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Un verb complex este o combinatie intre un verb + prepozitie / particula adverbiala.
Sensul unui verb complex fie nu are legatura cu elementele componente luate separat, fie este rezultatul elementelor componente (verb + prepozitie/adverb) luate ca intreg.
Verbele complexe pot fi impatite in:
Verb + prepozitie
Verb + prepozitie + complement prepozitional
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.
Verb + prepozitie + V . ing
They succeeded in boosting pre-tax profits.
Cand verbele complexe sunt urmate de un verb, acest verb este de obicei la forma in -ing.
Nu folosim prepozitii dupa urmatoarele verbe:
answer, ask, call, phone, ring, discuss, enter, meet, reach, suit, tell
Exemple de verbe + prepozitie:
agree to something; agree with somebody/something; allow for something; amount for something; apologise for something; apply for something; approve of somebody/something; attend to somebody/something; complain (to somebody) about somebody/something; conform to something; consent to something; consist of something; depend on something; hear about something; hear from somebody; hope for something; insist on something; look at somebody/something; look for somebody/something; look forward to something; pay (somebody) for something; refer to something; rely on somebody/something; succeed in something; think about something (= concentrate on); think of something (= consider); wait for somebody/something
Verb + complement + prepozitie
Verb + complement + prepozitie + complement prepozitional
Protect us from unfair competition
Verb + complement + prepozitie + V. ing
Prevent us from entering the Japanese market.
Prepozitia from se foloseste dupa verbe care exprima refuzul: prohibit, restrain, forbid, prevent, ban, veto, stop
They prevented us from exporting the goods.
Dupa verbe care exprima acceptul se foloseste complement + infinitiv: allow, authorise, help, permit, enable, encourage
They helped us to export the goods.
Exemple de verbe + complement + prepozitie:
accuse somebody of something; advise somebody of/about something; compare somebody/something with somebody/something; congratulate somebody on something; convince somebody of something; describe something to somebody; divide/cut/split something into something; do something about somebody/something; explain something to somebody; interest somebody in something; prefer somebody/something to somebody/something; prevent somebody/something from somebody/something; protect somebody/something from somebody/something; provide somebody with something; remind somebody of something; spend money on something; tell somebody about something
Verb + adverb (phrasal verb)
Verb + adverb + complement + restul propozitiei
Fill in this form in duplicate
Turn up early at the stand
Cele mai frecvente adverbe folosite sunt: about, along, away, back, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, up
Unele dintre phrasal verbs isi pastreaza sensul individual al verbului + cel al adverbului:
I've brought back the plans. Would you like to see them?
Alte phrasal verbs au un sens diferit de cel al elementelor componente:
He made up a wonderful story about his adventures in Rotaronga. (make up = invent)
Exemple de Phrasal verbs:
Break down (stop working); bring about (cause); call off (cancel); call round (visit); close down (stop the operations of); come along (come); fill in (complete by writing in relevant information); find out (discover); look over (examine quickly); make up (invent); move in (take possesssion of new premises); put on (turn on); send back (return); speak up (speak louder); speed up (make faster); throw away; turn down (reject); turn up (arrive); walk through; write down
Traduceti in limba engleza folosind get ca phrasal verb:
1. Tom promise ca se va apuca serios de treaba dar numai incepand de lunea viitoare. 2. Sterge-o. Degeaba incerci sa ma cuceresti. 3. De cand i s-a publicat lucrarea nu isi mai incape in piele de mandrie. 4. Si-a dat seama ca nu poti ramane nedescoperit cand faci o crima. 5. Ai scapat ieftin! 6. Stie cum s-o ia pe matusa ei si s-o faca sa-i cumpere tot ce-si doreste.
Traduceti in limba engleza folosind give si carry ca phrasal verb:
1. Talentatul scriitor a luat premiul pentru literatura. 2. Stie sa vorbeasca fara sa se tradeze cu nimic. 3. A fost scos din fire de obraznicia cu care ii replica pustiul. 4. Fusese prea sigur ca norocul nu-l va parasi. 5. Aceasta fereastra da spre malul marii.
Traduceti in limba engleza folosind look ca phrasal verb:
1. Va trebui sa te descurci fara sa te ingrijeasca Mary. 2. Astept cu nerabdare sa-mi spui ca ai examinat chestiunea cu grija. 3. Acum treburile lui promit sa mearga mai bine. 4. Treci sa ma vezi maine dupa ora cinci.
Traduceti in limba engleza folosind make si be ca phrasal verb:
1. Cei doi veri nu se impaca deloc bine. 2. Stiu ca nu e perfect, dar calitatile lui ii compenseaza lipsurile. 3. Nu iti pot descrifa scrisul, e prea necitet. 4. Lucram numai cu materialul clientului. 5. Filmul acesta ruleaza de o luna, trebuie sa fie bun. 6. Hai sa ne impacam
Cheia exercitiilor:
* 1. Tom promised to get down to work but only beginning with next Monday. 2. Get along with you! You are trying in vain to get round me. 3. Since he had his work published he has simply got above himself. 4. He realized one can't get away with crime. 5. You got off cheaply! 6. She knows how to get round her aunt and make her buy her whatever she wishes.
* 1. The gifted writer carried off the Prize for Literature. 2. He knows how to talk without giving himself away at all. 3. He was carried away by the impudence of the urchin's retorts. 4. He had been too sure his luck would not give out. 5. This window gives on (to) the seashore.
* 1. You'll have to manage without Mary looking after you. 2. I'm looking forward to your telling me you've looked into the matter carefully. 3. His affairs seem to be looking up. 4. Look me up tomorrow after five o'clock.
* 1. The two cousins don't get on well at all. 2. I know he is not perfect but his qualities make up for his defects. 3. I cannot make out your hand writing, it is really illegible. 4. Only customers' materials made up here. 5. This film has been on for a month; it must be a good one. 6. Let's make it up!
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