsabil pentru acest lucru?
a. If a pacient will suffer a grave body injury as result of a medical fraud, who will be made responsible for this?
b. If a patient is sufferring a seriously body injury as result of a medical fraud, who will be responsible for this?
c. If a patient suffers a serious bodily injury as a result of a medical fraud, who will be held responsible for this?

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Asa sa fie! Fie ca cel mai bun dintre noi sa castige acest caz!
a. Let it be! Be the best of us who may win this case!
b. So be it! May the best of us win this case!
c. Let there be it! May the best of us to win this case!

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Nu ma pot obisnui sa traiesc in inchisoare! La naiba cu inchisorile!
a. I can't get used to live in jail! The hell with jails!
b. I can't be used to live in jail! May the jails be damned!
c. I can't get used to living in prison! Damn the prisons!

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Sub nici o forma nu voi depune marturie impotriva prietenului meu! Doamne fereste!
a. No way I will testify against my buddy! Heaven forbids!
b. Under any circumstances, I won't testify against my friend! God forbids me!
c. Under no circumstances will I testify against my friend! Heaven forbid!

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Nu merita discutat acest caz, atata timp cat nu avem dovezi.
a. It's not worth discussing this case, as long as we have no evidence
b. It's not worth to discuss this case since we don't have any evidence.
c. It's not worth discussing this case, as long as we don't have no evidence

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Ca procuror, nu suport sa mi se spuna ca, fara o punere sub acuzare din partea marelui juriu, nu pot face nimic in acest caz.
a. As prosecutor, I can't bear to be told that, without an accusation from a grand jury, I can't do much in this case
b. As a prosecutor, I can't stand being told that, without an indictment from a grand jury, I can do nothing in this case
c. As a prosecutor, I can't support being told that, without an infringement from a grand jury, I can't do nothing in this case

248. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Se face Branzburg vinovat de sfidare a curtii prin faptul ca a refuzat sa dezvaluie identitatea surselor sale?
a. Is Branzburg guilty to contempt the court by refusing to reveal his sources's identity?
b. Is Branzburg guilty of contempt of court by refusing to reveal the identity of his sources?
c. Is Branzburg guilty for holding the court in contempt by refusing not to reveal the identity of his sources?

249. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Libertatea presei nu poate asigura protejarea surselor confidentiale ale jurnalistilor.
a. Freedom of the press cannot guarantee the protection of the journalists' confidential sources
b. Press freedom can't guarantee protecting the confidential sources of the journalists
c. Freedom of the press cannot insure the protection of the confidential sources of the journalists

250. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca procurorii ar comite abuzuri, ar fi pedepsiti in mod corespunzator?
a. If the prosecutors commited abuses, should they be punished consequently?
b. If the prosecutors commit abuses, will they be punished as deserved?
c. If the prosecutors committed abuses, would they be punished accordingly?

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca un jurnalist alege sa fie fidel sursei sale, aceasta inseamna neaparat ca el incalca legea?
a. If a journalist chooses to be loyal to his source, does this necessarily mean that he breaks the law?
b. If a journalist chose to be loyal to his source, does this necessarily means that he breaks the law?
c. If a journalist will choose to be loyal to his source, does this necessarily mean that he is breaking the law?

252. Choose the correct translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Daca ati fi jurnalist, ati alege sa protejati libertatea presei sau sa serviti justitia?
a. If you are a journalist, will you choose to protect the freedom of the press or serve justice?
b. If you were a journalist, would you choose to protect the freedom of the press or serve justice?
c. Had you been a journalist, would you have chosen to protect the freedom of the press or serve justice?

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:

Cererea de Habeas Corpus permite persoanelor care au fost inchise pe nedrept sa conteste legalitatea inchiderii lor.
a. The writ of Habeas Corpus allows persons who have been unjustly imprisoned to challenge the legality of their confinements
b. The application for Habeas Corpus permits persons who were unjustly imprisoned to contest the legality of their confinements
c. The Habeas Corpus petition enables persons who are unjustly jailed to protest against the legality of their confinements

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:

Poate ca ar trebui sa te mai gandesti, inainte de a hotari sa contramandezi intalnirea cu actionarii.
a. Maybe you should think it through before you decide to put off the meeting with the shareholders
b. Maybe you should think it on before you decide to cancel off the meeting with the shareholders
c. Maybe you should think it over before you decide to call off the meeting with the shareholders

Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:

Cum ti-a venit in minte aceasta pledoarie neobisnuita? De fapt, nu m-ai dezamagit niciodata.
a. How did you come out with this strange plea? Actually, you have never let down on me
b. How have you come up with this unusual plea? In fact, you have never let me down
c. How has this peculiar plea came up to you? As a matter of fact, you haven't ever let me down

256. Choose the correct English translation of the follwing Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:

Contabilul care a promis sa ne ajute sa reducem bugetul n-a mai aparut pana la urma.
a. The financial adviser who promised to help us cut off the budget didn't come up eventually
b. The bookkeeper who promised to assist us in cutting out the budget didn't make it after all
c. The accountant who promised to help us cut down the budget didn't turn up after all

Choose the correct English translation of the follwing Romanian sentence, using Phrasal verbs:

Desi el a trecut prin multe in ultima vreme, nu cred ca se va ridica vreodata la nivelul asteptarilor ei.
a. Even if he has passed through a lot in the last time, I don't think he will ever rise up to her expectations
b. Though he has gone through a lot lately, I don't think he will ever come up to her expectations
c. Though he has been through a lot lately, I don't think ever will he raise up to her level of expectations

258. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:

Nu-i mai pot tolera comportamentul! Ma epuizeaza cu intrebarile lui sacaitoare!
a. I can no longer put up with his behaviour! He is wearing me out with his nagging questions!
b. I can't bear up with his behaviour any longer! He is wearing me in with his annoying questions!
c. I can no longer stand up with his behaviour! He is wearing me through with his troublesome questions!

259. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:

Intr-o anumita masura, esecul tau ca avocat poate fi pus pe seama lipsei tale de experienta.
a. To a certain degree, your unsuccess as lawyer can be put on your lack of experience
b. To a certain extent, your failure as a lawyer may be put down to your lack of experience
c. Up to a point, your failing as a lawyer may be put down on your loss of experience

260. In the following sentence:

The defendant denied having pointed the gun at her. the words underlined form:
a. a Perfect Subjunctive
b. a Perfect Gerund
c. a Perfect Infinitive

261. In the following sentence:

The judge ruled that the jury should withdraw to deliberate upon the verdict. the words underlined form:
a. a Perfect Subjunctive
b. a Gerund
c. an Analytic Subjunctive

262. In the following sentence:

Yesterday, my parole officer pretended to have forgotten his car keys in my apartment. the words underlined form:
a. a Perfect Infinitive
b. a Perfect Gerund
c. a Perfect Subjunctive

263. Choose the corresponding if clause that best completes the following main clause:
Hewill be released to the community .
a. if he accepts the home confinement program.
b. if he accepted the house confinement program.
c. if he will accept the home confinement program.

264. Choose the corresponding if clause that best completes the following main clause:
He wouldn't have appeared before the clerk of the court .
a. if he hasn't been summoned.
b. if he hadn't been summoned.
c. if he wasn't summoned.

265. Choose the corresponding if clause that best completes the following main clause:
You wouldn't have had to make any accusations against your wife .
a. if you invoked 'irreconcilable differences' as the grounds for your divorce.
b. if you would have invoked 'irreconcilable differences' as the grounds for your divorce.
c. if you had invoked 'irreconcilable differences' as the grounds for your divorce.

266. Choose the corresponding main clause that best completes the following if clause:
If I were accused of medical malpractice,
a. I would definitely have fought for my rights.
b. I would definitely fight for my rights.
c. I will definitely have fought for my rights.

267. Choose the corresponding if clause that best completes the following main clause:
., he/she may stand a chance to be a member of a jury.
a. If an individual will meet the legal qualifications for federal jury service
b. If an individual had met the legal qualifications for federal jury service
c. If an individual meets the legal qualifications for federal jury service
Choose the correct answer:
I would rather you the person who reported the crime for questioning.
a. detain
b. will detain
c. detaining
d. detained

Choose the correct answer:
She wishes her lawyer more time to review her deposition but he seems to be very busy.
a. will find
b. finds
c. found
d. has found

Choose the correct answer:
Imagine you .. the parent of a child and woke up to find your child missing!
a. are
b. were
c. will be
d. would be

Choose the correct answer:
If the commission against the motion, a new delegation would have to be sent to London next week.
a. voted
b. votes
c. will have voted
d. should have voted

272. Choose the corresponding verb to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
Do you have other reasons to look up to him apart from his inborn talent of being a keen observer?
a. to worship
b. to follow
c. to respect
d. to watch

273. Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
Finding more evidence will definitely narrow down our list of suspects.
a. reduce the number of possibilities or choices
b. exclude everything
c. increase the number of possibilities or choices
d. make less important

274. Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
As a crime scene investigator you may run up against many unexpected circumstances.
a. compete with
b. encounter difficulties
c. overcome dificulties
d. avoid difficulties

Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
These twins look so alike that I can tell them apart only when they stand side by side.
a. admire
b. recognize
c. spot
d. distinguish

276. Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
After you have gone through all the documentation of the crime scene, we may present it in court.
a. review something superficially
b. examine something systematically
c. investigate something step by step
d. draw up legal papers

277. Choose the correct answer:
If it (not be) for him, I wouldn't have passed the exam.
a. had not been
b. would not have been
c. has not
d. wouldn't be

278. In the sentence: you help me, I won't finish in time. the missing word is:
a. Unless
b. If
c. Providing
d. Supposing

279. Which answer corrects the following sentence:

I'd rather you haven't misbehaved at the party last night.
a. I'd rather you hadn't misbehaved at the party last night
b. I'd rather you wouldn't have misbehaved at the party last night
c. I'd rather you didn't misbehave at the party last night
d. None of the solutions.

280. Which answer corrects the following sentence:

Unless you won't study, you won't pass the exams.
a. Unless you study, you won't pass the exams.
b. Unless you will study, you won't pass the exams.
c. Unless you studied, you won't pass the exams.
d. Unless you don't study, you won't pass the exams.

281. Choose the correct answer:
Who urges the Government the necessary measures to amend the Romanian Penal Code?
a. take
b. taking
c. to take
d. to have taken

Choose the correct answer:
If the plaintiff had submitted all his claims on time, the court .. them in full session.
a. had discussed
b. has to discuss
c. would have discussed
d. will have discussed

Choose the correct answer:
If only the Secretary of State .. the ratification of the new amendment before last December!
a. had certified
b. certified
c. had certifyed
d. would have certified

Choose the correct answer:
If the authorities . second thoughts about reopening the serial killer case, the situation would have been different.
a. hasn't had
b. didn't have
c. hadn't had
d. wouldn't have had

285. Choose the correct answer:
The PM demanded that the spokesman his offending remark immediately.
a. had withdrawn
b. should withdraw
c. withdrawing
d. to withdraw

286. Choose the correct answer:
It was important that he . himself on the case, before deciding to represent his client.
a. has informed
b. should have informed
c. may have informed
d. informed

287. Choose the corresponding verb to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
I have neither the time nor the courage to go into this controversial homicide.
a. to solve
b. to analyse
c. to investigate
d. to comprehend

288. Choose the corresponding verb to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
You shouldn't cut out any detail related to the documentation of a crime scene!
a. eliminate
b. disregard
c. ignore
d. omit

Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentence:

Contrary .. what had been written in the papers, the three women were proved innocent.
a. to
b. with
c. of
d. on

290. Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentence:

The two men were charged .. armed robbery.
a. with
b. of
c. for
d. about

Which answer corrects the following sentence:

If the boy would have been in that plane, he would have died.
a. If the boy had been in that plane, he would have died.
b. If the boy were in that plane, he would have died.
c. If the boy would have been in that plane, he had died.
d. If the boy had been in that plane, he would die.

292. Choose the correct translation for the following sentence:

Daca as fi in locul tau, nu as asculta minciunile lui.
a. If I were you, I wouldn't listen to his lies.
b. If I would be you, I didn't listen to his lies.
c. If I had been you, I wouldn't have listened to his lies.
d. If I was you, I would listen to his lies.

293. Choose the right translation for the following sentence:

Daca n-ar fi mancat sandwich-ul acela nu i s-ar fi facut rau.
a. If he hadn't eaten that sandwich, he wouldn't feel sick.
b. If he hadn't eaten that sandwich, he wouldn't have felt sick.
c. If he wouldn't eat that sandwich, he wouldn't feel sick.
d. If he wouldn't have eaten that sandwich, he wouldn't have felt sick.

294. Choose the right translation for the following sentence:

Vorbeste de parca ar sti totul.
a. He talks as if he knew everything.
b. He talks as if he had known everything.
c. He talks as if he would know everything.
d. He talks as if he would have known everything.

295. Choose the right translation for the following sentence:

Macar daca ai fi venit de ieri.
a. If only you came yesterday.
b. If only you had come yesterday.
c. If only you would come yesterday.
d. If only you would have come yesterday.

Choose the right translation for the following sentence:

Ce n-as da sa reuseasca!
a. I wish he succeeded.
b. I wish he had succeeded.
c. What I wouldn't give if he succeeded.
d. What I wouldn't give if only he succeeded.

297. Choose the correct answer:
I wish I . a student again.
a. were
b. was
c. am
d. would had been

298. Choose the correct answer:
You might have broken your leg if you over that fence.
a. had jumped
b. jumped
c. would have jumped
d. jump

299. Which answer corrects the following sentence:

If the police had arrived sooner, they might be able to arrest the arsonist.
a. If the police would have arrived arrived sooner, they might be able to arrest the arsonist.
b. If the police has arrived sooner, they might be able to arrest the arsonist.
c. If the police would have arrived arrived sooner, they might be able to arrest the arsonist.
d. If the police had arrived sooner, they might have been able to arrest the arsonist.

300. Which answer corrects the following sentence:

The prosecutor wishes he would have seen the crime scene sooner.
a. The prosecutor wishes to see the crime scene sooner.
b. The prosecutor wishes to having seen the crime scene sooner.
c. The prosecutor wishes he had seen the crime scene sooner.

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