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DIATEZA - engleza
diateza reflexiva
diateza pasiva
1.1Diateza activa
Subiectul este activ, el face actiunea exprimata de verb si o sufera altcineva.
Exemplu Helen came to see me yesterday.
Mother tells the children a story
Nu exista ca atare in lb engleza. Ea este inclusa in intelesulunor verbe. Se traduce prin asezarea unui pronume reflaxiv dupa verb pentru ca subiectul sa faca actiunea si s-o sufere tot el.
Exemplu I wash myself. Ma spal.
I wash my hands. Ma spal pe maini.
You are glad. Te bucuri.
He grows fat. Se ingrasa.
Cand actiunea exprimata de verb este facuta de altcineva dar sufera subiectul.
Exemplu The poem is read by me. Poezia e citita de mine.
A nice house was built in our street. O casa draguta a fost construita la noi pe strada.
DA --- Mother washes the child. (prezent simplu)
DP --- The child is washed by mother.
DA --- The boy is solving a problem. (prezent continuu)
DP --- The problem is being solved by the pupil.
DA --- We have sent for a doctor. (prezent perfect)
DP --- A doctor has been sent for.
DA --- You cannot speak to him. (modal)
DP --- He can't be spoken to.
In propozitia de la diateza pasiva prepozitia este pusa imediat dupa verb.
Cand verbul din propozitia activa are doua complemente (unul direct, unul indirect), ambele pot
deveni subiecte ale propozitiei pasive.
Exemplu DA --- Mother was told the children a story.
DP --- A story was told to the children . sau
The children were told a story.
Formele impersonale ale limbii romane "se spune", "se crede" etc. in limba engleza se traduc prin verbe la pasiv.
Exemplu They are believed to win the match. Se crede ca ei vor castiga meciul.
I was explained everything Mi s-a explicat totul.
He was told what to do I s-a spus ce sa faca.
Verbul TO HAVE poate fi folosit cu nuanta de pasiv:
Exemplu I had my hair cut. M-am tuns (la coafor).
She had her dress cleaned. Si-a curatat rochia (la curatatorie)
Verbul TO GET poate fi folosit in locul lui TO BE (auxiliar).
Exemplu The tourists got caught by storm (= were caught).
Exista unele verbe care desi sunt la activ au valoare de pasiv:
Exemplu This medicine tastes bitter. Medicamentul are gust amar.
Cotton wears well. Bumbacul se poarta bine.
The book will sell quickly. Cartea aceea se va vinde repede.
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