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Numeralul se imparte in doua categorii importante:
Ø numeral cardinal
Ø numeral ordinal
I) Numeralul cardinal - exprima un numar abstract sau determinarea numerica a obiectelor.
a) Forma:
1-one; 11-eleven; 21-twenty-one; 10-ten
2-two; 12-twelve; 22-twenty-two; ; 20-twenty;
3-three; 13-thirteen; 23-twenty-three; 30-thirty;
4-four; 14-fourteen; 24-twenty-four; 40-forty;
5-five; 15-fifteen; 25-twenty-five; 50-fifty;
6-six; 16-sixteen; 26-twenty-six; 60-sixty;
7-seven; 17-seventeen; 27-twenty-seven; 70-seventy;
8-eight; 18-eighteen; 28-twenty-eight; 80-eighty;
9-nine; 19-nineteen; 29-twenty-nine; 90-ninety;
100-a hundred; 1.000-a thousand; 1.000.000-a milion;
b) Reguli de scriere:
in citirea sau scrierea numeralelor compuse, conjunctia "and" se adauga inaintea ultimului cuvant:
365-three hundred and sixty-five;
Cuvintele "hundred", "thousand", "milion" cand sunt folosite ca numeral nu primesc terminatii de plural.
six hundred men;
Daca aceste cuvinte au alt sens, ele pot fi folosite la plural.
hundreds of people;
II) Numeralul ordinal - exprima prin numarare ordinea sau locul pe care obiectele sau actiunile le ocupa intr-o insirare.
a) Forma:
1-first; 11-eleventh; 21-twenty-first; 40-fourtieth;
2-second; 12-twelfth; 22-twenty-second; 50-fiftieth;
3-third; 13-thirteenth; 23-twenty-third; 60-sixtieth;
4-fourth; 14-fourteenth; 24-twenty-fourth; 70-seventieth;
5-fifth; 15-fifteenth; 25-twenty-fifth; 80-eightieth;
6-sixth; 16-sixteenth; 26-twenty-sixth; 90-ninetieth;
7-seventh; 17-seventeenth; 27-twenty-seventh;
8-eighth; 18-eighteenth; 28-twenty-eighth
9-ninth; 19-nineteenth; 29-twenty-ninth;
10-tenth; 20-twentieth; 30-thitieth;
100-a hundredth;
b) Reguli de scriere:
Numeralul ordinal e precedat de articolul hotarat "the".
Cand numeralele ordinale sunt exprimate in cifre, ultimele doua litere ale numeralului vor fi scrise dupa cifre:
first-1st; third-3rd;
second-2nd; fourth-4th;
Exprimarea datei:
Zilele saptamanii: Lunile anului:
Sunday (Sun); - January (Jan); - July;
Monday (Mon); - February (Feb); - August (Aug);
Tuesday (Tue); - March (Mar); -September (Sept);
Wednesday (Wed); - April (Apr); - October (Oct);
Thursday (Thu); - May; - November (Nov);
Friday (Fri); - June; - December (Dec);
Saturday (Sat);
Pentru exprimarea datei se foloseste numeralul ordinal astfel:
March 10th, 1999 -American Style;
10th of March 1999 - English Style.
Adjectivul - este partea de vorbire care exprima o calitate a unui obiect avand categoria gramaticala a comparatiei.
a) Felurile adjectivului
adjectivele calificative: good, bad, fat, thin;
adjective demonstrative: those, these, that, this.
b) Acordul adjectivului
in limba engleza adjectivele au o singura forma atat pentru singular si plural cat si pentru masculin si feminin.
a good boy - good boys;
a good girl - good girls;
c) Pozitia adjectivului
Adjectivele stau intotdeauna inaintea substantivelor pe care le determina.
a big town;
an interesting book;
d) Gradele de comparatie ale adjectivului:
in limba engleza sunt 3 grade de comparatie ale adjectivelor.
Adjectivele monosilabice formeaza gradele de comparatie astfel:
Pozitiv |
long; |
Comparativ |
- de superioritate: - de egalitate: - de inferioritate: |
longer than; as long as; not so long as; |
Superlativ |
- absolut: - relativ: |
the longest; very long. |
Adjectivele plurisilabice formeaza gradele de comparatie astfel:
Pozitiv |
interesting; |
Comparativ |
- de superioritate: - de egalitate: - de inferioritate: |
more intersting that; as interesting as; less interesting as; |
Superlativ |
- absolut: - relativ: |
the most interesting; very interesting. |
in limba engleza exista o serie de adjective ale caror grade de comparatie se formeaza in mod neregulat:
Pozitiv |
Comparativ |
Superlativ |
good |
better |
best |
bad |
worse |
worst |
little |
less |
least |
many much |
more |
most |
old |
older elder |
oldest eldest |
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