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Boundary Layer Similarity
low-speed, forced convection flows :
RHS = diffusion terms
LHS = convection terms
The last three equations are very similar
B.L. Similarity Parameters: Re, Pr, Sc
- is some characteristic length
- is the free stream velocity
- is the free stream temperature
TS - is the surface temperature
is the concentration of species A at the surface
CA,∞ - is the concentration of species A free stream
Using the above dimensionless independent variables, the B.L. equations become:
Reynolds #:
Prandtl #: Pr≈1
for gases
Pr>>1 for oils
Pr<<1 for liquid metane
Schmidth #:
Lewis #:
Other dimensionless groups:
Biot #:
Nusselt #:
Sherwood #:
Mass Transfer
Functional Form of the solutions for the B.L. Equations
2 :
≈ on the geometry of the surface
universally applicable to different fluids and over a wide range of values for U∞ and L
Eq. 3 :
Eq. 4:
The similarity parameters reduce the independent variables and make the solutions universally applicable
Boundary Layer Analogies
The Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy
Eq. (3) and (4), as well as the associated boundary conditions are analogous → T* and C*A must be of the same functional form
└→ heat and mass transfer relations for a particular geometry are interchangeable
Hence, h can be obtained from knowledge of hm and vice-versa.
same relation can be applied to
and it may be used in turbulent, as well as laminar flow.
m/s TS=800C
P=1 at
If and Sc=Pr => Eqs. (2)-(4) are of precisely the same form
u*,T* and CA* are equivalent as solutions.
Reynolds analogy
It has been shown that, with certain corrections, the analogy may be applied over a wide range of Pr and Sc.
modified Reynolds or Chilton-Colburn analogies
!!! also valid for averages:
End Note:
KNOWN: Air flow conditions and drag force associated with a heater of prescribed surface temperature and area,
FIND: Required heater power.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Reynolds analogy is applicable, (3) Bottom surface is adiabatic.
PROPERTIES: Air (Tf=350K, 1 at): ρ=0.995 kg/m3, cp=1009 J/Kg K, Pr=0.7
ANALYSIS: The average shear stress and friction coefficient are
From the Reynolds analogy, modified:
Solving for and substituting numerical values, find
kg/m3(15 m/s) 1009 J/kg K (8.93x10-3/2)(0.7)-2/3 ;
Hence, the heat rate is :
q=A(TS-T )=85W/m2K(0.25m2)(140-15)oC;
COMMENTS: Due to bottom heat losses, which have been assumed negligible, the actual power requirement would exceed 2.66kW.
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