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Speculative Letters


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Speculative Letters 

Speculative letter je druh průvodnho dopisu, kter neposlte jako odpověď na inzert. Spekulativnm dopisem szte na nhodu a zkoute, jestli ta kter organizace nem voln msto ve vaem oboru, a snate se je svm dopisem  zaujmout.

Andreas:  Who should I address the covering letter to? For some bigger

companies which recruit they don't put the name of the person you should send the covering letter. Should I find out and call the company, and put the name of the person who's in charge - or just leave it as it is?

Mike McDodd: It's a good idea if you can to call the company and see if you can find

out who the relevant person is. Because, the problem with sending speculative letters is, there is no guarantee that, if the wrong person opens your letter and reads it, they pass it on to the relevant person. So where possible do as much research as you can and ask to contact the personnel or human resources section and find out who would actually receive your letter.

Kdy si proetřte fakta o společnosti či firmě, pro kterou chcete pracovat, zjistte taky, jakm schopnostem dvaj přednost a jakou praxi vyaduj, můete potom svůj dopis ut na mru. Oddělen, ktermu svou dost adresujete, se nazv: The Personnel Department. Pro osobn oddělen existuje jetě dal nzev: Human Resources.

How do you end - or sign off - a covering letter?

Mike McDodd: If you have to send a speculative letter and you're addressing it

to 'Dear Sir/Madam' then always remember to sign off your letter 'yours faithfully' rather than 'yours sincerely' -- if you're addressing an individual, then you'd sign it off as 'yours sincerely'.

Cvičen  11

Odpovězte anglicky:

1. Jak se nazv dopis, kter poslte firmě, ani byste odpovdali na inzert?

2. Jak zakončte dopis, kdy znte jmno adresta?

3. Jak začnete dopis, kdy se vm jmno nepodařilo zjistit? A jak ho zakončte?

4. Jak se tak nazv osobn oddělen?

1. A speculative letter.

2. Yours sincerely.

3. Dear Sir or Madam. Yours faithfully.

4. Human Resources.

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