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Brand training material


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Executive summary



Keys to success

Organizational analysis and summary

aiesec in Romania

Explanation of Brand Foundation Flow


Interpretation Part One

Interpretation Part Two


market analysis

Market Identification

branding strategy

Branding Strategy Pyramid





1.executive summary

AIESEC is a non-profit international student run organization, which facilitates international traineeship exchanges.

AIESEC in romania is in the stage of organizational development called under the carpet, as it does not have clear selling points and the position in society .LCs are issuing different messages and there is no clear link between the activities and the core work.

AIESEC in Romania needs to define its position in the society as well as link our activities and processes to what we seek to deliver as an organization.

Our new Branding strategy made explicit in this plan renews the vision and values of AIESEC and our strategic focus towards making aiesec in Romania relevant in its current environment.

A.      Objectives

The objective of the Branding exercise is to create the position of the organization in a way that it enables us to provide the society with attributes needed for their growth in Romania.

  • AIESEC Romania to have a strong and unified identity carried out by its members. We are clear what is AIESEC in Romania and what it stands for
  • Having and using common concept, messages, key elements of identity, slogan and common visual elements that would help us to be recognized and easy to memorize
  • AIESEC Romania to have unified and readily recognized image among its stakeholders
  • To have a clear and common linkage between different events and activities through having a basis what to build them on, ensuring that we maximize impact on society through our work.

B.      Mission

We understand the importance of the added value of Branding our organization based on the needs of the external and internal environment in Romania and thus this is the path that we have chosen to develop our organization in our country and maximize impact of our services.

We seek to:

Develop socially minded leaders who are able to perform responsibly with all sectors of the community.

Facilitate interaction and appreciation of diversity between individuals of a different culture

Create opportunities for individuals to be creative and to act in a proactive manner

Develop individuals who practice active learning

Create a learning environment through the open sharing of information and ideas

C. Keys to Success

The success of the Brand Initiative is dependent on the following factors:

Our ability to understand the importance of and the process of the branding exercise

Our ability to successfully communicate our knowledge to the members of the 12 local committees

Our initiative in training the members to follow the branding regulations after the launch

Our ability to convey to our stakeholders their role and the need for their support for a successful implementation.

2.Organizational analysis and summary

Before we discuss strategy for future development we have to understand where we are and where we have been and how we got there.

Thus in brief we will recapitulate the work of the Brand Development Team and the process that has been followed so far

AIESEC Romania Brand Foundation Flow




AIESEC is a global organization and its main essence is its global network of 85 countries an opportunity to interact, work together as well as learn from each other. AIESEC Romania is a part of this network and our benefits is learning from different ways and bring different perspectives, innovation through interacting with individuals from different countries. Positioning on this stage would stress our uniqueness as the network. For the companies to be and benefit from this network, for students to put the world to spin around them open the world and its opportunities!


The unique service of AIESEC is a Global Exchange Program. We are offering students an opportunity to develop their practical business skills and experience, learn about other cultures and people as well as challenge themselves with living and working abroad. On the other side we offer organizations to find skilled international talent, improve their communication with international customer and inject new ideas and enthusiasm into their business. Basically positioning on this stage would mean that we are service providers exchanging young people all over the world. It will not state why we are doing that or how and what we want to achieve. We have quality service and they buy it thats it!


The unique way of AIESEC is that within our main activity Global Exchange Program we are providing quality constant learning process (that is due to the global network). The base of our activities is a learning path that involves personal, professional, cultural and AIESEC learning. We want our students and organizations to have certain values, develop knowledge about environment around them and have the social experience + practical experience from another society. We encourage our stakeholders to value life-learn learning. Positioning on this stage would mean that AIESEC is providing high quality around its processes through the unique learning cycle and having life-long learning as one of its values. For the companies it would be to be a part of our learning through participating in it as well as investing in it, for the students to develop in addition to academically learning and achieve something more.


Through our core activity of Global Exchange Program and quality learning process around it we are developing (students to be) entrepreneurial individuals who will take initiative in the society, are ambitious and proactive but responsible and value-based, see the opportunities around them and undertake actions for improving their communities. Positioning on this stage would stress the individuals that we develop through our unique learning cycle and would stress on their attitudes, qualities. It will promote to the society kind of breed of people that we want to develop!


Behind our activities and purpose we see the core to approach in Romanian society LACK OF INITIATIVE and standing back issue. As our main purpose and unique contribution we see our role to develop ENTREPRENEURSHIP in students as our main target. We believe there is lack of initiative about their surrounding environment: university, their career, community etc, lack of linkage between academic life and reality (business). Through our every-day learning activities around International Exchange Program we want to bring innovation in front of others (doing exchange but being involved a lot in the environment). Our learning process activities provide a lot of new information about the environment and trends on global level as well as a lot of interaction between students and organizations. Positioning at this stage would mean that we behind our activities we want to contribute to the Romanian society. For our stakeholders it would mean to see them as being involved in our Exchange and Learning to contribute to something bigger to the society being this way also (socially responsible). Our students would also understand why we are doing what we are doing and where do we want to reach.


We want to provide a unique experience to our students and organization through interacting with AIESEC and being a part of its learning process around International Exchange Program. AIESEC Romania is an experience to interact with young and growing professionals and develop together with them the entrepreneurship and young (ethical) professionals in our society. This would mean that we want to offer our stakeholders a unique experience, as a WHOLE.

3.Interpretation of researches

(questionnaires, focus-group, media monitoring)

A. Content:

Business Situation

The AIESEC product (what is required from us, why we exist)

The external market opportunities and threats (how we deliver customizing the product, where we deliver, external competition)

The internal market opportunities and threats (the internal AIESEC market for exchanges, internal competition)

Internal expectations (from the members as 'shareholders' of the organization)

Business Results

The image we have among stakeholders/ the satisfaction of stakeholders

How we deliver satisfaction of students/organizations for the products we offered; how are perceived our selling points compared with other organizations (image) Point of difference

Where we deliver how well we covered the market? Distribution of results among LC's/ distribution of the partnerships in the national network/ distribution of the activities on stakeholders (how many for companies, NGO's, GO's, members);

How we deliver trainees and TN takers satisfaction; image;

Where we deliver? How well we cover the market? Distribution of X results among LC's/ distribution of traineeships per programs MT/TT/DT/ distribution of traineeship per countries sending and receiving countries; new markets entered;

Internal results (development) financial figures/ leadership development/ loyalty/ sustainability of systems/ information technology usage

Business Situation


1. The role of AIESEC expectations from stakeholders in terms of impact (issues in society to contribute to)

A.      Intangible benefits to the society

Members (193)

Students (148)


Insufficient career planning and counseling

Insufficient career planning and counseling

Insufficient career planning and counseling

Ethical leadership

Lots of young graduates leaving abroad

Insufficient educational system


Insufficient educational system

Ethical leadership

Insufficient educational system

Ethical leadership


Input: research on the role of AIESEC;

Relevance of answers: (based on: who has more information, who's opinions have direct influence)

Members: very high - 1

Students: medium 0.5

Companies: high 0.75


Insufficient career planning 0.53

Insufficient educational system 0.35

Ethical leadership 0.35

CSR 0.27

Lots of young graduates leaving abroad 0.17

Focus Group issues in Romanian society and approach

Lack of leadership and proactivity (People waiting somebody from outside will come and do things for them; from outside to come and help. Leadership is not just taking a walk but also having people behind)

Lack of communication (Lots of people are talking, only a few listening, lack of time and will )

Lack of interest about what is happening around

Students leaving abroad (searching for other ways, somewhere else)

Only big ones got to be heard (you need lots of resources to draw attention and become appreciated), lack of support for interest groups

Other constraints (On social and cultural environment

Alumni inputs:

Theory-oriented education.

Poor leadership skills and moral values of the leaders, a lot of corruption

pessimistic view of the future, resistance to change

No sense of community

Closed society coming also from the local administration

the character of people that leads to corruption, fraud, disinterest to social, ecological and other problems

poverty, homeless children, low wages and all the problems you can imagine, but all these depends on people

Media on trends in social environment:

Showing up: first wave of a new generation of Romanian businessmen, a generation that is prepared to forge Romania's future

Public enthusiasm

Extract from Romanian Governmental Plan 2000-2003 - Education as a national priority

transition to a new model of society

more intense intellectual thinking and creation component

Keeping, with the requirements of informational, culturally intensive society.

People are invited to study continuously, to learn, how to improve their standard of living by themselves, to plan their future lucidly and courageously.

In order to be able to enter the new horizon of post-industrial civilization, Romania must re-activate the creative potential it possesses, the intellectual strength and the moral resources of society, the desire for assertion and the initiative of the youth, the educational system and the other qualities, of the human factor.

Goal of AIESEC

Members (193)

Students (148)


Helping young people develop in a good direction/ give an opportunity to make a better career

Promoting youngsters/ students

Information/career counseling/Train/ develop students

Sending a lot of young people abroad

Training students for a career

(Professional and society) development

To be a better company

Supporting students

Getting new perspectives/Create opportunities/open minds of students, make them aim high

Peace and fulfillment of human kind potential/ society development

Opening perspectives/ Widening the horizons

International cooperation/Exchange students

Change agents

Linking students and companies

A link between students and corporate sector

An intelligent network

Training students for different projects

The connection between education and practical skills

Promote Romania / To improve the image of Romania

Developing the human potential

Change the world

Principles things AIESEC should stand for




Development of individuals / of the society

Promoting the students

Ethical conduct, fairness, honesty





Quality/ Professionalism



Jobs for young graduates

Social responsibility



Help students/Counseling


Exchanging experience

Perseverance/Hard work/commitment

Improvement of international cooperation


Practical or professional development





Solidarity/ Team working


Exchange people

Students rights


Cultural understanding

A better organizing of students activity


Peace / Preserving peace

Training students for future jobs

Leadership attitude


For a better social protection

Respect for national values





Promoting Romania

Changing people/Changing the world

Focus Group What could be the role of AIESEC in the society?

Making recommendations..e.g evaluation catalogue of the courses in the university (content, delivery, feelings etc)

It's coaching one of the main problems in companies for example, also counseling for students and not only those of economicscounseling on finding their way.

What companies, NGOs could wait from AIESEC is new breed, new ideas, new conceptshow to work in new systems.also updating students who are in process of getting ideas

AIESEC is more like being interface between their members and employers. It's easier to share information through AIESEC that is in a way information organizer

Alumni about overall opportunities

Creating a European community mentality, in which the differences are seen as advantages of diversity.

Re-instilling the mentality of the market economy that was lost 50 years ago.

encouraging higher learning and entrepreneurship as foundation for a decent and prosperous life

Exchange of experience and knowledge with foreign individuals, organizations, states and companies


2. The market needs expectations from stakeholders in terms of concrete benefits

To Students:

Members (189)

Students (137)

Partners (30)

International experience

Career opportunities

Preparation for the job

Practical skills

Friends (network)

Career opportunities

Career opportunities

Career contacts (network)

International experience

Posib. of becoming a leader

Preparation for the job

Career contacts (network)

Members 1

Students 1

Organizations 0.75

Career opportunities 0.49

International experience 0.4

Preparation for the job (+skills, leadership): 0.57 (all together)

Career contacts: 0.27


Students do not see at all international opportunities among benefits (image problem? Expectations not met?)

Career opportunities are the most important benefit for all groups as internationalism is part of it but not everything. It could be linked. Additional practical education comes in first place for companies, second for members and last for students. Students are looking more for networking benefits.

To Business Firms:

Members (188)

Students (118)

Organizations (57)

New ideas, perspectives

Valuable personnel

Valuable personnel

International experience

Reaching target group

New ideas, perspectives

Valuable personnel

New ideas, perspectives

Reaching target group

Reaching target group


International experience

Members: 0.75

Students: 0.5

Organizations: 1

Valuable personnel: 0.52

New ideas, perspectives: 0.46

Reaching target group: 0.42

International experience: 0.34


Same benefits seen by members and companies; the way companies see benefits is very close of the way AIESEC is selling them (so it might me the image that we create); the way AIESEC see the benefits is more idealistic, in the way we 'teach' new members;

New ideas, perspectives is not define, is intangible, more related with impact on longer term

To NGO's:

Members (176)

Students (97)

Partners (50)


Help in organizing events


New ideas,perspectives

Reaching students

New ideas, perspectives

International experience

New ideas, perspectives

Help in organizing events

Help in organizing events

Valuable personnel

International experience

Members 1

Students 0.75

Organizations 1

new ideas, perspectives: 0.54

help in organizing events 0.51

know-how: 0.46

international experience 0.33


Only 97 students out of 148 asked think that AIESEC brings any benefits to NGO's. The fact AIESEC bring new ideas suggest we are perceived like 'pioneer' in the NGO's field expanding new concepts and that being pioneer is somehow seen as a benefit. (this assumption should be verified with the image research).

To GO's:

Members (171)

Students (89)

Partners (52)

Promoting Romania

Promoting Romania

Promoting Romania

New ideas

Promoting programs

Promoting programs

International experience

Valuable personnel

Valuable personnel

Helps to promote programs

Help in organizing events

International experience

Members: 0.75

Students: 0.5

Organizations: 1

Promoting Romania: 0.58

International experience: 0.26

Promoting programs: 0.23

Valuable personnel: 0.22


It seams that everybody see that GO's benefits are all linked with internationalism. It suggests somehow where to look for funding the 'international activities'?


It's interesting to see that all of the companies are aware of the benefits AIESEC has for them but half of them cannot identify what AIESEC brings to students. This is a message for us that we are more perceived like a business and also that companies expect us more to deliver services to them, as a primary stakeholder. Companies expect us to contribute to the career planning of students and to supplement the educational system, and according to this they get 'valuable personnel' and students get 'preparation' and 'career opportunities'. Preparation, education of students on practical issues comes on a second place (as an average per stakeholders). This is because students do not care so much, either they do not appreciate so much the preparation we gave them, either they do not know we do it (at least half of them).

Companies tend to be more visionary (it's probably the influence of national companies) and appreciate for the future AIESEC contribution to Ethical Leadership and CSR and they see we can bring new ideas and perspectives.

International experience is hardly visible for students, though appreciated by organizations and members. That's why it comes in the last positions.

While thinking of the role of AIESEC, students and organizations have a pragmatic approach, while members are more visionary. Offering career opportunities and contributing to the education of young people will remain the desired 'role' our stakeholders see, but we have much more means to fulfill it.

3. Competition

Other organizations on exchange

Organizations (71)

Partners (59)



Peace corps

Peace corps



European voluntary service

IFA Stuttgart





University of Pitesti





CEP Budapest

IFA Stuttgart










AIESEC unique organization

AIESEC is rather different from other organizations

AIESEC is common

Business Results

1. Overal image

4 Identifying attributes

Members (193)

Students (148)



Students, student org, young people

Young/Youth/Student organization




Learning Development / Continuing growth

Friends/ Friendly


Fun / Party

Dynamic/ Active

Team work

Passion/ Feelings

Organization/ Association






Team/ team spirit





Initiative/ Creative

International/ Internationalism


Comments: Internal image is based more on the internal environment (motivator) and personal development, benefit. Companies image is based on WHO (students) our way of work (organizational culture), growth through creativity, innovation. Students see organization more through its people and environment.

Point of difference / recognition




AIESEC unique organization

AIESEC is rather different from other organizations

AIESEC is common

What is different?




The exchange program and experience it provides

International exchange

International experience

The international view

professional training/Involving in students programs/

Career planning

The philosophy / Vision/values

Promotion of young graduates/link with companies

Their goals


Focus on work


Preparation / Learning/a school of leaders

Team working

Focus on the business



Continuous improvement /innovation

It is well organized

Name/ Image/communication

More Active/Enthusiasm of its members

More experienced organization

Organization philosophy/ vision /values

Strong organizational culture/Better organized

People that AIESEC has


The projects

The projects

More experience

Responsibility in action

The reception program

Hierarchical structure/ Organization

Seriousness /professionalism

Size of the organization


Leadership environment


Internationalism and exchange program are recognized as our unique points. To compare with the general image exchange did not come out as the identification attribute. Members and companies recognized our organizational culture, philosophy and resources (know-how and people)

Conclusions on image


Basic associations are related to teamwork, friendship, passion/feelings and learning. Our global identity attributes such as global/international, corework-process and values are also there, especially in deeper image of organization.

As our point of difference members saw the exchange program as the strongest one, international view, network, values, philosophy, vision, as our principle to stand for - LEARNING.

Deeper image is very much in a line with our global identity and direction stating strong our organization being driven by values, global network being a relevant part of our organization, developing leadership in our members being drawn by professionalism and quality as our principles

Students  - benefits - fun, friends, youth vs career, learning and counseling, link

The image of AIESEC among students is not strong and quite heterogeneous.

This relates not for clear communication and positioning among this target group so this creates us a wide playground for branding.

Basic /first associations with AIESEC: Young people, entertainment, friends, dynamic, active

In deeper questions related to career (planning, counseling, preparing for companies needs, providing useful contacts and promoting students to the companies, being a link)

In parallel with career students admitted also the learning part, mentioning AIESEC as making professional training, involving in students programs. Learning was mainly seen as for a career, also opening perspectives/widening the horizon and developing experience.

Point of difference: exchange , learning and link, organizational working culture


Companies our people and organisational culture YOUTH, ENTHUSIASM, COMMITTED, OPENING the HORIZONS, & DEVELOPMENT; CULTURE, KNOW-HOW

Current image based on attributes like young enthusiastic describing our way of work (professional, competent, teamwork, responsible, committed) and describing organization as growing and open-minded. In deeper questions AIESEC is related to students and link / bridge to a student market as for developing, consulting students, opening horizons and perspectives

Last attributes are also referring in further questions for innovation and our role as bringing new ideas, perspectives.

Our partners have also quite strong image of exchange as our unique point and benefit together with know-how, experience and culture

2. Overall appreciation of the satisfaction of the AIESEC experience:




I gained much more benefits than I expected

I gained some more benefits than I expected

I gained the exact benefits I expected

I gained a bit less benefits than I expected

I gained a lot less benefits than I expected

OVERALl Interpretation of Study


General image

The image of AIESEC among students is not strong and quite heterogeneous.

This relates not for clear communication and positioning among this target group so this creates us a wide playground for branding.

Basic /first associations with AIESEC:

entertainment, friends, dynamic, active, young people etc.

In deeper questions related to career (planning, counseling, preparing for companies needs, providing useful contacts and promoting students to the companies, being a link)

In parallel with career students admitted also the learning part, mentioning AIESEC as making professional training, involving in students programs. Learning was mainly seen as for a career, also opening perspectives/widening the horizon and developing experience.


Role in general

As the role of AIESEC students saw addressing insufficient educational system, related to that also insufficient career planning and counseling and as an outcome students leaving abroad. As the second issue related more to society students mentioned ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility.


Related to concrete benefits that AIESEC can bring to themselves students saw career and contacts related to that as well as friends. Just to mention: also the image of AIESEC is based on friends, fun and career. In terms of career AIESEC should link students and companies as well as promote students and help them to get the job. One of the interesting points was also supporting students that might tell us about feeling insecure status as students and more needs than university is currently providing

For the benefits for business firms students saw AIESEC as link between companies and themselves as well as innovation (bringing new ideas). Almost the same is the role of AIESEC to NGOs, here the strong point is also AIESEC as help in ORGANISING (events, activities)



As our point of difference students brought out the exchange and this is the only time students mentioned exchange not seeing it in our role or image. For our point of difference students also mentioned learning (involving in students programs, professional training). And as the third outcome AIESEC way of work was brought up: professionalism, experience, seriousness, structurealso our values, organizational philosophy and name.

Exchange as point of difference, but the image is really narrow


General Image

Current image of AIESEC is mainly based on attributes (adjectives) like young enthusiastic describing our way of work (professional, competent, teamwork, responsible, committed) and describing organization as growing and open-minded.

Last attributes are also referring in further questions for innovation and our role as bringing new ideas, perspectives.

Our partners have also quite strong image of exchange as our unique point and benefit.


Throughout the questions our role can be described in three dimensions: educating students trough addressing insufficient educational system and career planning /counseling referring for filling the gap/distance between students and companies (AIESEC being a link and filling the needs). Second dimension is related to attitude mainly in business society: ethical leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Development and innovation

Specific role to a stakeholder

For themselves companies see AIESEC as a bridge to the students community, providing and preparing students also for companies needs. The second is bringing innovation (new ideas, perspectives) as well as international experience.

As AIESEC role for NGOs our partners saw AIESEC as bringing know-how and new ideas, perspectives as well as providing help in organizing different events.

As for Governmental sector partners saw AIESEC promoting Romania abroad, as well as governmental programs inside

Our Way

As our point of difference that might bring us to defining our way is international experience and X program, getting new perspectives, career planning and preparation (mainly soft skills), followed by our know-how, information and organizational culture (active, organized, continuos improvement)



Basic associations are related to teamwork, friendship, passion/feelings and learning. Our global identity attributes such as global/international, corework-process and values are also there, especially in deeper image of organization.

As our point of difference members saw the exchange program as the strongest one (35%), international view, network, values, philosophy, vision, and learning.

Deeper image is very much in a line with our global identity and direction stating strong our organization being driven by values, global network being a relevant part of our organization, developing leadership in our members being drawn by professionalism and quality as our principles


As our role members brought out helping/young people to develop in a good direction, exchanging young people and on business side help to be a better company referring to added value that we can bring to companies. As more inspiring task developing those who make changes in the world, fulfillment of our potential.

As for the things we should stand for members brought out development of individuals and society in a line with with values, integrity, leadership.

Specific benefits to stakeholders:

For STUDENTS: international experience, practical skills and career opportunities

For COMPANIES: getting new ideas, perspectives (innovation), international experience, reaching good students

For NGOs: know-how or our experience, new ideas, int exp.

For GOs: Promoting Romania, getting new ideas and international experience

Our way

As our way students see mainly learning and through that the development of individuals, businesses and society bringing this way also. Quite strong point is also international cooperation and exchange of young people.

CONCLUSIONS on role and benefits

Members' Conclusions

We see our role as developing young people through: a.. career planning b.. Transmitting attitudes (ethical leadership, CSR) c.. International perspectives

How do we give benefits to stake holders? Students-through direct activities with the goals i said before Companies-developing organizational culture through exchange. -Providing them with good students (employees) NGO- developing the members of those NGOs GO - ambassadorship spirit for Romania created in students, members As a general conclusion members say that our main role should be focused on students even though the reality does not support this.

Companies conclusions:

They see our role as developing young people through: a.. Career planning b.. Transmitting attitudes (ethical leadership, CSR) c.. International perspectives d.. Training

How do we give benefits to stake holders? Students-through direct activities with the goals i said before Companies-developing organizational culture through exchange. -Providing them with good students (employees) NGO- developing the members of those NGOs GO - ambassadorship spirit for Romania created in students, members Besides 'training', companies have the same opinion as us on AIESEC's role.

Students Conclusions:

They see our role as developing young people through: a.. career planning b.. transmitting attitudes (ethical leadership, CSR) c.. International perspectives d.. also promoting students to companies

How do we give benefits to stake holders?

Students- through direct activities with the goals i said before - also they feel lack of social interaction and groups that are doing something different than disco

Companies-developing organizational culture through exchange. -providing them with good students(employees) NGO- developing the members of those NGOs

GO - ambassadorship spirit for Romania created in students, members - developing people in GOs

Overall conclusions: Surprisingly all parts see @ role as the same basically. Members and companies comparing to students have given higher percentages on those top 3 topics. Students opinions are wider spread, lack of focus.


Choice of AIESEC Romania

WHY this and WHY now?

Our stakeholder study showed that our stakeholders have a diverse picture about what AIESEC Romania is and what is it striving for

There is lack of linkages and roof above the activities that we are running

Our members do not know what is the final purpose of what they are doing

Our partners take our activities one by one not having a picture of as a whole

We as an organization want to be relevant in our society addressing the issues that we find to be important and where we have a capacity to bring a difference to

We need to have a longer term direction than just year to year planning




We believe there is a lack of initiative in Romanian society. People are standing back.

-lack of interest, care about what is happening around

-lack of touch with reality

- lack of responsibility

-people are complaining

-thinking in box, do not dream high, no purpose, vision

- waiting for somebody to come and do

OUR ROLE - How could AIESEC approach this, what should be the role of AIESEC


OUTCOME: Developing networks of entrepreneural individuals

We are developing network of entrepreneurial individuals who will take initiative in the society, are ambitious and proactive but responsible, see the opportunities around them and act.


Individuals we are developing:

- students that are aware of the added value that an international experience can bring to their life, young people that choose to have a contribution and not stand back

- members that have a clear picture about their learning path

- trainees incoming & outgoing that are individuals already engaged in the learning & development process that AIESEC provides





innovative, giving new solutions, seeing things differently, from different perspective


proactive on social issues

hands-on approach, can do attitude

taking responsibility

connected to the reality

aware about their surrounding environment seizing opportunities

action oriented

WHAT makes us different, from our competitors, what is our unique way

Through our unique learning path

Building awareness

becoming aware of opportunities

touch with reality

identify needs/issues around you

self-awareness (your own values, principles)

Information and Knowledge

personal and professional development

building skills

practical experience


organising activities

internships and temporary jobs

International Experience

traineeship/ CEED

other international types of exposure

My choice to act

choosing your way

challenging status quo

leadership opportunities

Coaching mentoring

multiply the effect

coaching and training others


Benefits for Organisations

AIESEC provides you an opportunity

changing the mentality/stand back attitude of the external environment by active involvement in our learning and community involvement activities

profiling the organizations to the community & associating your image with youth organisation that is developing entrepreneurial individuals

a way to fulfill the mission of organisation and its role to the society (social responsibility)

bring in new concepts (eg ethical leadership) & have a testing ground for new ways, new ideas, concepts (e.g planning process); AIESEC as being a pioneer (for NGOs)

cultural sensitivity & awareness on international trends

have a positive impact on the internal climate of the organization

Tangible benefits

our network

valuable personnel

interface between organizations and students

promotion to our network

expanding your network via our network of the organizations

providing volunteers (DTs)

international experiences

B.      cultural understanding

organisational development

change management

new perspectives, new design elements

cost effective solutions

fulfillment of specific needs/ skills

organizing events

know how

access to our know-how/ learning processes

train the students according to the needs of the organizations

participating in our community learning activities


Benefits for individuals

AIESEC provides you an opportunity

To become a part of the international network of entrepreneurial individuals

Being aware of yourself - defining values, creating personal vision

Broadening your horizon and being aware of the local and global environment

For your personal fulfillment

leadership opportunities

Experiencing our international network

Cultural sensitivity


Personal and professional development

Values, skills building

International network in terms of information and friends/contacts

International practical experience

Cultural understanding

Career opportunities

Recognition as being a part of the network

Practical experience



AIESEC is developing an international network of entrepreneurial individuals through its learning path.

For you:

An opportunity to bring value into your future by joining our network of entrepreneurial individuals.


What you were building is our direction for coming 3-4 years in order to keep us in a track and line. For every organisation as well as AIESEC it is very important to be relevant to its society meaning having a place and role to fulfil.

We as AIESEC Romania defined this role as an outcome of National Congress. This role and way is aligning your contributions and activities. At the same time this role and message coming from our uniqueness is empty if we are not filling it in with content. The outcomes and goals built at the congress are going to lead us on that way and also be a content to that.

Bringing it all to your LC you are going to build strategies and finalise goals with the commitment to our role as being a point of reference and uniting all our activities.

In order to transmit and communicate this role and bring clarity about what our organisation wants to achieve we are going to launch our brand filled in with the activities of every LC.


Development Sector

Corporate Sector



5.branding strategy

Brand Strategy Pyramid

Strategy refocusing our brand on creating international network of

Entrepreneurial individuals through our learning path.

Tactics Brand Development Exercise

Programs Brand launch

Brand guidelines

External material

Training on branding

Strategy at the top of the pyramid is a matter of focusing on specific markets and market needs and service offerings.

Tactics in the middle level set the branding message and the way it should be transmitted

Programs at the base of the pyramid provides the specifics of implementation.

The strategy pyramid emphasizes the practical importance of building a solid branding plan structure.

Thus as we have identified our market and our strategy we will discuss the basics of implementation.

Since we have decided to create networks, all our activities both externally and internally must be designed in such a way that we are constantly achieving the same and maximizing impact on Romanian society.

This means that from now all 12 LCs must align their work to our branding initiative so that we can achieve our goals.

This means that all LCs will

Follow the brand regulations both externally and internally set in the brand manual so that all systems are standardized and AIESEC in Romania is sending the same integrated message from all over the country.

Use the AIESEC brochure and CD as introduction material for all external events and appointments.

Utilize the brand launch and ensure that all LCs are launching the branding process at the same time so that AIESEC in Romania can have a countrywide launch.

Train all members on the importance and the means of aligning our work toward our branding focus.

The process of the brand launch is not a simple process of hosting a cocktail and printing a slogan.

Once we have identified how we can maximize our relevance in society we must ensure that we are fulfilling this promise and providing this service to our stakeholders in all sectors.

Thus our brand launch will be a series of ongoing events designed to have a lasting impact on the market that we have identified as our target.

Thus it will be a series of actions targeting the following sectors:


Core Work and Activities


  • Partnering with non profit organizations or governmental organizations to discuss social issues to create awareness among members
  • Partnering with non profit organizations or governmental organizations to utilize their learning modules for members and alumni
  • Selecting a relevant social issue and creating a network for members or alumni through which they can work on it
  • Providing members and alumni access to development initiatives to create networks for social development
  • Most importantly creating an understanding of the development sector exchange program so that organizations and students can benefit from the service that we provide.


  • Creating an understanding among the corporate sector of the benefits of the exchange program and encouraging them to participate in it.
  • Organizing corporate events with the support and presence of your BOA members to discuss relevant corporate issues and also make the presence of AIESEC felt
  • Providing members and alumni access to corporate initiatives to create networks for entrepreneurship.


  • Having a structured and organized recruitment process so that all potential AIESEC members are aware of the objectives and values of AIESEC in Romania
  • Preparation seminars centered on various themes to generate awareness and cultivate interest and values in trainees and SNs
  • Encouraging student /SN /trainee involvement in the corporate and development initiatives and integrating them to AIESEC


Training by externals on skills and development

Participation in the development and corporate initiatives

Alumni to be encouraged to explore the benefits of the exchange program

Training for members on branding and exchange development

What the brand launch means for your Local Committee and what you need to have to be equipped for it:

Brand material will be required by the time of the brand launch so it is recommended that all LCs budget for them.

Already LCs need to start initiating the idea to your stakeholders so that by October you have supporters in the media and partners for activities in the corporate and development sector.

There needs to be a team who will be handling the brand launch , it should be the VP Communication/Marketing with a team of maximum 5 people and not more as more resources need not be diverted to the brand launch as a lot of it will be part of the regular core work process of the local committee


Its a team initiative and all of us have to work together to take off!

Good luck!

Deepali Liberhan

Vice President Branding

AIESEC in Romania

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