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Spot the Application Form Mistakes


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Spot the Application Form Mistakes

Opakovac lekce.

Při vyplňovn formulře dosti o zaměstnn se vdycky řiďte instrukcemi.

Pokud se chcete vyhnout překrtvn, je lep si pořdit fotokopie a vyzkouet si to nanečisto.

Pite krtce a jednodue - pomoc odrek

Snate se vyhnout podrobnostem, kter by nějak upozornily na vae nedostatky, a naopak zdůrazněte sv přednosti. Pokud se učte anglicky teprve rok, můete napsat: Ive increased my knowledge of English during the last year.

Zachyťte omyly a chyby, kterch se při vyplňovn dopustil Simon:

Simon Ill have this application form finished in no time. Lets see - what do the

instructions say at the top?

Voice Please write in block capitals using blue or black ink.

S Blue or black Ive only got this red pen here so I think

Ill write in red ink. Now what information do I put down first?

V Personal details name address, telephone number and date of birth.

S No problem. [FX writing sound]. Ive nearly finished exceptoh no. Ive

forgotten to add my date of birth and Ive put down the wrong telephone

number. .Ill just cross that out.[scribbling sound] [slight regret] Perhaps I

should have taken a photocopy[but ever cheerful]- But, never mind.

On to the main part of the form.

V Work Experience

S Aha! I see theyve only given me one page to write down all my skills and

experience. Im going to have to add another page to this form. Just wait til

they read about the 10 jobs Ive done during the last year! [said with pride]

V Please provide examples of skills and abilities that show why you are suitable

for the job of sales manager

S Just listen to two of my examples:

Ive done ten jobs because I enjoy meeting different people and

I love selling things and earning lots of money

There I think that will impress them. I wouldnt want this company to miss

out on the opportunity to employ me [fade on happy whistling]


No. 1: Simon ignoroval instrukce - měl vyplňovat modrou nebo černou tukou.

No. 2: Měl si formulř nejdřv okoprovat, a nemusel vpisovat datum narozen a

krtat telefonn čslo.

No. 3 Simon přiloil k dosti jednu strnku navc.

No. 4: Pokud jste vystřdali deset různch zaměstnn v jednom roce, je lep přli na to neupozorňovat. Zaměstnavatel větinou chtěj lidi, kteř vydr na jednom mstě a

prohlubuj si sv zkuenosti.

No. 5: Jazyk nen přli profesionln, např. - I love selling things and earning lots of money. Sloveso LOVE patř mezi slova, kterch bychom se měli vyvarovat.

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