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Cool Edit 2000 File Filters (*.FLT) Application Programmer's Interface


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Cool Edit 2000

File Filters (*.FLT)




File Filters API Making your own file formats

Cool Edit can support any number of file formats. New file formats can be written by following this API. The .flt files built will work for all current versions of Cool Edit. A file filter is nothing more than a DLL with the following exported functions that Cool Edit calls to do the reading (decoding) and writing (coding) of audio data.

When Cool Edit starts, it checks the program directory for any files ending in .FLT. If it finds any, it checks to see if the file contains the function QueryCoolFilter, and if so, it calls that function. If the return value is C_VALIDLIBRARY, then it is assumed to be a valid file format DLL.

When reading an audio file, the function FilterUnderstandsFormat() is called first to see if your file filter can read the given file. If it can, then OpenFilterInput() is called, and then FilterGetFirstSpecialData() and FilterGetNextSpecialData() if the QF_READSPECIALFIRST flag is set. Audio data is then read in chunks of the size specified by calling ReadFilterInput(). If QF_READSPECIALLAST is set, then the special read functions are called after all audio data is read in. Finally, the CloseFilterInput() function is called when all is complete. The functions FilterOptions(), FilterOptionsString(), and FilterGetFileSize() may be called at any time while the input file is open.

When writing an audio file, the function FilterGetOptions() may be called at any time if the QF_HASOPTIONSBOX flag is set so the user can choose any filter specific options (eg A-Law, mu-Law or Linear in the case of .AU files, or 2-bit, 3-bit, or 4-bit compression in the case of DVI compressed files). The GetSuggestedSampleType() function is called to ensure that the file filter can write data in the format that Cool Edit will be presenting. If a different sample type is specified, it will be converted to the desired type before being saved. OpenFilterOutput() is called to initiate the writing process. As in reading, the special write function FilterWriteSpecialData() may be called before or after writing the audio data depending on the flags set. Audio data is written by calling the WriteFilterOutput() function in blocks of the size specified by your filter at open time. Once everything is written, CloseFilterOutput() is called and writing is complete.

The FilterGetOptions() function should call up a dialog box for the user to choose the format options. The dialog box template should be a resource in the file filter DLL, thus it can be totally defined by the DLL author.

The sample .AU file filter gives an example of writing a file filter that has multiple options. You can use these files as a template for creating your own file formats.

All functions should be declared as __declspec(dllexport) FAR PASCAL.

Overview of Functions called by Cool Edit

QueryCoolFilter  Returns information about the type of file filter

FilterGetFileSize  Returns the number of audio data bytes that are allowed to read from the file.

FilterUnderstandsFormat  Returns TRUE if the given file is of a format that this filter understands

GetSuggestedSampleType  Returns the desired sample format for writing

FilterGetOptions  Brings up a dialog box to choose options for the filter if options supported

FilterOptions  Returns the options DWORD for the currently opened file

FilterOptionsString  Returns a readable text description of the filter options

FilterWriteSpecialData  Write a chunk of special non-audio data to the waveform file

FilterGetFirstSpecialData  Retrieve first item of special data from file

FilterGetNextSpecialData  Get the next chunk of special data from file

FilterCanReadSpecial Obsolete. Not used anymore.

FilterCanWriteSpecial Obsolete. Not used at all anymore.

FilterReadSpecial Obsolete. Use FilterGetFirstSpecialData and FilterGetNextSpecialData

FilterWriteSpecial Obsolete. Use FilterWriteSpecialData

OpenFilterInput  Open the specified file for reading

ReadFilterInput  Read a specified number of bytes from the input audio stream

CloseFilterInput  Close the input file

OpenFilterOutput  Open the specified file for writing

WriteFilterOutput  Write a specified number of bytes to the output audio stream

CloseFilterOutput  Close the output file

Changes since Cool Edit 95

The main change has been the replacement of the functions FilterCanReadSpecial(),FilterReadSpecial(),FilterCanWriteSpecial(), and FilterWriteSpecial() with the functions

FilterGetFirstSpecialData(), FilterGetNextSpecialData() and FilterWriteSpecialData(). This change was necessary in order to have Cool Edit preserve special data entries that it had no knowledge of. Please see the descriptions for these new functions if you were reading or writing any extra non-audio info to the files.

The C_VALIDLIBRARY return should now be 1155, not 1152. You can still return 1154 if using the obsolete SpecialData routines.

The flags QF_CANDO32BITFLOATS and QF_CANOPENVIRTUAL have been added.

New function GetDataOffset() can be used with QF_CANOPENVIRTUAL.

int QueryCoolFilter( lpcq ) Required

COOLQUERY * lpcq Structure to be filled with all information pertaining to the file filter.

This function should fill the COOLQUERY structure with information about the file filter.

Returns: C_VALIDLABRARY if successful, zero otherwise.

The COOLQUERY data structure is defined as:

char szName[24] Textual description of file filter that will show in the File Open and File Save dialog boxes.

char szCopyright[80] Any copyright information you care to put in for your DLL. This information is displayed as the file is being loaded or saved.

Use the R_xxxx constants ORed together to form the sample rates supported by this filter.

WORD Quad32 ( 4-channel, 32-bit samples, not supported )

WORD Quad16 ( 4-Channel, 16-bit samples, not supported )

WORD Quad8 ( 4-Channel, 8-bit samples, not supported )

WORD Stereo8 Stereo, 8-bit samples

WORD Stereo12 ( Stereo, 12-bit samples, not supported )

WORD Stereo16 Stereo, 16-bit samples

WORD Stereo24 ( Stereo, 24-bit samples, not supported - specify as 32-bit instead )

WORD Stereo32 Stereo, 32-bit samples - formatted as float, scaled to range of +/-65536.0

WORD Mono8 Mono, 8-bit samples

WORD Mono12 ( Mono, 12-bit samples, not supported )

WORD Mono16 Mono, 16-bit samples

WORD Mono24 ( Mono, 24-bit samples, not supported - specify as 32-bit instead )

WORD Mono32 Mono, 32-bit samples - formatted as float, scaled to range of +/- 65536.0

DWORD dwFlags Use the QF_xxxx flags ORed together to provide special information about what functions are supported by your filter, etc. and so on. See below for a list of QF_xxxx constants.

char szExt[4]; 3-character default extension, in caps, followed by a NULL character

long lChunkSize; Size of chuncks (in bytes) prefered when Cool Edit calls your read and write functions

char szExt2[4]; Optional secondary 3-character default extension

char szExt3[4]; Optional extension

char szExt4[4]; And another optional extension, just in case.

Constants for Mono/Stereo/Quad 8/12/16/24/32 fields:

R_5500 Low quality, 5500 Hz

R_11025 AM radio quality, 11 KHz

R_22050 Radio quality, 22 KHz

R_32075 FM radio quality, 32 KHz (also valid for 32000 Hz)

R_44100 CD quality, 44.1 KHz

R_48000 DAT quality, 48 KHz

Constants for dwFlags field:

QF_RATEADJUSTABLE  File filter can handle adjustable rates, not just the standards

QF_CANSAVE  File filter supports saving (writing)

QF_CANLOAD  File loading (reading) supported

QF_UNDERSTANDSALL  File filter can read any file at all (used for PCM)

QF_READSPECIALFIRST Special information should be read before data

QF_READSPECIALLAST  Special information should be read after data

QF_WRITESPECIALFIRST  Special information should be written before data

QF_WRITESPECIALLAST Special information should be written after data

QF_HASOPTIONSBOX  This format supports multiple options

QF_NOASKFORCONVERT  Set to bypass asking for conversion if original in different rate, ie auto convert sample type

QF_NOHEADER  Set if this is a raw data format with no header

QF_CANDO32BITFLOATS Set if file format can handle 32-bit floating point sample data for input

QF_CANOPENVIRTUAL Set if data is in Intel 8-bit or 16-bit sample format, or floats and the GetDataOffset() function is implemented. Cool can then use files of this type directly without making a temporary file copy.

This function must return the value C_VALIDLIBRARY if everything is successful, otherwise it should return zero.

BOOL FilterUnderstandsFormat( lpszFilename ) Required

LPSTR lpszFilename File name of file to test for understanding of.

Cool Edit calls this function to determine if the given file can be read by the file filter. You may need to open the file and read in the first few bytes to verify that the header is correct for your format. For headerless formats, you may just need check the filename extension to determine file validity.

Returns: TRUE if this file filter understands the format of szFilename, FALSE otherwise.

void GetSuggestedSampleType( lplSamprate, lplwBitsPerSample, lpwChannels )

Required if Writing

LONG * lplSamprate Sample rate

WORD * lpwBitsPerSample Bits per Sample (8 or 16)

WORD * wChannels Channels (1 or 2)

Called with the current format of the waveform that is about to be saved. If this format is not supported, return the closest format that is supported, and Cool Edit will prompt the user if they wish to convert to this format before saving. Return zero in any of the values to indicate that this parameter does not matter. For example, if this format handles all sample rates, set *lplSamprate to zero.

HANDLE OpenFilterOutput( lpszFilename, lSamprate, wBitsPerSample,

wChannels, lSize, lplChunkSize, dwOptions ) Required if Writing

LPSTR lpszFilename File to open for writing

LONG lSamprate Sample rate in Hz

WORD wBitsPerSample Sample size (currently 8 or 16)

WORD wChannels Number of channels (currently 1 or 2)

LONG lSize Total amount of data to be written, in bytes. samples = lSize*wBitsPerSample/8/wChannels

LONG * lplChunkSize Cool Edit will pass this value in lBytes to WriteFilterOutput()

DWORD dwOptions Options string returned from FilterGetOptions(). Zero indicates the default should be used

A user defined type should be allocated and the handle returned. The user defined type should contain all variables that are used in the writing of files of this format. It will be passed in too all functions pertaining to writing. The output file should be opened for writing, overwriting any existing file of the same name since the user has already confirmed that the file name is correct. The user defined type should at the very least contain a handle to the opened file. The *lplChunkSize parameter should be filled with the desired size of a chunk of audio data that WriteFilterOutput() would like. Set *lplChunkSize to 16384 if the chunk size doesn't matter. The dwOptions parameter contains any specific options that the user chose when FilterGetOptions() was called. If the user never called this funciton, dwOptions will be zero, in which case some default should be used. This function will only be called if the QF_CANLOAD flag is set.

Returns: Valid handle to some internal output file structure, NULL file not opened for output for any reason.

void CloseFilterOutput( hOutput ) Required if Writing

HANDLE hOutput Handle of user defined output structure

No more data is to be writtin out, and the file should be cleanly closed and the user defined structure referred to by hOutput should be freed. As far as Cool Edit is concerned, the file has completed. The user may have hit Cancel during the write process, in which case this function may be called prematurely. If this is the case, the file should be cleaned up as much as possible so it can still be read, otherwise it should be deleted.

DWORD WriteFilterOutput( hOutput, lpbData, lBytes) Required if Writing

HANDLE hOutput Handle of user defined output structure

BYTE *lpbData Data to be written (format was given in call to OpenFilterOutput() )

LONG lBytes Number of bytes in lpbData to be written

All data in lpbData should be written out to the file. The file handle should be part of the user defined structure specified by hOutput.

Returns: Number of bytes actually written. Once this value is less than lBytes, or is zero, then Cool Edit will stop passing data to be written, and will call CloseFilterOutput().

HANDLE OpenFilterInput( lpszFilename, lplSamprate, lpwBitsPerSample,

lpwChannels, hWnd, lplChunkSize ) Required if Reading

LPSTR lpszFilename File to open for writing

LONG * lplSamprate Sample rate in Hz 

WORD * lpwBitsPerSample Sample size (currently 8 or 16)

WORD * lpwChannels Number of channels (currently 1 or 2)

HWND hWnd Parent window - use to display error messages if needed

LONG * lplChunkSize Cool Edit will pass this value in lBytes to ReadFilterInput()

A user defined type should be allocated and the handle returned. The user defined type should contain all variables that are used in the reading of files of this format. It will be passed in too all functions pertaining to reading. The actual sample format should be filled into the lplSamprate, lpwBitsPerSample, and lpwChannels parameters. Fill lplChunkSize with the size of chunks you want ReadFilterInput to be called with. Use the hWnd value as a parent window if any custom dialogs or anything are used here. This function will only be called if the QF_CANSAVE flag is set.

Custom dialogs for configuring should be called from the FilterGetOptions() function instead of here. FilterGetOptions() will be called if a call to FilterOptionsString() or FilterOptions() returns zero. You should keep track of an options variable within your data structure, and return the value of that options variable in the FilterOptions() or FilterOptionsString call. If a value of zero is returned in that call, and QF_HASOPTIONS box is set, then FilterGetOptions() will be called for the user to choose the appropriate formatting options for this file.

If FilterGetOptions() is called, then it will be followed by a call to FilterSetOptions() so you can make the appropriate changes to your the internal data structure (eg making memory allocations based on the users options that you would have done inside OpenFilterInput but couldnt because the actual data format was unknown at the time).

If a value of zero is returned for any of lplSamprate, lpwBitsPerSample, or lpwChannels, then the user will be queried as to what the proper value should be in an Input Sample Rate type dialog box automatically.

Returns: A handle to the user defined structure used in reading, or NULL if the file could not be opened.

DWORD FilterGetFileSize( hInput ) Required if Reading

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input structure, allocated during OpenFilterInput()

The size of the audio data in the file, in bytes, should be returned. This function is only called after OpenFilterInput succeeds.

Returns: The size of the audio data in bytes.

DWORD ReadFilterInput( hInput, lpbData, lBytes)  Required if Reading

HANDLE hOutput Handle of user defined input structure

BYTE *lpbData Filled with newly read in data

LONG lBytes Number of bytes in lpbData that should be read

lBytes bytes of audio data should be read into lpbData. The file handle should be part of the user defined structure specified by hInput.

Returns: Number of bytes actually read. Once this value is less than lBytes, or is zero, then Cool Edit will stop passing data buffers to be read into, and will call CloseFilterInput().

void CloseFilterInput( hInput ) Required if Reading

HANDLE hInput Handle of user defined input structure

No more data is going to be read in. The file should be cleanly closed and the user defined structure referred to by hInput should be freed. As far as Cool Edit is concerned, the file has completed reading in. The user may have hit Cancel during the read process, in which case this function may be called prematurely.

DWORD FilterGetOptions( hWnd, hInst, lSamprate, wChannels,

wBitsPerSample, dwDefaultOptions ) Optional

HWND hWnd Handle to use as parent window of options dialog box

HINSTANCE hInst Instance of your DLL so you can access an options dialog box template

LONG lSamprate Sample rate of audio that will be saved

WORD wChannels Number of channels in audio that will be saved

WORD wBitsPerSample Bits per sample in audio that will be saved

DWORD dwDefaultOptions Previous options settings, or zero to indicate defaults should be set.

If the QF_HASOPTIONSBOX flag is set, then the user may decide to change the file filter's parameters before saving. If so, this function is called. This function should in turn call up an options dialog box so the user may change the options. The options dialog box should default to the options specified by dwDefaultOptions. If dwDefaultOptions is zero, then the dialog box should choose appropriate defaults for all the settings. All options should fit within a single DWORD. The options DWORD should never be zero, since zero indicates that the default should be used.

FilterGetOptions() is called when the user presses the Options button in a File Save dialog, or during a file load if FilterOptions() or FilterOptionsString() returns zero.

Returns: Return zero if no options box is supported, otherwise return a valid DWORD containing all the options that the user chose. This options DWORD will be passed to OpenFilterOutput().

DWORD FilterOptions( hInput ) Optional

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input structure

If file filter supports multiple options, then this function should return the current options settings for the opened input file. This value will be used if the file is subsequently saved again in the same format, or if the Options dialog box is called up through FilterGetOptions().

Returns: Return zero if no options box is supported, othrwise return a valid DWORD containing the current options settings for the input file.

DWORD FilterOptionsString( hInput, lpszString )  Optional

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input structure

LPSTR lpszString String to hold text of options setting

The lpszString parameter should be filled with a textual description of the current options settings. Currently this information is displayed for the user when 'Show Info' is checked while choosing a file to open.

Return: Returns zero, and lpszString set to the empty string, if no options box is supported. Otherwise, a valid DWORD containing the current options settings should be returned.

DWORD FilterSetOptions( hInput, dwOptions, lSamprate, wChannels, wBPS ) Optional

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input structure

DWORD dwOptions Options to set filter to

LONG lSamprate Current sample rate

WORD wChannels Current number of channels

WORD wBPS  Current bits per sample

If OpenFilterInput returns zero for the sample rate, channels, and bits per sample, but succeeds anyway, then the user is prompted for the sample format to use, then the FilterOptions function is called to allow the user to choose the options they wish to use to interpret the file (a good example is the PCM file format, where the data could be in any of a variety of formats). If FilterOptions succeeds with a non-zero return value (a valid option was chosen and cancel was not hit) then FilterSetOptions is called with the user's choices for options, sample rate, channels, and bits per sample to inform the file filter of all the options that should be used to interpret the file.

Return: This function should return the previous options setting.

__declspec(dllexport) DWORD PASCAL FilterGetFirstSpecialData(HANDLE hInput, SPECIALDATA * psp)

DWORD FilterWriteSpecialData(hOutput, szListType, szType, pData, dwSize) Optional

HANDLE hOutput Handle to user defined output type

LPCSTR szListType Name of list in which this type lives (as in RIFF files)

LPCSTR szType Name of this data

char * pData Pointer to data

DWORD dwSize Size of data

If the QF_WRITESPECIALFIRST or QF_WRITESPECIALLAST flag is set, this function is called to write special data to the wave file. Some file formats support extra information besides just waveform data. If this is the case, the requests from Cool Edit to write the data can be asked before the audio data, or after, depending on the QF_ flag that is set.

Top level types (such as cue , plst ) should use WAVE as the szListType. Special text info strings (such as ICMT, ICOM, ISFT, etc.) should use INFO as the szListType. The additional information types (such as labl, note, and ltxt) should use adtl as the list type. The exact data format, and specifications of all the types and list types that can be used are identical to those found in the RIFF specification available from in the file riffnew.doc in the file mdrk.exe.

Return: 1 if all is OK, else 0 for an error.

DWORD FilterGetFirstSpecialData( hInput, psp )  Optional

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input type

SPECIALDATA * psp Pointer to SPECIALDATA structure which needs to be filled.

If any special information exists in the file and is handled by your file format. You can read in all the extra information during OpenFilterInput() and return the data as requested through this function. Cool Edit will call this function either before or after the audio data is read depending on which of the QF_READSPECIALFIRST or QF_READSPECIALLAST flags are set.


HANDLE hSpecialData; // Handle to your own user defined data to keep track of state information or whatever

HANDLE hData; // Actual handle to data that is being returned to the caller

DWORD dwSize; // size of data in handle

DWORD dwExtra; // optional extra data (usually a count)

char  szListType[8]; // Parent list type (usually 'WAVE' or 'INFO', or 'adtl')

char  szType[8]; // Usually a four character code for data, but can be up to 7 chars

When this function is called, the first piece of extra information should be returned. The hSpecialData member is for your own use - to use as a count of the number of data items rerned to the caller so far, for example, so that when FilterGetNextSpecialData is called with this same structure, you can use the information in hSpecialData to determine which item of data should be returned next. All the members of this structure should be filled. All special data types basically mirror the equivalent RIFF chunks.

Return: 1 if the data item being returned is valid, 0 if this file has no extra information.

DWORD FilterGetNextSpecialData( hInput, psp )  Optional

HANDLE hInput Handle to user defined input type

SPECIALDATA * psp Pointer to SPECIALDATA structure which needs to be filled.

The SPECIALDATA structure should be filled out just as in FilterGetFirstSpecialData(). This function will continue to be called until a value of 0 is returned.

Return: 1 if this next data item was retrieved successfully, 0 to stop and say there are no more extra data items.


Following are the structures that are used in reading and writing files. Most have to do with the transfer of special types of extra data (data that is not audio). For more information on specific special types, see the RIFF specification, since the format of the data closely parallels that in the specification. Cool Edit actually only supports 8 and 16 bit audio in mono and stereo formats - any sample rate. The COOLQUERY type allows for other formats though.

typedef DWORD FOURCC;  // a four character code placed into a single DWORD (lsb first)

typedef struct riffspecialdata_t


typedef struct coolquery_tag



#define R_5500  1 // Rate flags for supported sample types bitfields in COOLQUERY

#define R_11025 2

#define R_22050 4

#define R_32075 8

#define R_44100 16

#define R_48000 32

#define C_VALIDLIBRARY 1155 // Returned from QueryCoolFilter() to designate a valid file format

// Flags for dwFlags field of COOLQUERY

#define QF_RATEADJUSTABLE 0x0001 // All sample rates are valid, not just the standard 'R_' ones.

#define QF_CANSAVE 0x0002 // Set if file filter can write files

#define QF_CANLOAD 0x0004 // Set if file filter can read files

#define QF_UNDERSTANDSALL 0x0008 // Set if file filter reads any file format whatsoever (reserved for RAW PCM)

#define QF_READSPECIALFIRST 0x0010 // Set if extra info should be requested for before reading audio

#define QF_READSPECIALLAST 0x0020 // Set if extra info should be requested for after reading audio

#define QF_WRITESPECIALFIRST 0x0040 // Set if extra info should be written for before writing audio

#define QF_WRITESPECIALLAST 0x0080 // Set if extra info should be written for after writing audio

#define QF_HASOPTIONSBOX 0x0100 // Set if file format supports multiple options

#define QF_NOASKFORCONVERT 0x0200 // Set to convert sample type automatically, see GetSuggestedSampleType()

#define QF_NOHEADER 0x0400 // Set if this file format does not have a header, if it is just raw data

#define QF_CANDO32BITFLOATS 0x0800 // set if file format can handle 32-bit sample data for input

#define QF_CANOPENVIRTUAL 0x1000 // Set if data is in Intel 8-bit or 16-bit sample format, or floats

// and the GetDataOffset() function is implemented

Converting from 16-bit file filters

Following are the major differences between 16-bit and 32-bit file filters:

The __export declarator should be changed to __declspec(dllexport) in all function definitions.

LibMain and _WEP have been replaced by DllMain

All occurrences of int should be changed to short

Message procedures are now of the form MsgProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM), and all functions using wParam and lParam should be verified.

EXETYPE WINDOWS can be removed from the DEF file.

The valid library return value is 1154 for Cool Edit 96 compatibility (and if using the obsolete SpecialData functions instead of the current ones) or 1155 for Cool Edit 98 and Cool Edit Pro compatibility (and not using the obsolete SpecialData functions).

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