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Application Forms
Při vyplňovn formulřů či dost o pas nebo při otevřen bankovnho čtu větinou vyplňujete jen fakta. Kdy dte o zaměstnn, tak je to poněkud sloitěj. Nejdřve sice vyplnte jmno, datum narozen a adresu, ale nakonec se propracujete k nročn otzce, s jej odpověd si budete muset pohrt.
Mike McD: My name is Mike McDodd I work as European Employment Advisor
for the Employment Service
Merry.: What kind of information might I be asked in the application form?
McD.: Once you've filled out all your personal details and information on
your qualifications and experience you quite often find two or three pages more or less blank which can be quite intimidating and this is generally where you have to give examples of your personal attributes or where you have dealt with particular competencies.
Na konci formulře se propracujete ke dvou třem strnkm, kter jsou prakticky przdn a čekaj na vs, abyste je zaplnili vlastnmi informacemi. Zaměstnavatel očekvaj, e jim dte přklady, na kterch budete ilustrovat sv schopnosti. Neznamen to tedy, e jen sepete dlouh seznam svch přednost:
Merry: I know about competencies but how are they going to ask about this evidence
or prove that I am competent?
Mike McD: A competency is a way of showing your ability to tackle a task or deal
with a certain situation. It always follows a certain format and it's about
showing what you did and how you did it and what the result was.
Pokud chcete napřklad ilustrovat, e jste dobr tmov hrč, proberte si, v jakch různch tmech jste kdy pracovali anebo i sportovali, můete uvst vechny organizace a zjmov skupiny, kterch jste byli členem. Jakou roli jste v nich hrli? Přinesli jste něco novho? Motivovali jste ostatn členy? Zaměstnavatele zajm, jak typ člověka jste a jak se dokete vypořdat s různmi situacemi.
Andreas: How do I make my commitment and previous experience sound more
interesting for example like you just told us about working in a team how to make it sound more interesting to give more impact to our employer.
McD: Well given that generally you have a short amount of space to put yourself
across in any example of a competence it's important you use action words -
words that link well, words that are 'doing' words that show what you've
managed to achieve and how you've done it. And they could include any in a
number such as acquired , achieved appraised, authorised, established,
expanded there are very many words which can be used and they come across
well on paper; they are doing words and they add movement and flow to what
you've written.
Mike McDodd doporučuje - action words. Akčn vrazy nejlpe vystihnou to, čeho jste doshli.
Cvičen 14
Naučte se uitečn akčn vrazy:
assisted I assisted my manager
compiled I compiled a new database
co-ordinated I co-ordinated the project
developed I developed a new way of working
delivered I delivered the project on time
established I established a new method
initiated I initiated a new system
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