Bulgara | Ceha slovaca | Croata | Engleza | Estona | Finlandeza | Franceza |
Germana | Italiana | Letona | Lituaniana | Maghiara | Olandeza | Poloneza |
Sarba | Slovena | Spaniola | Suedeza | Turca | Ucraineana |
All the report formats contained in this section have been taken from the standard format required by the IMO Resolution A.851(20): General Principles for the Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, including Guidelines fir Reporting Incidents involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine Pollutants and Masters have been instructed to follow these message formats.
However, all members of the Emergency Response Team are advised to be prepared to receive reports in the format outlined in 5 of this manual. This may be the case should a Master decide to report an incident that might result in a probable discharge of oil resulting from damage to the rig or its equipment. In judging whether there is such a probability and whether a report should be made, the following factors, among others, should be taken into account:
The nature of the damage, failure or breakdown of the rig, its machinery or equipment.
Morale, health and ability of the crew onboard to deal with the situation.
Full details on this issue can be found in the annex to the above resolution, which is reproduced in Appendix 6 to this manual.
Should any incident described in this section occur, Masters are instructed to make their initial reports to the Company in the formats contained in this section, in Romanian language.
The Initial Report
Formats that follow should only be used when reporting an incident direct to
the Company. If a report has been sent to a local
The purpose of this section is to provide rigboard personnel with guidance in meeting emergencies that threaten the rig, the crew, and the environment. The guidelines are intended to supplement the training and qualifications already requisite for qualified onboard personnel.
Additional details on
the rigboard response procedures can be found in ICSs Bridge Procedure Guide,
The safety of the crew, the rig and the protection of the environment are priority concerns. In an emergency, these concerns outweigh normal commercial considerations.
The marine casualty statistic shows that, as a rule, the actual emergency situations occurs in severe conditions (storm, fog, currents) and have a very complex development (serial or parallel), such as no situation is similar with another. Therefore, depending to the circumstances of each casualty, its location, severity and evolution, the Master is the only one to assess the efficient measures to take onboard, even outside of pre-established procedures. For this reason, the following procedures have only a guidance role, emphasising just the reporting aspects.
Otherwise, the essential procedures (for fire, blowout, gas emission, man over board, pollution, etc.), as well those for rig abandoning, are contained in rigs muster bills, with assigned tasks for each crewmember.
If embarking not crewmembers, the Master should designate a key person from rigs technical staff to brief and supervise them when carrying on emergency drills or even in case of distress. Particularly, it should emphasise the following matters:
Awareness and use of individual life saving appliances;
Assignment of collective life saving appliances;
Familiarisation with ways to emergency muster stations;
Knowledge of main emergency procedures, especially the abandoning one;
Obligation to participate to rigboard emergency drills.
It is emphasised the essential role of muster drills, which simulate actual emergency situations, but, although it could not reproduce them in whole complexity, can conduct in a major manner to crews skill formation and to early detection of eventually communication or co-ordination deficiencies that could be catastrophic in an actual emergency situation.
Finally, it is underlined the obligation to inform the Company, by fastest available communication means, about any incident or casualty occurred to the rig and that is described below.
As a rule, an oil pollution incident occurs when the rig is fuel feed from a supply ship, or when lost control of a blowout. If an oil pollution incident occurs on board, the Emergency Team objectives should be the following, in the order of their approaching:
Stop or reduce the oil spill;
Prevent the water pollution;
Contain the oil spill;
Neutralise and/or collect the spilled oil and residues;
Clean up the contaminated surfaces;
Dispose off oil residues;
Outboard delivery or incineration of residues.
The organisation and structure of the pollution emergency team are specified in the Rigboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP), which in fact is the pollution bill of the rig.
Responsibilities of the Emergency Team Members
In overall charge with the response to oil spill;
Gives order to sound pollution alarm, if this hasnt be done yet by anyone else;
Checks the circumstances of the incident and takes adequate measures to stop or to reduce the spillage;
Makes the appropriate checks from the Appendix 5 of SOPEP; can designate a barge engineer or foreman to do this;
Orders the preparation of the information for initial report;
Notifies local authorities about the incident and keeps them informed with all requested details;
Orders to the Chief of Radio Station to transmit the initial report to all persons and agencies specified in the contact list;
Conducts the actions for mitigate the spillage effects and for ensuring the safety of all personnel onboard;
Request assistance as deemed necessary.
Chief Safety:
Conducts straightly the actions of the pollution response emergency team;
Stops immediately any current drilling operation or fuel feeding;
Keeps the record of all actions performed, onboard or/and by third parties, to be mentioned in rig's Log Book;
Keeps Master informed and updated on the situation and of results of steps taken to limit oil outflow;
Fulfils the Master's orders and takes additional measures to mitigate the escapes;
Co-operates with Drilling Engineer to reduce or stop the spillage;
Summon available deck hands to contain spillage and clean up the rig;
Ensures the disposal off oil residues, including those treated with sorbents or dispersants, and used materials, in order to deliver its to a supply ship for shore transport;
Prepares firefighter team on stand-by.
Chief of Radio Station:
Transmits the initial report and the follow-up reports;
Keeps the contact with the rigs owner, the
company, as well as with
Drilling Foreman:
Brings and distributes the necessary equipment and materials to the place of oil leakage;
Uses oil spill combating materials and equipment, only at the Chief Safety order.
Ensures the disposal onboard of oil wastes (even treated with sorbents or/and dispersants), as of oily used materials.
Drillers and Derickmen:
Act at Chief Safetys or Drilling Foremans order to contain spillage, and to collect spilled oil on deck;
Bring on scene and use oil spill combating materials and equipment;
Act for reducing of fire ignition and are standby for fire emergency;
Clean up the deck and the plating;
Chief Engineer:
In charge with bunker operations;
Stop the bunkering, if the case;
Acts with Chief Safety to establish the causes of the pollution incident and to mitigate its effects;
Summons the motormen to help deck rating, if necessary;
Make appropriate entry in Oil Record Book.
Mechanic Foreman:
Prepares fire fighting equipment for stand by;
Assists the measures to prevent the ignition of spilled oil;
Keeps in touch with bridge for adequate maneuvers;
Assists Chief Engineer.
Act at Chief Engineer and/or Chief Safety orders;
Take appropriate actions to prevent fire and to ensure the rig's endurance.
The team should have an adequate training for onboard anti-pollution equipment use. All team members should be aware of their duties to combat oil spills.
The team structure, the flowchart and the personal responsibilities should be posted at visible places on board, to be well known by all involved personnel.
If for any reason one of the principal personnel is required to be absent from the rig during an oil transfer operation, his nominated deputy must be fully aware of his responsibilities in the event of an emergency.
Operational Oil Pollution Prevention
The crew shall maintain a close watch for the escape of oil at the beginning and during fuel loading and discharging operations. In particular, care shall be taken to monitor the hoses, pipeline valves, flanges and couplings, even they are closed or not in use.
Oil tanks that have to be fully loaded should be close monitored to the end of loading, in order to prevent tank owerflow.
When not in use, all sea valves and overboard ones should be shut off or blinded. It is strongly recommended to put warning notices on all these valves indicating that they have to be kept closed.
All connections that are not in use should be blinded. Before starting bunkering operations, all drains should be plugged, and accumulated water from trays should be transferred in residues tank or in other adequate receptacle. Any oil traces should be cleaned up with absorbent materials.
During the bunkering operations, it should be taken all preventing measures and carried out all necessary checks, as specified in relevant instructions (see the SPM/221/LPB Form: Bunkering Check List).
Any person finding out an oil leakage, even small, should inform at once the Chief Safety or the Chief Engineer. It is emphasised that any oil pollution could generate an imminent fire danger, requiring additional precaution measures.
If leakage occurs from a pipeline, valve or hose, operation through that connection shall be stopped until the cause has been ascertained and the defect remedied. If in case, the local authorities should be notified. The operations shall not be restarted until the fault has been rectified and all hazards from the released oil eliminated, with local authority approval.
Should any incident described in this section occur, Masters are instructed to make their initial reports to the Company in the formats contained at the point 5 in this section.
4 Pollution Combating on Board
In most instances, the rig's initial report to harbour authorities will trigger mobilization of the local response organization. It is not normally practical for rig's personnel to be directly involved in the clean-up activities and their prime role must be to provide as much information as is necessary to assist the response and to co-operate fully with clean-up personnel.
In cases of small operational spills, the rig should take whatever actions are necessary to prevent the oil escaping overside and, having done so, will need to take action to clean-up the oil contained on deck. The rigboard emergency plan specifies details of the type, quantity and location of oil spill response equipment and materials carried on board for dealing with minor spillage on deck, and a planned maintenance schedule for keep it ready to respond rapidly when an incident occurs.
It must be emphasized that spilled oil should never be washed overboard, nor should dispersants or degreasants be used on oil split in the water as their use could contravene local regulations. Once the oil is on the water, there is very little that the rig can do to respond practically and reliance must be placed on shore authorities and organizations.
In cases of larger spills, following free blowout, the rig is even more restricted as to what action it can take to respond practically to the spill. In the case of a casualty, the safety of the rig and crew will also take priority. Invariably, therefore, rig's actions will be limited to reporting details to the relevant authorities, owners, and P&I Club correspondents, and to requesting the appropriate clean-up response.
However, in emergency situations where there is no local response or there is a delay in being activated, the Master should consider the use of available rigboard materials to clean up or contain the spilled oil by, for example, using rig-stocked sorbents and dispersants or utilizing mooring ropes or air filled fire hoses as makeshift booms. To collect oil-contaminated materials as well as the oil residues, it could be used empty barrels or other similar recipients.
All collected oil contaminated materials and oil residues should be disposed off to the specialized shore facilities.
5 Initial report
In the Rigboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
(SOPEP), the Master has been instructed to report pollution incidents
immediately to the nearest
When transmitting initial reports the format should conform to the guidance contained in A.851(20). Members of the Companys ERT should be prepared to receive, from the Master, an initial report on a pollution incident in the same format.
The following is designed to assist with decoding such a report[1]:
When reporting casualties or emergency situations Masters have been instructed to use plain, clear and unabbreviated English and avoid the usually acceptable telex shorthand. This will help prevent any misunderstandings or ambiguities arising. The report language should be the English or the official language of the coastal State or authorities.
The following additional information should be sent to the Company either at the same time as the initial report or as soon as possible thereafter:
Further details of damage to rig and equipment.
Whether damage is still being sustained.
Assessment of fire risk and precautions taken.
Number of casualties.
Damage to other ships, rigs or property.
Time (GMT) assistance was requested and time (GMT) assistance expected to arrive at the scene.
Name of salvor and type of salvage equipment.
Whether further assistance is required.
Priority requirements for spare parts and other materials.
Details of outside parties advised or aware of the incident.
Any other important information.
After transmission of the information in an initial report, as much as possible of the information essential for the safeguarding of life and the protection of the rig and the marine environment should be reported in a supplementary report to the coastal state and the owner or operator, in order to keep them informed of the situation as the incident develops. This information should include items P, Q, R, S and X, as appropriate.
Reporting Rules
When making reports, the following rules will be observed:
the initial report will be made as soon as possible, letting the uncertain matter to the follow up reports;
as appropriate, the initial report will be completed with information regarding the development of incident;
all the additional information required by the coastal state will be fully and rapidly provided.
8 Reporting Procedures.
Reports should be transmitted by the quickest available means to the responsible authorities of the nearest coastal state or via the appropriate shore radio station, with the highest possible level of priority, either:
to the nearest coast station on appropriate frequencies in the bands 405-525 kHz, 1605-2850 kHz or 156-174 MHz; or
to the Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC); or
if the rig is not within reach of an MF or VHF coast radio station, to the most appropriate HF coast radio station or on the relevant maritime satellite communication system; or
when the rig is within or near an area where a rig movement reporting system has been established, to the designated radio station of that system.
the rig can blowout oil, gases, salt water or any combination of those fluids, depending on stage of operations (drilling, trips, after the bit is pull out, repairs, etc.). In most instances, the blowout can be anticipated by a row of forecasting signs, as:
sudden rising of the rate of penetration;
the diminution of the mud density due to the presence of the gases or the oil in the drilling mud, indicated by geo-serv control;
the rising of the level at the mud pits;
abnormal filling during trip out or normal flow at deviat during trip in;
the well flowing when the bit is on the rig floor.
Any member of the drilling crew has the obligation to announce the driller and the driller foreman and after that, with the approval of one of them, ring the bellboard (1 2 minutes).
At the hearing of alarm signal, the drilling crew will act immediately to keep the blowout under control. The first measures should focus on:
a). estinguishing and removal of all open fire sources from the area;
b). starting the equipment water sprinklers;
c). forbid the unauthorised access on the deck;
d). forbid of smoking and use of any objects, tools or equipment which could generate sparks;
e). permanent control of the area with gas detection devices;
f). informing the company.
If the blowout can be controled, it should act to well intervention, as follows.
4.1 Blowout during of the Drilling
Drilling Foreman:
a). stops the drilling;
b). orders the rise at the special connection above rotary table;
c). orders to stop the mud pumps and check the level of the well;
d). according to the level of the well, orders continue the drilling or everybody at the emergency place;
e). orders to open the automatic gate valve, orders to roughneck no. 1 to open the choke manifold and close the universal preventer;
f). orders to close the choke and watches the pressure increasing in annulus and in stand pipe;
g). watches the universal preventer when the drill string is reciprocate (after the universal preventer was put in reduced pressure regime);
h). fixes the reciprocate length of the drill string below the seal ring rubber of the universal preventer;
i). During the drilling of the anchor casing, orders to open the diverter butterfly and close the universal preventer.
a). calls the radio-operator to announce the rig Master;
b). after the stop of drilling, pull out the special connection of the first pipe above rotary table;
c). stops the mud pumps;
d). when both driller and drilling foreman are sure that universal preventer works normally, reciprocate the drill string on the fixed length;
e). takes the drilling foreman charges when he is missing.
Assistant Driller:
a). at the panel of the hydraulic pressure unit, opens the automatic gate valve and closes the universal preventer, at the drilling foreman order;
b). puts the universal preventer at the reduced pressure for reciprocate the drill string, at the drilling foreman order.
Derrickman No. 1:
a). in the pits mud compartment watches the level, density and Marsh viscosity of the drilling mud and records all these observations;
b). announces the driller by phone about all these observations (increase or decrease in mud level, decrease of the drilling mud density, etc.);
c). makes the barite line for increasing the drilling mud density;
d). makes the line to the mixer for the drilling mud treatment;
e). is hepled by pump mechanic.
Derrickman No. 2:
a). makes the line for connecting the vacuumatic degaser and watches the normal working of it;
b). during the drilling of anchor casing, open the diverter butterfly, at the order of the drilling foreman;
c). makes a visual control of the preventer and records in time (every 15 minutes) the pressures between casing and reports all those data to the drilling foreman;
d). is helped by the drilling rig mechanic and the electrician that watches the normal run of the vacuumatic degaser.
Roughneck No. 1:
a). makes the line at the choke manifold, at the order of drilling foreman or driller;
b). if necessary, makes the out line of the drilling mud from chokes to shale shaker or to the sea.
Roughneck No. 2:
a). watches if the rubber sealing of the universal preventer is in order, verifying if the deviations are seepages of the drilling mud in shale shaker room;
b). watches the changes in circulation flow trough the choke manifold;
c). watches the drilling mud density and Marsh viscosity at deviation during circulation and records them every 5 minutes;
d). when the circulation is through the vacuumatic degaser, watches the drilling mud density and Marsh viscosity and records them every 15 minutes;
e). is helped by the rig mechanic and electrician.
Mud Engineer and Laborant:
a). with the rig Master and drilling foreman decide the drilling mud features to put the well under control;
b). with the rig Master decide the control technology of the well;
c). co-ordinates the deck crew activity on the main deck mixer.
Deck Chief:
a). makes the main mixer line for drilling and treatment;
b). organises mixer supply with necessary chemicals, according to indications of mud engineer or laborant.
Crane Operator:
a). stops any activity;
b). waits for orders.
Deck Roughneck No. 1 & 2:
a). wait for orders in front of main deck mixer.
The rig Master decides the technology to put the well under control.
The mechanic foreman controls the presence of the mechanics in engine room, mud pumps room and rig deck. He waits new orders from the rig Master.
The electric foreman together with electrician no. 2 waits orders in electric workshop.
4.2 Blowout during the Trips
Drilling Foreman:
a). stops the trip;
b). watches the deviation and the inner pipe and decides if the trip can be continued or actions according to the situation:
if the trip-in can be made, this will be done as much as possible (even till the bottom);
if the trip-in is not possible, decides to screw the inner preventer (in open position).
c). after this, orders to close the inner preventer and to screw the kelly;
d). decides according to the real situation (if the bit is in the open hole or in the casied hole), as in previous case 4.1 (points e, f, g, h and i).
a). calls the radio-operator to announce the rig Master;
b). acts for trip-in the drill string or screw the inner preventer (open) and screw the kelly;
c). takes the drilling foreman charges when he is missing.
Assistant Driller:
a). participates at the trip in operations;
b). together with the roughnecks, at the order of the drilling foreman, screw the inner preventer (open) and after that screw the kelly.
Derrickman No. 1:
a). if it was decided the trip-in of the drill string, stay at the monkey board;
b). comes down on the deck and then in the pits room, immediately he saw that inner preventer is screwing, acting in order, as in previous case 4.1.
Derrickman No. 2:
a). if he is at the monkey board and it was decided the drill string trip-in, stay there for helping the derrickman no. 1; if he is on the deck, he goes upstairs to the monkey board;
b). immediately he saw that the inner preventer is screwing, he comes down before the derrickman no. 1 and acts in order, as in previous case 4.1;
c). if it was decided to act immediately, he proceeds in order, as in previous case 4.1.
Roughneck No. 1:
a). works for the drill string trip0in;
b). at the drilling foreman order, together with the assistant driller and roughneck no. 2 acts in order, as in previous case 4.1.
Roughneck No.2:
a). if it was decided the drill string trip-in, participates to the trip-in;
b). at the order of the drilling foreman, together with assistant driller and roughneck no.1 screw the inner preventer (open) and then the kelly.
The rig Master, the mud engineer and the laborant, the deck crew, the mechanic foreman, and the electrician foreman act in order, as in previous case 4.1.
4.3 Blowout after the Bit is Pull Out
If is trying to trip-in only the drill steam as down as possible, and then act in order, as in previous case 4.2.
In case that is not possible, the drilling foreman or the driller will order to close the blind rams of the horizontal preventer.
4.4 Technical Measures
To be more easy, in case of blowout it will act as in following points:
the drillcollars and the drill pipes stand will be not stored at the same finger;
in case of using drill pipes with different diameters, the inner preventer will have the connections subs for any type of thread;
the drilling crew will be instructed to act the auxiliary panel of the hydraulic pressure unit positioned portside, in case that principal panel on the rig deck is inaccessible;
in case that one of the member of the crew is not present, drilling foreman has the obligation to assign the charges to another member.
4.5 Free Blowout
When the blowout fails of control, the rig Master should take immediately the following additional safety measures:
a). immediate cut energy supply off, and telephone too, both on deck, and in all contaminated area;
b). cut off fuel and/or electrical supply of the engines and motors;
c). forbid the unauthorised access and walk on the deck.
If the preventer fails too, it will try its remedy or change. When problems occurs at the preventer change, the space around well should be free and it will start the intervention:
if there is a good flange, it will be mounted on it an capturing device;
if there is not, the column should be cut with abrasive jet or with hydraulic cutting device, then will be mounted other flanges, by means of wedges.
If the expelled fluids ignite, it will act according to fire/explosion bill, and the rig Master should take into consideration the rig abandoning, if necessary.
As soon after the Company received the rig communication regarding the blowout, it will engage toward it all the ships being at sea, in the area. In the same time, it will dispatch a ship from PETROMAR HQ, charged with a complete preventing set, including a blowout preventer, as necessary materials and equipment to start as quick as possible a saving well with another rig. It will summon and send a special additional team, either by that ship, or by an helicopter (to the nearest rig).
It should be kept a permanent communication link with the rig. The Company specialists will provide all their support to the rig Master, in order to finalize the choke and kill technology and to solve all connected problems. Both the owner and local authorities should be promptly notified about the event and its progress.
As necessary, it will prepare and dispatch in area all equipment and materials for prevention and/or combating the oil pollution (booms, skimmers, dispersants, sorbents, etc.) and also those for fire fighting.
4.7 Initial Report
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and call sign of rig.
b) Name and position/rank of reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) of the blowout.
d) Rig position.
e) Blowout type (if known).
f) Operative measures taken and their efficiency.
g) Suggested follow up technology.
h) Brief but clear description of any losses and/or damages, and general condition of the rig (e.g. if there are a blaze or not).
i) Actual or potential pollution threat.
j) Weather conditions and forecast (wind, fog, rain, ice, etc).
k) Materials and equipment requested.
l) Assistance required.
m) Assistance available locally.
n) Brief description of repairs and onboard possibilities to fix them.
o) Arrangements for further communications.
p) Agencies and/or persons already notified, particularly Coastal States.
q) Number of casualties and brief description of their injuries.
r) Personnel/passengers disembarked.
s) State of life saving appliances and fire fighting appliances.
The emission or accumulation of noxious or explosive gas may occur in the production flow of offshore rigs, as follows:
Gas[3] emission through the wells shaft, in which case the wells bridge, the vibrator strainers and the confines of the mud conditioning system, with the mud boxes and the mud pumps become workstations with gas hazard.
Carbon dioxyde accumulations in the engine room the main deck through a willful CO2 release in the said spaces for the purpose of firefighting in which case all the CO2 flooded rooms become areas with noxious gases.
Accidental accumulation of noxious or explosive gases, in various other compartments of the rig (fuel vapours, vapours of organic compounds, exhaust gases, etc.), in which case the affected compartments become hazardous workstations.
All of the rig crew have the obligation to notify the rig Master about the appearance of gases, fortwith upon detecting such occurrence. The rig Master, helped by the specialized staff and the instruments of their equipment, is to investigate the location and the nature of the detected gas concentration.
In the scope of the here present, the term of specializes staff is to be read as the personnel of the GEO laboratory, of the mud laboratory and the specifically instructed salvors while the instruments in their equipment, indicate the GEO lab, the drilling fluids lab, the portable gas analyzers with calorimetric vials and other portable analyzers.
Pending on the location, the nature and the concentration of the detected gases, the GAS ALARM is to be actuated only by the rig Master, notifying verbally all the shift chiefs and the foremen of the working shift.
All of the shift and foremen have the obligation, in their turn, to notify all their subordinates of the gas alarm instatement. While verbally instating the gas alarm, the rig Master is to order, as appropriate, for the dangerous areas, the use of gas masks with filter cartridge, the use of insulated salvage outfits or the complete staff clearance from the dangerous areas.
The following interdictions are to be set up:
No use of open flame or tools with spark hazard with any of the works under progress on the rig. Such works can be only carried out with a work permit, of a written form signed by the rig Master, wherein the type of work is specified as the location and the time at which that job may be performed.
No smoking all over the rig, except for the two clubrooms of the living quarters.
No operation of internal combustion engines devoid of operating exhaust spark arresting system.
No crew admittance in the gas hazard areas but for the exception of those strictly required by the production flow, who are to be efficiently equipped with protective means appropriated for that specific situation.
Other than the above restrictions, the gas alarm situation engenders specific obligations as well. Therefore, in all cases of gas occurrence at the rig:
The rig Master:
a). Has the obligation to achieve the appropriate procedure for the safety of drilling.
b). Has the obligation to take all the steps of safe practices pending on the data referring to the gas concentration and evolution, which data are obtained from specialised staff.
c). Has the obligation to check if the persons appointed for works in the danger areas are wearing the appropriate protection equipment or whether or not the crew has been cleared off the area when the gas concentration is in excess of admitted tolerances.
d). Has the obligation to order about the place and the way in which the specifically instructed and equipped are to act.
The Chief Safety:
a). Has the obligation to mark the dangerous areas with warning notices and to forbid unauthorised persons access.
b). Has the obligation to inform all rig personnel about gas alarm state, especially those from social group.
c). Has the obligation to check the observance of decided interdictions.
All the rig personnel should observe onboard decided interdictions and should stand by at rig Masters order to act as the situation will require.
In case of gas escape through the well shaft:
The Drilling Foreman on Duty:
a). Has the obligation to carry out the orders of the rig Master, according to the work procedure and requirements for safe practices.
b). Is responsible jointly with the rig Master for the security of the staff attending the work station directly affected by the pit gas hazard.
c). Has the obligation to clear the gas hazard area of all redundant manpower and inadequately equipped persons.
The staff of GEO laboratory:
a). Has the obligation to notify the pit gas occurrence and nature to the rig Master, irrespective of the actual concentration.
b). Has the obligation to keep the rig Master permanently informed about the pit gas concentrations and their predicted evolution.
c). Has the obligation to leave the GEO Laboratory when the concentration of noxious gases in excess of the values admitted for the protective means comprised in the equipment, and have the rig Master accordingly notified.
The chief electrician on duty has the obligation to start and provide for the full load operation of the ventilation system at the gas hazard affected locations.
The chief of the salvage team has the obligation:
a). To report to the rig Master together with all his subordinates. The muster station is in front of the CO2 plant.
b). To carry out those works ordered by the rig Master, in wear of the individual protection outfit from the teams equipment.
c). To check regularly the areas with gas hazard, determining the gas concentration by means of portable analyzers and to report the readings to the well chief.
d). To check the proper use of the protective equipment in the hazard areas.
e). To clear the gas hazard area of the possibly intoxicated persons who are to be given firs aid and medical assistance.
5.1 Initial report
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and call sign of rig.
b) Name and position/rank of reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) of the gas emission appearance.
d) Gas nature and concentration (if known).
e) Location of gas source and affected spaces.
f) Weather conditions and forecast (wind, fog, rain, ice, etc).
g) Safety measures taken and their efficiency.
h) Assistance required, if necessary.
i) Assistance available locally.
j) Arrangements for further communications.
k) Agencies and/or persons already notified, particularly Coastal States.
l) Number of intoxicated persons.
m) State of life saving appliances and fire fighting appliances.
The first few minutes after a fire is discovered are vital and the SOLAS Training Manual and the measures to be taken should be completely familiar to all key persons and crewmembers onboard.
Every person who see any preliminary signs of a fire has the obligation to sound the fire alarm pushing on the nearest alarm button and to inform the rig Master about its location.
The rig Master's priorities should be:
Ensure safety of the all personnel onboard the rig.
Limit damage to the rig and its equipment.
Prevent environment pollution.
To achieve this, the rig Master should undertake the following:
a). Shut off immediately the well from Autocon panel, stop drilling operation, and if necessary, engines fuel supply, and evacuate all persons from the spaces exposed to fire hazard.
b). Summon the Fire Emergency Response Team.
c). Stop the ventilation and air conditioning system, as all vents, fire doors and other opening which can favours the extent of the fire.
d). Investigate the extent of the fire and assess risk of explosion.
e). Co-ordinate the actions of the Emergency Response Team, according to the fire circumstances and
Notify the shore authorities
and local
g). Life saving appliances shall be swung out and stored with extra equipment.
h). An emergency or distress message despatched, if in case.
If the fire can be controlled, further actions are:
i). Continue the fight since the fire is completely put out, taking care of:
Explosion risks or extension of the fire onboard;
Adequacy of firefighting methods to the actual fire;
Use of the fixed carbon dioxide system.
j). Ask assistance, if necessary.
k). Report to Company.
l). Adequate entry in LogBook.
The Chief Safety should undertake:
a). To conduct directly all the firefighting operation on the rig.
b). To ensure the integrity and the proper run of the rig safety systems, during al the time of fire response.
c). To activate the carbon dioxyde system, at the rig Master order.
The Chief Engineer should undertake:
a). To conduct directly all the firefighting operations carried out under the deck spaces.
b). To ensure the proper run of fire pumps.
c). To close al the fire doors and openings of the fire affected compartments.
d). To carry out the carbon dioxyde flooding of the fired compartments, as those of their ventilation after the fire is over.
The Chief of Power Supply should undertake:
a). To cut off the electrical supply of fire affected area.
b). To supervise the fire response to electrical systems and appliances.
The rigs crew on duty has the obligation:
a). To stop all the equipment and installations within the fire affected area.
b). To participate with full energy to contain and fight against the fire in their work stations.
c). To ensure the normal run of equipment and installation unaffected by the fire;
d). To check permanently that the escape ways are free.
e). To leave the workstations only if is directly threatened or by his chief order.
f). To take all appropriate measures for fire prevention and response.
The Fire Emergency Response Team has the obligation:
a). To be equipped with fire outfit (aluminised suits, self-contained breathing apparatus, torches, axes, etc.).
b). To participate at fire response, obeying the rig Masters or Chief Safetys orders.
c). To save eventual casualties from fire area or from carbon dioxyde flooded compartments.
The relieved personnel should not panic, but wear their lifejackets and summon to the muster stations, and stand by at the rig Master disposal.
The rig surgeon jointly with medical first aid qualified persons should help any injured or smoke intoxicated victims.
Even if the fire was put out, it should maintain a careful watch of the affected area many hours after, measuring frequently the temperatures.
It should be remembered that fire is the most common casualty encountered at sea. Emergency fire practices must be regularly carried out and be as thorough and realistic as possible to exercise all crewmembers in their emergency duties.
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and rigs call sign.
b) Name and position/rank of reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) when fire was discovered.
d) Nature of fire.
e) Location and extent of fire.
f) Brief but clear description of any losses and/or damages, and general condition of the rig (e.g. whether fire under control,); indicate possible cause, if known.
g) Actual or envisaged pollution threat.
h) Weather conditions and forecast (wind, rain, ice, tide etc.).
i) Response measures being taken, and/or planned to be taken.
j) Assistance required.
k) Assistance available locally;
l) Brief description of repairs required and locally fixing possibilities.
m) Arrangements for further communication.
n) Agencies and/or persons already notified;
o) Number of casualties and brief description of their injuries.
p) Status of all fire fighting and life saving appliances.
If the abandoning of the rig has been decided, all oil valves should be shut, as possible and practicable, as well as all openings where the oil can escape after the rig sinking.
Heavy weather means the situation when the wind force overreaches 80 Beaufort (wind speed greater than 62 km/h or 17 m/s), and sea waves are higher than 6 m.
When receiving a gale warning or the storm conditions are obvious, the rig Master should ensure that all crewmembers have been informed and all practicable precautions have been taken to minimise extent of damage or loss that may occur.
On heavy weather, the rig Master should undertake, as appropriate:
a). Send helicopters and/or supply ships to shore shelter.
b). Check all food, water, fuel, drilling fluids stores;
c). Stowe and secure all materials and equipment which could be blew in the wind and to became dangerous by their uncontrolable displacement.
d). Lover the ramp and secure all spare drilling rods.
e). Check the electrical batteries and emergency generator.
f). Lit on and check signaling lights, and foghorn.
g). Continue all current activities, taking into consideration the possibility of cease of works.
If the wind force overreaches 80 Beaufort, the well operations should cease, as well as any other deck activity, and undertake the following:
a). Inform the Company by radio about the cease of works;
b). Forbid the unauthorised access on the deck, except those assigned by the rig Master;
c). Rise the drill string, prepare and secure the well, and stop the work;
d). Remove all weight from the hook, and drilling rods from the derrick (at finger);
e). Sound and empty all ballast tanks;
f). Redistribute al variable weights on the rig;
g). Horizontalise the rig, if necessary[4];
h). Secure the main hydraulic cylinders and bolt cylinders;
i). Cut off the power supply of the hydraulic lifting system;
j). Secure all deck equipment, cranes and piping;
k). Close and lock all watertight doors and openings;
l). Lover and secure the derrick hook on the bridge;
m). Check the state of all life saving equipment, and the personnel should wear their lifejackets;
n). If necessary, it will take into consideration the abandoning the rig.
After the wind blows under 80 Beaufort, the work resuming should be done only after a preliminary check of the rig state. The Company will be informed about passing of the storm, the resuming of the activities, and about any damage or loss.
All above actions, including the activities stopping and resuming, should be entered in the rigs Logbook.
If there are no immediate treat on the rig or the crew, the rig master should undertake the following, as possible and practicable:
Visual rig inspection, to assess the damages location and extent. Special attention should be paid to hull structure of the legs houses and of the derrick;
Consolidate the damaged structure, even by welding of the strengthenings, or by killing the initial cracks (boring holes at the both ends);
Request assistance, if necessary (for salvage, depollution, etc.);
Inform the Company.
Before undertaking an action, the rig Master should assess its impact on the hull stress, based on rig plans and documentation. Possible emergency actions, as appropriate, could be the following:
Internal redistribution or jettisoning of some weights, to reduce the efforts in hull structure or to ensure the rig safety;
Intervention to combat an eventual pollution generated by the oil pipes or tanks.
7.1 Initial Report
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and rig call sign.
b) Name and position/rank of reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) of heavy weather beginning and ending, and any incidents.
d) Brief but clear description of any losses and/or damage, and general condition of the rig (whether disabled, horizontality, height from sea level, cracks, damages, etc.).
e) Actual or envisaged pollution threat.
f) Weather conditions and forecast (wind, rain, ice, etc.).
g) State of sea and tide information.
h) Corrective measures being taken, and/or planned to be taken.
i) Assistance required.
j) Assistance available locally.
k) Arrangements for further communication.
l) Agencies and/or persons already notified.
m) Number of injured persons or/and casualties and brief description of their injuries.
Machinery and equipment breakdown can range from a simple temporary failure of the main engines to complete engine failure. Obviously the extent of the rig Master's response will depend upon the individual circumstances of the situation.
Although any of these type of incidents may not immediately result in a major casualty the consequences of a mechanical breakdown should always be extrapolated to the worst case scenario.
Once the Chief Engineer together with the Chief Safety has assessed the damage, they should discuss with the rig Master the possibility of repair and the time required for it. If the rig Master considers that the situation is dangerous, he should inform immediately the Company.
All items of damaged
machinery should be labelled, preserved and photographed for the information of
If a machinery damage occurs, the rig Master should assess the situation undertaking appropriate measures, as necessary:
a). Can the damage be rectified on board?
b). Can temporary repairs be done until the Company will send a specialised team and/or necessary spare parts?
c). What is the estimated time for repair?
d). Which are the implications for the drilling programme safety?
The Chapter II of SOLAS 1974, as amended, define the emergency source of electrical power, which in this case is an emergency Diesel Generator with automatic start from accumulators.
The mechanic foreman on duty should be aware that at any time the rig can blackout and although emergency power may be available, a time lapse will occur before full power is restored. The causes that could generate a blackout can be:
Failure of the electrical generators engine;
Failure of the electrical generator;
Damages of the main or auxiliary distribution switchboards.
Emergency lighting, communications, horn, and some navigation aids will be available but only by testing the equipment can the set procedure for each individual rig be made.
If a blackout occurs, even the emergency source of electrical power entered automatically in function, the Chief Safety should:
Determine the cause of the failure;
Eliminate or remedy the cause without delay, assisted by Chief Engineer and Electricians Team;
Start backup Diesel Generators, according to the energetic balance of the rig.
To prevent an accidental blackout when is performed a maneuver (e.g. to the drilling bridge), the Diesel Generators should be started well before it, but not connected at rods.
It is recommended that rig Masters Standing Orders contain a list with all available equipment in case of electrical power failure.
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and rig call sign.
b) Name and position/rank or reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) of damage.
d) Brief but clear description of nature and extent of damage, and general condition of the rig (whether disabled etc).
e) Weather conditions, outlook and tidal information.
f) Corrective measures being taken, and/or planned.
g) Assistance required.
h) Assistance available locally.
i) Description of repairs and/or parts required completing repairs.
j) Repair facilities and/or parts available.
k) Time required for repairs.
l) Surveys arranged or taking place.
m) Drilling programme estimated delay.
n) Arrangement for furthers communications.
o) Number of injured persons or/and casualties and brief description of their injuries.
When an earthquake occurs, due to it shortness, is quite impossible to take in time any organised measures for salvage. Nevertheless, if possible and practicable, it should try, as appropriate:
Stop the drilling;
Shut off the well from Autocon panel;
Do not panic.
All the personnel will cease any activity, will wear the lifejackets, and get out on the deck, for an eventual rig abandoning, using life rafts.
After the earthquake is over, the rig Master jointly with Chief Safety should inspect thoroughly the rig in order to trace out possible damages or loss, they will inform the Company. If a damage is found, the rig master should make a damage report.
In case of accidental injury or illness of a crew member, visitor or contactor, the procedure is the following:
a). Inform the rig Master about the situation.
b). If severe accident, the rig Master should go to its location.
c). Medical first aid by qualified persons onboard, using the medical kits and equipment:
airway kept clear;
breathing and heart beat ensured;
bleeding controlled (casualty not to be moved unless imperative).
d). If necessary, undertake specific rescue actions (e.g. from confined spaces ).
e). Transfer the injured person to the rigs hospital or sick quarters.
Contact the Company or nearest
g). If necessary, as possible and practicable, transfer the injured person to nearest medical hospital onshore, either by helicopter evacuation (medivac) or by his transfer to a supply ship.
h). Appropriate entry in Log Book and in medical records.
Any work accident should be reported according to company procedures specified in Section 4: Reporting of work accidents and medical first aid of Safety Manual.
In case of collective illness (e.g. food toxiinfection) or epidemic, the rig Master jointly with medical assistant should decide if it is necessary to declare the quarantine status of the rig and to inform immediately the Company.
The initial report to the Company should contain the following information:
a) Name and rig call sign.
b) Name and position/rank or reporting personnel.
c) Date and time (specify local or GMT) when illness or accident occurred.
d) Nature and cause of accident or illness (if known).
e) Number of affected persons.
f) Number of eventually cases of death.
g) Summary but accurate description of symptoms and signs, and the general state of ill persons.
h) Medical actions taken or planned.
i) Assistance required.
j) Available assistance locally.
k) Arrangement for further communications.
l) Agencies or persons informed.
Anyone sees a Man Over Board situation should immediately:
a) Inform the Chief Safety, specifying the boardside of the incident;
b) Indicate the MOB position by dropping the light and smoke buoy from that side of bridge or by any floating object at hand.
When reported or supposed a MOB situation, the Chief Safety should immediately:
a). Drop one of light and smoke buoys, if it was not done already.
b). Inform the rig Master.
c). Post watch around the rig to observe person or floating objects in water.
d). Sound MOB alarm.
e). Summon the lifeboat crew and drop it to sea level.
f). Forecast the MOB distress signal by radio or by horn (three long signals) to all supply ships in vicinity. In that case, the nearest supply ship will take over the salvage action.
If the rig Master or Chief Safety was informed that somebody is missing and it is possible to fall down overboard, without knowing where and when, they should undertake:
Organize a thoroughly research onboard the rig of the missing person, to see for oneself that hes really missing.
Ask relations from persons who contacted the missing persons, about the place and the time they seen him for the last time.
Assess weather conditions (visibility, wind, current, temperature, etc.), in order to establish the approximate the place where the missing person could be found.
If the missing person didnt been find or has been find dead or severe injured, the Company should be informed according to the procedure from Section 4: Reporting of work accidents and first medical aid of Safety Manual.
The rig abandoning is the ultimate life saving measure, when any other action to control the emergency fails, and the threat of life loss is imminent. Only the rig master can decide the rig abandoning, or his deputy (Chief Safety).
Procedures and individual tasks for rig abandoning are settled up by muster bill and are specified too in the SOLAS Training Manual, which should be known very well by all rig personnel.
Abandoning signal is given by continuous sounding of alarm bells and verbally confirmed by the rig Master or Chief Safety, as appropriate. At the hearing of abandoning signal, all the personnel is obliged:
To stop immediately any activity;
To wear the lifejacket;
To go to assigned muster station;
Do not panic.
Every crewmember should know very well before what objects, equipment or documents have to bring wit him in the lifeboat. The rig Master settles up those tasks by abandoning bill. As a rule, do not forget:
Rig documents, including logbooks, drilling reports, radio station log, class certificates;
Portable VHF and SART;
Individual documents of the crew (identity cards, passports, Sailor books), including the crew list;
As much as possible of water cans, foods, sanitary articles and medicines.
Despite the rush, do not panic, acting with calm and order. If one of lifeboat can not be used, the assigned personnel should launch the oposite board liferafts.
In the nighttime, all the lights from embarking deck and access ways should be lit on. The boat responsibles should check the presence and proper equipment of all persons onboard.
As possible, the wearing of persons should be adapted to the season, taking as much warm clothes, without to be clumsy or uncomfortable. Sunglasses, gloves, socks, rain and wind coats should be taken too. The lifejackets have to be worn all over.
Do not jump in water from the rig deck, except if there are an iminent threat. When no room in any lifeboat or liferaft, another way to escape should be envisaged (e.g. the embarking net or lifelines).
Persons already swimming in the sea should direct to the nearest lifeboat. The disperate swimming is fagged out and increases the heat loss. The boat responsibles are obliged to collect all persons from the water.
Both lifeboats and the swimming persons should go away as quick as possible from the sinking rig, staying together.
The reference letters in the above listing do not follow the complete alphabetical sequence as certain letters are allocated to information required for other standard reporting formats, e.g. those used to transmit route information.
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