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Conexant HSF Modem HSF Country Parameters - Specification


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Conexant HSF Modem

HSF Country Parameters


Version 2.11 .0

June, 99

Prepared by: Conexant
PCD Systems Engineering

Table of Contents


Country Parameter Values






RELAYS(Non-Silicon DAA Only)

RELAYS(Silicon DAA Only)




Primary Tone A

Alternate Tone A

Voice Call Progress Tone A












OEM Parameter Values

ATI Subkey Values







ATPLUSID Subkey Values





















A8E Related Parameters

+A8E Parameters

+DS Parameters (Data Compression)

+EB Parameters (Break Handling in Error Control Operation)

+ES Parameters (Error control and Synchronous Mode Selection)

+ESA Parameters (Synchronous Access Mode)

+ETBM Parameters (Call Termination Buffer Management)

+FIT (DTE Inactivity Timeout)

+ICF (Char Format Options)

+IFC (DTE Modem Local Flow Control)

+ITF (Transmit Flow Control Thresholds)

MISC AT Commands












SmartDAAParams (Silicon-DAA Only)


Top Level Modem Parameters Values






This document refers to HSF (software) modem. Within the HSF modem are various family members; they are TWO-LINE, RIPTIDE, and WIRELESS.

The information applies to all modems, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

The HSF modem is a plug and play modem, which writes a set of parameters to the Windows registry upon installation. The registry information is copied from an INF file that exists on the HSF installation disk. The HSF INF file contains several sections, which get transferred to the registry. These include:




This document describes in detail all the elements that constitute the Country and OEM sections of the INF file. This will enable an HSF customer to modify modem parameters per country in order to satisfy country certification requirements and to adjust for OEM-specific hardware characteristics. Also, by replicating the Country structure, customers can add into the modem support for any number of countries provided the 64K limit imposed on INF file size is not exceeded.

Unless otherwise noted, all the values are entered in hexadecimal. The Microsoft registry format requires that the Most Significant Byte (in a 2-byte word) be stored first. For example, the T.35 value for USA is stored as B5 00.

Country Parameter Values

Location of Key in WINDOWS 9X Registry is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services Class Modem [XXXX] Country [YYYY]

[XXXX] - PnP modem key number

[YYYY] - Country key number

In the Country key is a Registry value called CURRENT which is a T35 Code that is used to declare which Country is to be used by the MODEM.


Parameter indicates the County Code of the country whose parameters are being specified.

Note: When setting this value to 0xFFFF in the INF, during installation, the Country Selection Application (CSA) will automatically define the modems T.35 Country Code to the Country of Use defined by the OS.

Defined Values

2 Bytes Defines T.35 Country Code (0-FE)


Parameter designates the ASCII name of the country specified by the T35CODE parameter.

Defined Values

CHAR[] - Defines Country Name (maximum length 30)


Parameter reflects the access code required in order to place an international call from the country of origin.

Defined Values

CHAR[] - International access dial code (maximum length 10)


Transmit Level Parameters

Specified values reflect negative numbers, i.e. a declaration of (0f)16 in the INF file implies a value of -15 dBm and a declaration of (01)16 implies a value of -1 dBm.

HSF accounts for a 3V configuration and a 5V configuration.

In the 3V configuration, DTMF transmit levels are in the range of -4 dBm to -11 dBm.

In the 5V configuration, DTMF transmit levels are in the range of 0 dBm to -7 dBm.

DTMF levels are in declared in 0.1 units i.e. a declaration of (28)16 in the INF file implies a value of 4.0 dBm and a declaration of (14)16 implies a value of 2.0 dBm.


Defined Values

1 Byte - Specifies Minimum data transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Maximum data transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Default data transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Minimum fax transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Maximum fax transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Default fax transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Minimum voice transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Maximum voice transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte - Specifies Default voice transmit level (-dBm)

1 Byte  - Specifies Transmit level offset +/- -dBm and is used to adjust for OEM hardware variations.

1 Byte - Specifies transmit level (-dBm) of low DTMF frequency.

1 Byte - Specifies transmit level (-dBm) of high DTMF frequency.


RELAYS(Non-SiliconStandard DAA Only)

Relay Control Parameters used to map the ASIC. There are 16 GPIOs from the ASIC which are to be defined by the

OEM. GPIOs are active LOW.

Defined Values

2 Bytes - Defines a mask of 16 bits to determine which of the 16 GPIOs on the ASIC are allowed to be toggled by the HCF driver code. The remaining GPIOs are off limits to the HCF code and thus can be used by the HCF OEM customer for any desired application. For example, a value of (07)16 = (0000 0111)2 is a mask which will allow only GPIO2, GPIO1, and GPIO0 to be toggled by the HCF drivers..

2 Bytes - Defines the default value of the GPIO register set up upon power up.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOffHook_PhoneToLine state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOffHook_PhoneOffLine state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneToLine_wCID state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneToLine_woCID state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneOffLine_wCID state.

2 Bytes- Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneOffLine_woCID state.

2 Bytes- Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the

ModemOffHook_PulseMake state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the

ModemOffHook_PulseBreak state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the

ModemOffHook_PulseSetup state.

2 Bytes - Defines the value of the GPIO register required to set the modem into the

ModemOffHook_PulseClear state.

RELAYS(Smart DAASilicon DAA Only)

Relay Control Parameters used to map the DAA configuration control register.

Defined Values

2 Bytes Defines a mask of 16 bits to determine the 16 valid bits' field.

2 Bytes Defines the default value of the configuration register set up upon power up.

2 Bytes Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOffHook_PhoneToLine state.

2 Bytes Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOffHook_PhoneOffLine state.

2 Bytes Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneToLine_wCID state.

2 Bytes Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneToLine_woCID state.

2 Bytes Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneOffLine_wCID state.

2 Bytes  Defines the value of the configuration register required to set the modem into the ModemOnHook_PhoneOffLine_woCID state.

2 Bytes  Defines the value of the configuration register required for setting the modem into the ModemOffHook_PulseMake state.

2 Bytes  Defines the value of the configuration register required for setting the modem into the ModemOffHook_PulseBreak state.

2 Bytes  Defines the value of the configuration register required for setting the modem into the ModemOffHook_PulseSetup state.

2 Bytes  Defines the value of the configuration register required for setting the modem into the ModemOffHook_PulseClear state.

Bit Map of the Silicon DAA control register

































Explanation of the Silicon DAA control register


On / Off hook control bit


Match to TXM in MCR register


Match to EIC0 in DCDAC register


Match to RD/CID use in MonADC register


Handset exclude bit control


To be used to control voltage spikes when pulse dialing. (Set only when pulse dialing)


Make resistor select

0: 100 ohms make resistor

1: 200 ohms make resistor

2: 300 ohms make resistor

3: 400 ohms make resistor

The driver should use this value as reference value to adjust the DAC to present this reference value to the line.


DC loop current select

0: Select the DC loop curve 0 as defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

1: Select the DC loop curve 1 as defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

2: Select the DC loop curve 2 as defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

3: Select the DC loop curve 3 as defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

4: Select the DC loop curve 4 as defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section


Impedance select based on the values defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

0: set to use the Impedance 0 value defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

1: set to use the Impedance 1 value defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

2: set to use the Impedance 2 value defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section

3: set to use the Impedance 3 value defined in the SmartDAAParams of the OEM section


Continuous curve fitting control


Pulse Dial Parameters

Definition of terms:

Make Time - The portion of the pulse dialing pulse (in ms) in which the dialing relay is in the closed circuit position.

Break Time - The portion of the pulse dialing pulse (in ms) in which the dialing relay is in the open circuit position.

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines Pulse Dial Mode. Value maps the number of Pulses to be generated

for a given dialing digit.

Number of Pulses for a dialing digit at various Pulse Dial Modes

Number of Pulses for Dial Mode

Dialing Digit

1 Byte  - Defines the mapping of the &P0 command. Default value is 0.

1 Byte  - Defines the mapping of the &P1 command. Default value is 1.

1 Byte  - Defines the mapping of the &P2 command. Default value is 2.

1 Byte  - Defines the mapping of the &P3 command. Default value is 3.

1 Byte  - Defines Pulse Make Offset. Value indicates a +/- time adjustment in

milliseconds of the current Make Time Value. Note that an adjustment is

independent of any change in the Pulse Break Time.

1 Byte - Defines Pulse Break Offset. Value indicates a +/- time adjustment in

milliseconds of the current Break Time Value. Note that the adjustment is

independent of any change in the Pulse Make Time.

1 Byte  - Defines Pulse Dial Setup Time to be used by some countries as a

length of time in milliseconds to set DAA to GPIO_ModemOffHook_PulseSetup

1 Byte  - Defines Pulse Dial Clear Time to be used by some countries as a

length of time in milliseconds to set DAA to GPIO_ModemOffHook_PulseClear

2 Bytes - Defines InterDigit Time. Value reflects the delay time in milliseconds between

consecutive digit transmissions.

2 Bytes - Defines Line mute delay time. Value reflects the delay time in milliseconds to set

the line mute relay (OFFHOOK_PULSESETUP) during off hook switch.


Ring Detection Parameters

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines maximum allowable ring frequency that will be detected (Hz)

1 Byte Defines minimum allowable ring frequency that will be detected (Hz)

2 Byte Defines length of time for ring signal to be considered valid. Value reflects the length of time in milliseconds in which the ring that is being received by the modem is required to be stable in order for it to be detected as the beginning of a ring.

2 Byte Defines minimum time before answering. Defines the minimum time in milliseconds that the modem must wait after detecting a valid beginning of a ring signal before it goes off hook to begin answering.

2 Byte Defines minimum delay between rings. Value reflects the minimum delay time in milliseconds between consecutive Rings in order for the two Rings to be considered separate Rings.

2 Byte Defines maximum delay between rings. Value reflects the maximum delay time between consecutive Rings in which the later Ring is to be considered part of the same Call as the earlier Ring.


Tone Detect Parameters used by the HSF Data Pump.

Defined Values

Primary Tone A

2 Bytes Defines the Center Frequency of the primary tone detector. Value represents the frequency in Hz.

2 Bytes Defines the Bandwidth of the primary tone detector. Value represents a range in Hz (with the Center Frequency in the middle. Tones within the specified range should be detected (e.g. if Center Frequency is 450 and the Bandwidth is 400, tones in the range of 250-650Hz are detected).

4 Bytes Defines primary filter Response Time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds that takes the detector to detect a tone. Longer response time provides more accurate tone detection. Normally, the default value for this parameter should not be changed.

2 Bytes Defines primary THRESHU. Value represents an upper limit level in dBm. If the

tone level that is being detected exceeds the value of THRESHU, then the tone detect flag is SET. This value will be overwritten by the values in the THRESHOLD country key. The value should be greater than the Response Time.

2 Bytes Defines primary THRESHL. Value represents a lower limit level in dBm. If the tone

level falls below THRESHL then the tone detect flag is RESET. This value will be overwritten by a value derived from the values in the THRESHOLD country key. This value should be greater than the Response Time.

4 Bytes Reserved.

4 Bytes Defines primary tone ON stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect continuous tone in order for the Tone On event to be reported.

4 Bytes Defines primary tone OFF stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect continuous tone non-existence in order for the Tone Off event to be reported.

Alternate Tone A

2 Bytes Defines the Center Frequency of the alternate tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the Bandwidth of the alternate tone detector.

4 Bytes Defines the Response Time of the alternate tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the THRESHU of the alternate tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the THRESHL of the alternate tone detector.

4 Bytes Reserved.

4 Bytes Defines alternate tone ON stability time.

4 Bytes Defines alternate tone OFF stability time.

Voice Call Progress Tone A

2 Bytes Defines the Center Frequency of the voice call-progress tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the Bandwidth of the voice call-progress tone detector.

4 Bytes Defines the Response Time of the voice call progress tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the THRESHU of the voice call-progress tone detector.

2 Bytes Defines the THRESHL of the voice call-progress tone detector.

4 Bytes Reserved.

4 Bytes Defines voice call-progress tone ON stability time.

4 Bytes Defines voice call-progress tone OFF stability time.


BYTE [10][4]

S Registers Limiting Parameters

Used to set the limits and factory default value of an S Register.

Allows for 10 S Registers to be declared.

Each parameter is 4 Bytes and declared in the following format:

Byte 0 - S Register number.

Byte 1 - Limiting minimum value.

Byte 2 - Limiting maximum value.

Byte 3 - Default value.


DTMF Dial Parameters

Defined Values

2 Bytes Defines the required ON time for a dialed DTMF. Value reflects the required time in milliseconds for the DTMF signal to remain high during the dialing of a DTMF digit. If value is 0 then the DTMF ON time is the value in S11.

2 Bytes Defines the required length of time between DTMF digits. Value reflects the required delay time in milliseconds between two consecutive digit transmissions. If value is 0 then the interdigit delay is the value in S11.


Threshold Parameters: Used only when DaaType is Silicon DAA (see ).

Defined Values

14 Bytes Reserved

2 Bytes Defines Ring threshold in percent of duty cycle. (Ex: 70% -> 700d = 02BCh)

2 Bytes Reserved

2 Bytes Defines CID threshold.


RLSD Threshold Adjustment Parameter

Defined Values

4 Bytes Defines a +/- dB offset from the selected RLSD threshold.


Tone Detection Parameters

Defined Values

2 Bytes Defines dial tone stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect continuous dial tone in order for dial tone to be considered valid. This value is used for cadencing of the dial tone in addition to the dial tone cadence parameters, which are defined in the CADENCE section.

2 Bytes Defines W dial tone stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect a continuous dial tone after encountering a W parameter in the dial string for the tone to be considered a valid secondary dial tone. This value is used for cadencing of the dial tone in addition to the dial tone cadence parameters, which are defined in the CADENCE section.

2 Bytes Reserved.

2 Bytes Reserved

1 Byte Defines the dial tone wait time before non-blind dialing. In the case of blind dialing the value in S6 register is used.


Timing Parameters for redialing and billing

Defined Value

2 Bytes Defines minimum delay when attempting an outgoing call to the same number that was previously attempted. Value reflects the delay time in milliseconds required by the modem to wait after hang-up before initiating another call.

2 Bytes Defines minimum delay when attempting an outgoing call to a different number than that was previously attempted. Value reflects the delay time in milliseconds required by the modem to wait after hang-up before initiating another call.

2 Bytes Defines minimum delay when attempting an outgoing call after an incoming call. Value reflects the delay time in milliseconds required by the modem to wait after hang-up before initiating another call.

2 Bytes Defines billing delay. Value reflects a minimum delay between the time the modem goes off hook and the time when the modem begins answering the call.


Tone Cadence Parameters

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines number of phases (1,2). Value reflects number of different Phases (pulse)

that identifies a tones cycle.

36 Bytes* Defines cadence for Dialtone

36 Bytes* Defines cadence for Busy

36 Bytes* Defines cadence for Ringback

36 Bytes* Defines cadence for Congestion

*Parameter declared in the following format:

Minimum ON time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Maximum ON time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Minimum OFF time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Maximum OFF time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Minimum ON time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Maximum ON time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Minimum OFF time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Maximum OFF time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Number of cycles needed for detection (if used) - 4 Bytes


Blacklisting Parameters

For a detailed explanation of the HSF Blacklisting, refer to the document, HSF BLACKLISTING DOCUMENTATION.

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of No Dialtone

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of Key Abort

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of Busy

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of No Connection

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of No Answer

1 Byte Defines method number to be used for occurrence of Voice Answer

2 Bytes Defines Delay1 to be used for Inter Call Delay upon failure when redialing the

same number (Method 1).

2 Bytes Defines Delay2 to be used for Inter Call Delay upon failure when redialing a

different number (Method 1).

2 Bytes Defines Delay3 to be used by Method 2

2 Bytes Defines Delay4 to be used by Method 3

2 Bytes Defines Count1 to be used by Method 2

2 Bytes Defines Count2 to be used by Method 3

1 Byte Blacklisting Flags

bit0 - Enable permanent blacklisting

bit1 - Enable resetting of a blacklist number upon a

successful attempt

bit2 - Enable distinct failure condition

bit3 - reserved

bit4 - reserved

bit5 - reserved

bit6 - reserved

bit7 - reserved


Caller ID Parameter

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines Caller ID type. The table below shows the currently defined types. More types will be added in the future.

ID Type


No Caller ID

United States


Japan (Unimodem)




Initial Speed Selection Adjustment Parameters

Defined Values For HSF

1 Byte  V90 speed adjust index. The index is actually a real number represented in a mantissa + exponent format where the 4 most significant bits (L) define the mantissa and the 4 least significant bits (R) define the exponent in negative form. This number limits the percentage of BLER allowed:
BLER limit = L*10^(-R) %
The higher the maximal allowed BLER is, the more aggressive the connectivity becomes, i.e. the connection rates tend to be higher. Typically, decreasing the exponent by 1 results in one rate higher connections. Note, that the above is very line dependent.
Byte 41 defines the limit 0.4% (or 0.004)
Byte f1 defines the limit 1.5%
Byte f0 defines the limit 15%
The value of 0 indicates the default setting of the modulation, which may change from time to time.

1 Byte K56 speed adjust index. Not supported.

1 Byte V.34 speed adjust index. Not supported.


Four bit-mapped bytes are used as boolean flags for specifying certain modem behaviors.

Defined Values (Flag0)

bit 0 Enable use of Alternate filter instead of the Primary filter for dial tone detection.

bit 1 Enable use of Alternate filter instead of the Primary filter for call progress detection.

bit 2 Enable use of Alternate filter instead of the Primary filter for secondary dial tone detection.

bit 3 Enable use of Alternate filter instead of the Primary filter for secondary dial tone detection after dialing the international access code

bit 4 Unused

bit 5 Unused

bit 6 Unused

bit 7 Unused

Defined Values (Flag1)

bit 0 Enable enforcement of Dial Tone detection. Setting of this flag prevents blind dialing and overrides the X0, X1, and X3 commands.

bit 1 Enable enforcement of Data calling tone or CI. Setting of this flag prevents the disabling of calling tone transmission.

bit 2 Enable enforcement of 1800 Hz guard tone. Setting of this flag forces the transmission of guard tone.

bit 3 Enable enforcement of Busy detection. Setting of this flag forces the detection of BUSY and overrides the X0, X1, and X2 commands.

bit 4 Enable the use of S7 as the delay when W command is executed.

bit 5 Enable the Hang Up of call with Call Waiting is detected.

bit 6 Unused

bit 7 Unused

Defined Values (Flag2)

bit 0 Disable the execution of ATH1.

bit 1 Disable the execution of ATDTxxPyy (Disallow dialing one dial string by a mix of tone and pulse dialing.

bit 2 Enable the use of pulse dialing (ATDP).

bit 3 Enable the dialing of DTMF A, B, C and D digits.

bit 4 Enable Blacklisting.

bit 5 Enable Long tone is busy. Causes the modem to report BUSY when continuous dial tone is detected after call establishment

bit 6 Enable selection of U Law

bit 7 Disable Bell modes (Bell 103 mainly since Bell212=V.22)

Defined Values (Flag3)

bit 0 Enable to ignore commas before the first dialed digit

bit 1 Unused

bit 2 Unused

bit 3 Unused

bit 4 Unused

bit 5 Unused

bit 6 Unused

bit 7 Unused

OEM Parameter Values

Location of Key in WINDOWS 95 Registry is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services Class Modem [XXXX] OEM

[XXXX] - PnP modem key number

ATI Subkey Values


CHAR[] Reports product code


CHAR[] Reports Pre-Computed checksum


CHAR[] Reports Firmware Version


CHAR[] Reports OEM defined string


CHAR[] Reports data pump model and internal code revision


CHAR[] Reserved

ATPLUSID Subkey Values


CHAR[]  Causes the modem to transmit lines of information text listing additional capabilities

commands +<name>s, which is intended to permit the user to identify the overall

capabilities of the modem.


CHAR[]  Reports the modem product manufacturer provided in the product configuration file


CHAR[]  Reports the modem product model provided in the product configuration file


CHAR[]  Reports the modem version, revision level or date as provided in the product

configuration file


CHAR[]  Reports device identification based on the ISO system for registering unique

object identifiers.


CHAR[]  Reports the modem product modem serial number provided in the product

configuration file.


CHAR[]  Reports the modem product manufacturer provided in the product configuration file


CHAR[] Reports the modem product model provided in the product configuration file


CHAR[] Reports the modem version, revision level or date as provided in the product

configuration file


Used to set S-Register default values

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines S0 - Number of rings till auto answer

1 Byte Defines S1 - Ring counter

1 Byte Defines S2 - Escape Character

1 Byte Defines S3 - Carriage Return Character

1 Byte Defines S4 - Line Feed Character

1 Byte Defines S5 - Backspace Character

1 Byte Defines S6 - Wait time(ms) for dial tone before blind dialing

1 Byte Defines S7 - Wait time(me) for Carrier

1 Byte Defines S8 - Defines pause time in seconds for ,

1 Byte Defines S9 - Defines carrier detect response time (units in 0.01sec)

1 Byte Defines S10 - Defines carrier loss disconnect time (units in 0.01sec)

1 Byte Defines S11 - DTMF tone duration

1 Byte Defines S12 - Escape prompt delay

1 Byte Defines S13 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S14 - General Bit Mapped Option

1 Byte Defines S15 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S16 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S17 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S18 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S19 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S20 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S21 - General Bit Mapped Option

1 Byte Defines S22 - General Bit Mapped Options

1 Byte Defines S23 - General Bit Mapped Options

1 Byte Defines S24 - Sleep Inactivity Timer (units of 10s)

1 Byte Defines S25 - Length of time that ignores DTR before hanging up

1 Byte Defines S26 - RTS to CTS delay

1 Byte Defines S27 - General Bit Mapped Option

1 Byte Defines S28 - General Bit Mapped Option

1 Byte Defines S29 - Flash delay (units of 10ms)

1 Byte Defines S30 - Disconnect inactivity timer (units in minutes)

1 Byte Defines S31 - General Bit Mapped Option

1 Byte Defines S32 - XON character

1 Byte Defines S33 - XOFF character

1 Byte Defines S34 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S35 - Reserved

1 Byte Defines S36 - LAPM failure control

1 Byte Defines S37 - DCE connection speed

1 Byte Defines S38 - Delay before forced hangup(error correction)

1 Byte Defines S39 - Flow control


CHAR[] Defines default modulation string


4 Bytes Defines default modulation type

4 Bytes Enables/Disables automatic modulation negotiation.

4 Bytes Defines the lower limit in the transmit direction.

4 Bytes Defines the upper limit in the transmit direction.

4 Bytes Defines the lower limit in the receive direction.

4 Bytes Defines the upper limit in the receive direction.


Used to set default operation of modem

Defined Values


4 Bytes Defines fixed DTE rate


4 Bytes Defines DTE rate reporting


4 Bytes Defines modulation reporting


4 Bytes Defines the use of the selective repeat(SREF) option in V.42.


4 Bytes Defines the use of the 16-bit or 32-bit frame check sequence (FCS) option in



4 Bytes Defines error correction reporting.


4 Bytes Defines data compression reporting

A8E Related Parameters

1 Byte Defines A8E allowed call function value

1 Byte Reserved use

+A8E Parameters

4 Bytes Defines an enable/disable of +A8x indications during modem-controlled

V.8 origination negotiation.

4 Bytes Defines an enable/disable of +A8x indications during modem-controlled

V.8 answer negotiation.

4 Bytes Defines the V.8 CI signal call function (octet)

4 Bytes Defines an enable/disable of V.8bis negotiations.

20 Bytes Defines Cfrange. Used when DCE-controlled negotiations with +A8x

indications are set to enable.

20 Bytes Defines Protrange. Used when DCE-controlled negotiations with +A8x

indications are set to enable.

+DS Parameters (Data Compression)

4 Bytes Defines the desired direction(s) of operation of the data compression

function from the DTE point of view.

4 Bytes Defines whether or not the modem should continue to operate if the desired

data compression negotiation result is not obtained.

4 Bytes Defines, in regards to data compression, the maximum number of dictionary

entries which should be negotiated.

4 Bytes Defines, in regards to data compression, the maximum string length to be


+EB Parameters (Break Handling in Error Control Operation)

4 Bytes Defines whether the break is to be ignored, i.e., not signaled to remote DCE.

4 Bytes Defines length of time of any V.42 L-SIGNAL before break.

4 Bytes Defines break length.

+ES Parameters (Error control and Synchronous Mode Selection)

4 Bytes Specifies the initial requested mode of operation when the modem is

operating as the originator.

4 Bytes Specifies the acceptable fallback mode of operation when the modem is

operating as the originator.

4 Bytes Specifies the acceptable fall back mode of operation when the modem is

operating as the answer or specifies V.80 Synchronous Access Mode.

+ESA Parameters (Synchronous Access Mode)

4 Bytes Specifies the bit sequence transmitted by the modem while a transmit data buffer

underrun condition occurs, while operating in Transparent sub-Mode.

4 Bytes Specifies the bit sequence transmitted by the modem when a transmit date buffer

underrun condition occurs immediately after a flag, while operating in Framed


4 Bytes Specifies the action taken by the modem when a transmit data buffer underrun or

overrun condition occurs immediately after a non-flag octet, while operating in

Framed sub-Mode.

4 Bytes Specifies the CRC polynomial used while operating in Framed sub-Mode.

4 Bytes Specifies if Non Return to Zero Inverted (NRZI) encoding is to be used by the

modem for transmit and receive data.

4 Bytes Specifies the an octet value to be used while performing character-oriented


+ETBM Parameters (Call Termination Buffer Management)

4 Bytes Specifies length of time, after the local DTE requests call disconnection, that all

buffered transmit data will be discarded.

4 Bytes Specifies length of time, after the local DTE requests call disconnection, that all

buffered receive data will be discarded.

4 Bytes Specifies length of time that the modem will attempt to continue to deliver the

before abandoning the attempt and discarding the data.

+FIT (DTE Inactivity Timeout)

4 Bytes Specifies the DTE inactivity timeout in seconds.

4 Bytes Specifies the inactivity action type.

+ICF (Char Format Options)

4 Bytes Specifies the char format.

4 Bytes Specifies the char parity.

+IFC (DTE Modem Local Flow Control)

4 Bytes Specifies the method used by the DTE to control the flow of received data from

the modem.

4 Bytes Specifies the method to be used by the modem to control the flow of transmitted

data from the DTE.

+ITF (Transmit Flow Control Thresholds)

4 Bytes Specifies the threshold, in octet, above which the modem will generate a flow off

signal. Applicable in Synchronous Access Mode.

4 Bytes Specifies the threshold, in octet, below which the modem will generate a flow on

signal. Applicable in Synchronous Access Mode.

4 Bytes Species the number of bytes in the transmit buffer.

MISC AT Commands

1 Byte Defines E - Command echo

1 Byte Defines Q - Result code suppression

1 Byte Defines V - Modem response format

1 Byte Defines T - Select tone dial

1 Byte Defines &D - DTR behavior

1 Byte Defines &C - RLSD behavior

1 Byte Defines L - Monitor speaker loudness

1 Byte Defines M - Monitor speaker mode

1 Byte Defines X - Result code selection and call progress monitoring


1 Byte Defines &T - Request for RDL

1 Byte Defines %E - Enable/Disable line quality monitor, auto-retrain, and auto

rate renegotiation.

1 Byte Defines &G - Select guard tone.

1 Byte Defines &P - Select pulse dial Make/Break ratio.

1 Byte Defines &R - Defines RTS option.


Tone Detect Parameters used by the HSF Data Pump

Defined Values

24 Bytes* Defines Tone ATBel

24 Bytes* Defines Tone AtV25

24 Bytes* Defines Tone CI Center Frequency

24 Bytes* Defines Tone CI Side Band

24 Bytes* Defines ToneC 2912

24 Bytes* Defines ToneB 2312

24 Bytes* Defines ToneB 2750

24 Bytes* Defines ToneB 2130

24 Bytes* Defines ToneA Not ST

24 Bytes* Defines ToneC 1650

24 Bytes* Defines Tone 1270

24 Bytes* Defines Tone CReSEG1 2002

*Parameter declared in the following format:

2 Bytes Defines the Center Frequency of the primary tone detector. Value represents the frequency in Hz.

2 Bytes Defines the Bandwidth of the primary tone detector. Value represents a range in Hz (with the Center Frequency in the middle. Tones within the specified range should be detected (e.g. if Center Frequency is 450 and the Bandwidth is 400, tones in the range of 250-650Hz are detected).

4 Bytes Defines primary filter Response Time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds that takes the detector to detect a tone. Longer response time provides a more accurate tone detection. Normally, the default value for this parameter should not be changed.

2 Bytes Defines primary THRESHU. Value represents an upper limit level in dBm. If the

tone level that is being detected exceeds the value of THRESHU, then the tone detect flag is SET. This value will be overwritten by the values in the THRESHOLD country key. The value should be greater than the Response Time.

2 Bytes Defines primary THRESHL. Value represents a lower limit level in dBm. If the tone

level falls below THRESHL then the tone detect flag is RESET. This value will be overwritten by a value derived from the values in the THRESHOLD country key. This value should be greater than the Response Time.

4 Bytes Reserved.

4 Bytes Defines primary tone ON stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect continuous tone in order for the Tone On event to be reported.

4 Bytes Defines primary tone OFF stability time. Value reflects the minimum time in milliseconds for which the modem must detect continuous tone non-existence in order for the Tone Off event to be reported.


Misc AT Command Definitions

4 Bytes Defines ATW Command

4 Bytes Defines AT+FAE Command

4 Bytes Enable V90

4 Bytes RESERVED (Default = 0x0000)


Misc Voice Parameter Definitions

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGS minimum value

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGS maximum value

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGS default value

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGM minimum value

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGM maximum value

4 Bytes Defines DSVD +VGM default value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGS minimum value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGS maximum value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGS default value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGM minimum value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGM maximum value

4 Bytes Defines FDSP +VGM default value

1 Byte Defines FDSP +VGR minimum value

1 Byte Defines FDSP +VGR maximum value

1 Byte Defines FDSP +VGR default value

1 Byte Defines TAM +VGR minimum value

1 Byte Defines TAM +VGR maximum value

1 Byte Defines TAM +VGR default value

1 Byte Defines the Voice TX Level lower limit.

1 Byte Defines the Voice Telout limit.

1 Byte Defines the Voice Line Rx Gain Bias in dB units.

1 Byte Defines the SpeakerPhone Line Rx Gain Bias in dB units.

1 Byte Defines the SpeakerPhone Mic Rx Gain Bias in dB units.

1 Byte Defines the Voice Codec Mic gain in dB units.


OEM Tone Cadence Parameters

Defined Values

1 Byte Defines number of phases (1,2). Value reflects number of different Phases (pulse)

that identifies a tones cycle.

36 Bytes* Defines cadence for Fax Calling tone cadence

4 Bytes Defines a special Fax Calling tone timer

*Parameter declared in the following format:

Minimum ON time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Maximum ON time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Minimum OFF time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Maximum OFF time (ms); Phase 1 - 4 Bytes

Minimum ON time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Maximum ON time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Minimum OFF time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Maximum OFF time (ms); Phase 2 (if used) - 4 Bytes

Number of cycles needed for detection (if used) - 4 Bytes


DSVD Digital FDSP Audio Parameters that are used to tune DSP.

Defined Values























2 Bytes DP_NFREF


Defines the threshold for a given modulation.

For a given modulation of 4 Bytes

- Byte 0 to 1 defines the Originate Threshold

- Byte 2 to 3 defines the Answer Threshold

Defined Values

4 Bytes V21

4 Bytes V21Fax

4 Bytes V23

4 Bytes V22

4 Bytes V22b

4 Bytes V32

4 Bytes V32b

4 Bytes V34

4 Bytes K56

4 Bytes V90

4 Bytes V27

4 Bytes V29

4 Bytes V17


Call Waiting Threshold Parameters

Defined Values

10 Bytes* Defines detection parameter for V90 Modulation

10 Bytes* Defines detection parameter for K56 Modulation

10 Bytes* Defines detection parameter for V34 Modulation

10 Bytes* Defines detection parameter for V32 Modulation

10 Bytes* Defines detection parameter for V32B Modulation

*Parameter declared in the following format:

Upper bound threshold - 2 Bytes

Lower bound threshold - 2 Bytes

Alternate Upper bound threshold - 2 Bytes

Alternate Lower bound threshold - 2 Bytes

Receive power level indicator - 2 Bytes


Misc WIRELESS AT Command Definitions

4 Bytes Defines AT+WS46 Command


Defined Values (Flag0)

bit 0 Reserved

bit 1  Enable notification of use of an analog speaker

bit 2 Enable Data/Fax remote TAM

bit 3 Enable Data/Fax Voice View

bit 4 Enable LCS present

bit 5 Enable the use of 3.3V Analog IA

bit 6 Enable the detection of remote hang up

bit 7 Enable speaker mute hardware present

Defined Values (Flag1)

bit 0 Enable country detection from hardware

bit 1 Enable validation of ACF AT command set (S46, %C, K, &K, &Q)

bit 2 Enable PME

bit 3 PME with interrupt. When set modem will assert PME and generate

interrupt upon wake up from D3.

bit 4 Enable to allow a NONE response in country select tab

bit 5 Control speaker mute polarity. 1 implies active HIGH and 0 implies active LOW

bit 6 Enables speaker boost. 1 will set IA speaker output to maximum level. 0 will

use default value.

bit 7 Enable the allowing of +VGM and +VGS to control microphone and speaker. If

value is set to 0, driver will use DSVD default values.

Defined Values (Flag2)

bit 0 Reserved

bit 1 Disable the forcing of LAPM when V.8bis fails in V90.

bit 2  Disables DOS support by unchecking the box

bit 3 Enables the user to select whether DOS is supported or not (via DOS select box)

bit 4 Enable special local handset handling based on +VCID setting.

bit 5 Enable the detection by the hardware of an extension off hook event.

bit 6 Enable the customization of driver for LAN Modem.

bit 7 Enable the maintaining of the line connection on a port close.

Defined Values (Flag3)

bit 0 Enable access to all GPIO bits.

bit 1 Enable DAA support of D3 Caller ID circuitry

bit 2 Enable Line in Use feature. Will check to see if handset is down before dialing. If

handset is up, a BUSY is reported. LCS Present Flag must be enabled.

bit 3 Disable the limiting of the V.42 data rate to the PC

bit 4 Reserved

bit 5 Enable the disallowing of answer in V23 mode.

bit 6 Reserved

bit 7 Reserved


NVRam Capabilities

4 Bytes Defines NVRam Capabilities


Used to define DAA type being used.

Defined Value


Normal Standard DAA

Silicon Smart DAA

Soft DAA

SmartDAAParams (SiliconSmart DAA Only)

Smart DAA Parameters

Defined Values

4 Bytes Defines the R6 value of the circuit in K ohms

4 Bytes Defines the R26 value of the circuit in K ohms

4 Bytes Defines the R28 value of the circuit in ohms

4 Bytes Defines the R30 value of the circuit in K ohms

4 Bytes Defines the R38 value of the circuit in ohms

4 Bytes Defines the power limit on the AC transistor in mW

4 Bytes Defines the power limit on the DC transistor in mW

4 Bytes **Impedance values to be used.

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop voltage points of Curve 0 (units of 0.5 volts)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop voltage points of Curve 1 (units of 0.5 volts)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop voltage points of Curve 2 (units of 0.5 volts)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop voltage points of Curve 3 (units of 0.5 volts)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop voltage points of Curve 4 (units of 0.5 volts)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop current points of Curve 0 (units of mA)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop current points of Curve 1 (units of mA)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop current points of Curve 2 (units of mA)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop current points of Curve 3 (units of mA)

5 Bytes *Defines the 5 DC Loop current points of Curve 4 (units of mA)

4 Bytes Flags

* The order of the defined points are from point 1 to point 5 where point 1 is the LSB BYTE and point 5 is the MSB Byte as defined in the MS REGISTRY format specification. Value is used in association with the RELAY values defined in the County section.

** This value defines 4 impedance values which are selectable based on the values defined in RELAYS of the Country section. Impedance value 1 is the LSB Byte and Impedance value 4 is the MSB Byte as defined in the MS REGISTRY format specification.

SmartDAA Flags

The 4 bytes of the Flags field correspond to System Side registers as specified in the following table. The description in the table is digit (nibble) by digit, digit # being the leftmost character in the Flags line, and digit #8 is the rightmost one.


SSD Reg#








DUTY_CYCLE for ultra low power


DUTY_CYCLE for low power

CLKSHIGH (4MHz high power)


DUTY_CYCLE for ultra low power

digit %duty cycle






A 6

C 7

E 8

DUTY_CYCLE for low power

digit %duty cycle











A 11

B 12

C 13

D 14

E 15

F 16

CLKSHIGH (4MHz high power)

digit %duty cycle







Speakers Mute Delay

2 Bytes Defines the Speakers Mute Delay

Top Level Modem Parameters Values

Location of Key in WINDOWS 95 Registry is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services Class Modem [XXXX]

[XXXX] - PnP modem key number


CHAR[]  Defines the Hardware Type. The Following types are currently supported FUJITSU, RIPTIDE and D420


CHAR[]  Defines if hardware buffers are used to handle the PCI bus latency problem. Possible values - ON or OFF.


BYTE  Defines the interrupt latency that the modem can handle in terms of buffer number ( this will later be changed to be in term of time). Default is value 03 if buffers field is ON, it is advised to change the BuffersDelay to 05.


CHAR[]  Defines the functionality supported by the modem driver. The string value should be a hexadecimal bit mask number. The Bit Mask is translated as follows:




Full duplex V34, VFC, V32, V22







Not Assigned


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