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External formal business letters


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- students will become familiar with the aspect, structure, language, attitude and tone of some types of external correspondence: invitation, inquiries, recommendation and claim letter.


A formal invitation, usually in the form of a letter or printed card, is written in the third person. And reply follows in the same style. Other invitations are written less formaly. Any written invitation should be answered in writing too, not by phone. Invitations are organized according to the same three-part plan: main idea, explanation, and action. The main idea in the first paragraph is the invitation request. It includes as many w 's as possible: who, when, where, why, etc. e.g. it includes all the details that the reader will appreciate and need. The ending paragraph will state clearly the desired action of the reader, and makes it easy. When a reply is needed by a certain date, ask that in this paragraph. Information about the event will also be provided: to introduce a new product, or service, to celebrate a certain anniversary date, etc. The writer will state if an extention to a colleague or spouse is available and if any fee is necesary to be paid. An ask for a dead-line response or confirmation is needed.

When accepting an invitation an appreciation for the invitation should be expressed first, and the pleasure to accept it. The date, time, place and subject or travel and accommodation arrangement and will be confirmed. The letter will also mention any need for special equipment, hand-outmaterial, room arrangement.

When declining an invitation an appreciation for the invitation will be expressed firstly, then the regret for declining it and some reason. The writer will also wish success for the event.


I. Read the following letter of invitation and identify the paragraphs conveying the following ideas: Request., What?, Who? Where? When? Details about the program; Easy action; dated; Reader benefit.


No. 131

Mr. Roberto Paviani

Secretary General

Italian Banking Association

2nd International Meeting

on the Cooperation among the Banking Associations,

Athens, October 18-20, 2001

Dear Mr. Paviani,

Further to my previous letter regarding the organization of the 2nd International Meeting of Secretary Generals of Banking Associations from Balkan, Black Sea and Mediterranean countries, I would like to inform you that this is to be held between 18 and 20 October2000 at the Athens Hilton Hotel.

Hoping that you will accept our invitation and that the proposed dates are convenient for you, I would appreciate it if you could complete and return the attached Participation form at your earliest convenience and preferably no later than July 7. 2001. The second attached form Traveling details is expected, if possible, no later than September 22, 2001. This will enable us to proceed with all the necessary details.

Also, we would like to remind you that a parallel meeting will be held among participants, who come from BSEC member countries. The purpose of this meeting will be, as you are already informed, to explore the possibility of establishing a Union/Association of BSDEC member-states' Banks.

For the time being we are working on the details of the agenda, which will be sent to you in due course.

Finally, with the opportunity of this communication, I enclose our latest Annual Report on the H.B.A. activities during 2000.

Looking forward to receiving your response.

Best Regards,

Andreas Paskalis

General Manager

1, Massalias Street, Athens, Greece. Tel. 88564320.E-mail:


III. Read the following declining semi formal letter of invitation:


Alice Arnaud, 10-14 Beauchamp Street, London W1

Dear Mrs. Arnaud,

Dr. Backbone, Chairman of the Bell Group, thanks you very much for the invitation to a dinner party at the Ambassador Hotel on 12th September, in honour of ther senior management of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. He would be delighted to accept, but as he has already made arrangements to attend another important meeting which cannot be cancelled, Dr. Backbone unfortunately will not be able to attend the dinner.

Dr Backbone has asked me to extend his cordial greetings to you, Mr Schneider, Mr. Bronson, and Mr. Templer.

Yours sincererly,

Secretary to Dr B. Backbone

II. As Administrative Assistant to the president of Romanian Savings Association, write a letter inviting customers and their families to be your special guests at a grand opening of your new quarters on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the last three days of this month. There will be handsome gifts for both ladies and gentlemen, special door prizes with drawings every two hours, and refreshments. Children will receive balloons. Also, each current passbook holder will receive a special present. Your new building is graciously furnished with a number of authentic period antiques. A 'SPECIAL GUEST' nametag, which you will enclose with your invitation letter, entitles customers to their gifts.

III. As customer relations director of Executive Services, you now have the pleasure of announcing your firm, individually addressed to local and regional directors of banks that have supervisors and assistant managers in customer service department. Make clear that from each bank one or more of these managers may attend. Enclose with your announcement a formal seminar folder, giving the cost and the detailed program. Make clear in your letter the place, dates and highlights of the training sessions and create a pleasant, goodwill-building tone.

IV. Write a letter of invitation to which you have the following reply:

Ross Consulting

Chartered Accountants

Ross Consulting

Stonecutter Court

1, Stonecutter Street

London EC4A 4TR

Rinaldi Loren

Secretary General of Italian Banking Association

143, Dominicani Str. Rome

Our Ref: /mls12ac

Dear Mr. Rinaldi,

I would like to thank you for your help in arranging the meeting In Rome last month to discuss the Technical Report prepared by Ross Consulting as a part of the EC PHARE project on technical assistance to Italy in the field of Money Laundering. The meeting was, for us, a very successful one and we have taken into account the opinions made at the meeting.

The final version of the Technical Report has now been approved by the EC and we will be distributing it the next few weeks.

I also passed on to the EC the request made at the meeting for further assistance; however I have not yet received a reply from them on this matter.

I have enclosed with this letter a Ross Consulting publication on International Treasury Management. It was produced for treasurers of both banks and corporations, and I thought it might be a useful material for you. In addition, if you have any specific requirements for information and I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Finally please pass on my thanks and best wishes for the future for those members of the Association who have attended the meeting with us and therefore contributed to the project.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Moore

Ross Consulting

V. Translate in English the following invitation:


Bancii Veracruz Madrid

Si conducerea

Bancii Veracruz Romania

Au placerea sa va invite (request the pleasure of your presence) la receptia de inaugurare a


Banca Veracruz Romania

Care va avea loc in Bucuresti,

Marti 22 septembrie 2000, ora 18.00

In sala de Marmura a Casei Centrale a Armatei,

Str. Constantin Mile nr 1


Bankers maintain strict secrecy about the affairs of their customers, but they are allowed to provide an opinion about their financial standing, in response to a request from another business or bank, as knowledge about their integrity, financial standing and creditworthiness is needed. The customers may supply goods or services on credit and will naturally want to know whether it is safe to do so.

If a business person proposes to enter into a business agreement, the other party may require a reference, preferably a banker, to give an opinion concerning the customer's financial standing. The other party asks his own bankers to follow up this reference. They write to the bankers named, asking for an opinion in confidence as to the respectability and truthfulness of the customer concerned, in the way of business to the extent of a certain amount of money, the price of the business. The reply will contain a general indication of the creditworthiness of the customer, without giving any specific detail of the account. A usual form of an opinion is: 'respectable and considered good for your figures'.

Banks take every possible care to protect their own business and their customers, and the practice of providing a status opinion about a customer, without that customer's express authority, does not harm at all. Usually, when the creditworthiness of a customer is a subject of an enquiry, he does not even know that any enquiry has been made.


I. Match the following missing words with the gaps:

a) departments; b) meet; c) arrangements; d) references; e) worthiness.

When preparing credit 1) _________ even an insurance cover, customers will supply references, i.e. names of concerns or companies to assess his reputation and credit-worthiness. Banks usually supply this kind of information, but only in a general form as the companys capital or its capacity to 2) _________ its obligations. Trade organizations, representing the profession of the customers, can also supply trading 3) ________. Another source of information should be the customers business associates or partners, commercial 4) __________ of embassies or credit enquiry agencies. These one can give much more details against a fee about a firms activity as it can research its financial activity, standing, credit 5) ________ and capacity to repay loans or fulfill obligations.

II. Inquiries requesting information are usually written when facts are needed about a company, or a person. The way the questions are ordered, organized, drafted, whether they are written under the form of a memo, letter, or long survey questionnaire, makes it a clear and effective document. Mind the following suggestions and arrange them into a convenient and logical order:

a) Cover only one topic in each question.

b) Word your questions to get more than yes or no answers if you need a detailed opinion or description, such as: What kind of duties requiring responsibility did the applicant perform especially well?

c) If you wish the respondent to rate a person, product or service, it may be better to define each category on your rating scale.






somehow pleasant


exceptionally agreeable

will easily attract friends



d) Make your suggestions specific. Include specific characteristics of the product or service you want information about. A single, and general question will probably bring a reply so general that it will be almost useless.

e) Number the questions if you have more than one.

f) Use a separate paragraph for each main question.

g) Word your questions in a neutral way so you will not influence the answer.

h) Questions must be carefully arranged starting with the ones that are easier to answer.

III. Read the following letters of status inquiry and draft a reply to each of them.

X Commercial Bank

234, Strasbourg Bd.

International Division

web site: https:// e-mail:

phone: 40- 2- 2110657; fax: 40 2110656

Vienna, December,19th, 2001



For the kind attention of

Dear sir/ Madam,

We have been recently contacted by a company named Commercial Trans ltd which has been presented itself as importer-exporter of computers proposing us a co-operation in this field.

As we are not in the possession of any data regarding this entity, we would very much appreciate providing us with relevant information, as well as your opinion on the mentioned company.

Please, rest assured that information offered will be confidentially treated and for our professional use only.

We thank you in advance for your valuable assistance and hope to have the opportunity to reciprocate to you on similar occasions in the future.

Hoping to hear from you soon, we remain

Yours truly,

K Commercial Bank

253, Bouquinistes Bd. Rouen

International Division

web site:; e-mail:

phone: 40-1-3220864; fax:40-1-322928

Rouen, May 28th 2001



For the kind attention of Mr. Thorndike Deputy Manager

Dear Sir,

We hereby take liberty to approach with the kind request of assisting us in obtaining a complete report on one of our customers, Larex Co. Ltd., address 23, Noiret St. account no. 22.1.354 located/headquartered in BTR Commercial Bank in Brazil.

We would highly appreciate, Dear Sir, providing us with data regarding their shareholders, activities, financial standing for the last two years (if possible), and also your opinion on their reliability in relationship with your good bank and business partners.

We assure you that this information will be confidentially treated, strictly for our own professional use.

Please note that we will be ready to reciprocate by render similar services to you at any time your institution will request us to do so.

Thanking you in advance for your prompt, kind assistance, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon we remain,

Yours sincerely,

IV. Read the following memo and right an appropriate letter:

8 pm

Friday, 25 October 2004


I've sent part of the New Art Order all the block boards and 3,ooo pine planks. We can't send the over 2.000until Monday when they arrive from Mill Zetter. Explain that to them. I don't have time to ask Betty to type the invoice.



V. Translate into English:

A). Stimati domni,

Am primit o comanda in valoare de .. pentru rosii, castraveti si ardei gras de sera de la clientii dvs Messrs X & Sons pentru care intentionam sa tragem o trata la 3 luni. Avand in vedere ca nu cunoastem situatia financiara a acestei societati, v-am ramane indatorati daca ne-ati sfatui in aceasta privinta. Informatiile pe care ni le veti furniza vor ramane confidentiale si contati pe servicii similare din partea noastra la nevoie. Va multumim pentru intelegere si colaborare.

Al dvs,

B). Stimati domni,

Ca raspuns la scrisoarea dvs prin care ne solicitati informatii in privinta societatii X, ne face placere sa va confirmam ca aceasta firma este bine cotata pe piata noastra si are reputatia de soliditate si solvabilitate financiara. In ceea ce priveste creditul comercial pe care intentionati sa-l acordati acestei firme, consideram ca isi va putea achita la termen obligatiile pe care le va angaja fata de societatea dvs.

Va rugam sa considerati aceste informatii ca strict confidetiale si neangajatoare.


Any progressive organization replies to reasonable requests courteously, helpfully, and promptly. Such a message will always start with the best news -information that is useful to the reader, emphasizing the positive aspects. Among the most frequent inquiries are the request for information about personnel and credit applicants.

Pertinent information about an applicant's qualifications, character, and general conduct in a message should be preferably addressed to the specific person interested, instead of 'To whom it may concern'. A letter of recommendation must be fair to the applicant, to the inquirers (prospective employer, creditor, landlord, or whomever) to the writer's conscience and reputation for integrity. The writer must abide by civil rights laws and be aware of possible legal problems.

Favorable or neutral confidential recommendation letters (or even phone calls) are based on some main ideas:

- the full name of the subject will be stated and the type of relationship he or she had with the writer - employee, customer, friend, business partner. The dates, length of time, type of job, credit, or whatever is pertinent, using only facts.

- an expression of pleasure, if sincere, will be present in the statement of purpose for the letter, replying confidentially to a request. A subject line can cover a part of the item: 'Confidential report by request on James Thorndale as a credit applicant'

- the letter will answer to all questions - direct or implied unless doing so would be legally risky. They will be arranged in the best psychological order, depending on facts.

- the statements of evaluation (excellent, outstanding, and so on), will be backed by specific facts about performance record.

- mention specific duties performed by the applicant

- mention work habits showing personality characteristics

- negative material will be treated honestly and fairly.

- a candid statement of the writer's opinion will be included about the applicant's probable fitness for the position, lease, credit, membership, etc


I. Identify the main ideas and their order in the in the following:

Academy of Economic Studies-Liverpool

Faculty of Finance, Banks Stock Exchange and Insurance

Dear Sirs,

I had the opportunity to know Mrs. Amelia Warren when she attended my Financial Management of the Enterprise course during the Academic year 1997-1998.

In this capacity I observed her high intellectual potential. As the course required, she developed analytical, quantitative and reasoning skills. She proved to be very motivated for individual work, a very hardworking and devoted person.

A special mention should be made with respect to her deep insights on topics such as Evaluation Models of Options. This I can assess based on the discussions that I had with her in preparing a presentation on this topic.

For all the above reasons, it is my opinion that she can easily face the international competition at high standards of your institution. Therefore, I strongly recommend her to be granted the scholarship she is applying for.

Yours sincerely,

Professor John Doe

Dean of the Faculty

Finance, Banking, Stock Exchanges and Insurance

II. Translate the following letter of recommendation:

Firma TAREX, prin obiectul sau de activitate si profesionalismul, seriozitatea si priceperea personalului calificat, a demonstrat practic avantajele tehnologiilor moderne de curatare, intretinere, igienizare pentru mochete, marmura, gresie, faianta, geamuri si pereti cortina (curtain walls).

De aceea, recomandam calduros serviciile oferite de firma TAREX.


An inquiry (also spelt enquiry) is sent when a businessman wants some information about:

- the supply of goods

- leaflets or catalogues

- quotations or prices

- terms and dicounts

- availability of goods

- delivery times and deadlines

- method of transport

- insurance

If a prospectrive supplier approaches suppliers for the first time, it is useful that he tell them something about his own business, the kind of goods he needs and for what purpose they are required. In the case of customers of long standing or repeat orders, the inquiry may be very simple.Often a phone call will do.

The reply to an enquiry will be polite, direct, and prompt. It will start with the expression of gratitude for the enquiry and will end with the expression of interest in the addressee requirements.

Specific vocabulary:

- We are retailers/importers/wholesalers in the and wolud like to get in touch with suppliers/ manufactrurers of..

- We are in the market

- We are interested in importing

- We know about your products from

- Please send us prices and samples of

- We would like to send us a firm offer for./your current catalogue showing..

- We read your advertisement and we

require for immediate delivery of ..

are interested in buying..

and would like to have further details about..

and would like to know if you can provide us with

- Would you kindly quote us your best/lowest prices and terms of payment for.

- What qualities /quantities are you able to supply from the stock

- If your prices are competitive/ if the qualkity of the goods comes up with our expectation/If the samples meet our customers' agreement we can probably place regular orders with you

- We look forward to receiving your quotation/prices/reply by return/as soon as possible

- Thank you for the information you can provide to us.

- An early reply would be appreciated.

We usually settle accounts/make payments by..

- Payment will be made by.

- Please send us a pro-forma invoice for customs purposes.


I. Fill in the blanks the missing words in the following letter of inquiry for goods:

1. quote; 2. place; 3. business

Dear Sirs,

We are in the a). of seasonal fruits and we are interested in importing for our developing market. We kindly ask you to b). us your best prices, qualities and terms of delivery and payment for bananas, mangoes, oranges and figs. We can c). large and regular orders if the quality, prices and terms are convenient for us.

II. Mind the the structure of a) the inquiry and b) the reply to the enquiry. Use then the reference sentences to write the corresponding inquiry and reply letters.:

a). Inquiry: 1. How did you get in contact

2. Some information about your company, and the reasons for which you decided to write the letter

3. General request for information

4. Specific questions

5. Close, perhaps some reference to a future successful business.

b). Reply Thank-you line and reference to the inquiry for goods

2. Reference to the attachment to the letter if any.

3. Highlight several key points.

4. Answer any specific questions

5. Close the letter with the promisse to supply any further information.

a)     We are a distributor of bathroom furniture.

b)     We are attaching our current catalogue and price list.

c)     We look forward to an early reply, as we are sure that there is a market for your products in Romania.

d)     Could you also provide details of your delivery times, and whether there is any minimum order?

e)     Thank you for your email of 14 June inquiring about our products.

f)      You will note that our line of Magic mirror wardrobes is a special offer.

g)     Please send us information about your product range, including a price list.

h)     We met last Thursady on our stand at the Bucharest Trade Fair.

i)      If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

j)      We dispatch the goods within 24 hours of a firm order, and for first-time customers our minimum order is 5,000.

k)     We are intgerested in trading your products on our market

III. Translate into English the following:

Stimati domni,

Ne face placere sa va informam ca ati fost recomandati de firma Xca fiind cei mai eficienti pe piata de materiale de constructie. Firma noastra a cistigat cateva licitatii pentru restaurari de imobile din patrimoniul national de arta si, din acest motiv, suntem interesati in achizitionarea de materiale de constructie de buna calitate dar la preturi rezonabile si conditii de plata convenabile.

Va rugam sa ne transmiteti cataloagele dumneavoastra si lista de preturi afereta in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Avand in vedere posibilitatea unor comenzi substantiale pe o durata indelungata, colaborarea noastra poate devina stransa si benefica de ambele parti. Asteptam cu interes oferta dumneavoastra,


Offers are sent without a preceding inquiry when a supplier wants to draw the attention of customers and new customers to a special product or range of goods. A firm offer is a subject to certain conditions, a deadline for the receipt of orders, or a special price for certain quantities.

The quotations in reply to an inquiry may be a simple one, containing simply the prices and other information asked for. The sales businessman will take the opportunity to stimulate his correspondent's interest in the goods or services by including a sales message and the assurance that the customer will receive personal attention.


I. Mind the information provided in thefollowing  offer and the way they are presented:


Animal Health Products, Feed Additives, Breeding Material

Dear Mr. Kalderimis,

We want to present you our offer of premix with vitamins of different compositions that are created in accordance with the recommendations of the hybrid producing companies. The concentration of the premixes may vary from 400 g to 2 kg for one tone of final feed.

The premix with minerals is the same for all the hybrids. Our offer includes premixes with both minerals and choline or with minerals only.

The prices that we propose to you are negotiable and they depend of the means of payment, the quantity ordered, the duration of the contract, etc.

The prices are in Euro and include the transportation to your warehouse and they refer to the quantity of vitamins and minerals needed for one tone of final feed.

Premix with vitamins Cobb up to 28 days 14, 8

Premix with vitamins Ross up to 28 days 12, 6

Premix with vitamins with Arbor up to 28 days 11, 5

Premix with vitamins Cobb 29 days to slaughter 10, 5

Premix with vitamins Ross ' 9, 3

Premix with vitamins Arbor ' 8, 9

Premix with minerals from birth to slaughter 9, 3

We look forward to your answer.

Best regards,

George Ruskin

-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----------VETMELLAS - Blvd. N. Titulescu nr 18 sect 1, Bucharest

tel. +40 2 3274245 Fax +403235242 e-mail vetmellas @ ren ro.


II. Mind the phrases use in quotations and offers:


Thank you for your interest/inquiry in/about..

- We are pleased to submit our lowest prices/to enclose our latest price/for the goods you inquired about.

- We can make a firm offer for.

- This offer is firm subject to acceptance by ..

- Kindly remember: this offer expires on..

- Subject for prior sale

- Prices subject to change wuthout notice.

- The goods you inquired about are sold out, but we can offer you a substitute.

- Please let us have your order as soon as possible, since supplies are limited.

- While stocks last.

- We look forward to receiving a trial order from you.


- For a quantity of 6o or more we allow you a special discount of 20% on the prices quoted.

- The quantity discounts vary according to the size of the order.

- Your initial order is subject to a special discount of

- We can grant you % discount on orders exceeding in value /on repeat orders.

- We quoted special prices, a,d therefore the offer is not subject to the usual discounts.

Terms of payment

- Cash in advance.

- Cash on delivery (c.o.d.)

- Cash with order (c.w.o.)

- Our usual terms are cash against documents (c.a.d.)/pro-forma invoice

- We can allow you three months' credit for future orders

- As our prices are so favourable, our terms of payment are 30 days net.

Delivery terms

- c.i.f./C.I.F. (cost insurance and freight)

- c&f/CF (cost and freight)

- f.o.b./FOB (fre on board)

- f.a.s./FAS (free alongside ship)

- franco domicile, free (buyer's address)

- ex works/ex factory.

- Prices are ex warehouse.

- Freight and insurance to be paid by buyer/you.

- Delivery can be made from stock/is not incliuded in the price.

- Delivery will be made within two months of receipt of your order.

Offers for hotel accommodation

- We are able to accommodate all the members of your group in single and double rooms.

- The rooms at the back of the hotel are very quiet.

- There is an extra charge of £ for private bathrooms.

- Please let us know your expected date of arrival and the duration of your stay.

- We shall reserve accommodation for you accordingly.

III. Add the following spare parts to the following letter:

Dear Sirs,

As a reply to your letter of 21st of February, we have the pleasure to enclose the quotation for women dresses and trouser suits. You can obtain all the models you saw at our fashion show, except trouser suits in red which the smaller and medium sizes are out of stock for the moment. They will be available again in September. All other models can be supplied by the middle of July 2004, subject to our receiving your firm order by 15th April. Our c.i.f. prices are understood to be for sea/land transport to Bucharest. If you would prefer the goods to be sent by air freight, this will be charged extra at cost.

a)     We hope you agree that our pieces are very competitive for these quality clothes.

b)     We look forward to receiving your unitial order.

c)     Payment: irrevocable letter of credit

d)     Trouser suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, pink, turquoise, navy blue, black per 100 $2,650.oo


f)      Prices: valid until 30 April

g)     Delivery: c.i.f. Bucharest

h)     You will be receiving cuttings of our materials and color chart.

i)      Transport: sea freight

j)      Yours faithfully,

R. Brown


Export Department

IV. Draft a corresponding letter of inquiry following the quotas offered for a hotel accommodation:

V. Translate into English the following offer:

A). Stimati domni,

Ca urmare a solicitarii dumneavoastra prin scrisoarea nr. din data, dorim sa va propunem oferta noastra de mobila pentru birouri. Piesele sunt executate dupa cele mai inalte standarde de calitate, din materiale usoare si rezistente, alcatuite din module usor de manevrat si asamblat in forme diferite si intr-o gama larga de culori, dupa dorinta clientului. Preturile si termenele de livrare si vanzare sunt prezentate in catalogul anexat prezentei oferte. In situatia in care se fac comenzi mai mari, acestea se pot modifica in functie de cantitatea si calitatea solicitate.

Va invitam la sediul nostru din strada..pentru a va convinge si a negocia cele mai convenabile preturi.

In speranta unui raspuns favorabil care sa ne conduca la bune afaceri impreuna, ramanem ai dumneavoastra,

B). Urmare cererii dvs de oferta nr 26 din 14.Sept. 2004 alaturat va transmitem urmatoarea oferta a 'Circuitului a la carte' in Jogjakarta, Indonezia.

4 zile/3 nopti

Leaganul civilizatiei javaineze unde puteti descoperi vestigiile si urmele unei culturi milenare. De semnalat in primul rand Borobudur, capodopera a arhitecturii religioase.

Ziua 1:

Sosirea la Jogjakarta. Primirea la aeroport si transferul la hotel. Vizita orasului: palatul sultanului, Kraton, muzeul Sonobudoyo, atelierele pentru baticurile musulmane si de argintarie.

Ziua a 2-a:

dimineata se viziteaza templul Borobudur, temple budiste din secolul VIII si IX. Considerat ca cel mai mare din lume, cele 9 nivele simbolizeaza accesul catre Nirvana. Dupa-amiaza, excursie la templele hinduiste de la Pranbanam. Din luna mai pana in octombrie se poate participa la faimosul festival Ramayana care se desfasoara in noptile cu luna plina (excursie facultativa).

Ziua a 3-a:

Jogiakarta. Zi libera. Posiblitatea organizarii unei excursii in Dieng, un interesant si pitoresc orasel de provincie, in inima Javei.

Ziua a 4-a

Jogiakarta. Zi libera pana la ora trasferului la aeroport. (2 pana la 6 persoane)

Pret: $ 350 /persoana: cazare cu mic dejun inclus; transferurile de la si la aeroport; excursiile prezentate in program; ghid vorbitor de limba engleza/franceza /germana

- nu sunt incluse: zborul pana la Jogjkarta; taxele de aeroport

Orice modificare de program sau itinerariu aduce cu sine modificari ale pretului. Va rugam sa ne confirmati, in termen de 30 zile numarul de turisti pentru care doriti organizarea acestui sejur.

Director general


An order is a piece of business correspondence by which a purchasing department or a buyer asks for the goods or services that he intends to be provided with. Although orders are usually ordinary forms to be filled in, it is preferable that a letter is written and certain points are made clear. There could be some import regulations which makes it necessary to complete formalities or delivery instructions or other matters that might be underlined better in a letter. The supplier usually sends an order acknowlwdgement and thanks his customer for the order. If any terms are changed, or if the goods are no longer available,

the customer is notified in due time. Ordinary expressions used in cover letters for orders and acknowledgement of orders:

Placing orders:

- Please supply/send/reserve us the undermentioned goods/ number of rooms.

- With reference to your qoutation, we enclose our order for prompt delivery of

- We accept your offer on these terms, and are pleased to place an order for..

- As the goods are urgently required, we should be grateful for delivery by.

- Please confirm that you can supply this quantity by the required date.

Acknowledgement of orders

- By the present we let you know that the delivery will be made immediately on receipt of your cheque/remittance of credit

- We trust that this initial order lead to further dealings between our companies.

- By the present we confirm that the delivery will be made according to your instructions

- Your order is already being carried out/executed/processed, and delivery will be made by January, 15, as requested.

Refusal of Orders

- By the present we inform you that the goods ordered are out of stock for the moment/no longer available. We can offer you a substitute which is the same price and of similar quality.

I. Match the words or expressions with the definitions:

1. to order a) official request for goods to be supplied

2. order b) to ask for goods to be supplied

3. to fulfill an order c) supplying items which have been ordered

4. order fulfilment d) to supply items which have been ordered

5. cash with order e) ordered but not delivered

on order f) the goods will be delivered only if payment in cash is made at the same time as the order is placed

7. order back g) official paper which places an order for something

8. order picking h) record of orders

9. purchase order i) collecting various items in a warehouse to make up an order to be sent to a customer

10. delivery order j) instructions given by the customer to the person holding his goods, telling him to deliver them

II. Write a cover letter for an order according to the following instructions ofthe memo you received from your office manager, the information provided in the order form you sent previously and the swatch catalogue of the supplier by which a discount of 10% and 12% is alowed for orders of over 60,000 and 80,ooo respectively. Calculate the total price. Is there any higher discount possible? Use the spare parts the cover letter of the order as a reply to the following memo.



J24  drawer cabinets 4 236

K30  chairs 80 40

128 MNP M1 FAX 6 65

DG 445 Fax rolls 30 12

X136 MNP Computers 50 1,100,00

20XCL  Binders 25 199

7.38.GH  Postal scale 1 225

10 FY Shredder 1 110

97OP  Wall clock 2 50

12 S 8734 Flip chart 3 239

TOTAL: 6,271,500



TOTAL: 5,993,80


III. Translate into English:

Stimati domni,

Ne face o deosebita placere sa va comunicam ca rezultatele testelor efectuate asupra esantioanelor pe care le-am primit de la dumneavoastra sunt satisfacatoare. In consecinta, suntem gata sa comandam 25 tone de ciment cu pretul de 250/tona, conform ofertei pe care ne-ati trimis-o in data de 23 Martie, 2004, in conditiile in care livrarea se poate face pana la data 15 Aprilie anul curent. (inst)

Intelegem de asemenea, ca plata pana la 60 zile beneficiaza de o reducere de 2,5%. De asemenea, ne rezervam dreptul de a refuza orice cantitate de

ciment care nu corespunde esantioanelor pe care ni le-ati pus la dispozitie si pe care noi le-am testat.

Avand convingerea ca derularea contractului se va face in bune conditiuni, speram intr-o colaborare manoasa si de lunga durata.


There is a fly in my software A computer program

A software called Custom has been founded by the employment department's learning technologies unit, and is designed to help hotel and catering trainees to cope with customers complaints taht can usually make or break a business. The idea of such a program grew out of an unpleasant  evening when its maker and

his wife had a hotel. The couple were left standing  in the hotel lobby while the receptionist continued making a personal phone call. During the meal they were ignored by the waiter and had thei drinks at the bar and carry them back to the table. The couple complained to the manager who sympathises but said it was difficult train staff in customer care. Hence the computer based training package. The first part analyses how complaints arise. The complaints included those from the few customers who go to a restaurant determined to make a fuss, perhaps in the hope of a free meal.

The program includes ways of spotting those complaints, and the one that can arise because of previous bad experience that somebody had before entering the restaurant. The program also identify the complaints that can occasionally arise merely from customer boredom. Somebody may have decided he cannot stand his dining companion and takers his unhappiness out on the food or the unfortunate waiter. The computer asks the waiter-trainee to make a profile of the customer according to the way he is dressed shabby, average or immaculate, to his accent a local or a non local, the way he speaks English, if he belongs to a group or he is alone, or how much alcohol he seems to have drunk. Then the computer suggests successful ways of tackling the customer. In the second part of the program the computer becomes less friendly. The trainee-waiter or recptionist takes part in arole play game with the complaining client. The computer is programmed to be angry, rude, reasonable or rambliong. The trainee's task is to recognize the warning signs and calm down the situation. At the end of a sesion, trainees are told how many attempts it has taken to reach the correct response. The results are saved for the course tutor to read.

But although the program uses graphics and text to good efect, it cannot yet convey complex factors such as the ciustomers 's tone of the voice, body posture, or facial expression. However, the program producers say that there are no plans to incorporate a robot arm that grabs the user by the lapels.

Who is the software program going to help?

What are the three causes of complaint that have nothing to do with the quality of service of food. What are they?

What questions does the computer ask in order to construct a customer profile?

Which factors  decide how a customer will react during a complaint?

Do you believe in the efectiveness of this kind of training? Give arguments.

XV. Listen to the following conversation between a guest and a receptionist.

Make a list of the things the guest complains about. What is the outcome of the conversation? What attitude do you suggest the receptionist should have

XVI. Match each document type on the left with a definition on the right:

1. an enquirya) a request to supply (sent by the customer)

2. a quotation..b) a request for information sent by the customer

3. an estimate..c) an approximate calculation of the cost of something

4. a counter-proposal.d) the price given for goods or a piece of work

5. an order.e) a letter where the customer tries to get better terms

an invoice.f) a document that proves you have paid for some goods

7. a reminder..g) a list of amounts paid and still owed, sent every month

9. a receipth) a bill for goods or work done

9. a statement..i) a letter to customer about an unpaid invoice

10. a complaint.j) a letter saying you are not satisfied about something

XVII. Complete the sequence 1-15 with following business documents:

Enquiry; complaint; counter-proposal; Order, with a cover letter; receipt; quotation; statement; reply to an enquiry; reminder reply to a complaint

Customer sends: Supplier sends:

2. request for a quotation 4..

Goods are dispatched

8 invoice

Goods arrived but there is a problem

The problem is solved

12. Payment..13

The customer starts to place regular orders

15. Further payments

XVIII. Work in pairs. You are going to exchange correspondence with your partner because you are interested in each other's products.


Student A worksheet: Your company manufactures and supplies office furniture. Your address is 89 Cannon Street, Redford Notts, QT, Your partner company sells computers.

1. Enquiry. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of Voltec Computer to ask for general information about their computers. Use the full layout of a business letter.

2. Reply to an enquiry. Reply to Voltec 's letter enclosing some brochures, price list, etc.

3. Request for a quotation. Write an e-mail to Voltec asking for a quotation for some specific products.

4. Quotation. Write a fax to Voltec. Give them a quotation. State your terms of sale: price, any discounts (e.g. prompt payment), delivery time. Deal with any other questions in Voltec's last e-mail.

5. Counter-proposal. Send an e-mail to Voltec. , making a counter-proposal. For example, you may want a better price, a larger discount or a shorter delivery time.

Reply to a counterproposal. Reply by e-mail. Begin by apologizing for the delay in replying. Tell them that you can't accept their counter-proposal. However, you are prepared to offer something (less than they want).

7. Order. Their reply is acceptable and you want to make an order. Write a short letter to Voltec to send with your order form.

8. Dispatch advice. Write an e-mail to Voltec. Thank them for their order and tell them that the goods were sent this morning.

9. Complaint: The computers have arrived! However, one of them has a small fault. Also, there is a mistake on the invoice. Write an e-mail to Voltec.

10. Reply to a complaint: Reply by e-mail. Apologize for the damaged furniture. Ask Voltec to return the piece, and say you will send a replacement immediately. Apologize and give a reason for the mistake in the invoice say you will send a new one.

Student B worksheet. Your company supplies office computers. Your address is Springtime Road, Milton Keynes, TQ8 5KP.

1. Enquiry. Write a letter to the Sales Director of Easilife Office Furniture to ask for general information about their office furniture. Use the full layout of a business letter.

2. Reply to an enquiry. Reply to Easilife's letter, enclosing some brochures, price list, etc. You know the name of their Sales Director, so use it.

3. Request for a quotation. Write an e-mail to Easilife, asking for a quotation for some specific products (four executive desks, and four executive armchairs). You may think of other questions.

4. Quotation. Write a fax to Easilife. Give them a quotation. State your terms of sale: price, any discounts (e.g. prompt payment), delivery time. Deal with any other questions in Easilife's last e-mail.

5. Counter-proposal: Send an e-mail to Easilife, making a counter-proposal. For example, you may want a better price, a larger discount or a shorter delivery time.

Reply to a counter-proposal: Reply by e-mail. Begin by apologizing for the delay in replying, then tell them that you can't accept their counter-proposal. However, you are prepared to offer something (less than they want)

7. Order: Their reply is acceptable and you now want to make an order. Write a short letter to Easilife to send with your order form.

8. Dispatch advice: Write an e-mail. To Easilife. Thank them for their order and tell them that the goods were sent this morning.

9. Complaint: The office furniture has arrived! However, one piece is damaged. Also, there is a mistake on the invoice. Write an e-mail to Easilife.

. Reply to a complaint: Reply by e-mail. Apologize for the faulty computer. Ask Easilife to return it, and say you will send a replacement immediately. Apologize and give a reason for the mistake in the invoice say you will send a new one.

XIX. Pair work. The directors of a travel agency, 'Treasures of the countryside' and an agro-countryside residence 'Green Horse' exchange some business correspondence.

A) Worksheet: Student A: the Director of 'Treasures of the countryside.

1. Write a letter to 'Green Horse' residence

- you enclose the latest cheque and apologize for its delay

- provide the details about the following group of tourists coming from Paris Charles De Gaule to Bucharest Henry Coanda. You will have probably 11 people. Ask for a quotation for 5 double rooms and a single

- ask diplomatically, for some information about 'The Green Horse'' residence's financial situation, mentioning that you read some rumors in the newspapers

2. Reply to the Director of 'Green Horse' residence

- refer to 'Green Horse' 's letter and mention that you hope they received your cheque

- make a counter-offer as you do not agree to the new terms

- inform Green Horse that your company in good financial situation.

3. Reply by e-mail to 'Green Horse'

- refer to the 'Green Horse' letter; you accept the quotation but not the new terms

- a meeting is a good idea suggest a time

- you ask for a copy of 'Green Horse' 's last annual accounts before the meeting

4. Reply by e-mail

- thank for the 'Green Horse's e-mail. You consider that the meeting will be useful

- you do not agree to the extra-charge due to the re-modeling of the

residence, as you can't recover it from your customers in your catalogue it is written that there will be no hidden extra-costs. Suggest you talk about that in the meeting

You have some bad news two of your customers have cancelled their holiday at the last moment and now you only need 4 double rooms and a single

B). Worksheet. Student B: The director of 'Green Horse' residence Your companies have been doing good business together for several years

1. Write a letter to your partner 'Treasures of the Countryside'

- remind your partner that payment of your last invoice is overdue

- explain your decision that you started a new financial policy: to improve cash-flow: all clients must pay a deposit of 50% two months before the check-in day and 5o% one month after

2. Reply to the Director of 'Treasures of the Countryside'

- make reference to Treasures' letter and thank them for the cheque

- give them a quotation for the accommodation: 60 for a double and 40 for a single. You would like a 50% deposit now, as mentioned in the last letter. This will guarantee the availability of the rooms.

- let Treasures know that your company is in good financial situation.

- suggest a meeting to discuss the matter in detail. When would be convenient to 'Treasures'

3. Reply by e-mail to Treasures' letter

- Treasures' counter-proposal is not acceptable. You need to discuss this in the meeting. You express your confidence in a compromise to acceptable on both sides

- you have some bad news the government has raised a 6% tax for small business and so, your previous quote will have to go up

4. Reply by e-mail

- thank Treasures for their e-mail. The time they suggest for the meeting is convenient.

- confirm that the 4 double rooms and 1 single are available in the residence. You will discuss the new terms at the meeting, but you still need the deposit now to guarantee the availability of the rooms

- Your annual accounts are confidential and cannot be shown to the clients. However, you are prepared to answer any questions in the meeting.

B) Meet your partner to negotiate all the issues

XX. Translate into English:

A) Imaginati-va urmatorul scenariu: Primiti o reclamatie de la un client nemultumit. Dvs ii scrieti imediat si reusiti sa-l multumiti cu raspunsul dat. Inseamna ca i-ati scris clientului o scrisoare buna. Dar daca reusiti sa-l trasformati, prin aceasta scrisoare, dintr-un client ocazional, intr-unul fidel, atunci este o scrisoare aducatoare de profit.

Indiferent daca trimiteti un fax sau o scrisoare, in ziua de azi, cu concurenta mereu crescanda, este foarte important ca toata corespondenta dvs. sa aibe efecte maxime. Pentru dvs. ca om de afaceri, efecte maxime inseamna afaceri profitabile, inseamna bani in cont.

B. Va multumim pentru oferta dvs din data de pentru costume barbatesti din stofa. Consideram, insa, ca raportul pret/calitate din catalogul nu este satisfacator, mai ales in conditiile unor comenzi permanente si substantiale pe care intentionam sa le facem. Avand in vedere exigentele pietei Uniunii Europene, va sugeram o reducere cu 10% a preturilor oferite, cu plata la 30 zile de la expedierea marfii. Pentru discutarea si a altor detalii, consideram bine venita o intalnire intre reprezentantii firmei lor dvs intr-o perioada pe care lasam la latitudinea dvs. Asteptam cu interes raspunsul dvs cat mai curand.

C. Stimati domni,

Regretam sa va informam ca, desi ati respectat termenul de livrare al celor doua loturi de margarina, nu ati tinut cont de specificatiile comenzii noastre. Acestea prevedeau un ambalaj corespunzator transportului cu tir frigorific care sa protejeze marfa atat impotriva temperaturilor exterioare ridicate cat si a celor joase din interiorul mijlocului de transport. Avand in vedere cele de mai sus, va facem cunoscut ca ambalajul s-a degradat pe timpul transportului in proportie de 40%, ceea ce a determinat si perderea unei cantitati insemnate a continutului si deteriorarea calitatii acesteia.

In consecinta, ne consideram indreptatiti sa va solicitam daunele aferente pierderilor suferite ca urmare a nerespectarii instructiunilor de ambalaj stipulate in contract. Consideram binevenita o intalnire a reprezentantilor firmelor noatre pentru negociere la data de 25.Octombrie 2004.

Va rugam sa ne comunicati in cel mai scurt timp decizia dumneavoastra in aceasta privinta.


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