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Spot the CV Mistakes


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Spot the CV Mistakes 

Nezapomeňte, e je třeba zdůraznit zkuenosti a schopnosti, kter jsou podstatn pro prci, o n dte, zejmna ty, kter jste nabyli a rozvinuli v předchozch zaměstnnch. To je pro zaměstnavatele daleko zajmavěj ne včet kolů a povinnost, kter jste měli. Jako praxi můete uvst i przdninov brigdy:

J. Courtis Vacation jobs - very important, things that you were elected to at

college - if your peer group has elected you or even if the teaching staff

have chosen you to do things. That's a substitute for work experience.

Emma: And it shows leadership quality.

J. Courtis:   Yes - and if the vacation jobs have done well and they invite you back

next year - then it's almost as good as re-hiring decision in a totally

normal work sample.

V nsledujc scnce byste měli zachytit tři nejčastěj chyby, kter se objevuj v ivotopisech. V hotelu Grand hledaj vrchnho, kter bude zroveň schopen řdit restauraci.

V1 [Picks up CV] Have you seen this C.V.?

V2 No I havent finished wading through this one yet. Its 7 pages long

V1 Oh I wouldnt bother about that one. We dont really want to know the whole

story of their life. But this CV is quite interesting. This persons got a lot of

work experience.

V2 Unfortunately none of it as a waiter! Though I see theyve worked as a writer

at the Deluxe Hotel. Now thats strange. I didnt know the hotel employed


V1 I think youll find that they meant waiter. But the letter a has become an


V2 Well I dont think a writer would be much good at running a restaurant.

V1 OK so whats so special about the CV youre looking at?

V2 Well theyve spelt waiter correctly

V2 But have you noticed what theyve written. Very long sentences and nothing

about their skills and achievements.

V1 I see what you mean.

V2 It says here: Every day I set the tables with knives and forks and plates and

glasses and salt and pepper and napkin

V2 [Interrupts a bit impatiently] OK I agree. They havent explained anything

about managing people or running a restaurant. So what shall we do with

these two CVs then?

V1 Will you throw them in the bin or shall I?

1. First CV was 7 pages - far too long!

2. Waiter was spelt as writer

3. There were long sentences which didnt list relevant skills

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