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Writing your CV


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Writing your CV

Dal otzkou při psan ivotopisu je: Je mon si realitu přibarvit, či fakta zatajit?

Patrice Wareov:

That's something I get asked more frequently than any other question. Because not all of us are brilliant 'A' students, are we? Obviously one of the best things to do if it's a C.V. which is what we're discussing is to put your best foot forward. For some jobs it's going to be very important to put your results, whether they're good or bad because they will require you to take further examinations. I'm afraid they will need to know what your results are. However, it's perfectly in order to put '10 subjects in the following areas' and not to put your grades down. thats a choice you make. But, you will probably get asked about them if you get an interview.

Patrice Wareov doslova rad: put your best foot forward - strčte lep nohu dopředu udejte co nejlpe sv přednosti a schopnosti. A co se tče nevyvedench vsledků zkouek, někdy je potřeba vsledky uvst, protoe budete třeba pokračovat ve studiu, jindy napřklad stač jenom vyjmenovat předměty, ze kterch jste maturovali. Ale v kadm přpadě muste bt připraveni na to, e se vs na znmky mohou zeptat při pohovoru.

Jinou otzkou je, co dělat, kdy jednm z poadavků na msto je třeba praxe, kterou nemte, a nebo jste v dannm oboru pracovali krat dobu. What if I stretched the truth, if I exaggerated what I'm doing?

Patrice Wareov:

Well there are two issues. First if you stretch something you're a little bit careless with the truth you must recognise anything you put on your C.V. is we would say 'fair game' for the employer to interview you about. So if you have stretched the truth and they say 'now tell me a little more about the time you were in charge of this team in your workplace, and you say 'well, um, um, um' and get into a problem, it's not going to help you in an interview situation because you can be SURE that at some point or other you might be in difficulty.

Cvičen 4

True or false?

1. You should put down all your exams on your CV

You can be challenged about any information you put on your CV.

1. False.

True. Its all fair game.

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