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The Day of the Interview - Part 1


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The Day of the Interview - Part 1

Merry se zajm o msto v marketingovm oddělen a prvě vyr na interview. Jak uslyte, přpravovala se velice pečlivě:

OK this is the day, the big day, the morning of my interview. I'm feeling a bit nervous, but excited about this coming interview. I've already tried to prepare everything that I think I should do, like the thing about the questions that the interviewer will ask me, and also examples that I can give to him or her, and tried to prepare everything about the suits I need to wear or the shoes, and make sure that everything's right, and also about the address that I need to go, just make sure that I won't be late that morning.

Merry myslela na vechno, dala si zleet, aby přila včas, a prvě vchz do budovy společnosti Cedar International:

Merry Hello, Good Morning. My name is Merry, I'm supposed to have

interview with Bill Pitcher.

Recep.  He'll be with you in just a few minutes; if you'd like to go and wait

in that room.

Merry Thank you very much

Přijmac pohovor řd Bill Pitcher a začn obligtn otzkou

Bill P:  Can you tell me something about your different subjects at school; what were

your best subjects?

Merry:  I love economics because I think it's very interesting and I just find that

sometimes it's very relevant to what's the world's I mean, the world's

economy. The more that I get into the economics tools and everything the

more that I'm very interested. And actually, for my best subject in University

you mean?

Merry začala poměrně dobře, i kdy je pochopitelně trochu nervozn, rozpovdala se o tom, e ji na univerzitě bavila ekonomie, a pak si uvědomila, e na to se j Bill Pitcher vlastně neptal. Jak řk John Courtis, tohle je velice čast chyba:

Thats not unusual. A lot of people hear the question they want to hear, or the one they've researched for, not the one the interviewer actually asked. So it's desperately important to listen and try and work out the context in which the interviewer is asking. Sometimes the interviewers don't phrase it very well either.

Je důleit dvat pozor na otzku, nemus se vs vdycky ptt na to, co jste očekvali. Bill Pitcher se dle Merry pt, jestli sportuje. Proč?

Bill Pitcher: OK. I have a picture of this young girl working hard at school, coming

home, working in the family business - also having to do her homework, her studies. Did you have time to play - did you do sports?

Merry:  Yes I do sport - badminton - I love badminton. I joined the badminton

club during my high school - but to be honest I don't really do any other sports, because I don't really like it. But I do lots of other things as entertainment, like watching television, going to cinema with my friends or just go shopping really. So, yes, I think I do play [laugh].

Bill P:  Good, I'm relieved to hear it. All work and no play is not good.

Merry:  Yes.

Bill Pitcher se ptal na sport, protoe se sna udělat si o Merry celkov obrzek. Zajm ho jej mimopracovn aktivity. Merry se během interview dokzala zasmt, co napomh vytvořit přjemnou atmosfru

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