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1.              DENUMIRE PROGRAM


2.                SCOP

Acest material se adreseaza tuturor celor interesati sa-si insuseasca sau sa-si imbunatateasca cunostintele de limba engleza maritima.

El este destinat in particular indeplinirii cerintelor minime obligatorii pentru personalul nebrevetat punte si masina privind competenta in cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel de executie conform partii A din Conventia STCW.

3.                OBIECTIVE

Programul acopera cerintele Conventiei STCW si ale Codului STCW, Partea A, Tabelele A-ll/4, A-lll/4.

Indeplinind standardul minim de competenta in cunoasterea limbii engleze, un absolvent al cursului va fi capabil sa inteleaga instructiunile si ordinele specifice postului si sa comunice in limba engleza la bordul navelor cu echipaje multinationale.

Un absolvent al cursului ce face parte din echipajul de punte (marinari, timonieri, sefi de echipaj) va putea intelege ordinele la timona in limba engleza si va putea comunica in limba engleza intr-o forma clara si concisa.

Un absolvent al cursului ce face parte din echipajul din sala masinilor (motoristi, fochisti, pompagii, fitteri, electricieni) va putea intelege ordinele la masina, principalele activitati in sala masinilor si va putea comunica eficient in limba engleza.

4.                STRUCTURA

Acest suport de curs a fost elaborat in doua parti: Partea I cuprinde vocabularul maritim standard in limba engleza ce are in componenta sectiunile:

-          Termeni generali in navigatie
Partile componente ale navei

-          Ordine standard la masina si timona

-          Conversatie la bord

-          Situatii de urgenta

-          Denumiri de unelte

Partile componente ale motorului

Partea l mai cuprinde si un scurt compendiu de gramatica.

In partea a ll - a au fost structurate exercitii pe urmatoarele domenii:

-          Activitati pe punte, in sala masinilor, in sala de mese

-          Vocabular maritim standard

-          Situatii de urgenta: foc, abandon, mesaje

-          Cuvinte pe care adesea le confundam.

Exercitii de gramatica

-          Engleza generala si engleza maritima


Abaft - la pupa; aproape de pupa

Abeam - la travers

Abreast - travers de

Active rudder - Carma activa

Adrift - derivat (o nava in deriva)

Afloat - in stare de plutire

Afore - spre prova

Aft, stern - pupa

Aft breast line - traversa de pupa

After post - etamboul carmei

Aft spring - spring pupa

After line - parama pupa

Aground - esuat

Ahead - inainte

Air draught -inaltime maxima

AII hands - tot echipajul

Alongside - acostat cu bordul

Astern - inapoi

Bearing -relevment

Berth - dana

Blast - sunet de sirena/fluier

Boatswain's chair - scaun de catarg

Bollard - baba de cheu

Bound for - in drum spre

Bow, forward - prova

Bow breast - traversa prova

Breadth (of a ship) - latimea navei

Bulkheads - pereti etansi de nava

Call - escala

Camber - curbura traversei

Capsizing - rasturnare a unei ambarcatiuni

Capstan - cabestan

Chain locker - putul lantului

Chain pipe - nara de punte

Crane - cranic

Disabled - avariata

Draught - pescaj

Drift - deriva

Ease - a fila, a slabi

Ebb - curent de reflux

Fairlead - piesa de ghidare

Fairway - senal navigabil

Falls - socare de palane

Fender - balon de acostare

Five shackles - cinci chei de lant

Flooding - inundare

Forecasle - teuga

Forward breast line - traversa prova Forward spring - spring spre inainte

Foul anchor - ancora angajata

Freeboard - bord liber.

Funnel - cosul navei

Gangway - scara de acces la bord

Gear - accesorii ale navei

Gipsy head - tambur de vinci

Gripes - chingi de barca

Halyard - funga

Hampered vessel - nava dificil de manevrat

Hawse pipe - nara de ancora

Head line - parama de legare prova

Home port - port de domiciliu

Homeward bound - nava in drum spre tara

Hose - manica

Huli - corp de nava (coca) Knots - noduri

Leaking - scurgere a lichidelor

Length overall - lungime maxima

List - inclinare transversala a navei

Mooring - ancorare; acostare; legare la cheu/la geamandura

Muster list - rol general al navei

Muster roll - rol de echipaj

Obstruction - obstructie, blocare

Offshore rig - instalatie de larg; platforma petroliera

Overflow - revarsare, inundare

Port of call - port de escala

Port side - bordul babord

Reference line - linie de referinta Roadsted - rada

Screw - elice

Shipyard - santier naval

Starboard side - bordul tribord

Stern - etrava

Stern - pupa

Stern hawse - nara de ancora pupa

Stern ladder - scara de pisica pupa

Stern line - parama de legare pupa

Traffic lane - ruta de trafic

Under keel clearance - adancimea sub chila

Underway - in mars

Wharf - cheu; debarcader; santier naval

Wreck - naufragiu



To leave a ship because it is sinking.

A parasi o nava pentru ca aceasta se scufunda.

2. TO BEACH - A ESUA PE FUND MIC (a esua voluntar pe o plaja)

To run a vessel upon a beach to prevent its sinking in deep water.

A duce nava pe o plaja pentru a preveni scufundarea acesteia in ape adanci.


To go from bord a vessel.

A pleca de la bordul unei nave.


To increase the distance to the vessel ahead by reducing one's own speed.

A mari distanta dintre propria nava si cea din fata prin micsorarea vitezei propriei nave.


To go aboard ship.

A urca la bordul unei nave.


To throw goods overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.

A arunca obiecte peste bord in vederea descarcarii partiale a navei (usurarii acesteia) sau pentru a ii imbunatati stabilitatea in caz de pericol.


To lower, e.g. lifeboats to the water.

A lasa la apa barcile de salvare.


To start with the helicopter from a vessel's deck.

A pleca cu elicopterul de pe puntea unei nave.


To assemble crew, passengers or both in a special place for purposes of checking.

A aduna echipajul, pasagerii sau pe toti acestia intr-un loc special destinat in scopul verificarii prezentei.


To sail or head for a certain position or to continue the voyage.

A naviga sau a se indrepta spre o anumita pozitie sau a continua voiajul.


To pull a vessel off after grounding; to set afloat again.

A remorca o nava dupa esuare, a o pune in stare de flotabilitate.


To be in readiness or prepared to execute an order.

A fi gata, a fi pregatit pentru executarea unui ordin.


To keep a boat away from the vessel.

A tine la distanta o barca sau o nava.


To maintain course and speed.

A mentine cursul si viteza.


Aparat - apparatus; equipment;

device; gear; mechanism

Aspirator de praf - vacuum cleaner Baros - sledge

Bidinea - mason's brush;

white washing brush;

Binta -bitt

Boit - boit; pin

Bormasina - drill

Burghiu - borer

Butelie - bottle

Butoi - cask; barrel

Buton (comutator) - button; switch

Cange - hook; harpoon

Canistra - can; canister

Casca - helmet

Casca de protectie - crash helmet;

hard hat

Cazan - boiler

Cazma - spade

Ciocan - hammer

Ciocan de lipit - soldering iron

Calti - tow

Centura - belt

Centura de salvare - life belt

Centura de siguranta - safety belt

Chinga - girth

Cleste - pair of tongs

Clei - glue

Cufar - trunk

Cui - nail

Dalta - chisel

Diblu -dowel

Ferastrau - saw

Foarfeca - scissors

Freza - milling mashine/cutter

Garnitura - fittings.gasket

Gruie - crane

Gruie de ancora - anchor crane

Habitaclu - binnacle

Lac - (pentru lemn) shellac; (de picturi)

gloss, lacquer

Lacat - padlock

Lada - case; box; chest

Lagar - bearing

Lant - chain; cable

Lipici - (substanta de lipit) glue; paste;


Lita - fuse wire

Macara - crane; derrick

Macara plutitoare - floating crane

Magazie - store house

Magazie de marfuri - warehouse

Magazie de unelte - tool shed

Mansa - stick control

Manson - sleeve

Manta - casing; shell

Masca - breathing/protection mask

Matura - broom

Mecanism - mechanism; device; gear

Mesina - basan

Muchie - edge; border; margin



Punte de navigatie - navigating bridge

Gabie - crow's nest

Sala masinilor - engine room

Spatii destinate cazarii - accommodations

Cabina - cabin

Prova cu bulb - bulbous bow

Duneta - poop

Timonerie - wheelhouse

Magazia de marfuri (cala) - cargo hold

Grui de barca - davit

Vinci de ancora - windlass

Barca de salvare - lifeboat

Baston de pavilion pupa - ensign staff

Carma - rudder

Radar - radar

Cosul navei - horn

Catarg - mast

Ancora - anchor

Montant de baba - Samson post

Baston pavilion prova - jackstaff

Pavilion de ancora - jack


I. Scule de lacatuserie

Machinist's tools

1.              Ac pentru trasaj - scriber

2.                  Carlige pt.scos garnituri - packing

3.              Chemare - punchers

4.              Surubelnite - screw drivers

5.              Clesti de prindere - pliers

6.              Cleste pt. taiat bolturi - bolt cutters

7.              Cleste pt. taiat tevi - cutting pipe pliers

8.              Cleste cu lant pt.tevi - chain pipewrench/tong

9.              Chei mecanice fixe - mechanical

10.       Cheie inelara - box wrench

11.       Cheie tubulara - socket wrench

12.       Cheie laba de gasca - spanner

13.       Cheie pt.suruburi de reglare - set
screw spanner

14.       Cheie reglabila - adjustable wrench

15.       Cheie franceza - monkey wrench

16.       Cheie dinamometrica - dynamometric wrench

17.       Menghina fixa, paralela - paralel
fixed vise

18.       Menghina de mana - hand vise

19.       Prisma - prismatic guide;V - block

20.  Clema de fixare - fixing clamp

21.       Nicovala - anvil

22.  Platou de control - surface plate

23.       Cheia pt. tevi - pipe wrench;stillson

24.       Placa de indreptat - straightening

25.       Lampa de lipit - blowtorch

26.  Fondanti de lipire - fluxes

27.  Lipituri moi - soft soldering

28.       Cositorirea - tinning

29.  Arzator de sudare - welding torch

II. Scule aschietoare

Cutting tools

1. Bomfaier - hack saw

2. Dalta - chisel

3. Foarfeca de mana pt.taiat tabla-snips

4. Pila - file

5. Burghie spirale - twist drills

6. Alezoare - reamers

7. Adancitoarele - countersinks; counterbore

8. Filiera - die

9. Filet - thread

10. Piatra de polizor - grinding wheels

11. Polizor de banc - bench grinder

12.Tarod - tap

13. Freza - cutter

14. Sabare - scrapers

15. Dispozitiv pentru taiat garnituri - gasket cutter

16. Preduceaua - belt hole punch

17. Dispozitiv pentru taiat tuburi - tubing cutter

18. Dispozitiv pentru becuirea tuburilor - flaring tool

19. Presa de extractie - gear puller

20. Masini manuale pt.slefuirea supapelor -

manual machine for valve grinding

21. Masina de gaurit - boring machine

III.Organe de asamblare - Joint subassembly

1. Surub - screw

2. Piulita - nut

3. Saiba - washer

4. Nit - rivet

IV. Instrumente de masura - Measuring instruments

1. Metru - meter

2. Rigla metalica gradata - metal graduated rule

3. Ruleta - tape measure

4. Echer - square

5. Raportor - protractor

6. Compas - caliper; compass; divider

7. Pasametru - pitch meter

8. Calibre pt.filet - screw pitch gauge

9. Sonda spion - tickness gauge

10. Subler - caliper beam; slide gauge

11. Micrometru de exterior - micrometer caliper; micrometer gauge

12.Micrometru de interior - inside micrometer gauge

13.Micrometru de adancime - depth gauge micrometer

14.Micrometru pt.filet - micrometer gauge for thread

15.Micrometru pt.table - micrometer gauge for plate

16.Micrometru pt.tevi - micrometer gauge for pipes

17.Micrometru polar - lever micrometer

18.Indicator de viteza - speed indicator

19.Tahometru - tachometer

20. Comparator cu cadran - Dial gauge

21. Calibre potcoava - Shoe gauge

22. Dinamometru - dynamometer, torque spanner

Usual words used in the engine room speech

1. Workshop - atelier
2. Storehouse - magazie
3. Exhaust gas boiler - caidarina recuperatoare

4. Air compressor - compresor de aer

5. Starting air bottle - butelie aer lansare
6. Watertight door - usa etan
7. Turning gear - viror,instalatia de rotire
8. Turbocharger - turbina
9. Turboblower - turbosuflanta

10. Sea! ring - semering

11. Foul - murdar.imbacsit
12. Soot - calamina

13. Stern tube - tub etambou

14. Rack - cremaliera

15. Rocker - culbutor

16. Starting valve - valvula de lansare

17. Three way valve - Valvula cu trei cai;supapa cu trei derivatii

18. Freezing plant - instalatie frigorifica.

19. Manhole - gura de vizita,autoclava

20. Daily (service)tank - Tanc de serviciu

21. Settling tank - Tanc de decantare

22. Spare tanc - tanc de rezerva

23. Overails - salopete

24.To shift - a muta, a deplasa

25.   Boit - surub

26.   Cooler - racitor

27.        Clogged - infundat (d.teava,


28.        Drain - a scurge

29.        Lubricant - agent de ungere

30.       Sounding pipe/tape - sonda

31.       Air vent - aerisire

32.       Spring - resort

33.  Crease - unsoare, vaselina

34.  Rags - carpe

35.       Inlet/Admission - admisie

36.       Scavenge air - aer de baleiaj

37.       Controller, govemor - regulator

38.       Rubber - cauciuc

39.       Hose - furtun

40.  Handle - maner, a manui

41.  To unscrew - a desuruba

42.  To tighten - a strange

43.  To fix/to repair - a repara

44.  To sharpen - a ascuti

45.  Crowbar - ranga

The elementary parts of a simple engine

1. cylinder - cilindru
2. columns - coloane
3. Crosshead - cap de cruce
4. Crank - manivela
5. Crankshaft - arbore cotit

6. Crosshead block - blocul capului de cruce

7. Connecting rod - biela

8. Cylinder head/cover - chiuloasa

9. Bedplate - placa de baza

10. Bottom end of cylinder - PME

11. Top end of cylinder - PMI
12. Piston - piston

13. Piston ring - segment

14. Eccentricsheave - excentric, disc cu cama

15.Throtlie valve - supapa fluture

16. Relief/ Safety valve - supapa de siguranta

17. Camshaft - ax cu came

18. Cylinder liner - camasa



1.        Midship - Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position
Mijloc carma - Carma trebuie tinuta in pozitia axiala ( zero)

2.        Port five - 5 of port rudder to be held.

Babord cinci - Trebuie mentinute 5 carma babord

Port ten

Port fifteen

Port twenty

Port twenty - five

3.        Hard-a- port - Rudder to be held fully over to port
Banda stanga- Carma trebuie rotita complet la babord.

4.        Starboard five- 5 of starboard rudder to be held.
Tribord cinci - Trebuie mentinute 5 carma tribord.
Starboard ten

Starboard five

Starboard twenty

Starboard twenty - five

5.        Hard- a- starboard - Rudder to be held fully over starboard
Banda dreapta - Carma trebuie rotita complet la tribord

6.        Ease to five - Reduce amount of rudder to 5 hold.
Redu la cinci - ia din carma pana la 5 si mentine

Ease to five

Ease to ten

Ease to fifteen

Ease to twenty

Ease to twenty - five

7.        Steady - Reduce swing as rapidly as possible
Drept asa - Redu giratia cat mai curand posibil

8.        Steady as she goes - Steer a steady course on the compass heading indicated at the time of the order. The helmsman is to repeat the order and call aut the compass heading on receiving the order. When the ship is steady on the heading, the helmsman is to call out: ' Steady on'

Tine-o drept asa - guverneaza pe un drum constant pe capul compas indicat in momentul comenzii. Timonierul urmeaza sa repete ordinul si capul compas, cu voce tare la primirea comenzii. Cand nava este stabila pe drumul respectiv, timonierul urmeaza sa strige: " Stabil pe drum.'

9.        Port, steer one eight two' - 182

Babord, guverneaza un opt doi -182

10.    Starboard, steer zero eight two - 082

Tribord, guverneaza zero opt doi - 082

11.    ,, Port, steer three zero five'- 305

Babord, guverneaza trei zero cinci - 305

12.    Finished with the wheel

Liber la timona


Full ahead - Toata viteza inainte

Half ahead - Jumatate viteza inainte

Slow ahead - Incet inainte

Dead slow ahead - Foarte incet inainte

Stop engines - Stop masina

Dead slow astern - Foarte incet inapoi

Slow astern - Incet inapoi

Half astern - Jumatate viteza inapoi

Full astern - Toata viteza inapoi

Emergency full ahead - Toata viteza inainte, de urgenta

Emergency full astern - Toata viteza inapoi, de urgenta

Stand by engine - Masina pe atentiune

Finished with engines (Movements of engines no longer required) - Liber la masina (Nu mai este necesara manevra cu masina)

Bow thrust full (half) to port - Propulsor prova, toata/jumatate viteza babord

Bow thrust full (half) to starboard - Propulsor prova, toata/jumatate viteza tribord

Stern thrust full (half) to port - Propulsor pupa, toata/jumatate viteza babord

Stern thrust full (half) to starboard - Propulsor pupa, toata/jumatate viteza tribord

Bow stern thrust stop - Propulsor prova/pupa, stop.


The present revolutions of the main engines are ..per minute.

Rotatiile actuale ale motoarelor principale sunt pe minut.

The present output of the main/ auxiliary engines is ..kilowatts.
Randamentul actual al motoarelor principale este ..kilowati.

The present pitch of the propeller (s) is ..degrees.
Pasul actual al elicelor este ..grade.

There are no problems with the machinery/ main engines/ auxiliary engines/ steam generators (generatorii de aburi)/ separators (separatoare)/ compressors

(compresoare)/ pumps.

Call the watch engineer (if the problems continue)

Call the watch engineer ..minutes before the arrival ../at ..UTC


There is no pumping at the present.
Nu se pompeaza in momentul de fata.

Wefilledno. ..double bottom tanks.
Am umplut tancurile din dublu fund nr..

We discharged no. ..double bottom tanks.

Am descarcat tancurile din dublu fund nr. ..

Wefilled no. ..tanks.

Am umplut tancurile nr. ..

We transferred (fuel/ ballast water/ fresh water/oil) from tanks tanks no..

We need a further generator to operate an additional pump.


1.    We have a breakdown of the main engines.

2.    We have a brekdown of ..

3.    We have a total b!ackout.( cadere totala de energie electrica).

4.    We had to stop the main engines to repairthe,"atUTC/local time from to local time.

5.    We had to reduce speed to repair ..

6.    Call the master/Chief engineer if the revolutions of the main engines drop below ..per minute.

Chemati-l pe ..daca rotatiile motoarelor se reduc ..sub minut.


1.      Is the engine room a diesel or a turbine?

Motorul este Diesel sau cu aburi?

2.      Is the engine-room manned or is the engine on bridge control?

Este sala masinilor deservita de personal sau se controleaza masina din comanda de navigatie?

3.        How long does it take to change the engine room from ahead to astern?

Cat dureaza manevra de punere a masinii de la inainte inapoi?

4.        How long does it take to start the engine from stopped?
Cat dureaza pornirea masinii din directia stopat?

5.      Is extra power available in emergency?

In caz de urgenta, exista mijloace suplimentare de alimentare cu energia electrica? Do you have a controllable or fixed pitch propeller?

Aveti elice normala sau cu pas variabil?

6.      Do you have a right - hand or left-hand propeller?

Aveti elice cu rotire spre dreapta sau spre stanga?

7.      Do you have a single propeller or twin propeller?

Aveti o singura elice sau doua?

8.      Do you have a bow thurster or stern thruster

Aveti propulsor prova sau pupa?

9.      What is the maximum manoevring power ahead?/astern.

Care este puterea maxima de manevra inainte/inapoi? - kw.

10.                        What are the maximum revolutions ahead/astern?
Care este nr. maxim de rotatii inainte/inapoi?

11.  Do the twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead.

Cum se rotesc cele doua elici la manevra inainte, spre interior sau spre exterior?


1.      We transferred (fuel, ballast water, fresh water/ oii) from tank no tank no..

2.      We moved cargo in no. holds to correct the list.

3.      The present stability is good/ poor.

4.      We filled no. double bottom tanks to improve the stability.

5.      We moved cargo on deck to improve the stability.

6.      We moved containers to improve the stability.

7.      The vessel is on even keel.( at present) - pe chila dreapta, cu asieta zero.

8.      The vessel is metres down by the head/stern( at present)

9.      There is no list( at present)

10.  The present list is .degrees to port/starboard.

11.  Cargo/Containers was/were restowed to improve the stability.


1.        l leave the engine room.

2.        Chief Engineer is calling you.

3.        The phone is ringing.

4.        I am going to oil filter.

5.        Give me the hammer!

6.        Open/Close the valve.

7.        The temperatura at the auxiliary

engine is a little higher.

8.        Stop the fan.

9.        Stand by me.

10.   Keep your eyes on the main engine.

11.   Low level in tank no.3.

12.   Sound the fuel tanks.

13.   Something is wrong with

14.   I saw a flame /spark at the electric


15.   Up there/down there.

16.   The pump /valve /flange is leaking.

17.   Gases/steam escapes from pipe.

18.   The pump running.

19.   The other one is on stand by.

20.   Put the pump switch on/off.

21.   Tell the officer l am here.

22.   Turn on/off the light.

23.   Telli mewhattodo.

24.   Show me!

25.   Pay attention to.

26.   Change the filter.

27.   Prepare the engine.

28.   What time is it ?

29.   Did you wake up the next watch?

30.   Wake them up!

31.   Give me a hand!

32.   Can l help you?

33.   Can you do it?

34.   Do it by yourself!

35.   During my watch nothing happened.

36.   What are you looking for?

37.   What do you want?

38.   What did you say?

39.   What do you suggest?

40.   Who told you?

41.   Whom can l ask?

42.   Where is ..?

43.   When did it happen?

44.   Why did you do that?


1.        Plec din sala masinilor

2.        Te cheama seful mecanic

3.        Suna telefonul.

4.        Ma duc la filtrul de ulei.

5.        Da-mi ciocanul.

6.        Deschide/inchide valvula.

7.        Temperatura la motorul auxiliar este
putin mai ridicata.

8.        Opreste ventilatorul.

9.        Stai pe langa mine.

10.   Stai cu ochii pe motorul principal.

11.   Nivel scazut in tancul nr.3.

12.   Sondeza tancurile de combustibil.

13.   Este ceva in neregula cu.

14.   Am vazut o flama/scanteie la tabloul electric.

15.   Acolo sus/acolo jos.

16.   Curge de la pompa/valvula/flansa.

17.   Ies gaze/abur din tubulatura.

18.   Pompa nr.functioneaza.

19.   Cealalta este pe stand by.

20.   Pune intrerupatorul pompei pe

21.   Spune-i ofiterului ca sunt aici.

22.   Aprinde/stinge lumina.

23.   Spune-mi ce sa fac.

24.   Arata-mi!

25.   Fii atent la

26.   Schimba filtrul.

27.   Pregateste masina.

28.   Cat e ceasul?

29.   Ai trezit cartul urmator?

30.   Trezeste-i!

31.   Da-mi o mana de ajutor!

32.   Pot sa te ajut?

33.   Poti s-o faci?

34.   Fa-o singur!

35.   In cartul meu nu s-a Intamplat nimic.

36.   Ce cauti?

37.   Ce doriti?

38.   Ce ati spus?

39.   Ce sugerati?

40.   Cine v-a spus?

41.   Pe cine pot sa intreb?

42.   Unde este ..?

43.   Cand s-a intamplat aceasta?

44.   De ce ati facut asta?

Work, profession, trades

1.  What is your profession

2.              What kind of work do you do?

3.              How many hours a day do you

4.              What time do you get to work?

5.              l start work at 7 o'clock a.m.

6.              He works in a workshop.

7.              l am a qualified mechanic.

8.              We do field work.

9.              l am on the day/night shift.

10.       l have an 8-hour working day.

11.       Is your work tiring?

12.       Have you a full-time/part-time job?

13.       What kind of work are you best
suited for?

14.       l have a good knowledge of..

15.       Do you work overtime?

16.       This job suits me.

17.       l want to apply for this position.

18.       What prospects are there for me?

19.       l cannot speak English well.

20.       Will you help me, please?

21.       l am a stranger.

22.       l don't know what to do.

23.       Will you do this for me?

24.       l've got a request.

25.       It doesn't matter.

26.       May l ask you a favour?

27.       Come here a minute.will you?

28.       Let's go!

29.       l can manage by myself.

30.       Will you be so kind to?

31.       Anything serious?

32.       No.nothing really serious.

33.       May l joinyou?

34.       l am waiting for.

35.       Where have you been?

36.       Are you ready?

37.       Not vet.

38.       It takes time.

39.       It depends on (you/weather,etc.)

40.       Sorry to disturb you.

41.       It's no trouble.

42.  l am awfully sorry.

43.       l apologize.

44.  l beg your pardon.

45.       It's quite all right.

46.  l agree with you.

47.       Agreed/settled.

48.       You are wrong.

Munca, profesiunea, meserii

1.   Care este ocupatia dvs.?

2.       Ce fel de munca prestati?

3.       Cate ore lucrati pe zi?

4.       La ce ora va duceti la munca?

5.       Incep lucrul la 7 a.m.

6.       El lucreaza intr-un atelier.

7.       Eu sunt mecanic calificat.

8.       Noi avem munca de teren.

9.       Lucrez in schimbul de zi/noapte.

10.        Lucrez 8 ore pe zi.

11.        Munca dvs. Este obositoare?
12.Aveti norma completa sau partiala?

13.       Pentru ce fel de munca sunteti
cel mai bine preg

14.       Am cunostinte bune in.

15.       Lucrati ore suplimentare?

16.       Serviciul acesta imi convine.

17.       Vreau sa fac cerere. pt. ocuparea acestui post.

18.       Ce perspective am aici?

19. Nu stiu sa vorbesc bine engleza.

20.       Doriti sa ma ajutati?

21.       Sunt strain.

22.       Nu stiu ce sa fac.

23.       Vreti sa faceti asta pt. mine?

24.       Am o rugaminte.

25.       Nu-i nimic.

26.       Pot sa va cer un serviciu?

27.       Doriti sa veniti aici putin?

28.       Sa mergem!

29.       Ma descurc singur.

30.       Sunteti amabil sa?

31.       E ceva serios?

32.       Nu, nimic grav.

33.       Pot sa stau/sa vin cu dvs.?

34.       II astept pe..

35.    Unde ati fost?

36.        Sunteti gata?

37.        Nu inca.

38.        Dureaza.

39.        Depinde de (dv./vreme).

40.        Scuzati-ma ca va deranjez.

41.        Nu e nici un deranj.

42.        Imi pare extrem de rau.

43.        Ma scuzati.

44.        Va rog sa ma iertati.

45.       Nu face nimic.

46.       Sunt de acord cu dvs.

47.       De acord/S-a facut.

48.       Va inselati.

49.        lt's out of the question.

50.        l am afraid l can't.

51.        Take my advice.

52.      What do you mean?

53.      l don't understand you.

54.      By the way.

55.      He wants to take up: locksmithery /
energetics /electronics.

56.      At what time do you go off duty?

57.      l want to take a day off.

58.      l've worked for 20 years in my

59.      Who is the head of your office?

60.      What do you earn a month on the

61.      My salary amountsto

62.      What trade union do you belong to?

63.      l would ask an interview with Mr.

64.      Can you arrange an interview by
phone or by lefter?

65.      Thank you on behalf of all of us.

66.      What works do we have today?

67.      You have to do some repairs, welding,
cutting and cieaning.

68.      l haven't finished my work vet.

69.      l hadn't time, the weather was bad/it
rained/it snowed/it was heavy sea.

70.      l promise to do tomorrow early the rest
of the works.

71.      Today we have to polish to brass

72.      We have some rectifications to the
electric motor of the biige pump.

73.      How much shall l cut out of this

74.      The pipe is long/short/thin.

75.      l should add some extra
thin/thick/sheet to this hole.

76.      The hole is large, it should be made up
with gas/electric welding.

77.      You work only with my knowledge.

78.      l am your superior.

79.      Everyday, after finishing your works,
you should report to me:

a. What you have worked.

b. How much you have worked.

c. How many electrodes are left.

d. How much oxygen is left.

e. How much gas is left.

80. We have to save some oxygen until we
reach the harbour.

81 .At what length shall l cut the sheet? 82. l cannot work with wet electrodes 83.l cannot work without protection equipment.

49.       Este exclus.

50.       Mi-e teama ca nu pot.

51.       Urmati-mi sfatul.

52.       Ce vreti sa spuneti?

53.       Nu va inteleg.

54.       Apropo

55.       El vrea sa se ocupe

56.       La ce ora terminati treaba?

57.       Doresc o invoire de o zi.

58.       Lucrez de 20 de ani in specialitate.

59.       Cine este sef de birou?

60.       Cat castigati in medie pe luna?

61.       Salariul meu se ridica la..

1.  Din ce sindicat faceti parte?

2.              As dori sa am o intrevedere cu

3.              Puteti fixa o intrevedere prin telefon
sau in scris?

4.              Va multumesc in numele tuturor.

5.              Ce lucrari avem azi de executat?

6.              Aveti de reparat, de sudat, de taiat
si de facut curat.

7.              Eu nu mi-am terminat inca lucrul.

8.              Nu am avut timp, vremea a fost
rea/a plouat/a nins/a fost mare

9.              Promit sa fac maine, la primele ore,
restul lucrarilor.

10.       Astazi trebuie sa polizam, sa

11.       Avem de rectificat la motorul
electric de la pompa de santina.

12.       Cat trebuie sa tai din acest

13.       Teava este lunga/scurta/subtire.

14.       Trebuie sa pun un adios de tabla
subtire.groasa la aceasta gaura.

15.       Gaura este mare.trebuie incarcata
cu sudura autogena/electrica.

16. Lucrezi numai cu stirea mea.
78. Eu sunt seful tau.

17. In fiecare zi, dupa terminarea
lucrarilor, imi vei raporta:

a. Ce ai lucrat.

b. Cat ai lucrat.

c. Cati electrozi mai sunt.

d. Cat oxigen a mai ramas.

e. Cat gaz a mai ramas.

80.        Trebuie sa facem economie de
oxigen pana ajungem in port

81.        La ce lungime sa tai tabla?

82.        Nu pot sa lucrez cu electrozii, sunt

83. Nu pot sa lucrez fara echipament de protectie.

84.         l haven't got welding apron,
gloves, mask.

85.         Reduce/lncrease the amperage.
86.The welding transformer has no
power (voltage).

87.Check the electric switchboard.

88.CaH the electrician.

89.Fuses are burnt.

90.This appliance is not earthed.

91 The welding machine is of low


92.Cover the welding machine, it rains.

93.Donl work with open flame in the

vicinity of oxygen and gas bottles.

94.Store the oxygen and gas bottles in

special store rooms to avoid


95.Oxygen and gas bottles should be

secured to avoid any falling

down/injury at the working site.

96.When you handle the gas/oxygen

pressure reduction gear, avoid using

dirty or oily gloves.

97.Today you work:

.          In the fore/aft section

.          Engine room

.          Steering gear room

.          Anchor locker

.          Hold no.

.          On deck

.          Ballasttank no.
98.Take this oxygen/gas bottle to the

99.Oxygen/Gas hoses should be kept perfectly clean.

100.         l will bring some electrodes.

101.         Bring the tools. We are going to
work in the bilge.

102.         The sheet should be cut
according to the dimensions (drawing).

103.         After cutting, you will polish/grind
according to the dimensions (drawing)

104.         Shape on lathe this rough
material according to the dimensions

105.         The screw is worn oui. Replace it.

106.         Replace gasket/stuffing boxfrom:

.          Fresh water/sea water pump

.          Gas oil/lube oii pump

.          Pump for heavy fuel oii transfer

107.         Water circulation pump from
boiler is leaking.

108.         Replace/rectify studs.

109.         The stud thread is damaged/worn
out, it cannot be used any longer.

110.         Please, show me how to work on
this lathe. Lathes are different.

84.        Nu am sort de sudura, manusi, masca.

85.        Redu/mareste amperajul.

86.        Transformatorul de sudura nu are

87.        Verificati tabloul electric.

88.        Chemati electricianul.

89.        Sigurantele sunt arse.

90.        Acest aparat nu are impamantare.

91.        Aparatul de sudura are amperajul

92.        Acoperiti aparatul de sudura,ploua.

93.        Nu lucrati cu flacara aproape de
tuburile de oxigen si gaz.

94.        Depozitati tuburile de oxigen si gaz in
magazii speciale pentru a evita exploziile

95.        Tuburile de oxigen si gaz trebuie
asigurate pentru a evita caderea/
accidentarea la locul de munca.

96.        Cand lucrati cu reductoarele de
presiune gaz/oxigen nu folosi
ti manusi
murdare ori impregnate cu ulei.

97.        Astazi lucrati:

.          In sector prova/pupa

.          In sala masinilor

.          In camera carmei

.          In putui lantului

.          In magazia nr.

.          Pe punte

.          In tancul de ballast nr.

98.         Du te rog tubul de oxigen/gaz la

99.         Furtunele de gaz/oxigen trebuie
pastrate in perfecta curatenie.

100. Voi aduce niste electrozi.
101.Adu sculele: vom lucra in


102.          Tabla asta se taie la cotele

103.          Dupa taiere, polizeaza la cotele
trasate in schita.

104.          Strunjeste acest material brut la
cotele din schita.

105.Surubul este uzat.lnlocuiti-l.

106. Schimbati garnitura/presetupa de

Pompa de apa dulce/apa de mare. Pompa de motorina/ulei. Pompa de transfer comb.greu

107.     Pompa de circulatie apa
caldarina curge.

108.         inlocuiti/rectificati prezoanele.

109.         Filetul prezonului este stricat/uzat,
nu se mai poate folosi.

110.         Aratati-mi cum se lucreaza la
acest strung. Strungurile sunt diferite.

111.         You should be careful when you
work on lathe. You should know well
the safety rules to avoid accidents or

112.         At what dimensions should l turn
these parts on the lathe?

113.         The threaded bore is too large.
Drill it out again and thread it.

114.The screw is not metrical, it is a

Whitworth screw.

115.When the ship is in the harbour,

you should not work without the

permission of the master or the chief


116. We should work out a table with

all the materials necessary for the deck

and machinery repairs.

117.Will you bring me a box spanner/ a

splined spanner kit/ a box spanner kit.

118.         l need an oxygen and a gas

119.         The oxygen and gas cylinders are

120.         The bosun has to give me a
seaman/motorman to help me carry an
oxygen and a gas cylinder.

121.         We have works in the E.R. We
nave to dismantle the cylinder head
from M.E./D.G.

122.You will work at the auxiliaries


123.You assist together with some

seamen at berthing and departure


124. Here you weld on with electrica! and

autogenous welding.

125.Coat with brass a high pressure pipe

from the injection pump.

126.          Replace the pipe cracked from the
L.O. system.

127.          The shaft of the fresh water pump is
worn out/bent.

128.Check the pump.There is a noise.

129.         It is dark. we cannot work without

130.         During the welding we have to protect
our eyes and body against radiations.

131.         The ballasttank andshould be
lighted at 24 V.

132.         All of us should know perfectly

the occupational safety rules, it's vital.

133. l need boots. the deck is wet.

111.         Trebuie sa fii atent cand lucrezi la
strung. Trebuie sa stii bine protectia
muncii pentru a evita accidentele sau

112.         La ce dimensiuni trebuie sa
strunjesc aceste piese?

113.         Gaura filetata este prea larga. Se
da din nou gaura si se fileteaza.

114.         Surubul nu este metric, este cu
filet Whitworth.

115.         In port nu trebuie sa lucrezi fara
stirea comandantului si a sefului

116.         Trebuie sa intocmim un tabel cu
necesarul de materiale pentru reparatii
la punte si ma

117. rog, o cheie tubulara,
trusa de chei inelare.trusa de chei

118.         Am nevoie de un tub de oxygen si
de un tub de gaz.

119.         Tuburile de oxygen si gaz sunt

120.         Seful de echipaj sa-mi dea un
marinar motorist sa aducem impreuna
un tub de oxigen/tub de gaz.

121.         Avem de lucru in C.M.Trebuie sa
demontam chiuloasa de !a M.P./D.G.

122.         Participi la decarbonizarea

123.         Vei lua parte cu niste marinari la
manevrele de acostare si plecare de la

124.         Aici incarci cu sudura electrica si
sudura autogena.

125.         Alameste o teava de inalta
presiune de la pompa de injectie.
126.inlocuiti teava fisurata de la
sistemul de ungere.

127.Axul pompei de apa dulce este


128. Verificati pompa.Are zgomot.

129.Este intuneric, nu putem lucra fara


130.         Sa ne protejam ochii si corpul de
tii in timpul sudurii.

131.         Tancul de ballast sitrebuie sa
fie iluminat de 24 V.

132.         Trebuie sa cunoastem bine
regulile de protectia muncii, este vital.

133.         Puntea este umeda, am nevoie
de cizme.

134. You should check whether:

.          The lathe has protection guides

.          The moving parts/transmissions/
gearing are protected.

.          The electrica! installation is

135.         You turn on 2mm out of length, width
and thickness.

136.         Cut a gusset/bracket here

137.         The welding should be:

.          Horizontal

.          Vertical

.          Inverted

.          Overlap welding

.          Spot welding

.          Seam welding

.          Butt welding

138.         Be caretul when you dismantle large
(heavy) components.

139.         Keepaside!

140.         Do not station under the burden

141 .Protect your hands and feet when you work.

142.         Exhaust gases from the engine are
very ho

143.         Do not enter the tanks with flame until
ventilation is done.

144.         We take measurements before
mounting the parts.

145.         Pay attention when working with
chain blocks.

146.         The chain block cannot lift more than
its capacity (rating)

147.         The welding apron is worn/burnt, l
need a new one.

148.         You should have a special suit for
this activity.

149.         Any negiigence/inattention may
cost your life.

134. Vedeti daca

.          Strungul are aparatori de

.          Piesele in miscare/
transmisiile sunt protejate.

.          Instalatia electrica a
strungului este izolata.

135.Strunjesti 2mm din aceasta piesa, din lungime, latime si grosime. 136.Taie un guseu aici. 137.Sudura sa fie:

.          Orizontala

.          Verticala

.          Peste cap

.          Prin suprapunere

.          Prin puncte

.          Prin cusatura

.          Cap la cap

138.Lucrati cu atentie cand demontati

piese mari.

139.La o parte!

140.Nu stati sub sarcina.

141. Feriti mainile si picioarele cand


142.Gazele de evacuare de la motor

au o temperatura ridicata

143.Nu intrati cu flacara in tancuri

pana nu s-a facut aerisirea.

144.        Facem masuratori inainte de
montarea pieselor.

145.        Atentie la lucrul cu palancul.
146.Nu putem ridica cu palancul mai
mult decat este prevazut.

.147. Sortul de sudura este

rupt/ars,trebuie inlocuit.

148.Pentru aceasta activitate trebuie

sa ai un costum adecvat.

149. Neatentia la lucru te poate costa

chiar viata.



-         Fire on board!

-         What is on fire?

-         Fire in No.l hold. There is cargo on fire.

-         Is the smoke toxic?

-         No, the smoke is not toxic.

-         Any person involved?

-         No, there is no person injured.

-         Any person missing?

-         No, there is no person missing.

-         is the fire under control?

-         No, the fire is not under control yet

-         Check the portable extinguishers and report.

-         The portable extinguishers are in position and operational.

-         There begins a fire. The temperature is low.

-         There is much smoke.

-         Any damage?

-         Minor damage in No.l hold.

This is your captain speaking: A minor fire has broken out in No. l hold. There is no immediate danger to vessel or crew. Watchkeepers should remain atstation untilfurther order. The fire fighting party is dealing with the fire. The fire is under control now.

ENTRY INTO ENCLOSED SPACES (minimum requirements)

Verify the Check List for 'Enclosed spaces'. Check the level of the oxygen and the ventilation. Each team member must have the breathing apparatus.

Check whether the rescue team is waiting at the entry of the enclosed space and whether the first aid team is standing by.

Maintain visual and radio contact with each other.


Forma afirmativa Forma interogativa

l am Am l?

You are Are you?

He is is he?

She is is she?

It is is it?

We are Are we?

You are Are you?

They are Are they?

Forma afirmativa Forma interogativa

lhave Have l ?

You have Have you?

He has Has he?

She has Has she?

It has Has it?

We have Have we?

You have Have you?

They have Have they?

Forma negativa a verbelor TO BE si TO H AVE se construieste cu ajutorul negatiei not

! am not l have not

You are not You have not

He is not He has not

She is not She has not

It is not It has not

We are not We have not

You are not You have not

They are not They have not



l was l had

You were You had

He was He had

She was She had

!t was !t had

We were We had

You were You had

They were They had


l shall be You wil! be He will be She will be !t will be We shall be You will be They will be



l shall have You will have He will have She will have It will have We shall have You will have They will have



l can You can Hecan She can Itcan We can You can They can


l may l must

You may You must

He may He must

She may She must

Itmay It must

We may We must

You may You must

They may They must


l could You could He could She could It could We could You could They could


Mine - al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele

Yours - al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale

His - al lui, a iui, ai lui, ale lui

Hers - al ei, a ei, ai ei, ale ei

Ours - al nostru, a noastra, ai nostri, ale noastre

Yours - al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre

Theirs - al lor, ale lor, ai lor, ale lor


SOME se foloseste in propozitii afirmative : Give me some bread, please. ANY se foloseste in propozitii interogative: !s there any milk in the bottle?

Ca si in propozitii negative: He doesn't see any people on the deck. Negativul se poate exprima si prin NO: l have no cigarettes.

Compusii lui some, any si no sunt:

Somebody - cineva (in propozitii afirmative);

Anybody cineva (in prop.inerogative), nimeni (in prop.negative)

Nobody nimeni

Someone cineva

Anyone cineva, nimeni

No one nimeni

Something - ceva (in prop.afirmative)

Anything ceva(in prop.interog.), nimic(in prop.negative)

Nobody nimic

Somewhere - undeva(in prop afimative)

Anywhere undeva(in prop.interog.), nicaieri(in prop.negative)

Nowhere nicaieri

Any si compusii sai in propozitii afirmative:

Any - oricare

Anyone, anybody - oricine

Anything - orice

Anywhere - oriunde


Adjectivul small inseamna mic spre deosebire de little care, avand acelasi sens, este de obicei folosit pentru exprimarea ideii de diminutiv:

A small house- o casa mica

A little house - o casuta


Much - mult, multa, se foloseste pentru singular, iar many - multi, multe, se foloseste

pentru plural:

Much noise - mult zgomot

Many books - multe carti

There is - forma de singular si There are - forma de plural reprezinta o constructie cu intelesul de 'se afla, se gaseste'; 'se afla, se gasesc'. De cele mai multe ori aceste constructii se folosesc la inceputul propozitiilor, cand verbul precede subiectul.


AT - 'la' se foloseste cu verbe care implica starea pe loc spre deosebire de TO 'la, spre'

care se foloseste cu verbe ce implica miscarea :

He is at home.

He goes to the office.

IN - 'in' implica ideea de aflare inauntru, sinonimul sau INTO presupune neaparat ideea de


He is in the room.

He comes into the room.

ON - pe; ABOVE - deasupra: UNDER - dedesubtul: BEFORE -inaintea: AFTER - dupa: BETWEEN - intre: ROUND - in Jurul: OVER -peste: THROUGH - prin: UP - in susul: DOWN - in josul: NEAR - langa: OUT OF - afara din: FROM - de la. din.


North - nord; South - sud; East - est; West - vest Aceste substantive pot fi folosite si atributiv: South Seas - marile sudului


Northern - nordic; Southern - sudic; Eastern - estic; Western - vestic

Adverbe : Northward - spre nord; Southward; Eastward; Westward.

(on the) east of - la est de

(on the) north of - la nord de etc.


Austria the






















Austrian (austriecii) the Belgians (belgienii) the Danes (danezii) the English (englezii) the French (francezii)

the Germans


the Greeks

(grecii) the Dutch (olandezii) the Norwegians (norvegienii) the Portuguese (portughezii) the Swiss (elvetienii)

an Austrian (un austriac) a Belgian (un belgian)

a Dane (un danez) an Englishman (un englez) a Franchman (un francez) a German (un german) a Greek (un grec) a Dutchman (un olandez) a Norwegian (un norvegian)

a Portuguese (un portughez)

a Swiss (un elvetian)


I. General questions for deck, engine galley-and

messroom personell

In whatpart ofthe ship is the forecastle? in the fore part.

1.  What is meant by Boat Station?
Station where lifeboat is placed

2.                  Where are lifeboats and liferafts usually placed?
On the boatdeck, but for liferafts also fore and aft
4.What does 'all hands on deck'mean?
Everybody on deck, according to alarm instruction.
5.What would you do if you heard this order?
Obey the order immediately

6.What would you do if you saw a man fali into sea?

Caii out: 'Man overboard'

T.What would you do if you saw a man fali into sea?

Throw a life buoy over board and report to the bridge immediately

8.Where are life buoys usually kept?

On either side of the ship, forecastle, bridge and aft.

9.What does boat drill mean?

Training in lifeboat handling

10. What does fire drill mean?

Training in fire fighting.

11 .What does 'let go' mean?

Cast off, for instance mooring lines

12.Where is amidship?

In the middle of a ship it allowed to smoke on deck onboard a tanker?

No, it is not

14.Where is it usually allowed to smoke in this types of ships?

In messrooms and cabins

15.What is the boat deck?

Deck where lifeboats are placed

16. What is a gangway?

Portable bridge between ship and shore.

17.What is an accommodation ladder?

A gangway which can be lowered down to the water line

18.Where are lifejackets usually kept?

In cases on boat deck or in the cabins

19.Who usually gives you orders?

'My' nearest in command, for instance mate, engineer, steward or boatswain

20.What would you do if you saw a fire had broken out?

.Report to the bridge or make alarm

21 .If no fire extinguisher was at hand, what would you then use in its place if you saw the

beginning of a fire?

Use something to smother the fire out with.

II. Special questions for deck hands

1. What is a mooring line? A thick rope to tie up ships with 2. What are davits for? For iaunching and heaving of lifeboats

1. What is the use of a derrick?

For use in connection with loading and discharging

2. How to use a heaving line?

To be thrown by hand, for instance when putting ashore moorings

3. What is a steering wheel?

The wheel with which the ship is steered.

4. Where is the bridge?

On the uppermost deck and on the fore part of the superstructure

5. Where is starboard?

The right hand side iooking forward

6. Where are the anchors placed and what are they for?

!n the bow. They are used when the ship is riding at an ancho

7. What is a fender and whai is it used for?

Usually a cork fender used to avoid heavy impacts against the quay.

8.              What does 'steady so' mean?
To keep steady course

9.              What is a winch?

Machine-driven roating drum for heaving of ropes and wires.

10.       Do you know where food and other importat equipment in lifeboats are placed?
!n watertight tanks.

11.       What is a bollard or bitt?

Remedy on board to fasten mooring lines

12. What isafairlead?

Special arranged and strengthened place on the bulwark where mooring lines are leading

13. What do the following steering orders mean: 'Midships', 'port the he!m'. 'starboard
ihe he!rn'?

The rudder to be put amidship, hard a port, and hard a starboard

14.      What are the hatches for?
For closing off the ship's holds

15.      What is a pump room?

A room where the cargo pumps are placed.

Special question for galley-and mess room personell

1.              What would you bring in a lifeboat if the ship is abandoned at sea?
Warm ciothes, blankets, iifejackets.

2.              How would you prepare vegetables for cooking?

To be cieaned and washed before they are put into boiiing water

3.              What would you serve out to saiiors who nave been exposed to cold?
Warm drinks.

4.              What would you serve out to sailors who have been exposed to heai?
Coid drinks.

5.              Whose business is it to see that is not eaten is not wasted?
The galley - and mess room personnel.

6.              What does 'make the bunk' mean?
To make the bed

7.              What does the expression 'scrub the floor' mean?.
To wash the floor in cabins and other rooms.

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