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Jak doostřovat ve fotoaparátu? Soft, Normal nebo Hard?

THE MORTE DARTHUR: ASPECTS OF MEDIEVAL STYLE       Abstract The main emphasis of this paper is to investigate Thomas Malory’s own writing. The double purpose of the paper is, to 1) to point out the colloquial yet ceremonious spee
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Aztec History

Aztec History The center of the Aztec civilization was the Valley of Mexico, a huge, oval basin about 7,500 feet above sea level. The Aztec empire included many cities and towns, especially in the Valley of Mexico. The largest city in the
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Civilization and Human Progress: Leopardi, Kant and Condorcet

Civilization and Human Progress: Leopardi, Kant and Condorcet While thinkers like Immanuel Kant and Antoine-Nicolas de Condorcet, believe that the proof of human perfectibility lies in man’s civilization, Giacomo Leopardi contests this id
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Collection of Nazi posters from 1933-45

  Background: This is a collection of Nazi posters from 1933-45. Many are taken from photographs made by Dr. Robert D. Brooks at the German Federal Archives in Koblenz. A collection of pre-1933 posters is also available. I have gathe
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Analysis of the Hundred Years War

Analysis of the Hundred Years War         The definition of the Golden Rule is that those with the gold make the rules.  In other words, those with the gold have the power as well as those with the power have the gold.  History books will di
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Fashion in Ancient Times: India, Mesopotamia, Inca Empire, Maya

Fashion in Ancient Times          Clothing was very expensive in the ancient world, because without engine-powered machines it was very hard to make. So most people had very few changes of clothing; many people
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Ken Jowitt, Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965

Ken Jowitt, Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965             In the first chapter of his book, after dealing with a theoretical approach to nation-building strategies, Kenneth Jowitt creat
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RED RUTHENIA AMONGST ITALY, THE HORDE AND THE BALTIC SEA: THE ORIGIN OF THE LVIV MINT STANDARDS IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY (WITH A SUPPLEMENT) The coinage of Red Ruthenia is under consideration of numismatists during not less than last 1
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The Rise of Labor Movements History’s Forward March

The Rise of Labor Movements History’s Forward March the  1860s  were  a key watershed for the Left.  Older  traditions  became  eclipsed, while others  like  anarchism  moved  to  the  margins of  the  internat
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Breaking the Mold of Socialism Left-Wing Communism, 1917–1923

Breaking the Mold of Socialism Left-Wing Communism, 1917–1923 THE  GEOGRAPHY  OF  REVOLUTION Outwardly,            Bolshevik   predictions   of        general       European    revolution bore  fruit. 
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Capitalist Stabilities Future Deferred

Capitalist Stabilities Future Deferred THE  CONSTITUTIONALIZING  OF SOCIAL  DEMOCRACY Structural  reform’s  inability  to  burst  the  fetters  of  social  democracy’s en- trenched inevitabilist
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Broadening the Boundaries of Democracy

Broadening the Boundaries of Democracy A  EUROPE  OF  CONSTITUTIONS: THE  LEFT  ENTERS  THE  NATION the   years  1914–23  stand  out  in  modern European  history  as  an  exceptional  moment of  general  revolutiona
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Year 1956

 Year 1956 DE-STALINIZATION  AND  THE TWENTIETH  CONGRESS Popular unrest threatened to destabilize the postfascist international order. The  East  German  Uprising  of  17  June  1953  grew  from  protests  of  East Ber
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The Center and the Margins Decline or Renewal?

The Center and the Margins Decline or Renewal? New    social    movements   grew  from the  wider  sociocultural  changes  of  the  post- Fordist  transition.  From  1960  to  1985  pro- fessional,  technical,  and  administrative 
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Defining the Left Socialism, Democracy, and the People

Defining the Left Socialism, Democracy, and the People DEMOCRACY  AND  SOCIETY:  VISIONS  OF A  JUST  WORLD Calls  for  democracy  were linked  during  the era  of the French Revolution to more elaborate visions of the
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The Rupture of War Crisis and Reconstruction of the Left, 1914–1917

The Rupture of War Crisis and Reconstruction of the Left, 1914–1917 Few  countries  went  untouched  by  popular  insurgencies  in  1917–18, and  shorter-lived  revolutionary  experiences  in  Germany,
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New Social Movements Politics Out of Doors

New Social Movements Politics Out of Doors AUTONOMISTS  AND  THE ALTERNATIVE  SCENE Terrorism  presupposed  extremes  of  alienation,  where  people  lost  respect for  the  system
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Fascism and Popular Front The Politics of Retreat, 1930–1938

Fascism and Popular Front The Politics of Retreat, 1930–1938 FORGING  THE  POPULAR  FRONT Until   the   last   minute,   unity   was   overshadowed   by   fierce   Socialist- Commu
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Remolding Militancy The Foundation of Communist Parties

Remolding  Militancy The Foundation of Communist Parties THE  DIVISIONS  OF  INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM Once the Bolsheviks took power and the armistice gave right-wing socialists freer rein, both extreme wings mov
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Class and the Politics of Labor

Class and the Politics of Labor Fr om   the  1860s until the last third of the twentieth century, the centrality of the work- ing  class  was  an  axiom  of  socialist  thinking. It rested on a duality of
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